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What are you doing now?


Andrea Isabel Azucena del Alba

Rejano Arellano Cifuentes Arauco

Miguel Ángel
Carhuancho Romero

The caracter I’m chosing is Chloe.
In the scenes Chloe see the dog eating like crazy and she dislike, also is sleeping in
his pillow and she vomits his furball on the bed of his owner. Then, she dress Gidget
like a cat and learn she how to behave as one, continues show her than the cats
always falling stand.

The character I'm choosing is called Daisy. The dog is litle and has a Brown and
white hair. In the trailer, the dog is looking for Captain Snowball, it's a rabbit who
accepts, helping her to rescue a white tiger from a circus, passing by different
challenges. My favorite part is when they go to save the tiger because they are
acting noble.

MIGUEL: The character I'm choosing is the white dog named "Gidget".
In the preview of the video, the dog takes a bathing in the dishwasher. She It’s very
cheerful and fun with her friends, she has a mission to retrieve max's toy and for that
she has to learn to act like a cat and achieve the goal. He’s also has a hard time
controlling the excitement of playing with her friends.

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