Graphics Question-1

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1.Which color mode in use press print?

a.Cray scale
d.Lab color
2.Which theory drive emotion is graphics design?
a.color mode
b.color Wheel
c.color theory..
d.color type
3.which mask use for alinment?
d.Smart guide..
4.Option to fixed a layer in illustrator?
a.layer group
b.layer hide
c.later arrange
d.layer lock..
5.By using which method object in illustrator can to combined and produce separate object by
b.compound path
c.slice tool
6.which of the follow tool use to less the direction line from an Anchor point with direction line?
a.Add anchor point
b.deletes anchor point selection
d.Covert anchor point
7.Adove illustrator terminology for draw line is?
d.point successors
8.which of the following tools would be used to edit a line ?
b.selection tools selection tools
d.eraser tools
9.How can you select an individual object in a group using ?
A.Group transformation
b.Group selection tools
c.Group Division tools
d.Selection tools..
10.Which of the following is not a color mode of illustrator?
b.Spot color
11.which operation controlled by character menu ?
b.Baseline shift..
c.Type color
12.A the overlapping boozes at the bottom of the illustrator toolbox ?
a.Texture and Gamma
b.History and undo
c.Stock and Shadow
d.Fill Stock
13.whate does object expand do in illustrator ?
a.Divide a single object many single..
b.Convert multiple object into one
c.Group multiple object into single
d.merges all color in an object
14.which of the following tools will cut path into two different paths ?
b.Beset tool
15.Resigtration mark use for ?
a.color Align..
b.Beset tool
16.Which tool is used to remove any spot in image ?
a.color align
b.Spot Healing Brush tool..
17.which method enables you to be scale and rotate an image ?
Ans.Choose Edit Transform .
18.What is not the valid format of an E-mail ?
19.Which image mode is best for print product ?
b.Lab Colr
c.Index Color
20.What are the three common color mode that we can choose in Photoshop?
Ans.RGB,CMYK,Grayscale Mode
21.Color can be fated in and out,and tones can be changed using ---------------.
22 To get auto contrast option in photoshop,seleted
a.Filter menu
b.Image –Adjustment..
c.File Menu
d.None of the above
23.Which command changes the overall mixture of colors in an image for generalized color correction ?
a.The color balance…
d.None of the above
24.We can change color Balance ,Tone Balance and Purity of color from ?
a.Image > Adjustment >Variation…
b. Image > Adjustment > Color balance
c. Image > Mode>Multichannel
d.None of the them
25.Graphice Design generally works in a…………………….where they have access drafting table and…?
a.Market Place ,Clients
c.Social Media Computer…
26.Where each pixel is separately defined is called ?
a.Raster Graphics…
b.Vector graphics
d.All of above
27.which is not included in the element of design ?
28.An image file such as a jpg is made up of lost smaller units called ?
29.What are the 3 primary colors ?
a.Red,White and Blue
b.Green, Red,and Yellow –Orange
c.Red Blue,Yellow
d.Green,Orange,and Purple
30.A graphics mark used to indentify a company ,Organization, product or Grand is called…..?
31.How many pixels in one Megapixel?
31.Brochure is a
32.A4 size is……………………….?
33.Forms repeated in a design is called ?
34.Which one of the following is not related to image formate ?
35.Three-Dimensional Means …………..?
a.Height,Width,and Depth
b.Height,and Width
c.Heigth,and Depth
d.None of the Above
36.Protfolio Means …….?
a.Script of a work
b.Organized Collection of work…
d.None of the Above
37write down few effects name.
Ans.Blur, watercolor, stylize,texture
38.Write down 3files extension of the images?
Ans.1.PSD(Portable Disk Format)
2.EPS(Encapsulated Post Script)
3.JPEG(Joint Picture Photography)
39.Write down the primary color name ?
40.What is the full meaning of CMYK?
Ans.Cyan Megenta, Yellow, Black
41.Write down four color mode name ?
Ans.RGB,CMYK,lab color,Grayscale
42. What is PPI resolution?
Ans. Pixels per inch (PPI) refers to the number of pixels contained within each inch of a
digital image. It also refers to the set number of pixels a screen can display.

Generally speaking, the higher the PPI, the better the image quality.

43.What is Lower resolution image?

images contain larger pixels in fewer numbers. This creates a blocky, granular effect —
hence the term ‘pixelated’.
44.What is Higher resolution Image?
levels benefit from greater numbers of smaller pixels. These create depth, clarity and
45. What is the main purpose of Adobe Illustrator?


Adobe Illustrator is used to create a variety of digital and printed images, including
cartoons, charts, diagrams, graphs, logos, and illustrations. Illustrator allows a user
to import a photograph and use it as a guide to trace an object in the photograph.
Q3. What is the most important tool in Adobe Illustrator?

The most powerful drawing tool found in Illustrator is the Pen tool. With the Pen tool,
you can create and precisely edit anchor points to make paths.
Q4. What is the difference between Photoshop and Illustrator?

Ans .
The main difference between Photoshop & Illustrator is the kind of graphics each
application creates, Photoshop creates raster graphics using pixels, while Illustrator
creates vector. What is Illustrator: Adobe Illustrator is advanced, vector-based editing

Q5. What are the features of Adobe Illustrator?


 Activity Tracking.
 Application Management.
 CAD Tools.
 Collaboration Tools.
 Content Library.
 Content Management.
 Data Import/Export.
 Design Management.

Q6. Explain what is Rasterize?

Rasterize is an effect that transforms vector work into rastered images. Often used to
make artwork for import into another program.

Q7. Explain what does the Pucker and Bloat tool does?

Pucker and Bloat tool create the distortion effect that converts an object by curving its
edges towards the Center or pushing them away from the Center (Bloat) all the while
maintaining the anchor points in position.

Q8. List out some useful plugins in Illustrator?


 VectorScribe: It gives complete freedom for editing and customization without a ton of excess
 CADtools 5: With this plugin user can create special grids and draw isometric project even in
 Phantasm CS2: It allows you to change the curves, hue and saturation efficiently and
 SymmetryWorks 4: It allows you to work on greeting cards, vectors, symbols and patterns to
incorporate into your artwork

Q9. Explain the difference between a Layer and a Group?

Technically there is very less difference between a Layer and a Group. They both
create a parent object that may contain one or more child objects. Groups are used to
bundle artwork that you want to keep together when scaling or moving. While Layers
are normally used for managing visibility and stacking order.

Q10. Explain what is the main difference between Adobe illustrator and

The main difference between Adobe illustrator and design is that the illustrator is a
vector design program while indesign is used for desktop publishing.

Q11. What is Adobe Systems?

Adobe Systems is a computer software company based in California, United States.
Founded in December 1982, by John Warnock and Charles Geschke. This company
aims at creating creative and multimedia software products. It is well known for its
Photoshop image editing software, Acrobat Reader, Portable Document Format ( PDF )
and Adobe Creative Suite.

Q12. What is vector in Illustrator?

Vector artwork is a term that describes any art made with vector illustration software like Adobe
Illustrator. Vector artwork is built from vector graphics, which are images created with
mathematical formulas. In comparison, raster art (also referred to as bitmaps or raster images)
is created with colorized pixels.

Q13. What is text tool in Illustrator?

Found in the left-hand toolbar, the Type Tool (T) is inarguably one of the most
important tools within Adobe Illustrator. With it, you can type out lines of horizontal text
or align text to follow a vector path, to name just a few functions. Once activated, click
and drag a text box to act as a boundary for your text.

Q14. What is the touch Type tool in Illustrator?

The Touch Type Tool is a new type tool in Adobe Illustrator CC. This tool allows you to move,
scale, rotate and overlap individual characters in a word, while still keeping the word editable
Q15. What is masking in Illustrator?

Called Clipping Paths in Illustrator, masks are shapes that are used to hide areas of color or
images. The portion of color or image that lies within the shape of the mask is visible. Designers
create masks to clip images and insert images inside text. The benefit of masks is that they are

16.Types of Graphic Design | Graphic Design

1. Web Design. ...
2. UI and Interactive Design. ...
3. Advertising and Marketing Design. ...
4. Motion Graphics and Animation. ...
5. Packaging Design. ...
6. Game Design. ...
7. Illustration. ...
8. Publication and Typographic Design.

17.What is a digital image?

An image composed of pixels with numbers representing grayscale or color shades.
Q15.What is menu bar in photshop?
Menu Bar. This is where you'll access different commands to use in
Photoshop. For example, from the File menu, you can open and save
files. The Image menu allows you to make various adjustments like
image size, while the Filter menu gives you access to more advanced
tools and effects.

Q16. What is the Options Bar?

The Options Bar is a vital part of Photoshop as it controls and
determines how every Photoshop tool operates. It includes the options
and features that come with each tool in Photoshop. However, each
tool has a different configuration; hence, the options bar will not
appear the same with each tool.
Q16.What is Digital Image?


A digital image contains a finite set of elements called pixels. They are
also known as picture elements or image elements. An image is
represented in the form of a matrix where each element consists of
single pixels. Each pixel is the smallest point on the image that takes on
a particular opacity, color, or shade.

Why did you choose to become a graphic designer?

A graphic designer must have creative zeal and passion towards
their profession. Through this question, interviewers assess
what drives the candidate.

Share your experiences with design, educational background,

and skills that make you a good graphic designer.

Sample answer:
I chose to become a Graphic Designer as it resonated with my
creative zeal and allowed me to showcase my talent. I loved drawing
and doodling ever since I was a kid.
Graphic designing makes my interest a profession and lets me create
impressive designs that impact people.
With a bachelors degree in graphic design from ABC college and a
diploma in design, graphic designer seems to be the perfect job for

According to you, what is the role of a graphic

Sample answer
For me, the role of a graphic designer is to create visual concepts that
inspire and captivate consumers.
A good graphic designer enables effective marketing by creating a
brand appeal.
They are responsible for product design and planning the overall
layout for advertisements, corporate reports, etc.

What is the significance of communication in graphic

This is a frequently asked graphic design interview question.
Interviewers ask this question to assess your perspective about
the field.

Talking points can be the nature, scope, and importance of the


Sample answer
Communication is very crucial to graphic design as the entire point of
design is to communicate with people.
The primary objective of any design is to speak to its consumers
effectively to convey messages and ideas.
A graphic designer ensures that the consumer understands the
objective of design effectively.
Secondly, as a designer, communication across peers and teams is
important so that all stakeholders can provide input in the creation of
design and are aware of its development.

What should be a designer’s priority while creating a

This is a common graphic design interview question.
Interviewers ask this question to understand your perspective
as the priorities are subjective and differ for all designers.

Discuss the aspect that you think is most important for design.
Focus on the “why” and “how” to answer effectively.

Some common aspects that designers prioritize are:

• Design framework
• User engagement
• Content
• Usability
• Visual aesthetics
• Typography

Sample answer:
I can't speak for all designers but I prioritize user engagement and
content both. In my opinion, content has a major impact on consumers
and without the consumer, there is no value of design.
So I focus on creating designs with high-quality content that have the
potential to gauge users.

What makes you a good graphic designer? Or What

makes a graphic designer stand out from others?
A good graphic designer can multi-task and create designs that
complement their ideas, client's requirements and attract the
audience’s attention.

Qualities that make graphic designers stand out are:

• Creativity
• Passion
• Curiosity
• Openness
• Ability to take criticism
• Patience

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Strengths and weaknesses are different for everyone. Honesty is
the key to answer this question effectively.

For strengths, list all the good qualities you possess. Talking
points could be:

 Passion
 Creative zeal
 Ability to meet deadlines
 Analytical thinking
 Problem-solving skills
 Patience
 Artistic skills
When talking about weaknesses, talk about the skills you lack
and what you are doing to develop them.

Answers like “I’m too punctual” or “I enjoy working too much”

are old tricks and fail to impress.

Sample answer:
I’m a creative person driven by my passion for design. I’m proficient
with graphic tools and have an artistic approach towards everything I
I’m also a team player and know how to improve myself when given
But my weakness is that I’m rather bad with time-management. I
understand meeting deadlines is an important part of what I do, which
is why I read a lot of time management books and try staying

Describe a situation where you had to meet a tight

deadline and how did you deal with it?
This is a frequently asked graphic design interview question as
it helps the interviewer understand if you can perform
efficiently with time constraints without compromising on the

Pick any project where you had little time and discuss the
strategy used to overcome the challenge.

Talk about time allocation and answer to reflect how you

designed and followed the road map throughout the project.

Are you aware of different types of graphic design

Yes, I'm well-versed with different types of graphic design
projects. The 5 most common types of projects are:

1. Visual Identity Graphic Design- Visual elements that establish a

brand's identity through images, shapes, and colors.
2. Marketing & Advertising Graphic Design- Designing for marketing
and advertisement. e.g, postcards, flyers, print ads, billboards,
brochures, etc.
3. User Interface Graphic Design- Designing to enhance the user's
interaction with devices and applications. Includes web page design,
interface design, app design, etc.
4. Motion Graphic Design- Designing in-motion graphics like
advertisements, animated logos, presentations, tutorial videos,
websites, videogames, GIFs, etc.
5. Environmental Graphic Design- Designing spaces to make them
interesting and memorable. Example- Wall murals, exhibitions,
designing conference spaces, stadiums, retail stores, etc.

What kind of design projects interest you?

Graphic designers work on different types of projects and even
though they are based on same principles, their objectives differ
with product agendas.

Talk about the type of graphic designing that interests you the
most. Try to draw a connection in your area of interest and the
requirement of the role you are interviewing for.

Sample answer:
I like all aspects of designing but motion graphic designing intrigues
me the most. It lets me add life to all my ideas.
It's amazing how animated graphics can impress users everywhere
and the process of creating them is fun too.

Which graphic design tools are you familiar with?

Apart from artistic inclination, graphic designers must also be
up to date with technological advancements.
Use designs from your portfolio and discuss the tools you use to
create designs and your proficiency with them.

Here is a list of 10 commonly used graphic design tools:

1. Photoshop
3. Illustrator
4. Inkscape
5. CorelDraw
6. Adobe InDesign
7. Serif Draw plus
8. Xara Xtreme
9. Coral Paintshop
10. Coral Photoimpact

What are the differences between associative hatching

and non-associative hatching in CAD?

Moves with boundary Does not move with boundary

No such issues in non-associative

Auto CAD crashes may result in corrupted drawings hatching

What is 3D Graphic Art and how is it useful for a

3D Graphic Art is a computer graphic animation used to make
3-dimensional illustrations for video games, movie animations,

Making 3D models helps the designers visualize space and

enables efficient and accurate drawing, helping them observe
otherwise invisible details.
What is the use of Adobe Pagemaker?
Pagemaker is a software application by Adobe used for desktop

Designers use it to make high-quality professional documents

like e-books, visiting cards, brochures, newsletters, pamphlets,
reports, etc.

What are the components of graphic design?

Here are 7 important components of graphic design :

1. Line
2. Shape
3. Color
4. Space
5. Texture
6. Scale
7. Typography

Explain the components of graphic design?

Graphic design is based on 7 important components:

1. Line: It is any two connected points in a design. Lines divide space,

stress on specific words/phrases and creating patterns. It directs the
viewer’s attention in the desired direction.
2. Color: Color has the most powerful impact on the audience. It can
make a statement individually and with other components. A well-
crafted color theory develops mood and emotions towards design and
creates visual interest.
3. Shape: It is defined by boundaries like color or line. All components
come together to make a shape. Three types of shapes are geometric,
natural and abstracted.
4. Space: It is the area between different elements of a design. It defines
importance and leads the viewer through the design. Effective use of
space makes the user perceive the design better and positively.
5. Texture: Texture is the surface, look and feel of the design. It adds
depth and visual interest.
6. Scale: Scale is the size of elements of a design. It impacts the viewer
by creating emphasis and visual interest in the design.
7. Typography: Typography is the styling of words using different fonts
and sizes. Just like colors and shapes, typography expresses the nature
of the design.

What is the difference between a window polygon and

a crossing polygon?
Window polygon allows the designer to select objects inside the
polygon whereas crossing polygon is used to select all the
objects within and around the boundary of the polygon.

What is Linked layer?

Linked layer is a tool in Photoshop that helps in the formation
of a relational bond between layers and allows the designers to
apply changes to all grouped layers.

What is Lasso tool?

Lasso tool in Photoshop is used to select areas with no pre-
defined shape. It is a common tool available in all image editing
software and enables free selection of area.

The three types of lasso tools are Standard lasso tool, Polygonal
Lasso tool, and magnetic lasso tool.

What is the shortcut to reset zoom?

The shortcut to reset zoom is ctrl+0 (Zero key).

What are the core graphic design principles?

The core graphic design principles are:

1. Contrast
2. Proportion
3. Rhythm
4. Color
5. Visual Hierarchy
6. Proximity

Explain 4 crucial core graphic design principles.

1. Visual Hierarchy: Allocating visual weight to elements in a design
based on their importance. Segregation can be done by fonts, size, and
2. Color: Color enhances the overall mood of design and reflects the
tone and sophistication.
3. Contrast: Bringing together two or more elements that oppose each
other in style, color or look. It helps the viewer focus on key elements.
4. Proportion: It works together with dominance and priority and
focuses on the scale of elements.

What are the basic composition laws graphic designers

5 most basic composition laws followed by graphic designers

1. Single visual.
2. The Golden ratio.
3. The "Z" and"F" layout.
4. Focal point.
5. Grid design.

What is color theory and why is it important in graphic

Colors play an intricate role in establishing a strong brand

Interviewers aim at understanding your knowledge of color

palette and if it matches their brand(s).
Observe the color theory of the company you are interviewing
for and accordingly discuss:

• The importance of color.

• Understanding of color theory.
• Application of color theory to enhance visual communication.

What is the Golden ratio in graphic design composition

and why is it important?
Also called Phi, the golden ratio is 1:1.61. The golden ratio is
used to make the visitors focus on things the designer wants to

How are UX, Visual and Graphic design different from

each other?
• UX Design is about enhancing the user experience on the
website. UX designers enhance the appearance of the website to
make it simple, clear and easy to understand.
• Visual Design is concerned with the visual communication of
design. Visual designers make communication of information
holistically aesthetic through designs.
• Graphic design focuses on communicating with the user
through designs. Graphic designers use typeface, hierarchy,
color, and images to create designs.

How comfortable are you with short deadlines and

new trends in a fast-paced environment?
Coming up with unique designs that impress users in a small
time window is a tricky task.

Interviewers ask this question to evaluate the candidate’s ability

to stay organized and meet deadlines.

Talking points to answer this question effectively are:

• Organization of time and ideas.
• How you constantly learn new tricks and techniques.
• Handling time constraints.

You can discuss these points for any project in your portfolio
and talk about how you overcame time constraints.

How do you sustain long-term interest in designing for

one brand?
Working for the same brand can be monotonous and one has to
find ways to make sure that their job does not become

Here are 5 things that can help you stay interested:

1. Know the answer to "why" you are here.

2. Acknowledge the learning process.
3. Innovate and create new methods of design.
4. Experiment with designs.
5. Keep learning new trends and techniques.

How do you measure the success of your designs?

Good design enables effective communication and attracts the
audience towards a brand.

The 3 things that define the success of a design for me are:

1. Data-driven ROI.
2. Brand engagement through design.
3. Engagement of new and returning customers.

Which graphic designer hero do you take your

inspiration from?
Talk about a person whose designs truly impact so you can
connect to the answer. Explain in detail why they are your hero.
Is there a need for graphic designers to improve their
knowledge? How do you keep up with changing
The design industry is constantly evolving and graphic
designers need to stay abreast with the latest trends to create
unique designs.

Discuss what you do to develop your skill-set and keep up with

new techniques.

Sample answer:
I read books and magazines and follow Vlogs and Blogs of my
favorite graphic designers. This helps me upgrade my skill set.
I also work towards enhancing my knowledge of new software
applications and keep experimenting with different tools.

Are you comfortable collaborating cross-functionally

on your design projects?
Graphic designers need to work with various teams cross-
functionally as they collaborate with clients, writers and various
teams in a company to create unique and impressive designs.

To answer this question, talk about how you would:

1. Establish clear and transparent communication.

2. Involve all stakeholders on different aspects of a project.
3. Define purpose.
4. Consider ideas & feedback from all teams.

Can graphic designers impact society with their works?

Unique designs have the potential to impact cultural shifts.
They reach out to a huge audience and inspire people, becoming
the voice for political and socio-cultural causes.
Graphic designers who work for social causes design websites
and logos to create awareness and invoke empathy amongst

These designs become the face of the cause and enables better
engagement with people.

How do you deal with negative feedback?

Nobody likes criticism but the ability to incorporate it in your
work can make you stand out.

Interviewers try to evaluate if you can take criticism positively

and work on your design again and again until the stake-holders
are satisfied.

Here are some tips to deal with negative feedback:

• Don’t react immediately, take time to understand the concern.

• Analyze feedback.
• Identify the pros and cons.
• Take feedbacks positively.
• Learn from the feedback.

How can graphic designers overcome creative block?

According to me, some ways to overcome creative block are:

1. Seek inspiration.
2. Do something monotonous.
3. Accept failure as it comes.
4. Digital detox- take a break.
5. Always carry a sketchbook.
6. Organize your thoughts.
7. Play around with Designs.

What is your process to create design?

Every designer has a way of channeling their ideas into the
designs they create.

Asking about the creative process helps the interviewer assess

the candidate's creativity and problem-solving skills through
potential roadblocks.

Talking points to answer effectively are:

• Research about the project.

• Planning.
• Dealing with multiple ideas.
• Time management.
• Attention to detail.

On what parameters do you draft the design brief?

I draft design brief based on 5 parameters:

1. Business profile.
2. Market position.
3. Target audience.
4. Objective of design.
5. Deadline.

How is designing for print media different from

designing for digital media? Are you comfortable
working with both?
Interviewers ask this question to assess the candidate’s ability to
work for print and digital media.

Here are the differences between designing for digital and print


Changes in final products are not feasible Allows the designer to preview and test

design at every point

Apart from a strong design and color theory, the

design should stand out with its texture, the weight of Design should be clear, intuitive and
the paper navigable

Allows the user to engage with design physically, Digital media disables any physical senses
enabling the sense of touch and allows the user to see the design only

DPI (Dots per inch) and CMYK (Cyan-Magenta- PPI (pixels per inch) and RGB (Red-
Yellow-Black) determine image quality Green-Blue) determine image quality

It is ideal if you are comfortable working with both formats.

In case you are not, discuss it with the interviewer and talk
about how you plan on developing skillsets to suit the

What do you do to meet deadlines?

To meet deadlines, I make sure that I set milestones in advance.
I take ownership of the project and focus on getting the work
done within the set time frame.

If required, I communicate with the team to get help well in

time rather than getting worked up at the last minute.

How would you describe the process of graphic

Graphic designers draft roadmaps to make designs that fit the
brand/cause. Some designers go with the flow while others
follow a plan.

Explain the process you follow and focus on answering the

“Why” of your process.

The popular approach to designing includes the following 6


1. Research.
2. Identification of objective.
3. Strategy.
4. Development.
5. Improvement.
6. Launch final design.

Walk us through a design that you are proud of and

describe the process involved.
Interviewers ask this question to get an insight into your
thoughts and way of working to assess your ideation process.

Talk about a project from your portfolio that is relevant to the

industry you are applying to.

Explain the research, strategy, tools, software, and elements

involved in shaping the design.

How do you incorporate feedback into your work?

This is a common graphic design interview question asked to
evaluate your ability to work on feedbacks.

Discuss how well you accept it and how do you include it in your

Sample Answer:
I consider feedback to be constructive criticism that enhances my
work. To incorporate feedback in my work, I:
• Listen carefully.
• Assess feedback.
• Evaluate Pros and Cons.
• Ask questions to understand the idea.
• Follow up.

What is the latest design campaign that you saw? What

did you like or dislike about it?
The interviewers aim at assessing your skills as a critique
through this question.

Pick a campaign that you have an opinion on to connect to the

answer better.

Back your opinion with answers to the important aspects of

design like:

 Did the design meet the objective?

 If it appealed to the target demographic?
 If the use of color, type, and typography is appropriate?

Do you like working alone or with a team?

The interviewer aims at assessing if you can work in a team or
solo to adapt to the need of the project.

It is ideal if you can work in both environments, depending on

the need of the task.

Talk about your experiences and refer to situations where you

worked alone and in a team successfully.

In case you have apprehensions about working either way,

clearly express it to the interviewer and discuss how you can
overcome it if need be.

Sample Answer:
I have experience working both alone and with a team. I realised both
have their own perks and challenges.
I like working with a team better because it brings more creativity and
helps keep a track of time.

What is the use of Javascript in graphic design?

JavaScript is a scripting language used to control and enhance
the graphic content on the web page.
Have you pursued any online graphic design courses to
enhance your skills?
Graphic design is a dynamic field where changes happen in a
blink. Through this question, interviewers assess how keen you
are on developing your skills.

Discuss all the online certification courses and diplomas that

you pursued to stay updated with the new trends.

In case you have nothing to discuss, talk about how you are
willing to take up the necessary courses to meet the
requirements of the organization.

1. JPEG (or JPG) - Joint Photographic Experts Group

2. PNG - Portable Network Graphics

3. GIF - Graphics Interchange Format

4. TIFF - Tagged Image File

5. PSD - Photoshop Document

6. PDF - Portable Document Format

7. EPS - Encapsulated Postscript

8. AI - Adobe Illustrator Document

9. INDD - Adobe Indesign Document

10.RAW - Raw Image Formats

11. 34.Which one of the following is not related to image formate ?
12. a.jpeg
13. b.Titt
14. c.Wav
15. d.Bmp
16. 35.Three-Dimensional Means …………..?
17. a.Height,Width,and Depth
18. b.Height,and Width
19. c.Heigth,and Depth
20. d.None of the Above
21. 36.Protfolio Means …….?
22. a.Script of a work
23. b.Organized Collection of work…
24. d.None of the Above
25. 37write down few effects name.
26. Ans.Blur, watercolor, stylize,texture
27. 38.Write down 3files extension of the images?
28. Ans.1.PSD(Portable Disk Format)
29. 2.EPS(Encapsulated Post Script)
30. 3.JPEG(Joint Picture Photography)
31. 39.Write down the primary color name ?
32. Ans.Red,Blue,Green
33. 40.What is the full meaning of CMYK?
34. Ans.Cyan Megenta, Yellow, Black
35. 41.Write down four color mode name ?
36. Ans.RGB,CMYK,lab color,Grayscale
37. 42. What is PPI resolution?
38. Ans. Pixels per inch (PPI) refers to the number of pixels contained within each inch of a
digital image. It also refers to the set number of pixels a screen can display.
40. Generally speaking, the higher the PPI, the better the image quality.
41. 17.which method enables you to be scale and rotate an image ?
42. Ans.Choose Edit Transform .
43. 18.What is not the valid format of an E-mail ?
44. Ans.Andul
45. 20.What are the three common color mode that we can choose in Photoshop?
46. Ans.RGB,CMYK,Grayscale Mode
47. 21.Color can be fated in and out,and tones can be changed using ---------------.
48. Ans.Cuvers

Q-1What is color?
colour, the aspect of any object that may be described in terms of hue, lightness, and

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