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Blood Donation Management System



The Blood Donation management System is to create an e-Information

about the donor and organization that are related to donating the blood.
Through this application any person who is interested in donating the blood can
register himself in the same way if any organization wants to register itself with
this site that can also register. Moreover if any general consumer wants to make
request blood online he can also take the help of this site. Admin is the main
authority who can do addition, deletion, and modification if required.

Online Blood Donation management System project is aimed to

developing an online Blood Donation Information. The entire Online Blood
Donation management System project has been developed keeping in view of
the distributed client server computing technology, in mind. The Blood
Donation Agent is to create an e-Information about the donor and organization
that are related to donating the blood. Through this Online Blood Donation
management System application any person who is interested in donating the
blood can register himself in the same way if any organization wants to register
itself with this site that can also register. Moreover if any general consumer
wants to make request blood online he can also take the help of this site. Admin
is the main authority who can do addition, deletion, and modification if

Online Blood Donation management System project is designed such that

it follows the view of distributed architecture having centralized storage of the
database part. By using the constructs of MS-SQL Server and all the user
interfaces have been designed using the ASP.Net technologies. The database
connectivity is planned using the “SQL Connection” methodology. The
standards of security and data protective mechanism have been given a big

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

choice for proper usage. The application takes care of different modules and
their associated reports, which are produced as per the applicable strategies and
standards that are put forwarded by the administrative staff.

1.1 Objective

 To generate the quick reports.

 To make accuracy and efficient calculations.
 To provide proper information briefly.
 To provide data security.
 To provide huge maintenance of records.
 Flexibility of transactions can be completed in time.

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

1.2 Tools and Environment

Minimum Hardware Requirement

Server side:

 Pentium core 2 Dual or Above

 2 GB RAM

 250 GB Hard Disk

Client side:

 Pentium 4 or above

 512 MB RAM or Above


 MySql


 Xampp


 PSP: ASP (Personal Server Pages) used for connecting database to web
 HTML: Hypertext Markup Language used to design static web page
 CSS: Cascading Style Sheets are used for designing the application
 JSCRIPT: Java Script is used for client side validation

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

1.3 Existing System

The Present system is manual. The Project Metrics has to enter all the
details of doner, documents, and recipients. It also maintenance the team
information and also efforts estimation. For this purpose the organization
maintain the size of the document, source code and update the information
about team doner’s details manually. Which is much of time consuming
process and more importantly it is error prone. Limitations Of the Manual

 No use of Web Services and Remoting.

 Risk of mismanagement and of data when the project is under
 Less Security.
 No proper coordination between different Applications and Users.
 Fewer Users – Friendly

Hence Computerization of the existing system is proposed. The new system

completely removes all manual burdens and provide efficient on the entry

1.4 Proposed System

To debug the existing system, remove procedures those cause data

redundancy, make navigational sequence proper. To provide information about
audits on different level and also to reflect the current work status depending
on organization/auditor or date. To build strong password mechanism.


 User friendliness I provided in the application with various

 The system makes the overall project management much easier
and flexible.

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

 Readily upload the latest updates ,allows user to download the

alerts by clicking the url.
 It provides high level of security with different level of

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System




Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the most common process

adopted to develop a project and not surprisingly, this project is following this
model too. To be precise, waterfall model is being applied. Waterfall model is a
sequential model process where the input of a phase actually results from the
previous phase.

Figure 2.1: “SDLC Phases”

There are five phases in this model and the first phase is the planning
stage. The planning stage determines the objectives of the project and whether
the project should be given the green light to proceed. This is where the
proposal submission comes into picture. After obtaining the approval, the next
phase is analysis. Gathering and analysing the system and user requirements is
essential for entry to the design step.

With the user requirements gathering completed, there is a need to

prepare the resources for the project. Be it software or hardware components,
careful consideration and selection is to be taken care at this stage. The

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

decision on the appropriate resources to be used is further elaborated under the

subsections below. The next step is to design the system and database structure.

Results from the analysis and preparation that were concluded from the
previous stage are put into action. With the user requirements in mind, the flow
of the system is planned and the user interface is designed to suit their easy
navigation needs. In addition, the number of tables, attributes, primary and
unique keys of the database is listed.

After completing the design, actual coding begins. Database is created

and codes are written. Some of the codes required amendments and
improvement to it so these are being developed at this fourth stage of the
waterfall model. With the development completed, testing will begin. The
codes and database are tested to ensure the results obtained are as intended.
More time is spent on both development and testing stages because it is
inevitable to have errors and issues and buffer time is allocated for

2.2 DFD

The DFD takes an input-process-output view of a system i.e. data

objects flow into the software, are transformed by processing elements, and
resultant data objects flow out of the software.

Data objects represented by labeled arrows and transformation are

represented by circles also called as bubbles. DFD is presented in a hierarchical
fashion i.e. the first data flow model represents the system as a whole.
Subsequent DFD refine the context diagram (level 0 DFD), providing
increasing details with each subsequent level.

The DFD enables the software developer to develop models of the

information domain & functional domain at the same time. As the DFD is
refined into greater levels of details, the analyst performs an implicit functional

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

decomposition of the system. At the same time, the DFD refinement results in a
corresponding refinement of the data as it moves through the processes that
embody the applications.

A context-level DFD for the system the primary external entities

produce information for use by the system and consume information generated
by the system. The labeled arrow represents data objects or object hierarchy.


 Fix the scope of the system by means of context diagrams.

 Organize the DFD so that the main sequence of the actions

 Reads left to right and top to bottom.

 Identify all inputs and outputs.

 Identify and label each process internal to the system with Rounded

 A process is required for all the data transformation and Transfers.

Therefore, never connect a data store to a data Source or the
destinations or another data store with just a Data flow arrow.

 Do not indicate hardware and ignore control information.

 Make sure the names of the processes accurately convey everything

the process is done.

 There must not be unnamed process.

 Indicate external sources and destinations of the data, with Squares.

 Number each occurrence of repeated external entities.

 Identify all data flows for each process step, except simple Record

 Label data flow on each arrow.

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

 Use details flow on each arrow.


2.2.2 0 level DFD

Figure 2.2.1 Context View of Online Blood Donation Management System

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Blood Donation Management System

2.2.2 1 level DFD

Figure 2.2.2 User & Admin view of Online Blood Donation Management

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Blood Donation Management System

2.3 2 level DFD-Blood Donation Creation

Figure 2.2.3 Admin view of Online Blood Donation Management System

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

2.3 ER-Diagram:

The Entity-Relationship (ER) model was originally proposed by Peter in

1976 as a way to unify the network and relational database views. Simply
stated the ER model is a conceptual data model that views the real world as
entities and relationships. A basic component of the model is the Entity-
Relationship diagram which is used to visually represent data objects. Since
Chen wrote his paper the model has been extended and today it is commonly

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

used for database design For the database designer, the utility of the ER model

 It maps well to the relational model. The constructs used in the ER

model can easily be transformed into relational tables.

 It is simple and easy to understand with a minimum of training.

Therefore, the model can be used by the database designer to
communicate the design to the end user.

 In addition, the model can be used as a design plan by the database

developer to implement a data model in specific database management

Connectivity and Cardinality

The basic types of connectivity for relations are: one-to-one, one-to-

many, and many-to-many. A one-to-one (1:1) relationship is when at most one
instance of a entity A is associated with one instance of entity B. For example,
employees in the company are each assigned their own office. For each
employee there exists a unique office and for each office there exists a unique

A one-to-many (1:N) relationships is when for one instance of entity A,

there are zero, one, or many instances of entity B, but for one instance of entity
B, there is only one instance of entity A. An example of a 1: N relationships is
a department has many employees each employee is assigned to one

E-R Notation:

There is no standard for representing data objects in ER diagrams. Each

modeling methodology uses its own notation. The original notation used by

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

Chen is widely used in academics texts and journals but rarely seen in either
CASE tools or publications by non-academics. Today, there are a number of
notations used, among the more common are Bachman, crow's foot, and

All notational styles represent entities as rectangular boxes and

relationships as lines connecting boxes. Each style uses a special set of symbols
to represent the cardinality of a connection.

The notation used in this document is from Martin. The symbols used for the
basic ER constructs are:

 Entities are represented by labeled rectangles. The label is the name of

the entity. Entity names should be singular nouns.

 Relationships are represented by a solid line connecting two entities.

The name of the relationship is written above the line. Relationship
names should be verbs

 Attributes, when included, are listed inside the entity rectangle.

Attributes which are identifiers are underlined. Attribute names should
be singular nouns.

 Cardinality of many is represented by a line ending in a crow's foot. If

the crow's foot is omitted, the cardinality is one.

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System



3.1 Module Description

1. Admin Module

Admin are the person who keeps an eye on the functioning of the site
that managing the database, managing the users, adding the blood route etc. He
also have the responsibility of managing daily user queries related activities
etc. He has authority to delete, add, and update the all the table of the database
and also has authority to delete the user account changing password.

2. User Module

User are the client, they have to firstly create their account and and
register their account as a blood donar.

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System


3.2.1 Blood Donor Table:

Sr No. Attribute DataType Size

1. ID AutoNumber 10
2. name Text 20

3. Address Text 20

5. Mobile Text 20

6 Email Text 20

7 Age Text 20

8 Gender Text 20

9 Blood Group Text 20

11 Posting Dates Text 20

12 Status Text 20

Table:3.2.1 Blood Donor table

3.2.2 Admin Table:

Sr No. Attribute Data Type Size

1. Id AutoNumber 10
2. Username Text 20
3. Password Text 20
Table: 3.2.2 Admin Table

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

3.2.3 Blood Group Table

Sr No. Attribute DataType Size

1. Id AutoNumber 10
2. Blood Group Text 20
3. Posting Dates Text 20
Table: 3.2.3 Blood Group Table

3.2.4 Contact Us Information Table

Sr No. Attribute DataType Size

1. Id AutoNumber 10
2. Address Text 20
3. Email Text 20
4. Contact No. Number 20
Table : 3.2.4 Contact Us Information Table

3.2.5 Contact Us Query Table

Sr No. Attribute DataType Size

1. Id AutoNumber 10
2. Message Text 200
3. Email Text 100
4. Contact No. Number 20
5. Posting Dates Text 100
6. Status Text 100
Table: 3.2.5 Contact Us Query Table

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Blood Donation Management System

3.2.6 Pages Table

Sr No. Attribute Data Type Size

1. Id Auto Number 10
2. Page name Text 100
3. Type Text 100
4. Detail Text 100
Table: 3.2.6 Pages Table

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System




PHP is probably the most popular scripting language on the web. It is used to
enhance web pages. With PHP, you can do things like create username and
password login pages, check details from a form, create forums, picture
galleries, surveys, and a whole lot more. If you've come across a web page that
ends in PHP, then the author has written some programming code to liven up
the plain, old HTML.
PHP is known as a server-sided language. That's because the PHP
doesn't get executed on your computer, but on the computer you requested the
page from. The results are then handed over to you, and displayed in your
browser. Other scripting languages you may have heard of are ASP, Python
and Perl. (You don't need to know any of these to make a start on PHP. In fact,
these tutorials assume that you have no programming experience at all.)
The most popular explanation of just what PHP stands for is "Hypertext
Pre-processor". But that would make it HPP, surely? An alternative explanation
is that the initials come from the earliest version of the program, which was
called Personal Home Page Tools. At least you get the letters "PHP" in the
right order!


To publish information for global distribution, one needs a university-

understood language, a kind of publishing mother tongue that all computers
may potentially understand. The publishing language used by the World Wide
Web is HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

HTML Gives Authors the Means To

1. Publish online documents with headings, text, tables, list, photos etc.

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

2. Retrieve online information via hypertext links, at the click of a button

3. Design forms for conducting transactions with remote services, for use
in searching information, making reservation, ordering products etc.;
4. Includes spreadsheets, video clips, sound clips, and other applications
directly in the documents.

Some HTML Tags

<HTML> Starting an HTML tag

<HEAD> Creating a web pages head
<TITLE> Giving a web pages body
</HEAD> Ending a web pages head
</BODY> Ending a web pages body
</HTML> Ending a web page
<FORM> Creating a HTML forms
<INPUT Creating a buttons
<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX> Creating a checkboxes
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT> Creating a submit button
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT> Creating a text fields

Table :4.1 HTML tags

HTML 4.0
HTML 4.0 extends with mechanisms for style sheets, scripting, frames
embedding objects, improved support for right to left and mixed direction texts,
richer tables and enhancements to form, offering improved accessibilities for
people who develop.


CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)
Blood Donation Management System


JavaScript, originally supported by Netscape Navigator, is the most

popular Web scripting language today. JavaScript lets you embed programs
right in your Web pages and run these programs using the Web browser. You
place these programs in a <SCRIPT> element. If you want the script to write
directly to the Web page, place it in the <BODY> element.


Some of the events of JavaScript
1. on Change: Occurs when data in a control, like a text field, changes.
2. on Click: Occurs when an element is clicked.
3. on Focus: Occurs when an element gets the focus.
4. on Mouse Down: Occurs when a mouse button goes down.
5. on Reset: Occurs when the user clicks the reset button.

Declaration of function
Syntax: function function name ()
CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)
Blood Donation Management System


System testing is the stage of implementation. This is to check whether

the system works accurately and efficiently before live operation commences.
Testing is vital to the success of the system. The candidate system is subject to
a variety of tests: on line response, volume, stress, recovery, security and
usability tests. A series of tests are performed for the proposed system is ready
for user acceptance testing.

Unit Testing:

 It is a method of testing that verifies the individual units of source code.

 A unit is the smallest testable part of an application.
 This is also known as “module testing”.

Unit Testing:

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

Test Case Objectives Test Data Expected Actual Status of

ID Result Result The Test

Test data
User data with Data should
should be validation successfully
Registration Successfully Successful
filled up in and don’t inserted in
to data base allow blank to data- base

Should User
login With verified with
Add doner through the Certain Verify the validation of
details page with validation user the fields
cross check user and fields
checking by data
data base

Check If admin is
Only Admin
Only Username user then
Admin Allows for
Admin are And allowed if Successful
Login the further
allowed Password not the
for admin denied

Verify the
data and Update of
allowed to Update data
Admin update data should
admin are into data Successful
Control concurrently be done
successful successfully
to the successfully

Session session User should User Logout
Logout Successful
clearmce should be logout successfully

Table : 5.1 Unit Testing

Implementation in our project:

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)
Blood Donation Management System

 After writing code of each module like design of all forms and apply
validations, we separately checked whether the result generated is
correct or not.
 ex-If input value is numeric and user giving character then proper
message will display in message box.
 We have applied these testing on a single form for testing purposes.
 Each module is tested many times till the integration is done.

Integration Testing:

 ‘Integration Testing’ (sometimes called Integration and Testing,

abbreviated I&T) is the phase of software testing in which individual
software modules are combined and tested as a group.
 Implementation in our project
 This testing has been done in our project to test the combination of two,
three forms and consider its as a module. such as ,In payment process -
Payment form and Credit Card form are tested to check whether its is
working in group correctly or not.
 We have taken input modules which have been unit tested and grouped
them in large scale tests as defined in an integration test plan to those
aggregates, and then the output is obtained as an integrated system,
ready for system testing.
 Integration Testing:
Test Objectives Test Expected Actual Status of
Case ID Data Result Result The Test

Admin Password
If login failed, Usernam
Login & Admin
admin can reset e:admin
forgot should reset Reset & Successful
using forgot Password Login
passwor password
password : minal

Add Admin can add, Blood Allow Admin can Successful

Blood update and details admin to add, update
CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)
Blood Donation Management System

(blood or delete
Group, make objects
delete blood
details name) changes in
sholud be objects

Object Admin can

details add, update
Book & Display Object, admin to or delete
Cancel Add new object, (bus no, make objects Successful
Ticket and delete object charges, changes in
name, objects

Should Feedback
User allow user received
User can send
details to give from user
Feed queries and
(Name, feedback. Successful
back list admn can view
msg, Sholud
that queries.
emial) allow admin
to display

Session session User should
Logout Successful
clearance should be logout

 Table : 5.2 Integration Testing

System Testing:

 System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a

complete, integrated system to evaluate the system’s compliance with its
specified requirements. System testing falls within the scope of black-
box testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner
design of the code or logic.
 Implementation in our project

 A series of testing are done before the system is ready for accepting the
final test. Each of the modules like login, payment, shipping have been
tested on different compatible systems.

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

 Effort was done to maximize the number of iterations of all modules

testing to remove all the errors.

Black Box Testing:

Black Box Testing also called behavioral testing, focuses on the
functional requirements of software. This testing approach enables the software
engineer to derive the input conditions that will fully exercise all requirements
for a program, Black box testing attempts to find the error like:
 Incorrect or missing Function.
 Interface error.
 Error in data structures or external database access.
 Behavior or performance error.
 Initialization and termination error.

White Box Testing:

White Box Testing is also called Glass Box testing is a test case design
control; structure of the procedural design to derive test cases using white box
testing method, the software engineer can derive the test cases that guarantee
that all independent path within the module have been exercised at least once.
Exercise all logic decisions on their true or false sides. Execute all loops at
their boundries and within their operational bounds. Exercise internal data
structure to ensure their validity.
 All module are tested separately in our project.

 Each and every control structures are tested.

Beta Testing /Acceptance testing:

In software development, user acceptance testing (UAT) - also called
beta testing, application testing, and end user testing - is a phase of software

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

development in which the software is tested in the "real world" by the intended
audience. UAT can be done by in-house testing in which volunteers or paid test
subjects use the software or, more typically for widely-distributed software, by
making the test version available for downloading and free trial over the Web.
The experiences of the early users are forwarded back to the developers who
make final changes before releasing the software commercially.



CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

6.1 Input Form:

User Registration Form

Fig: 6.1.1 User Registration Form

Blood Group Adding Form :

Fig: 6.1.2 User Registration Form

Contact Us Form :

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

Fig: 6.1.3 User Registration Form

Admin Login Form

Fig: 6.1.4 User Registration Form

Password Change Form :

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

Fig: 6.1.5 Password Change Form

Add Blood Group Form :

Fig: 6.1.6 Password Change Form

Manage Pages :

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

Fig: 6.1.7 Password Change Form

Update Contact Information

Fig: 6.1.8 Update Contact Information Form

6.2 Output Form

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Blood Donation Management System

Home Page :

Fig: 6.2.1 Home Page

About Us Page :

Fig: 6.2.2 About Us Page

Why Blood Donor Page:

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Blood Donation Management System

Fig: 6.2.3 About Us Page

Admin Dashboard

Fig: 6.2.4 About Us Page

Manage Blood Group Form :

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Blood Donation Management System

Fig: 6.2.5 Manage Blood Group Page

Donors Form :

Fig: 6.2.6 Donors Page

Manage User Queries Form :

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System

Fig: 6.2.7 Donors Page

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System




 The size of the database increases day-by-day, increasing the load on the
database back up and data maintenance activity.
 Training for simple computer operations is necessary for the users working
on the system


For the future enhancement, there will be a scope for international users
and needy person who looks for an service of blood.

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System



It has been a great pleasure for me to work on this exciting and

challenging project. This project proved good for me as it provided practical
knowledge of not only programming in PHP web based application and no
some extent Windows Application and MYSQL, but also about all handling
procedure related with “Blood Bank Donation Management System”. It also
provides knowledge about the latest technology used in developing web
enabled application and client server technology that will be great demand in
future. This will provide better opportunities and guidance in future in
developing projects independently.

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)

Blood Donation Management System



9. References

 The Complete Reference Visual Basic 6.0 , Noel Jerke,

Tata Mcgraw HillEdition
 MS-Office 2000, Michael Busy and Rossell a Stultz, BPB
Publication, NewDelhi.
 Micro soft Office Access Bible by Groh
 Software Engineering a practioner’s approach- Roger S.
Pressman, TataMcGraw Hill Edition Working with Access
by RON Mansfield, Tata McGraw Hill Publication

9.2 Bibliography

CMCS, Yavatmal (2021-2022)


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