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Purposive Communication

Module 2

Elements of Communication

Lexical Component
- Refers to the word or chain of words used to create meaning.

Common Types of Lexical Components

1. Words
2. Parts of Words
• Prefix
• Suffix

3. Phrasal Verbs
4. Collocations
5. Idioms
6. Sentence Frames

1. Words

- Are unique meaningful component of speech. Words may be used alone or with
others to form a sentence.
woman flying
animals collect
plants fish

2. Parts of Words

- Denote a single letter, a prefix or a suffix added to words.

s in animals ence in difference
un in untold ly in timely
er in speaker es in fishes

3. Phrasal Verbs

- Are verbs followed by a preposition or an adverb.

Point out (to direct attention to something)
The teacher pointed out the glitch in their programming.

Fill out (to complete a form)

Please do not forget to fill out the evaluation form.

Dress up (to wear elegant clothes)

We need to dress up for the awards night.

4. Collocations are a pair or group of words that are habitually used together that
they sound correct together.

Pattern A
Adverb + Adjective

She is the most beautiful girl in the world.

Pattern B
Adjective + Noun
My father is a brave man.
Pattern C
Noun + Verb
The lady refused the invitation of the manager.

Pattern D
Verb + Noun
We must share gifts to show how much we care to them.

Pattern E
Verb + Preposition
Take off your coat and stay awhile.

Pattern F
Verb+ Adverb
Sheila dances gracefully.

5. Idioms

- Are combination of words whose collective meaning is not predictable from those
of the individual words. Meanings creative are usually understood by native
speakers of the language.

Once in a blue moon (very seldom)
This special event happens once in a blue moon.

Action speaks louder than words (what people see you do is more important than
what you say)

You don’t have to say anything. Your actions speak louder than words.
Back to the drawing board (to start all over again)
The pitching was not successful so we are back to the drawing board.

Barking at the wrong tree (pointing fingers at the wrong person)

He is innocent. Stop barking at the wrong tree!

6. Sentence Frames

- Are group of words that provide a structure or a skeleton for a complete

Acknowledging ideas
My idea is similar to or related to _________________ s idea.

I hypothesized that _________________.

So you are saying that _______________________.

Holding the floor

As I was saying ______________________________.

Individual reporting
I discovered from __________________ that _________________.

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