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Kajal Mukherjee AGE / SEX 66 yrs/Female

UHID 100000420 Date 15/04/2024
Ref. By. Dr. Source


Liver is normal in size, in position, contour and outline. Parenchymal echogenicity is normal. No focal
lesion seen. Intra – hepatic vascular and biliary radicles appear normal. Right lobe of liver measuring ------

Portal vein is normal in course and calibre. Normal flow seen with normal velocity. No collaterals seen.
Portal vein measuring ----mm at porta hepatis.

Gallbladder is normal in position, distension, size, shape and wall thickness. No calculus seen within its
lumen. No mass lesion seen. No pericholecystic collection seen. No enlarged portal lymph nodes seen.

Common bile duct is normal in course and calibre. No intraluminal focal lesion or calculus seen. CBD is
measuring ----mm in its max luminal diameter.

Pancreas is normal in position, size, shape, outline and echo-pattern. No focal mass lesion seen.
Pancreatic duct is not dilated. No calcification seen. No peripancreatic collection seen.

Spleen is normal in position, size, shape, outline and homogeneous echo-pattern. No focal lesion seen.
Splenic vein at hilum is normal. Spleen measuring ----- cm in long axis.

Right kidney is normal in size, shape, position, outline and axis. Cortical echotexture is normal. Cortico-
medullary differentiation is preserved. No evidence of hydronephrosis or renal calculi seen. No focal solid
or cystic lesion seen.
Right kidney measures:10.17cm.

Right ureter is not dilated.

Left kidney is normal in size, shape, position, outline and axis. Cortical echotexture is normal. Cortico-
medullary differentiation is preserved. No evidence of hydronephrosis or renal calculi seen. No focal solid
or cystic lesion seen.
Left kidney measures: 10.81 cm.

Left ureter is not dilated.

NAME Mrs. Kajal Mukherjee AGE / SEX 66 yrs/Female
UHID/RIS 100000420/ Date 15/04/2024
Ref. By. Dr. Source

Urinary bladder is normal in size, shape, position, distension and wall thickness. Content is anechoic and
without any abnormal echoes. No calculus is seen. No focal mass lesion is seen.

Prostate gland is normal in size (4.16x3.28x3.62cm.), Homogenous echotexture is seen. No focal lesion is
seen. No calcification is seen. The capsule is intact. Prostate weight: 25.86 gram.

No enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes seen. Retroperitoneal structure appears normal.

No free fluid seen in abdomen and pelvis.
Both iliac fossa appear normal. No focal lesion or collection is seen.

1. Hepatomegaly with fatty liver grade - 2

Dr. P. De
[ Regd. No – WBMC 43017]

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