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Milestone 2 - Marketing Mix Analysis

Company: SunGlow Organic Bakery (Continuing from Milestone 1 Analysis)

A. Product: Tangible and Intangible Characteristics Analysis (3 points)

 Building on Milestone 1: We identified SunGlow's strength in high-quality ingredients

and focus on fresh-baked goods. Analyze their product line in detail - variety of breads,
pastries, cakes, any unique offerings.
 Intangible: Evaluate the customer experience associated with SunGlow's products. Do
they evoke a sense of homemade goodness, healthfulness, and indulgence?

B. Promotion: 5W's Analysis (3 points)

 Who: Target audience based on Milestone 1 (health-conscious consumers seeking

organic baked goods). Consider further segmentation - families, busy professionals, or
those with dietary restrictions.
 What: Refine promotional messages based on Milestone 1 findings. Highlight organic
ingredients, freshness, and local sourcing. Consider messages around specific products
(healthy breakfast options, decadent desserts).
 To Whom: Communication channels based on Milestone 1 analysis. Strengthen social
media presence with mouthwatering pictures and stories about ingredients. Partner with
local health food stores or fitness centers for promotions. Explore targeted online
 Which Channel: Website featuring product descriptions, online ordering options, and
customer testimonials. Focus on high-quality visuals on social media platforms. Consider
local newspaper ads or partnerships with food bloggers.
 What Effect: Increase brand awareness, generate interest in specific products, drive foot
traffic to the bakery, and encourage online ordering.

C. Price: Values/Benefits Analysis (3 points)

 Building on Milestone 1: Analyze SunGlow's pricing strategy considering their focus on

high-quality ingredients and potential competition from supermarkets.
 Do their prices effectively communicate the value proposition (freshness, organic, local)
compared to mass-produced alternatives?
 Consider offering tiered pricing for bulk purchases or loyalty programs for repeat

D. Place: Convenience Add-Ons Analysis (3 points)

 Building on Milestone 1: Analyze SunGlow's current distribution channel (direct sales

through their storefront).
 Explore ways to improve convenience - online ordering with pick-up or delivery options.
 Partner with local cafes or restaurants to offer SunGlow products alongside their

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