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A business email and a business letter are both used for communication in a
professional setting, but they differ in their format and level of formality. A business
letter typically follows a more formal structure with a header, date, inside address,
salutation, body, closing, and signature. It is usually printed on paper and sent
through traditional mail or courier services.

On the other hand, a business email is less formal and usually shorter than a business
letter. It typically includes a subject line, a greeting, a body, and a closing. Business
emails are usually sent electronically and can be replied to more quickly than business

2. PT.Zorro Tbk


To : All staff of PT. Zorro tbk

From : Faris Shibghotullah, HR PT. Zorro tbk

Date : Friday, 17th May 2024

Subject : Mandatory CPR training

I hereby as the head of HR convey that related to Mandatory CPR training activities,
all staff are required to attend on Friday at 03.00 pm. Considering the importance of
this event, please attend on time.

Thank You for your attention.

Faris Shibghotullah
HR PT. Zorro tbk.

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