Apr-2021 Env4a

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APRIL 2021 45551/CEN4A/ENV4A/


Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (5  5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions each in 100 words.
1. Give a brief note on effects of modern agriculture
and fertilizer – pesticide problems.
µÃÚ dÁ\w¯®, rμ® ajp® §a] aPwd¼Paß
mμa\øÚPȧ SÔzx &eUPawP auwSzx ueP.
2. Write an account on soil erosion and
as Amzud ajp® пwødÁÚawud пjÔ
auwSzx GyxP.
3. Describe food chain and food web with suitable
rnÄa \ṁQ¼ ajp® rnÄ ÁødIøÚ uSju
GkzxUPwikPglß dÁm.
4. Explain genetic and species diversity.
aμm¯d ajp® ]jÔÚ ÁøPPaß пμÁd dÍUSP.
5. Write the endangered and endemic species of
Cjv¯wdd Pwnṅпk® BпzvgȧÍ ajp®
GsldU ]jÔÚṁPøÍṅ пjÔ GyxP.
6. Write an account on flood disaster management.
aÁȧÍ ÷пμрÄ ÷adwsøa пjÔ auwSzx GyxP.

7. Describe the causes and control measures of ozone

g÷\wß пL SøµпwipjPwÚ PwμnṁPȧ ajp®
ukṅy yøµPȧ пjÔ dÁm.

8. Give an account on Human Rights.

aÛu RmøaPȧ пjÔ auwSzx ueP.

PART B — (5  10 = 50 marks)

Answer ALL questions each in 500 words, Choosing

either (a) or (b).

9. (a) Describe the uses and over – utilization of

water resources.
}u ÁÍzvß п¯ßпwkPȧ ajp® AvP
п¯ßпwkPȧ пjÔщ® dÁm.

(b) Describe the characteristics, features,
structure and functions of forest ecosystem.
Pwk `pßød asLdzvß пsyPȧ,
Aøaṅy ajp® a\¯dпk® yøµIøÚ

2 45551/CEN4A/ENV4A/
10. (a) Discuss the threats to Biodiversity.
RIu пdÁøPøа Aa&pzud пjÔ dÁm.

(b) Describe the role of an individual in
conservation of natural resources.
C¯jøP ÁÍṁPøÍ пwxPwṅпvd
uÛаÛuÛß пṁQøÚ dÁm.

11. (a) Explain the causes, effects and control

measures of water pollution.
}u аw&пwipjPwÚ PwμnṁPȧ, Auß
døÍÄPȧ аjp® Pikṅпkzx®
ÁрyøµPȧ пjÔ dÍUSP.

(b) Write an essay on solid waste management.
vLUPрÄ ÷аdwsøа пjÔ Pikøμ GyxP.
12. (a) Discuss the importance of water
conservation and rainwater harvest.
}uÁÍ пwxPwṅy аjp® аøp}u ÷\Pmṅmß
yUQ¯zxzøu dÁwv.

(b) Give an account on Wildlife Protection Act
and Forest Conservation Act.
ÁÚ ddṁSPȧ аjp® ÁÚпwxPwṅya \iL®
пjÔ auwSzx GyxP.

3 45551/CEN4A/ENV4A/
13. (a) Enumerate the role of information
technology in environment and human
&jpa`pd ajp® aÛu B÷μwUQ¯zvd
uPÁd auwрd ~iпzvß пṁQøÚ dÁm.

(b) Describe the causes and control measures of
Global warming and Acid rain.
yd aÁṅпawud ajp® Add aøpUPwÚ
PwμoPȧ ajp® Pikṅпkzx® yøµPøÍ


4 45551/CEN4A/ENV4A/

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