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Abstracted (adjective)

Hindi Meaning: ध्यान न दे ता हुशा

English Meaning: Not giving attention to what is happening around
because you are thinking about something else
Usage: He gave her an abstracted glance, then returned to his

Synonyms: Absent, distracted, preoccupied, dreamy, intent,

engrossed, insensible, unconscious, diverted

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Engrossed (adj.)
giving all your attention to something:
engrossed by/in She was so engrossed by/in the book that she
forgot the cookies in the oven.

Antonyms: Alert, alive, attentive, engaged, heedful, vigilant, wary,

Heedful (adj.)
paying careful attention to something or someone:
heedful of The government should be heedful of the impact of
inflation on savings.

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Wary (adj.)
careful because you do not completely trust someone or something
or are not certain about what you should do:
Teachers are often wary of standardized tests.

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Prosaic (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: सामान्य
English Meaning: Without interest, imagination and excitement
Usage: I find his writings boring because they are so prosaic.

Synonyms: Average, ordinary, trivial, predictable, insignificant,

familiar, frequent

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Antonyms: Curious, peculiar, anomalous, aberrant, fantastic,
eccentric, unique

Peculiar (adj.)
belonging to, relating to, or found in only particular people or
He gets on with things in his own peculiar way/manner/fashion.

Anomalous (adj.)
different from what is usual, or not in agreement with something
else and therefore not satisfactory:
The experiment yielded anomalous results.
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Aberrant (adj.)
different from what is typical or usual, especially in an
unacceptable way:
aberrant behaviour
eccentric (adj.)
strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way:
eccentric behaviour

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Equivocal (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: गोलमोल
English Meaning: Not clear and seeming to have two opposing
Usage: His words to the press were deliberately equivocal.

Synonyms: Doubtable, cryptic, ambiguous, enigmatic, nebulous,

obscure, elliptical, opaque
Nebulous (adj.)
not clear and having no form:
She has a few nebulous ideas about what she might want to do in
the future, but nothing definite.
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Elliptical (adj.)
Elliptical language has parts missing, so that it is sometimes
difficult to understand:
His message was written in a deliberately elliptical style.

Antonyms: Clear, obvious, evident, certain, palpable, blatant,

patent, explicit
Palpable (adj.)
so obvious that it can easily be seen or known, or (of a feeling) so
strong that it seems as if it can be touched or physically felt:
a palpable effect

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blatant (adj.)
very obvious and intentional, when this is a bad thing:
a blatant lie
explicit (adj.)
clear and exact:
I gave her very explicit directions how to get here.

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Usage: I do not need your fatuous
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