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Use the chart below about the “Blue Jay” to fill in the blanks inside the paragraphs to

have an informative article. (Reading 9)

Habitat Family Body Food Skills Lifespan

 garden  groups  blue, white,  omnivores  excellent  7
 parks and black  nuts fliers years
 forests feathers.  seeds  sharp turns
 North  wings  fruits in the air
America  crest on the  insects  very
 Canada head  mice intelligent
 sharp beak  frogs
 legs and
 sharp claws

Blue Jay
Nature is filled with wonderful animals from colorful butterflies to lots of fascinating
animals. These animals are considered as an important part of nature. They live in various
places like forest, oceans, and deserts. One of the most amazing creatures living on Earth is
the Blue Jay bird.
The Blue Jay is a beautiful bird that is often seen in gardens, parks, and forests
throughout North America and Canada. The Blue Jay is a very social bird. They are often
found in groups, and they are known for their loud calls and chattering to one another.
Its body is covered in beautiful, blue, white, and black feathers. It has strong wings,
a special crest on its head, a sharp beak, and powerful legs and feet with sharp claws that it
uses to grip branches securely. Blue Jay birds are omnivores, which means they eat both
plants and meat. Their diet consists of nuts, seeds, fruits, insects, and sometimes even small
animals like mice and frogs.
Blue Jay birds are excellent fliers and have the ability to make sharp turns in the air.
This helps them escape predators and catch their prey. They are very intelligent, and they
have a strong social order with the dominant birds taking charge of food and nesting sites.
Blue Jays live about 7 years on average.
PS: The above expressions in the introduction are not for the test usage, otherwise the
introduction will not be counted in the content.

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