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Q.1 Question No. 1 to 10 Carry ONE mark each.

Consider one – dimensional steady state heat conduction along x –axis
through a plane wall; with the boundary condition
maintained at temperatures of and Heat is
generated uniformly throughout the wall. Choose the CORRECT statement

a. The direction of heat transfer will be from the surface at to the surface at

The maximum temperature inside the wall must be greater than
The temperature distribution is linear within the wall
d. The temperature distribution is symmetric about the mid – plane of the wall

Attempt Your Ans. Correct Ans. b bookmark


Q.2 For heat transfer across a solid – fluid interface, which one of the following
statements is NOT true when the Biot number is less than 0.1?

a. Internal conductive resistance of the solid is very small compared to external

convective resistance of the fluid 1/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series
Temperature profile within the solid is nearly uniform
c. Temperature drop in the fluid is significant
Temperature drop in the solid is significant

Attempt Your Ans. Correct Ans. d bookmark


As Biot (Bi) number is small, ICR is very small compared to ECR

So, lumped analysis can be applied. The temperature profile within the solid is nearly
uniform i.e., the temperature drop in the solid is negligible

Q.3 In film type condensation over a vertical plate, local heat transfer coefficient is

Inversely proportional to local film thickness
Directly proportional to local film thickness
c. Equal to local film thickness
d. Independent of local film thickness

Attempt Your Ans. Correct Ans. a bookmark


As the thickness of film increases, film offers more resistance and hence h decreases

Q.4 Heat is conducted radially through the thickness of a 2.5 m long cylindrical pipe.
The inner and outer diameters are 50mm and 56mm respectively. The logarithmic
mean area of heat transfer in is___

Attempt Correct Correct Ans. 0.416 Range. (0.40 - 0.42 )


Solution:- 2/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series
Range 0.400 to 0.430

Log mean area

Q.5 An infinitely long rod of length L is used as a fin as shown in figure. The left end
is kept at a constant temperature of The fin loses heat by convection to the
atmosphere which is at The correct temperature profile for the
fin is


b. 3/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series



Attempt Correct Correct Ans. b bookmark

The temperature profile is exponential

Q.6 Hot metal at 1800 K is poured in a sand mould that is open at the top. Heat loss
from the liquid metal takes place by

a. Radiation only
b. Radiation and conduction only
Radiation and convection only
Radiation, conduction and convection

Attempt Your Ans. Correct Ans. d bookmark


Q.7 Consider a steady state heat flux across a rectangular slab composed of two
layers of equal thickness as shown in figure. The thermal conductivities are in

the ratio If the first layer experiences a temperature drop

of 50 k, the temperature drop (T2 – T3) in K, across the second layer is _______ 4/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Attempt Correct Correct Ans. 5 Range. (5.00 - 5.00 ) bookmark


Q.8 Steam at is condensing on a vertical steel plate. The condensate flow is

laminar. The average Nusselt numbers are when the plate
temperatures are respectively. Assume the physical
properties of the fluid and steel to remain constant with in the temperature range
of interest. Using Nusselt equations for film type condensation, what is the value

of the ratio

a. 0.5
b. 0.84
c. 5/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series
d. 1.41

Not Attempt Correct Ans. c bookmark


Saturation steam temp

Plate temperature Tplate2 = 550C


Q.9 Match the dimensionless numbers in Group I with the ratios in Group 2




Attempt Your Ans. Correct Ans. a bookmark

No solution availiable for this question

Q.10 Consider a steady state one dimensional conduction in a plane slab in x-

direction only. The thermal conductivity of the slab decreases with increase in
temperature. The opposite faces of the slab are maintained at constant but
different temperatures There is no heat
generation inside the slab. The correct temperature profile in the slab is 6/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

a. I
d. IV

Attempt Your Ans. Correct Ans. c bookmark


Is –ve; since K is decreasing with increasing in temperature

Q.11 11. Question No.11 to 25 Carry TWO marks each

Air is flowing at a velocity of 3 m/s perpendicular to a long pipe as shown in the
figure. The outer diameter of the pipe is d = 6cm and temperature at the outer
surface of the pipe is maintained at The temperature of the air far from
the tube is Data for air: Kinematic viscosity,

Thermal conductivity, K = 0.03 W/mK The rate

of heat loss per unit length (W/m) from the pipe to air (up to one decimal place)
is_____________ 7/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 251 Range. (250.00 - 252.00 ) bookmark


Q.12 In a shell and tube heat exchanger, steam is condensing in the shell side at a
temperature of and the cold fluid is heated from a temperature

to a temperature The energy balance

equation for this heat exchanger is Where U is the

overall heat transfer coefficient, A is the heat transfer area, is the mass flow
rate of the cold fluid and is its specific heat. Tube side fluid is in a turbulent
flow and the heat transfer coefficient can be estimated from the equation
Where Nu is the Nusselt number, Re is the

Reynolds number and Pr is the Prandtl number. The condensing heat transfer
coefficient in the shell side is significantly higher than the tube side heat transfer
coefficient. The resistance of the wall to heat transfer is negligible. If only the
mass flow rate of the cold fluid is doubled, what is the outlet temperature

of the cold fluid at steady state?

a. 80.2
c. 87.4
d. 88.6

Not Attempt Correct Ans. b bookmark


…(1) 8/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Where R is thermal resistance

Is the resistance of the wall and is given as negligible, this happens when


From (1) and (2), we have

It is given that

Tube side

Fluid properties and diameter is not changing)

If is doubled velocity would be doubled

But, 9/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Q.13 A thermometer initially at is dipped at t = 0 into an oil bath, maintained

at If the recorded temperature is after 1 min, then the time
constant of a thermometer (in min) is

a. 1.98
b. 1.35
c. 1.26

Not Attempt Correct Ans. d bookmark


Time constant

Time constant, 10/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Q.14 The view factor matrix for two infinitely long co-axial cylinders,(the outer radius
of the cylinder is twice the inner radius, inner cylinder is designated as 1 and the
outer is designated as 2) given below is





Not Attempt Correct Ans. a bookmark


Q.15 In order to reduce heat loss, a steam pipe with a diameter of 1 cm is insulated
with a material having thermal conductivity of 0.108 W/mK. Heat is dissipated
from the outer surface of the insulating material by natural convection with a
heat transfer coefficient of into the ambient at a constant
temperature. The heat loss becomes maximum when the thickness of insulation

a. 0.5 mm
b. 2 mm
4 mm
d. 6.5 mm

Attempt Correct Correct Ans. c bookmark

Thickness of insulation 11/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

The heat transfer becomes maximum when the thickness of insulation is critical

Thickness = 9 – 5 = 4mm

Q.16 A brick wall of 20cm thickness has a thermal conductivity of

An insulation of thermal conductivity is to be applied on one
side of the wall, So that heat transfer through the wall is reduced by 75%. The
same temperature difference is maintained across the wall before and after
applying the insulation. The required thickness (in cm) of the insulation

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 17.14 Range. (17.00 - 17.40 ) bookmark

Case (i) (without insulation)Case (ii) (with insulation)

From 1 and 2 12/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Q.17 Match the properties in Group I with the units in Group II


Attempt Correct Correct Ans. d bookmark

No solution availiable for this question

Q.18 In a 1m thick wall, the temperature distribution at a given instant

where T is in and x is in m. The constants are
and The
thermal conductivity of the wall is 50 W/mk and wall area is If there is a
heat source generating uniformly at the rate of inside the wall,
then the rate of change of energy storage in the wall, in kW, is____

Not Attempt Correct Ans. -17.5 Range. (-17.50 - -17.50 ) bookmark

Solution:- 13/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Total generated heat in slab

Q.19 Hot water at is used for heat 2 Kg/s oil from to in a

multitubular heat exchanger. Specific heat of oil is 3.7 kJ/Kg-K. Final temperature
of hot water is Overall heat transfer coefficient is
Heat tran sfer area is The log-mean temperature correction factor
(F) is_______

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 0.6925 Range. (0.68 - 0.70 ) bookmark

Solution:- 14/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Q.20 What is the maximum dimension of a solid aluminium cube subjected to a

convective heat transfer with for a lumped parameter
analysis to be fairly accurate? Take

a. 2.5 m
b. 10 m
d. 15 m

Not Attempt Correct Ans. c bookmark


where is characteristic dimension

For lumped system analysis to be applicable,

(Max dimension)

Q.21 An electrical resistance wire 2.5 mm in diameter and 0.5 m long has a voltage of
25 V for a current of 40 A. The thermal conductivity of the wire material is 24
W/m-K. The maximum temperature in the wire if the surface temperature is kept
at is

383.5 0C

Not Attempt Correct Ans. d bookmark


Heat generated 15/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series


Q.22 The lining of a furnace is made up of a refractory layer and a steel plate as
shown in the figure. Steady state temperature at the surface of the refractory is
1273K and that at the outer steel surface is 473K. If the steady state heat flux
through the refractory steel plate composite is and heat flow is
along x-direction, the thermal contact resistance in between
refractory and steel is____

Given data:
Thermal conductivity of refractory
Thickness of refractory lining = 80 mm
Thermal conductivity of steel
Thickness of steel plate = 4mm

Attempt Correct Correct Ans. 0.433 Range. (0.40 - 0.50 )



R = total resistance 16/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Q.23 Water enters of a thin walled tube (L = 1m, D = 3mm) at an inlet temperature of
and mass flow rate of The tube wall is maintained at a
constant temperature of The outlet temperature of water is Given
the following data for water

Cp =4184 Jkg-1k-1 The inside heat transfer

coefficient in is

a. 129.58
b. 1295.8
d. 1.2958

Not Attempt Correct Ans. c bookmark


Q.24 Two parallel plates are at temperature and have emissivities

A radiation shield having an emissivity on both
sides is placed between the plates, the emissivity of the shield in order to
reduce the radiation loss from the system to one tenth of that without shield

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 0.0941 Range. (0.09 - 0.10 ) bookmark

Case (i), without shield

Case (ii) with shield 17/19
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Let, 18/19
9/16/2017 GATE-2018 | Mechanical Engineering Online Test Series

Q.25 For a forced convection over a flat plate of length ‘L’ the local heat transfer
coefficient Where C is constant and x is the distance from
leading edge of the plate. The ratio of average heat transfer coefficient for the
entire plate to the local heat transfer coefficient at x = L is____

Not Attempt Correct Ans. 2 Range. (2.00 - 2.00 ) bookmark


Average heat transfer coefficient


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