Model Questions

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Part A (Each question carries one mark.)
1. Give one example of renewable energy
2. Amount of energy stored in a given system or region of space per unit volume is
3. What is declination
4. Write the name of any one of the solar concentrating type collectors
5. Give one application of solar concentrating collectors
6. Give one example of vertical axis wing turbine
7. Give any one criterion while selecting land for wind mills.
8. Write the full form of HRD
9. Write one application of MHD system
10.Give one example of non-renewable energy
11.What are the three steps of energy audit?
12.What is the use of inverter in photovoltaic cell
13.The main element of photovoltaic cell is--------
14.A flat plate collector is used to ------------
15.Giromill is an example of -------
16.What is the use of biomass digester
17.Wet rock system is an example of -------
18.Write one application of fuel cell

Part B (Each question carries 3 marks)

1. Explain about different energy sources?
2. Give examples of renewable and non-renewable sources of energy
3. What is energy audit
4. Define Solar Radiation
5. Explain the principle of conversion of solar energy into electricity.
6. Explain the basic principle of wind energy conversion.
7. Define biomass
8. Give 3 comparison between biomass and conventional fuels.
9. What is geothermal energy
10.What are the limitations of fuel cell
11.What is the need of alternate energy sources?
12.State the Principle of energy conservation
13.What are the different energy management techniques?
14.What is zenith angle?
15.Explain about green house?
16.Explain the use of wind energy
17.What is hydrogenation?
18.Give 3 applications of biodiesel
19.Explain the use of geothermal energy?
20.State the principle of MHD system

Part C (Each question carries 7 marks)

1. Explain about current Renewable Energy Scenario in India
2. Explain about the need of alternate energy sources.

3. What is cogeneration, give its classification

4. Define the following terms
a) Zenith angle b) Hour angle, c) altitude angle,

5. With neat sketch explain about Photovoltaic electric conversion.

6. With neat sketch explain about solar distillation
7. Explain about the advantages and limitations of wind energy conversion
8. With neat sketch explain about horizontal axis wind mill
9. With neat sketch explain about Pyrolysis,
10. Explain about Geo thermal Power plant and its function.
11. With neat sketch explain about hot dry rock system
12. Explain the Applications of MHD System
13. Explain about world energy use & reserves of energy resources.
14. Explain about primary and secondary energy resources
15. What is energy audit and give its classifications?
16. Define the following terms
a) Declination b) Azimuth angle, c) Hour angle,
17. With neat sketch explain about flat plate collector.
18. Explain about solar cooking and furnace
19. Explain about the factors considered while selecting a site for wind mills
20. With neat sketch explain about biomass digester
21. With neat sketch explain about gasification?
22. Explain about geo thermal power plant and its functions?
23. With neat sketch explain about MHD system?
24. With neat sketch explain about fuel cell?

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