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2 marks question sen

1. Desribe the term: Analysis modelling

I. Analysis modeling refers to the process of breaking down a complex system or
problem into smaller, more manageable components for analysis and
II. It involves creating models, such as diagrams or prototypes, to represent
different aspects of the system or problem.
III. These models help stakeholders, such as designers, developers, and end-users,
to gain insights into the requirements, behaviors, and interactions of the system.
IV. Analysis modeling is a crucial step in the software development lifecycle as it
lays the foundation for designing and implementing solutions that meet the
desired objectives

2.Desribe the term: Design modelling


i. Design modeling refers to the process of creating representations or visualizations

of a design concept or system using various tools and techniques.
ii. It involves translating abstract ideas into tangible forms, which can include
sketches, diagrams, 3D models, prototypes, or simulations.
iii. Design modeling helps designers and stakeholders better understand and
communicate ideas, explore different possibilities, identify potential issues, and
refine the design before implementation.
iv. It's a crucial aspect of the design process in fields such as architecture,
engineering, product design, and software development.

3. Explain the term Attribute


i. In software engineering, an attribute refers to a characteristic or property of an

object, component, or piece of data within a software system.
ii. Attributes define the state, behavior, or characteristics of software elements.
iii. For example, in object-oriented programming, an attribute of a class represents a
data field or property associated with instances of that class
Attributes play a crucial role in software design, implementation, and maintenance
by providing a structured way to organize and manage data and functionality within
a ssystem
4. With reference to software design give the meanings of

A) modularity
B) information hiding


A) Modularity in software design refers to breaking down a system into smaller,

manageable, and independent units or modules. Each module performs a
specific function and can be developed, tested, and maintained separately.
Modularity promotes code reusability, flexibility, and ease of maintenance.
B) Information hiding, also known as encapsulation, is a design principle that
restricts access to certain parts of a software component, such as variables and
methods, to prevent unintended interference or misuse. It allows developers to
hide the internal workings of a module while providing a well-defined interface
for interacting with it. This promotes better code organization, reduces
complexity, and enhances security by limiting access to sensitive data.

5.define the term Abstraction


i. Abstraction in software engineering refers to the process of simplifying

complex systems by focusing on essential details while hiding unnecessary
ii. It involves identifying common patterns, behaviors, or characteristics and
representing them at a higher level of abstraction.
iii. This enables developers to manage the complexity of software systems more
effectively, improve readability, and promote reusability.
iv. Abstraction allows software engineers to create models, interfaces, and
classes that capture the essential features of a system without getting
bogged down in unnecessary details.

6.Describe black box testing of software


i. Black box testing is a software testing technique where the internal

workings or implementation details of the software under test are not
known to the tester.
ii. Black box testing techniques include equivalence partitioning,
boundary value analysis, decision table testing, state transition
testing, and use case testing.
iii. These techniques help testers systematically explore different input
scenarios and validate the software’s behavior under various
iv. Advantages of black box testing include its independence from
implementation details, allowing testers to focus on user
perspectives and requirements

7.State importance of Lines of code (LOC)


I Helps Estimate Work: LOC gives us an idea of how much work went into creating a
software. It’s like counting bricks to estimate the size of a building.

ii. Predicts Cost: By knowing the LOC, we can estimate how much time and money it might
take to develop or maintain a software project.

iii. Shows Complexity: Too many lines of code can mean the software is complicated,
which might make it harder to manage or fix bugs.

iv. Guides Improvement: Looking at LOC can help find parts of the code that need to be
simplified or improved for better performance.

V Ensures Compliance: Some industries have rules about how much code can be used, so
keeping track of LOC helps ensure the software meets those rules.

Vi Allows Comparison: We can compare different versions of software or different software

projects to see which ones are bigger or more complex based on their LOC.

8. State importance of "FP" Function point


i. Estimating Project Size: FP aids in early estimation of software project size,

informing resource allocation, budgeting, and scheduling.
ii. Cost Estimation: By associating function points with cost per point, organizations
can accurately budget for projects.
iii. Productivity Measurement: Tracking function points delivered over time helps
evaluate team efficiency and identify process improvements.
iv. Performance Measurement: Comparing estimated to actual function points
delivered helps understand project performance.
v. Requirements Management: FP offers a standardized measure for requirements’
functionality and complexity, aiding in prioritization.
9. What is software Risk


i. In software engineering, software risk refers to the potential occurrence of events or

conditions that could have a negative impact on the success of a software project.
ii. These risks can include factors such as technical challenges, changes in
requirements, resource constraints, and external dependencies, among others.
iii. Identifying, assessing, and managing these risks is essential for ensuring the timely
delivery and quality of the software product.
4 marks question :-

Q.1) With neat diagram explain the translation of analysis model into design model


Q. 2)Explain DFD With example

Q.3) Explain with the example Decision table

Q.4) Differentiate between Black box testing and White Box Testing

Q.5) Explain test cases design in detail

Q.6) Explain any one project cost estimation approach

Ans. One commonly used project cost estimation approach is the analogous estimation,
also known as top-down estimation or expert judgment. Here’s how it works:

1.Previous Project Data: In analogous estimation, historical data from similar projects is
used as a reference point. This data includes information such as project duration,
resource utilization, costs, and other relevant metrics.

2.Expert Judgment: Experienced project managers or domain experts analyze the historical
data and make informed judgments about the current project’s requirements, scope,
complexity, and other factors.

3.Comparison and Adjustment: The historical data is compared with the current project’s
characteristics, and adjustments are made to account for any differences. For example, if
the current project has a higher level of complexity or requires specialized resources, the
estimated cost may be adjusted accordingly.

4.Estimation: Based on the analysis and adjustments, the project manager or expert
provides an estimated cost for the current project. This estimate may be refined as more
information becomes available or as the project progresses.


1. Quick and relatively simple to perform.

2. Requires minimal data input and can be applied early in the project lifecycle.
3. Draws on the expertise of experienced professionals.


1. Relies heavily on the accuracy and relevance of historical data.

2. May not account for unique factors or changes in project circumstances.
3. Can be subjective and prone to biases.

Overall, analogous estimation provides a practical and efficient way to estimate project
costs, especially when detailed data or sophisticated estimation techniques are not
available or necessary.
Q7) Describe COCOMO II Model


1. COCOMO II (Constructive Cost Model II) is a software cost estimation model

developed by Barry Boehm.
2. It builds upon the original COCOMO model, aiming to provide more accurate and
flexible estimates for software development projects.
3. COCOMO II incorporates three different sub-models: Application Composition,
Early Design, and Post-Architecture.
4. These sub-models are tailored to different stages of software development and take
into account various factors such as project size, complexity, personnel
capabilities, and development environment to estimate effort, cost, and schedule
for the project.

Q.8) Enlist and explain different types of risks


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