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Publish or

A Guide to Designing
Academic Writing

Ronald Lukens-Bull
University of North Florida
Publishing and Building a Career

• Research Agenda
• Must Love
• Cukup luas – jadi banyak project Macam Macam
• Pakai Literature Dasar 100 makalah proyek
• Base Knowledge
• Dasar Pengajaran

Cinta Topik
An Editor-in-Chief’s Perspective
• No data
• Kenapa peduli?
• If not an Indonesianist
• Breadth of scope – theoretical or comparative
• Literature underused
• English – not the biggest problem
Why Important, Kenapa Peduli?

• Connect to similar
• Connect to different
• Connect to theory
• Depends on discipline and journal
Literature usage
• Undergrad papers – 5-7 sources

• Grad school – 20+

• Professional 50+
• have a base pool of 100+ that expands over time
Why Scopus
• Could be any number of indexes
• Impact factor
• For article or journal measured by
number of citations
• For a journal to be good, it needs
to be cited frequently.
• Good for us all if you cite many
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 mine
Number of Authors


Sample size (number
and %)

Number of sources


Fields of sources

Elements Topical range of


in Article
Geographic range of


Samples What’s the point?

1 strong declarative

Word count/
Page length
Using AI to write
• DO Use AI Wisely • Don’t Rely on AI writing
• Explore research questions with AI • it’s bad — fluffy and empty
• Check grammar • Journals Employ AI detectors
• Discover search terms for sources
Writer Review Form

Please attach copies of this sheet to all copies of your own paper. Please answer as specifically as possible.

Who is your intended audience? Be specific.

What are you trying to do in this paper (what is your purpose)?

What is the central argument or thesis of the paper, and where is it stated?

What type of evidence do you use to support this thesis? Do you feel you have made a convincing case?

How have you organized your paper (topically, chronologically, etc.)? You may include a brief outline if you like.

What do you like best about the paper? What are its strengths?

What are the paper’s greatest weaknesses? What changes do you expect to make in the next draft?
Writer Review Form: Revisions

How have you changed this paper from the last version? Please be as specific as possible, discussing any of the following:
audience, purpose, thesis and argument, evidence and examples, organization, context, style, or any other aspect of the paper that
you have changed?

What do you like best about the revised paper? What are its strengths?

Are there weaknesses or problem areas that remain? What are they?

What specific questions do you have for your readers?

Peer Review
Name of Reviewer____________________
Author and Title and Draft:_________________________________________________

(Give both positive and negative comments. Make responses as concrete as possible. Think about what feedback would be helpful to you to
hear and how you would like to hear it.)

What is the thesis statement? Which aspects of placement and presentation of the thesis did you find helpful?

Which aspects of the thesis did you find unclear? What additional background or context would you require in order to
understand the thesis?


Which parts of the paper are the most convincing? Be specific.

Which parts are the least convincing? Why? Gaps? Counter-arguments that should be acknowledged? Unrelated strands?
Where does the author make effective use of evidence and examples?

Are there paragraphs where the author could have used more evidence?


What unique insights did the paper offer?

Where would you have liked the author to commit him or herself more fully?


List examples of use of language that you found interesting or that helped you as a reader:

Which features of the writing got in your way as a reader (unclear or confusing)?

Did this paper meet the expectations of its audience? Why or Why not?

Given all of the above, remind the author (and yourself) what you liked best in this paper?

What do you think should be the author’s priorities in revising this piece?

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