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Summary of Findings The researcher question and codes provided by the research

group proves that there are evident problems in the village. All respondents, were male

and female with ages ranging from 25-63 years old,who provided qualitative information

about the different ways of waste disposal that leads to improper waste management in

the baranggay; and the previous projects done by the baranggay to try to solve the

problem, which failed due to lack of support from the government and insufficient fund.

Based on the data gathered by the researchers, most of the residents in the Kalubian

were unable to perform proper waste disposal which can be both unhealthy and unsafe.

The residents of the village also lack knowledge on proper waste disposal. The dilemma

could be solved if the residents will be given proper and sufficient knowledge on proper



1. There are many community issues of the residents in the village an example of

this is the lack livelihood and the microfinance. Lack of street lights which alarms

the residents especially at night as the roads may become unsafe and dangerous

to walk on. The out of - school youth which makes their life even more astray as

they just live their lives without purpose when they just stand by in one place or

another. Most especially is the improper waste disposal which is their biggest

problem at the moment.

2. The methods used by the residents in disposing their waste are incinerating their

garbage, segregating it by its category, throwing it to a well, or they practice

simple composting. This is happening because of there was no one who will

collect all their garbage’s or no collection garbage.

3. The improper waste management of the village is the main factor that causes

the problem. If the people living in the area know how to maintain their

surroundings, to dispose their garbage knowingly and properly make use of

these wastes, then the problem may be lessened. If the cause is the drainage of

the village for multiple flooding od garbage, then it’s their improper waste

management that exceeds the factors. Improper waste management can lead to

certain problems in aspects of health and economy.

4. The compost pit will be done in order to address the issue of the village. This will

help reduce the carbon footprint and smoke pollution present in the village. There

are other simpler projects such as street sweeping but innovative devices or

products are considered also to make waste useful.


1. Absence of proper waste management and consistent incineration of garbage is

present in the village. The product made by the researchers which is the compost

pit can improve the carbon footprint and cleanliness for the community.

2. The researchers recommend that the citizens in the village to attend the seminar

that will be held by the group to further discuss on how to manipulate the

shredder and compost pit.

3. Compost is one of the important organic amendments because it will be used for

the sustainability of the soil and in the environment. The study focuses on the

specific benefits and long life affects of composting.

4. Citizens being exposed to the culture and lifestyle in Kalubian which is mostly

based on agriculture. The compost from the project will be a natural fertilizer that

would be used by the citizens to prevent them from the need of using chemical

fertilizers which can greatly harm the soil.

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