01 BusinessLogic

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The issues of integrity, ethics, and law posed in this case are:

1. Integrity and ethics: As a responsible corporate citizen, the corporation owes it to its
employees to care for them morally. If the corporation keeps disposing of the by-product in the
river, it could pollute the environment and endanger the health of those who live in the vicinity,
undermining its reputation as a conscientious corporate citizen and caretaker of its workers. The
company's image and potential sales could be negatively impacted if it is perceived as
prioritizing money over social responsibility.

2. Law: Even though there may not be any anti-pollution regulations in effect at the moment, it is
nevertheless vital to consider the potential effects on the environment and the health of those
who live nearby. If the corporation keeps throwing the by-product into the river, it will have to
consider the possible financial and legal implications.

The options available to the company are:

2. Invest in greener manufacturing techniques: The business might make an investment in

cleaner production techniques that have little to no negative environmental effects. Although it
could cost more up front, doing this will improve the company's reputation and possibly draw in
new clients who respect ethical business practices.

3. Redirect the by-product: The business can sell the by-product to another business so that it can
be used for a worthwhile purpose, or it can find other uses for it. This will lessen the company's
impact on the environment and bring in more income.

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