New Password B2 ST 7B

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Short Test 7 | Group B

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with adjectives that have a similar meaning to the words in brackets. The first
letters have been given.
1 The meat was clearly o____________ (cooked for too long).
2 That meal looks r____________ (disgusting), I wouldn’t try it even if I was starving!
3 This butter cake should be fluffy and m____________ (slightly wet).
4 They served us a d____________ (delicious) seafood dish which I enjoyed a lot.
___ / 4

2 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 I need to dispose __________ this old fridge and get a new one.
2 The cheese must have gone __________. It smells terrible!
3 As a little girl, I used to feast __________ my mum’s cookies, which she baked every Saturday.
___ / 3

3 Read the definitions and write the words. Some letters have been given.
1 food which isn’t eaten during a meal: _ _ f _ _ v _ _ s
2 cook something, especially meat, in an oven or over a fire: _ _ a _ t
3 manage to save something e.g. from damage: _ _ _ v _ g _
___ / 3

4 Choose the correct quantifiers to complete the sentences.
1 Number of / Several / Lots of weeks after the accident, he could finally recall exactly what had happened.
2 I refused to talk to him for a whole / great / every lot of reasons.
3 There are dozens of / few of / each of restaurants in the area, so we will surely find somewhere nice
for lunch.
4 I admire his cooking skills entire / every / whole time I see him chop the veggies for dinner.
___ / 4

5 Rewrite the sentences using the verbs in brackets and can, could or be able to in the correct form.
1 I was so full that I ___________________ (not eat) any more of the delicious soup.
2 My dad is an excellent cook. He ___________________ (make) some really complex and unusual meals.
3 If we don’t start cooking now, we ___________________ (not finish) before our guests arrive.
___ / 3

6 Rewrite the sentences using the verbs in brackets and have to or need to in the correct form.
1 The fridge was full, so we ___________________ (not do) any shopping for a few days.
2 I think that instead of cutting down on her calorie intake, she just ___________________ (eat)
more regularly.
3 I hope we ___________________ (not wait) too long before we’re served our meal. I’m starving.
___ / 3

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