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Question bank

Unit 1

1. Explain the difference between perceived and transmitted non verbal cues with reference to
two supporting examples.

2. Voice modulation plays a strong role in effective communication. Explain with the use of
suitable examples.

3. Give two examples of socio-cultural and psychological barriers in communication and

suggest ways to overcome the same.

4. Explain how upward, downward, and horizontal communication is used for different purposes
at work place/ Formal (organisational) communication explain in short

5.Answer the following questions...

A. Postulates /Hallmarks/ features of communication process
B. Explain non verbal cues perceived through the five senses
C. Language barriers in the communication process.
D. How to overcome mechanical barriers in communication?
E. Objectives of communication process
F. What is mean by Gustatory Cue.
G. Write a short note on Psychological barrier.

6. Short Notes
A. Paralanguage.
B. Physical barriers
C. Listening Vs Hearing

7.Explain any five guidelines for effective listening/Explain the benefits of active
listening./Explain the reasons for Poor listening

8.Explain how silence can be interpreted as non verbal communication

9. What is informal communication? Why is it necessary for organisations to have informal
communication/ Informal (grapevine) communication.

10. Distinguish between verbal and nonverbal communication

11. Write down the attributes of oral communication

12. What five characteristics of the vocal component should you pay attention to while
presenting in a seminar?

13. State whether the following are true or false

A. According to the Mehrabian rule,7% impact stands for visual, 38% for vocal and 55% for
B. Effective communication leads to effective conduction of meetings.
C. Cross arms usually denote anger and defensiveness.
D. Enunciation and pronunciation are one and the same thing
E. When someone is talking to you, the best way to listen is to close your eyes to block

14.What are the techniques to improve reading, writing and speaking?

15.How does visual communication aid oral communication, explain in detail?

16. State four examples of psychological barrier that obstruct listening and state the strategies
that can overcome each of th

17. What is meant by feedback? What role does it play in the process of communication?

18. Diagrammatic representation(Chain) of the process of communication

19. List five strategies for effective communication at work place

20.Compare and contrast the concept of proxemics in the context of the Indian versus American
Unit 2

1. Identify prefixes and suffixes and the root words in the following list of words

dishonesty Prefix: dis- Suffix: -ty Root word: honest

uncomfortable Prefix: un- Suffix: -able Root word: comfort
unkindness Prefix: un- Suffix: -ness Root word: kind
unworthy refix: un- Suffix: -worthy Root word: worth
abnormally Prefix: ab- Suffix: -ly Root word: normal
unhappiness Prefix: un- Suffix: -ness Root word: happy
unreasonable Prefix: un- Suffix: -able Root word: reason
unlikely Prefix: un- Suffix: -ly Root word: like
disrespectful Prefix: dis- Suffix: -ful Root word: respect
unsuccessful Prefix: un- Suffix: -ful Root word: success

2. Write the letter of the synonym next to the appropriate word.

1. _____
big tall. a. polite
2. _____ children b. little
_____ money. c. quick
4. _____
yell scream. d. big
little small.
5. _____ e. glad
6. _____ fast. f. kids
7. _____ pretty
beautiful g. beautiful
8. _____
polite nice h. dollars
_____ good i. yell
10. _____ happy
glad j. excellent

3. Use the following idioms and make meaningful sentences

i. After living a long and fulfilling life, he finally kicked the bucket peacefully in his sleep.
i. kick the bucket
ii. feel Blue ii. She's been feeling blue ever since her pet cat passed away.

iii. frog in one's throat iii. He tried to speak, but he had a frog in his throat, so his voice came out hoarse.
iv. keep body and soul together iv. Despite the difficult times, she managed to keep body and soul together by taking on odd jobs.
v. on the mend.
v. After a week of rest and medication, he's finally on the mend and feeling much better.

4. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.

i. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.

ii. Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.
iii. The committee (debates, debate) these questions carefully.
iv. There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one left!
v. The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.

Do as directed
A write the synonyms of the following 1. Adversity - Hardship, Misfortune, Difficulty
1. Adversity 2. Bliss 3. Durable 2. Bliss - Happiness, Joy, Contentment
3. Durable - Long-lasting, Sturdy, Enduring
4.Candid 5. Tendency. 4. Candid - Frank, Honest, Open
5. Tendency - Inclination, Propensity, Disposition

B write down the Antonyms for

1. Ancient - Modern
1. Ancient 2. Captivity 3. Wisdom 2. Captivity - Freedom
3. Wisdom - Foolishness
4.Serious 5.Blunt. 4. Serious - Playful
C write down the meaning for idioms 5. Blunt - Sharp

1. Don't beat around the bush 1. Get to the point directly.

2. Get out of hand. 2. Become uncontrollable or chaotic.
3. Cut any corners. 3. Take shortcuts or skip necessary steps.
D Underline the word, phrase as a Pleonasms from the following sentences.

1.I heard it with my own ears.

2.we are eating fried squid.

E. Find out Tautologies from the below sentences.

1.I need a new hot water heater.

2.I know it's true because I heard it with my own ears.

*One Word Substitute

1.One who runs away from justice Fugitive
2. A keeper or custodian of a museum Curator
3.A government by wealthy people Plutocracy
4. A phrase or form of words written in memory of a dead person. Epitaph

Unit 3
Q)Summarize the following process using apt graphic
Tea manufacture is the process of transformation of freshly plucked green tea leaves
to black tea. The process itself is long, requires much care, attention, control and a
scientific understanding of the complicated physical and chemical changes in the leaf
as the manufacture progresses. There are several distinctive processes that take place
in the manufacture of black teas.

The green leaf is harvested on a regular basis at intervals ranging from 5 days to 8
days from each field. The plucking of the soft two leaves and the bud is generally
undertaken by well trained women, because of the agility of feminine hands. The
manufacture begins from the time the leaf is plucked in the field, and to ensure it
retains its freshness, the leaf is sent to the factories from the fields three to four times
a day.

No sooner it is received at the factory, the leaf is weighed and spread on troughs.
Withering is a process, where conditioned air is circulated between the leaves, initially
to remove any surface moisture and thereafter to concentrate and chemically
breakdown the tea juices. It takes 10 hours to 14 hours for the physical and chemical
changes to take place, and bring the leaf to soft and rubbery condition suitable for the
next stage of manufacture.

Next is the process by which the leaf is twisted and the leaf cell walls ruptured to
bring the juices to the surface of the leaf. The rolling machines have deep jacket, a
pressure cap to apply pressure on the leaf, and the table itself has battens and a cone at
the center to twist the leaf. There are also the more modern “Rotorvane” machines,
which also give the same twisting and turning effect. This process takes about 20 to
30 minutes.

Thereafter to separate the twisted leaf from the untwisted, and to reduce the heat build
up, the rolled leaf is passed over a roll breaker. This machine has meshes which
separates rolled leaf. The unrolled is put back into the rollers for further rolling whilst
the rolled leaf is fermented.

Fermentation of the tea juices is an essential process in the manufacture of black tea.
Fermentation is the oxidization of the enzymes in the juices, which bring out the
flavour, strength and the colour of the liquors and infusions. Fermentations is
generally carried out on glass or tiled tables.

As fermentation progresses there is a colour change of the leaf from greenish to

coppery brown. The degree of fermentation is judged by the colour and aroma.
The primary objective of drying is the extraction of moisture and the arresting of
fermentation. The fermented leaf contains from 45% to 50% moisture. The leaf is
passed through driers, which have circuits of trays with perforation, on which are
conveyed the fermented leaf.

The drying process takes about 20 to 25 minutes and the initial temperature is about
120 Degrees F(50 Degrees C) and is finished off at a temperature of 200 Degrees F
(93 Degrees C) to 220 degrees F (105 Degrees C) . The moisture content of the teas
when drying is completed is approximately 2% to 3% and the coppery brown
fermented tea particles are now back.

The fired teas after cooling are graded / sifted according to size and shape, as the trade
demands. The different grades of tea are identified nomenclature. On completion of
the grading, teas are stored in airtight bins of boxes. The sifting is carried out on a
series of grading and cleaning machines, which have several trays of different mesh
sizes, to separate the tea particles to the various grades of tea and to remove the stalk
and fibre.

Teas are very hygroscopic and rapidly absorb moisture. When sufficient quantities of
teas are collected, and are either packed in plywood tea chests of multi-walled
aluminum craft paper lined pager sacks and despatched to the auctions or packed into
tea packs of various forms for direct export/distribution.

Unit 4

1. Explain the importance of 7 Cs of in Business Correspondence.

2. Define any three elements of a formal business letter.

3. Draw a layout of complete block form

4..What information should a letterhead contain?

5. What is the significance of a positive approach in a business letter.

6. How is clarity improved in letters?

7. What are sales oriented inquiries?

8. Write a short note on need for emails in an organisation

9. Principles of writing effective claim letters?

11. Tone in business letters.

12. Language and style in business letters.

13. Write short notes on sender’s address/letterhead, date line, receiver’s address, salutation,
subject line, attention line, reference, complimentary close, signature block, enclosure, cc.

14. Exercises on sales letters.Prepare the beginning(attention getters)for the following sales
a)Offering public speaking course
b)Letter from Citibank
c)Advertising loans for professional to set up business
d)Inviting subscription for a business magazine

15. Identify the type of letter from the following sentences:

a)Life is a journey:enjoy the drive
b)We hope you agree to be a speaker on occasion
c)Five of the chairs you have sent have broken legs
d)Choose your pens like your words carefully.Your words are worth it.

16. Explain AIDA structure of a sales letter?

17. Explain the difference between emotional and rational approach in a sales letters

18. Letter Writing( for Practice)

As a class representative, write a letter to the senior engineer of Larsen and Turbo, requesting
to provide all the necessary information on the rules to be observed by interns on field.

As a retailer of a shop, write a letter to the XYZ Biscuit Co. claiming the loss incurred due to the
poor packaging of the product.

Write a request letter, in full block letter format, to the workshop superintendent to conduct a
workshop on recent trends in engineering.
.Zap International is launching a new mobile set with latest configurations next month.Assuming
yourself to be the Area Sales Manager ,write a sales letter inventing necessary details to be
sent to all the stockists/wholesalers of your area for promoting its sale.

19. Match the following

1 Single alignment A salutation

2 RIF/Accts/20/167 B In short what the letter is about

3 Sir/Madam C Post script

4 Subject D Complete block form

5 Written after E Reference Number

20. You purchased an expensive t-shirt manufactured by a reputed company from a retail shop.
After one wear the colour faded and the material shrunk. The retailer has asked you to write to
the manufacturer for. Write a letter of complaint in full block format.

21. Explain in detail about the principles of writing effective claim/complaint letter

22. Explain in detail about the principles of writing effective adjustment letter

23. Explain how language and style plays a significant role in business correspondence

Unit 5

1. Explain the meaning of Technical Writing and Instruction Writing.

Technical writing is a form of communication that conveys technical or specialized information in a clear and concise manner. It is used in various fields such as
engineering, computer science, medicine, and finance to communicate complex concepts, procedures, and data to specific audiences. Technical writing aims to
provide accurate, relevant, and easily understandable information to help readers solve problems, make decisions, or perform tasks effectively. Examples of
technical writing include manuals, reports, proposals, specifications, and documentation for software or hardware products.

Instruction writing is a subset of technical writing that focuses specifically on providing step-by-step guidance or directions for performing a task or completing a
process. Instructions are written in a sequential and logical manner, often using imperative verbs and clear language to ensure clarity and ease of understanding.
Instruction writing is commonly used for user manuals, assembly guides, operating procedures, recipes, and tutorials. The primary goal of instruction writing is to
enable readers to successfully carry out a task or operation by following the provided instructions accurately.
2. Distinguish between Technical Writing and Literary Writing.

3. Distinguish between caution and warning with suitable examples

Clarity: A good definition should be clear and easy to understand, avoiding ambiguity or confusion.

4.Write characteristics of a good definition Accuracy: It should accurately represent the concept or object being defined, providing an accurate description
without distortion.

Conciseness: A good definition is concise and to the point, avoiding unnecessary words or elaboration.

Completeness: It should encompass all essential aspects of the concept or object, providing a comprehensive
5.Describe the following objects by giving definition ,diagram,description and working
(i)Induction Cooker(ii)ATM A precaution is an action taken in advance to prevent harm or minimize the risk of potential dangers. It involves
careful planning and foresight to anticipate and mitigate possible risks or hazards. Precautions are often
implemented to ensure safety and security in various situations.

6.Write instructions to use a scanner. Example:

Before going on a hiking trip, Sarah took several precautions to ensure her safety. She packed plenty of water,
food, and emergency supplies in case of unexpected incidents. She also researched the trail beforehand, checked
the weather forecast, and informed a friend about her planned route and expected return time. These precautions
7.Define precaution and danger with examples. helped Sarah minimize the risks associated with hiking in remote areas.


Danger refers to a situation or condition that poses a threat to safety, well-being, or health. It encompasses various
potential risks, hazards, or harmful outcomes that may result in injury, damage, or loss if not adequately addressed

Unit 6
or avoided.

Swimming in rough seas can be extremely dangerous due to strong currents and unpredictable waves. In such
conditions, there is a high risk of drowning or being swept away by the ocean's force. Therefore, it is essential for
beachgoers to heed warning signs, follow lifeguard instructions, and avoid entering the water when dangerous
conditions are present. Failure to recognize and respect the dangers of swimming in rough seas can lead to tragic
1. Empathy and Respect are universal social values. Explain with reference to suitable

2. Only 7% of Engineers are employable, as per the new research. Soft skills have been the key
ingredients for these prospects to secure desirable jobs. Explain why soft skills are so important
at work places, all around the world.

3. Explain the importance of the following at work place (Any 2)

i. Cubicle Etiquettes
ii. Formal Dining Etiquettes

4. Explain step by step, in detail, how to prepare for one's formal Introduction to be given during
Interviews and other formal settings.

5 Your brother works in a multinational company. He has recently got a posting to Japan. What
work and formal dining etiquettes would you like to suggest to your brother.

6. Explain good and bad Nettiquettes.

What workplace etiquettes should be followed to enhance the listening environment at the

● Long answer questions

How will you improve your relationship with your colleagues at the workplace? Discuss
this in the light of manners and etiquettes at the organisation.

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