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NPM : 23552011318

Nama : Anisa Wulandari

Kelas : TIF RP-223PE
Mata Kuliah : B. Inggris


It was a warm summer day and the sun was shining brightly. I was walking through the park,
enjoying the peaceful atmosphere when I spotted a beautiful butterfly. It was a vibrant blue
color and fluttering its wings so gracefully.


1. Warm 1. Shining 1. The summer
2. Brightly 2. Walking 2. Day
3. The peaceful 3. Enjoying 3. The sun
4. Beautiful 4. Spotted 4. The park
5. Vibrant 5. Fluttering 5. Atmosphere
6. Blue 6. Butterfly
7. Gracefully 7. Color
8. Wings

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