Check Dam

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Tarlac Agricultural University

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Laboratory No. 4
Design and Construction of Land and Water Structures

Check Dam (PAES 614. Volume XI)



Bagcal, Aldrin S.
Ancheta, Jessa Jane
Villegas, Vincent

Submitted to:

Dr. Catherine DR. Pueyo


Check dam is a small barrier built across the direction of water flow on shallow rivers

and streams intended to convey runoff during peak flow and to slow and hold surface water long

enough for the water to deposit sediment it is carrying; facilitates irrigation by using the

upstream bay of the dam as pump sump (PAES 614, 2016). In many parts of the world, check

dams have been used for generations to regulate water flow and erosion. These straightforward

but efficient constructions are placed over rivers or streams to slow down the flow and hold

sediment, which eventually lessens erosion downstream and enhances the quality of the water. In

light of the increasing worries about water scarcity and the destructive consequences of floods,

check dams are once again being considered as a viable option for managing water resources.

Typically, locally accessible materials like stones, rocks, and logs are used to build them.

Check dams are integral components of river management and erosion control strategies, serving

diverse functions within fluvial systems. Principally, they are engineered to modulate the

velocity of water flow, thereby transforming it into a non-erodible state, consequently trapping

sediments and silt that would otherwise be transported downstream to lakes or reservoirs.

Moreover, check dams act as barriers, interrupting the flow of water on extended slopes, which

effectively mitigates erosion processes. Through the strategic placement of these structures,

water depth is reduced as the riverbed widens, attenuating the erosive potential of flowing water.

Furthermore, check dams facilitate the elevation of riverbed levels, providing essential support to

unstable side slopes and mitigating the risks associated with slope failures or landslides.

Additionally, these dams function as water storage reservoirs, wherein water is detained,

consequently enhancing infiltration and percolation into the soil matrix, thereby replenishing
groundwater resources. The sediment and water collected behind check dams foster favorable

conditions for vegetation growth, thus contributing to ecological rehabilitation efforts.

Importantly, by regulating the flow of water, check dams effectively prevent bank erosion,

thereby safeguarding the structural integrity of riverbanks and adjacent terrestrial environments.

The multifaceted functions of check dams underscore their critical role in sustainable water

resource management and erosion mitigation endeavors.

Check dams constitute integral components of erosion control strategies, typically

implemented in regions characterized by concentrated flow dynamics, such as ephemeral gullies

or small drainage channels, rather than in larger watercourses. These structures, engineered to act

as either permanent fixtures or temporary barriers, are strategically sited to intercept and regulate

the movement of sediment-laden water. By impeding the flow velocities, check dams facilitate

the deposition of suspended sediments, effectively reducing soil erosion and promoting soil

stability within the surrounding landscape.

Moreover, proper maintenance is crucial to ensure their long-term functionality, as

sediment accumulation behind the dams can eventually compromise their efficacy. Nevertheless,

when appropriately designed and implemented, check dams epitomize a proactive approach to

erosion control, fostering sustainable land management practices that contribute to the

preservation of soil resources and the enhancement of local agricultural economies.


Check dams are classified based on their durability and the material used for their

construction. Based on the durability, the check dams may be temporary such as brushwood,

poles, or loose stone, or permanent such as gabion, masonry, or reinforced. Following are the 6

different types of check dams:

1. Brushwood Check Dam

As shown in Figure 1, Brushwood Check Dams are made of wooden poles and

brushes. They are the least permanent of all types, but they are cheap and can be made by

farmers with locally available materials. They are suitable for small gullies of 1 to 2

meters in depth. Generally, two types of brushwood check dams are made either with a

single row of poles or with a double row of poles. They are temporary structures and

should not be used to treat ongoing problems such as concentrated runoff. They can be

employed with land-use change such as reforestation or improved range management

vegetative and slope treatment measures become effective.

Figure 1. Brushwood Check Dam

2. Log Check Dams

Figure 2 shows the photo of an actual log check dam. Log check dams represent

an essential erosion control measure, typically composed of logs and posts arranged

transversely across a gully. Alternatively, these structures can be constructed using

planks or heavy boards, providing flexibility in design and implementation based on

specific terrain characteristics. The primary function of log check dams is to intercept and

retain both fine and coarse materials carried by flowing water within the gully, effectively

reducing erosion processes. Specifically tailored for stabilizing incipient small and

branch gullies, these dams are most effective when applied to features with lengths not

exceeding 100 meters and catchment areas of less than 2 hectares.

Figure 2. Log Check Dam

3. Loose Stone Check Dam

In Figure 3 it shows that small rocks or stones are strategically positioned across

the gully in the construction of this dam. The primary aim of such a structure is to

manage erosion within the gully bed. These dams are specifically employed to stabilize

incipient and small gullies, as well as branch gullies within a continuous gully system.

Typically, they are installed in gullies with a channel length not exceeding 100 meters

and a catchment area of 2 hectares or less. Moreover, their construction is contingent

upon the abundant availability of rocks in the area. Stone check dams find widespread

usage in gully control initiatives, particularly prevalent in developing countries such as

Nepal, India, and Pakistan.

Figure 3. Loose Stone Check Dam

4. Boulder Check Dam

Boulder check dams, akin to loose stone check dams, differ primarily in the size

of the materials utilized, with large boulders being the predominant component. When

constructed with meticulous attention to detail, these dams exhibit durability comparable

to permanent structures such as gabions, masonry, and concrete installations. Due to their

robust nature and substantial mass which can be seen in Figure 4, boulder check dams are

capable of withstanding significant hydraulic forces and erosive pressures over extended

periods, thus offering long-term erosion control solutions in suitable environments.

Figure 4. Boulder Check Dam

5. Masonry Check Dam

Masonry check dams represent a prominent type of erosion control structure

characterized by their durable and often permanent construction. Figure 5 shows that

these dams are typically composed of masonry materials such as bricks, stones, or

concrete blocks, meticulously arranged to form a robust barrier across watercourses or

drainage channels. The design and construction of masonry check dams are tailored to

suit specific site conditions, including channel slope, flow characteristics, and erosive

potential, ensuring optimal effectiveness in erosion control efforts.

Figure 5. Masonry Check Dam

6. Gabion Check Dam

Gabion check dams are erosion control structures constructed using gabion

baskets, which are wire mesh containers filled with rocks or stones. These dams are

widely utilized in various environmental and engineering applications due to their

effectiveness, versatility, and ease of construction. Gabion check dams are designed to

regulate water flow, reduce erosion, and stabilize streambeds and channels in areas prone

to sediment transport and scour. One of the key advantages of gabion check dams is their

adaptability to various site conditions and hydraulic requirements. They can be easily

customized in terms of size, shape, and configuration to suit specific project needs.

Furthermore, gabion check dams are cost-effective compared to traditional concrete or

masonry structures, making them particularly attractive for erosion control projects in

remote or resource-constrained areas.

Figure 6. Gabion Check Dam


After the activity, learners are expected to:

1. Define what is check dam;

2. Research hydrological data needed, design considerations, construction procedures,

social and environmental considerations for check dams.


The material and resource that were used to gather the data presented in this paper is the

Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards (PAES). Research the topic assigned to your

group (each group must have an introduction about your topic, discussion, sample design &

design computation, and sample actual structure present in our country ex: farm ponds in

Tarlac). Focus on the following:

a. Hydrological data needed

b. Design considerations

c. Construction procedures

d. Environmental considerations

e. Social considerations

Make a comprehensive technical paper about your assigned topic following the technical

writing format (must be in MS word file) indicating the specific work of the group member.

Lastly, A 10-15 minutes presentation of the assigned topic.

Hydrological data needed

Hydrological data are essential for planning, implementing, and managing check dam

projects. Engineers use this data to choose suitable locations for check dams by analyzing

historical rainfall patterns, streamflow records, and topographic surveys. The data also help

assess susceptibility to erosion and sedimentation, aiding in the identification of optimal check

dam sites. During the hydraulic design phase, hydrological data are crucial for determining the

size of check dam structures that can withstand hydraulic forces. Parameters such as peak flow

rates, flow velocities, and duration curves, obtained from detailed hydrological analysis, are

critical for designing check dam dimensions that effectively control erosion.

1. Streamflow Data

Detailed records of stream discharge, encompassing various flow regimes (e.g.,

low flows, average flows, peak flows), are indispensable for characterizing the

hydrological conditions of the catchment area (McCuen, 2011).

2. Precipitation Data

Precise information on rainfall characteristics, including intensity, duration, and

frequency, is essential for assessing the hydrological response of the catchment area and

predicting runoff generation. Rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves are

fundamental in estimating design storm events and runoff volumes, thereby guiding the

design process of check dams (Haan et al., 1994).

3. Watershed Characteristics

Parameters such as watershed area, shape, and land use/land cover distribution

significantly influence the hydrological response of the catchment and the magnitude of

runoff (Maidment, 1993). Understanding the spatial distribution of land cover types

facilitates the assessment of surface runoff generation, sediment yield, and erosion

potential, informing the selection of appropriate check dam designs.

4. Topographic Data

Detailed topographic surveys yield vital data on channel morphology, slope

gradients, and cross-sectional profiles, playing a crucial role in the identification of

suitable locations for check dam construction and the design of stable foundations

(McCoy et al., 2008).

5. Hydraulic Design Parameters

Hydraulic roughness coefficients, derived from empirical relationships or field

measurements, are essential for estimating friction losses, flow resistance, and

conveyance capacities, facilitating hydraulic calculations and check dam design

optimization (Julien, 2002). Hydraulic geometry parameters, such as channel dimensions,

flow velocities, and cross-sectional configurations, inform the sizing of check dam

components, spillway design, and hydraulic structure placement.

Design Considerations
Design Considerations

Estimate maximum discharge. Procedures in flood discharge analysis is detailed in Annex A of

PAES 613:2016 – Design of a Diversion Dam.
Calculate spillway dimensions.
Q = ���2
C = Coefficient which is 3.0 for loose rock, boulder log and brushwood check dams; 1.8 for
gabion and cement masonry check dams
L = length of spillway, m
D = depth of spillway, m
Q= maximum discharge of the catchment area at the proposed check dam point, cms

Construction Procedures

 The length of the foundation shall be longer than the length of the spillway to prevent
scouring and undermining by falling water.

 The crest of rectangular and trapezoidal spillways should be level.

 Check the stability of the check dam. For loose-stone, boulder, gabion and cement-masonry
check dams, details of stability analysis are detailed in PAES 613: 2016 – Design of a
Diversion Dam

Design Considerations

a. Gabion Check Dam

If the total height of the gabion check dam is < 3 m, box gabions of the following dimensions
may be used:
0.85 m x 0.85 m x 2 m
0.75 m x 1.5 m x 3 m
If the total height of the gabion check dam is 3 m to 5 m, use the following formula :
k =0.4H
d =0.6H
f = 0.3H

k = thickness of the dam's crest at spillway level, m
d = thickness of the dam's base, m
f = depth of foundation, m
H = total height of the dam including foundation, m

Construction Procedures

 The stones shall be hard enough to with stand abrasion, non-disintegrating, and resistant
to weathering and packed inside the boxes. The bigger stones should be put along the
sides of the box gabions while the smaller ones are filled in the middle.

 When using box gabions which are 2 m long, after they are one-third full, 5 parallel ties
should be placed between their inner and outer sides. Five more should be placed when
the boxes are two-thirds full. Four corner ties should be placed.

 A lid should be laced with binding wire to the top of all the sides after overfilling a box
gabion slightly to allow for subsequent settlement. Its lid must be stretched to fit exactly
to the sides.

 If there is more than one layer of boxes in a gabion check dam, the ones in the upper
layer should be laced to those below. A strong inter-connection of all units is an
important feature of the technique. Therefore, it is essential that the lacing is done
 If it has layers and is no higher than three meters a binding box gabion shall be placed in
the middle or top layer.

 The space behind the dam and wing walls shall be filled with soil excavated for the
foundation and from the gully bed.

 Wings shall enter at least 50 cm into each side of the gully and they should be protected
against flash water by wing walls. The angle between the wing and wing wall is 0 to 45
degrees. The height of a wing wall is equal to the depth of the spillway.

Design Considerations

b. Masonry Check Dam

If the total height of the masonry check dam is 2 m to 6 m, use the Hoffman formula
d =0.462 H
d = thickness of the dam's base, m
H = total height of the dam including foundation, m

If the total height of the masonry check dam is 6 m to 8 m, use the formula
1 + 10 H
k =
k = thickness of the dam's crest at spillway level, m
H = total height of the dam including foundation, m

Construction Procedures

 The dams shall not be constructed on points where there is mass movement of soil blocks
and shall be built on a bed or torrent channel's stable points just below the sliding area to
hold debris and material as well as to stop the movement of soil blocks.
 The foundation of the first dam shall be dug to a durable layer below, such as solid rock.
If there is no solid layer, the foundation shall be dug at least 1 m deep, and a reinforced,
concrete layer at least 20 cm thick shall be constructed. On this concrete layer, the body
of the first masonry check dam shall be built with sharp-edged and non-disintegrating
stones, and Portland cement mortar (250 kg cement per cubic meter of sand. The ratio by
weight is 1:4 or 1:5).

 The foundation of the other dams shall be at least 1 meter deep, if they are not
constructed on solid rock. The inclination of the base's upstream face is minus 20%.

 The wings shall enter at least 1 meter into the sides of the bed.

 An aqueduct (diameter 20 to 50 cm) shall be built on ground level and drainage holes
(diameter of each hole at least 10 cm) shall be made during the construction of the dam.
The vertical and horizontal distances between the holes are one and two m respectively.
The gradient of the aqueduct and drainage holes is 5%.

 The upstream face of the dam is vertical, whereas its downstream face inclination is 20 %
(1:1/5 ratio).

 The stones shall be piled behind the mouth of the aqueduct. If possible, the space behind
the dam should be filled to the spillway with soil excavated for the foundation and from
the gully bed.

 Wing walls shall be built behind the wings of the dam to protect them against flash water.
The angle between the wing and wing wall is 30 to 45 degrees. The space behind the
wings should be filled with soil. The height of the wing walls is equal to the depth of the
spillway. The construction of wing walls is dry rock work.
 The stones used in constructing masonry check dams shall be hard enough to withstand
abrasion, non-disintegrating, and resistant to weathering.

 A counter-dam shall be constructed in front of the first masonry check dam. It shall be
built as cement masonry work.

Environmental Considerations

Here are some key points to consider:

Positive environmental aspects:

1. Erosion control: Check dams help in reducing soil erosion by slowing down the flow of water,
allowing sediments to settle and preventing further erosion downstream.

2. Habitat creation: These structures create small pools of water behind them, which can serve as
habitats for various aquatic plants and animals.

3. Water quality improvement: By slowing down the flow of water, check dams can help in
trapping sediments and pollutants, thereby improving water quality downstream.

Negative environmental aspects:

1. Alteration of natural flow: Check dams can alter the natural flow of a river or stream,
potentially impacting the aquatic ecosystem and the species that rely on it.

2. Disruption of fish migration: Fish migration patterns may be disrupted by the presence of
check dams, affecting the populations of fish species that move up and down the waterways.

3. Sediment accumulation: While check dams help in trapping sediments, they may also cause
excessive sediment accumulation behind them, leading to potential issues such as nutrient
loading and reduced oxygen levels.
It is important for engineers and environmental professionals to carefully asses the potential
impacts of check dam construction on the surrounding environment and implement mitigation
measures to minimize any negative effects additionally involving stakeholders and local
communities in the planning process can help ensure that environmental considerations are
adequately addressed.

Social Considerations

Social considerations play a significant role in the planning and construction of check dams.
Here are some important points to consider.

1. Community involvement
- it is essential to engage with local communities and stakeholders throughout the
planning and implementation of check dam projects. Consultation with community members
can help identify their needs, concerns, and preferences, ensuring that the project align with their

2. Local knowledge
- Local communities often possess valuable knowledge about the land, water resources,
and traditional practices in the area. Incorporating this local knowledge into the design and
construction of check dams can enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of the project.

3. Livelihoods and Agriculture

-Check dams can have both positive and negative impacts on local livelihoods,
particularly on agriculture. Understanding the potential effects of altered water flow and
availability on farming practices is crucial to mitigating any adverse consequences.
4. Access and Infrastructure
- Check dams’ construction may affect access to water resources, transportation routes,
and other ‘infrastructure for nearby communities. Ensuring that these impacts are carefully
considered and managed essential to prevent any disruptions to daily life.

5. Equity and Inclusivity

- It is important to consider how the benefits and burdens of check dam construction are
distributed among different social groups within the community. Ensuring equitable access to
water resources and opportunities for all community members is key to fostering social cohesion
and resilience.

By incorporating social considerations into the planning and implementation of check

dam projects, stakeholders can help maximize the positive impacts of these structures while
minimizing potential negative consequences for local communities. Collaborative decision-
making processes, transparent communication, and ongoing engagement with stakeholders are
essential for ensuring that check dams benefit both the environment and society.


In conclusion, check dams stand as essential elements in the arsenal of strategies for

managing water resources and controlling erosion. Their versatility in modulating water flow

velocity, trapping sediment, and fostering ecological rehabilitation underscores their significance

in sustainable land management. By harnessing locally available materials and strategic

placement, these structures offer a proactive solution to mitigating erosion, safeguarding soil

resources, and enhancing agricultural productivity. However, to ensure their long-term

effectiveness, diligent maintenance practices must be upheld. As the world faces increasing

challenges related to water scarcity and the impacts of floods, the resurgence of interest in check
dams reflects a recognition of their valuable role in promoting resilience and sustainability in our


The array of check dam types showcased underscores the versatility and adaptability of

these structures in erosion control and water management efforts. From the temporary and cost-

effective Brushwood Check Dams to the robust and durable Gabion Check Dams, each type

serves a specific purpose based on local conditions and requirements. Whether utilizing locally

available materials or employing sophisticated engineering techniques, check dams play a vital

role in stabilizing gullies, mitigating erosion, and preserving soil resources. Their significance

extends beyond mere infrastructure, contributing to sustainable land management practices and

the enhancement of ecological resilience. As communities worldwide grapple with water scarcity

and the impacts of climate change, the importance of check dams in fostering resilience and

sustainability in our ecosystems cannot be overstated.


Haan, C. T., et al. (1994). Hydrology and Sedimentology for Small Watersheds. American
Society of Agricultural Engineers.

Julien, P. Y. (2002). River Mechanics. Cambridge University Press.

Maidment, D. R. (1993). Handbook of Hydrology. McGraw-Hill Education.

McCoy, J. C., et al. (2008). GIS and Geocomputation for Water Resource Science and
Engineering. John Wiley & Sons.

Neitsch, S. L., et al. (2011). Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Model: Input/Output
Documentation Version 2012. Blackland Research Center, Texas AgriLife Research,
Texas A&M System.

PAES (2016). Design of a Check Dam.


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