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My Ideal School Canteen

Aspect Sentences Skill

Layout First of all, the canteen should be spacious and decorated. Thesis / What

& (adverb)

setting Since the number of students is increasing by years, we need to provide Who/ What

tables and chairs for everyone to sit and enjoy their food during recess. (adjective)

In addition, due to Covid 19 pandemic which has not fully ended, it is crucial to ensure

students can keep a distance of at least 1 metre from each other so the risk of getting

infected is reduced.

To make it more attractive, every table should be covered with tablecloths and How

decorated with flower vases in the middle of it. (adjective)

This kind of ambience will make all students eager and contented Why

to have their meal at the canteen everyday. (adverb)

Basic Sentence Structure:

1. Subject / Verb / Object OR Complement

 The students /can eat /happily
 Any clubs /can make /painting canteen block as part of their club activity.
 ____________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________

2. Subject / be Verb/ Adjective OR Compliment

 Dustbins / are / provided at each corner.
 Students / are / happy.
 The price / is / reasonable.
 ___________________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________________

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