Cassino Motivation

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Dear Admission Committee,

I am reaching out to express my interest, in furthering my studies in Mechanical Engineering at

the University of Cassino. After completing my degree in Mechanical Engineering, I am excited
to continue expanding my knowledge and make contributions to the field, particularly at the
University of Cassino. During my time as a student, I consistently ranked at the top within my
department showcasing both academic skills and a relentless commitment to excellence.

Apart from academics I have been actively involved in extracurricular activities. I held a leadership
position in representing the Mechanical design stream in the student union. These experiences have
sharpened my leadership abilities and teamwork skills allowing me to effectively work with groups
and lead initiatives aimed at enhancing my experience. In addition, being part of the university's
Innovation and Incubation Center provided me with opportunities to nurture my creativity and
entrepreneurial mindset. By collaborating with teams, I introduced ideas and actively participated
in bringing innovative projects to life. Moreover, my interest in the University of Cassino's
advancements in Mechanical Engineering has been fueled by the university's ambitious initiatives,
authentic work culture, and innovative research landscape. As I look to the future my goals are
rooted in a desire to have an influence, on the engineering community and society as a whole.
Whether it is by developing technologies, promoting sustainability, or guiding aspiring engineers
I am dedicated to using my expertise and skills for the good of humanity. Despite encountering
obstacles along the journey each challenge has only reinforced my determination and resilience.
From overcoming difficulties to navigating projects these experiences have taught me valuable
lessons and given me the strength to thrive in the face of adversity.

My experiences, including internships at the Ethiopian Air Force and independent design projects,
have provided me with knowledge and practical insights that complement my background. The
prospect of pursuing a Master's degree at your University is a chance for me to broaden my
horizons, enhance my skills, and make an impact in the field of Mechanical Engineering. I
appreciate your consideration of my application, for this program. I'm looking forward to
expanding my knowledge and being a part of the environment, at the University of Cassino.


Henok Dereje

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