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Sag PROCESSING SOLUTIONS Rep Name: _kne | Yes Account Name: L { bate Received _C|- 1—'__ Residual_—~_% Upfront $_ Reo? Check Services: Zs Gift Card Service: oe Date Faxed To Bank _4-Ol- Hof Pages__12 Date/Time Entered E-LAP_@I-_f = 15 HII Date Approved __ (03-2-013 Date/Time Entered E-FAX processor Chase___MS|_NABX_UNITED___SENOR__OTHER_ MID#: BIeOg210S4 BSS. Date Terminal Deployed/Welcome Kit Sent Tracking Number__-———~ Terminal Model__Nive SAO ci NAD ) Terminal S/N# iTnnl Pin Pad S/N# me Activation Fee: No Yes § Date ACH’ed ACH Merchant Terminal/Shipping Fees $. pate installed: A-A-QOIA __Rep Notified: karee) Kees E-Credit Referred, [Can Be Filed: Approved Karla Rivera CT aaah From: Sent: Tuesday, Apri 2, 2013 12:51 PM To: support@payprotes. com: accounts; texasoifice Subject: Merchant Approved: 1-STOP TIRE SHOP (343525) aprit 2, 2013 1-STOP TIRE SHOP 1414 CUPPLES RD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78226 ‘Attn: JUAN GABRIEL HERNANDEZ Fax: 8887703927 RE: Your New Merchant Account Merchant #8788290343525 ‘Welcome to the PayProTec family of credit card processing solutions. We are honored and delighted that you have entrusted us with this important eapect of your business. We take the responsibility of providing ‘you seamless and problem free credit card processing very seriously and want to make this transition hassle free. We strive to understand the complexities of your business and our staff is standing by to assist you with any questions that may arise while you are familiarizing yourself and your stoff with our service. We have approved your merchant account with the following parameters: Monthiy Volume = $7,000.00 Swipes Seles = 90% Average Ticket = $20.00 Keyed Sales with Imprint = 10% Highest Ticket = $950.00 Keyed Sales no Imprint = 0% Reserve Account = No Website Addendum No ‘The business banking account that we will be depositing your credit card funds is: 9000012567 “Thase deposits will come from Global Payments directly to your account. In the future, should you need to adjust the above parameters please email ‘Should you need to process any transaction, including 2 credit, that is greater than your high-ticket Gmount, please contact the Risk Department, in advance, at (866) 667-9899 ext 1400, If we are reprogramming your existing terminal, you will find a tachnical support sticker, which you should affix to the terminal in order to have our contact numbers nearby. We also included 3n overlay, which will identify the terminal key functions specific to this new program. Peal the backing off the overlay and place it over the face of the terminal. If you desire personal assistance oF training with your point of sale equipment please contact your account representative Alamo Superior Processing Solutions Inc-PFT at 210-785-8788,. This training can take up to thirty, (30) minutes to go over the download procedures and important features of your device. The training provided will help you achieve the lowest possible rates, as well as minimize your risk, when accepting credit cards. Volce authorizations may be done by calling 1-800-944-1111. Follow the 1 lofl hnerps:// —-4 NorthAmenieaa 250 Stephenson Hwy. Troy, Michigan 48083, From: Alamo Superior Processing Solutions Inc-PPT (19472) Ag Fax: (248) 283-6200 et (ggg) 456.0419 Fax: i Agent a Phone: (866) 667-9899 Phone: (210) 785-8788 Agent texasoffice@, Email: support 1-STOP TIRE SHOP - 19472/002/5392985NAB NMDA a 525 4f1/2013 4:14 PM Mow taxation I~ sation! Losatén (MERCHANT APPLICATION Change of Ownershie C]— Meranint 915 Code __Sules Foot uecation # ot : rere out nn ele, Stdentck FE Se Si Bip Tieeep (oy Baten ASS Guaples 28: ea ator itd, Th 182: pnestog hi yiroee i i ‘eketonis pester ERC SESREE TT — BRR oe #1 PRT a eon a ad TT Copike| and. Sc ia riers ae ee : iA0IA415, Er cl er Fisromess Titanate EiCororaten TI Nonbrom Ci uedicaltagal Catsorion CIT] Exerer Organization Llineematione! Organizaton CiAssoviatontstateTrust CiCoverngug ee ool ree FF aun MES [or mma eee ee ji SOS i006 Oo * 0! Peer bankai Dyes eho Tex Ui mavens Fertral cae oamnane yay | A Tretia Bree TI New Soup‘ Eenetng __—Anoounh a Ty Cenk bas Ca Pood Stamp (NPY Texos LTT T1111 Thecopt al MasterCard, Visa, and Discover Network Transactions pater amar snsten anna smatarcary necetonce ap cents, Dscover neta Arersnce (Geers Crt anes ot, ca ketenes erat Treeachon ‘Ciaror Deoores het Great Tansectons ony, Gertie en oes ony Pusccrt vis tonrik Oe Tes, ot Eiaaiet Bacar weno tor P Bes ano ane re nm Fy ovnersnp [eopieantssse [aie ofan iin Aabdee 45053 ATGtet /0-17-W9 ge: Hs eSNG me Prone Paarl Apap gowre Pameaeeser ORE ah RPE AS SELB Yea w Aarens | ROTRE aT ee aster Fee bare Oa iscrl Aesonenon Marsan ez0o" GAup FO BOY SE. BATA, NT 150, CAAT TNPORTANT MEMBER Bani REGPONGIEILITIES TRPORT ANT WEROHANT FESPONSELITIES [aves senna wihe coy erty anrved ated acetone Vise Pats [iscirtea nacre mre complnce yt coo Sl ue LE SSlet enter mae pence lene) bine Merchant Aes [= snort ond canon lw stots faves lecer ms epee Bag uciac on netranns Spreng] 3 nova ana unto hrm oe erent AMEE, balscsrnt unc aeois estoy Boil wan Ves Onsen Rens. Se Serb ond met rie alieran ins th mcrae 7 Resse sts SOK to nt upc ea fre mee ApCewe [72 nar conse trav net Insert oe convent | Eda proves eens. a harenancandersiane Rete apc eporebt Istomst Fy pe cial Lage Tere oF Sera TaD Norber svon os Ropliion he etches cael tepayer wPorwatcn ofl wih the AS ren era ae eration my routs backup winding for your deposts(eurenty al ast 2% of your gra sales amount Unt you Isevds sored rfouraton. Any whhel oncing woul be pact ete he IRS or aookab axing aR, ‘Bigactane ing ma Feuer oars Re aeons ee ee eee ‘Semgane ree Pee Revision 10111 Page 1 oft Toke Nae 2 2h ow produc T te names) offends for nti te aeouctIs PUaSeS, f “4 How de you ed Di Casing rect Matra Te Rado CT erie BS Wa Pade ATaTESS, Siow dose te customer ordertha croduct? Ti Matt’ ©] Teleshone O Fax 11 Internet 3.2 your customers signe aarioe agreamseteibyyou? 1 Yes FT Na Tiivenuteetstneteateme ste santos agroamene? Monty CO Quenady 1 Aanial Sova of Fares noose f'ary) Inspected ves ON Date nnpected re coraumers(equed to povie @ @ SODeivey Tyre Frame: C107 Days CL eeDays O) (6-00Daye | LI Mare thon 39 Dye UOGhgong Sonce Uses Fee ex 1) UPS” Ci Aktome Ef Expres Mol Ci By Mecthant {2.vmatis your etre or retuned pote? cu racsive an autherzation, Now lone bore be merchandise B Sioned? mi ‘dan shat goograshi areas wl the produc be marctad and sold? See) Sr) TY Osos aetoing 1 Waretoure LI Rescence Cl] Othor pearaora Name : ‘here very thats agp nas been fly cookie by rechant anglican and thet have inepactad the business premibas ofthe rechant ie aaqeans andthe ineration slated above is true ard cored othe Bed of my krowiedge ano bee Cie Diet Pay Transactors: fra & bran capure Travcectons: applicable) (any % 5 Swipes) ‘rons Verto 05 cueevaanCosmairewtison — [aires oro Dsemntnaer22e% [Been neater os | Sgrsston Foe 095 Sfrsacon foo: 90.25, Iricerege Fe Pasetcugh i (it we AVS) ‘Gt 3 00 Far dels recta mis and nen-uates Check Cae: 3 om Sonatas peneeeopaye Tecan soc | Fox ots apctangnovavaod ices eeeeneee Elias | tte terms and consitons. For purpases of ‘urcharges, piaasa see page 7 section 32 ot | \wiraleas Network Access (Montfly): § 25.00. (Te eromertin maquelia! arcrergele |tetemeand condone. Perpuposes | Weelee acwaton Foe cen eee ruads +010 Fae [meageamanete ronquarec scone (MOREA TE 8 ee Zetawnctittgeerenterm-qaried |" kg persioany ss. cae [prone Suite Gane ot SSS feSioeeosrd iarce siontje' | samoamuctascesmonswntepetees |prOTE Suite Ae Gateway font: & 332 Sioa hewcson eccecaremtvnne [recon oa § os fened owen Debt Gate Monti: 3 300 or Trnescton Fe 3 ba nianeCerdNewore AccessFes: 200188 | Mastercard Netot Access Fee: $00TGl erat Gatanay Fee Monty, 20.00 ‘te lemon asa Pee Shasta] Vantetvonacata ae $002%8| Piomet Transaction Fee. 3-00 DitoverNete Access ee: S00T8S| Diener Networ Access Fee: SDOTE5 Merny Abn Decoont Fee: $25) Manthiy sab Serica Poe § ta i Scars siag eo, 8 se | Seagetace Pe 3 200 oa Fee : | | Account Setup Fee: . | pees ‘ Yoo Ahreatn Fs: 5 Se 1 {cee SS an OVER TT bo Say ana Ih aS fea Wl ofa My Ba Pes Proje, wich nav : RS aha a Ss fepstes evonceawarany,wemertrosecoren cn eqn ete duct on ret AL | Stora Turdana ely actu bcorgec amet menace, 10a opto yin vara [L_ Shecyaperes com or ea br asoree2, UTI Revision 10/11 Phage 10 0611 Pa EES a onareenmion es ont orgs oar craters, YOU yOurDa°t SAEPOS) A DS ORTH Se 1 ape te sechouers cots ben tha PO3 evtats st to PASS (rym Appalin Dale Setrty SanderDeonstat or you ‘achat st TURES Sb Lerten te) bot snd uuctone 3 ane mtb comin) Hy es payent gevay, ey must be POI DSS sree “Have yuo expofenced a Aco Data Carprense“ADG"? {ves [7 No ses, prone cote comprare 2p wa you tered 30 DSS Payment Carl Irduty Data Seey Standard cmpient{ Yes [No tyes. ots TOR HAGE 3) Det coreonc,Repoton Geren "ROC" ot Sa Aesere: Cuesnnaia SAC"? 6; vinta nave of ou iced Sect Asseeer“GOA' or SH Anasonon uecioRomBEE oR) Re ©) Ostecies sean aoproves Scaring VEROR Tae repo 2Dasn you uaa" eminaler"TTE™Tose ane Care? [yas T No lectronicaliy? [~ Yes [~ No {be yeu ar your Sanca Prev) reve, pane tone tre he Ful Cardholder Nméor "EON 2 yes, wnere cor ate alores? [~ Merchenfs Location Onty {~ Merchants HeadnuarersfCorg ace ony [~ Pray Senmce Prowaer Both Marcnart ard Senien Providers) [7 Other Senice Provider [ AllAptiy _.ihalPimary SorceProvaerSoter Develop tl you putas your pol of sale"POS"aoption fom eg. ohare get)? 5) Whatie to name ofthe Sono ProitaySofware Develo aprcaon? 5) uo your sansactons process hwough any ober Sars Pow if yes, name tne ater Seroe raver? Sor ars Veron? ig, web hasing competion, BolEwaps corporate mca! Syskpies baer, representa hve rad and ar avinoized to Sigh and suo plowaed Ravin iste, complete end accurte |lauhorza American Exoress Zeal Related Sances Compary Ic. Artec fe personaly. including by equesting repare fom donsumerreooring zgercies te entity above, crepes about me fal American Express nas raquesied fom Exgress aostoval of he arity incicaled above to azcant he, (Tarms and Coscitors wil be sent to such anty along, 4 Welcome Letter. Ey scoenting the American Express Gar forthe purchase cf goods ‘cle sensor eterise ielezting ts nlertion to und, re ety aorees tobe bourd bythe Terns and Corton. Merchants Sgrstere Nate (ores ate: Peony ofa cru series Tas end Consens, reser pure’ {0/"", nes ean proved fo you, Plsaee eign Oslow to gy Pat you have reos ves 23 copy afte cand Senices Terms & Congltons and tat you agree ts atoms and condone eontainas heteln. The undorelgnad fs ely eutherzad te {ign Gh bana othe Narcan anf Bod he Mercian ote tens and comin set forth ins Merchart Application ane Marchant Service fgrozinert Agrosiver), woh tems and contions ore hereby acliomedged and agreed toby tha Merchant, end serfes that al information provided frihes merchant Apelicstcn five. cavect and compete, The undemstgred, on behal ofthe Merchant, udherzce Global Beat and the Merber er ony Chest reporang agency employer by the Werber ot ony age othe Werte, we eke watever Inquiies tne Member desms appropiate to invests, ty or rasearc references, statements of cala Genes fom Werenant forthe purpose ofthe Merenert Appigston anéferaecompanying PS {Srthats or egupinat anancing. ‘The undergrad, on behalf of ee Marchal, elherzes (Q0lobal Dect, o [tha Member, 2 (SJsloy wi reescc to Uncorestes metehat ove ard oibject to anc en 3s porauard fo North American Sencarda separate wtten agreement vith Gobal Direc, North bmerisan Sarcart &” Whaley wf espace suoatn sor Marcvararlsed fo merch! bunitese undar tis Merchant Apoteatior, Nodh American ‘oncara toinieteaviorateg Gepost or debs (AC) artrelo Ge Morchants bank aosourt aa indestod on this Merchant Appaton or subeeauanty ‘OF A TRANGAGTION TO QLODAL CIREGT SHALL OF DEEMED TO SIGNEY MERCHANTS CBBREPTANCE OF THe AGREEMENT INCLUDIYE THE TERMS AND CONOTTIONS HERE V iM sg tb eh, Anvagude VU 3/3 plication -eigetlie Dee “#2 Fram Applicath = signature Date rer MANA A MRS a cig eres paper eri ree earner Seer cee lg ee Sa ont aera ate lly sees Se neler eet a arma oe ee ea ae haat Caen eee en See ie Meee See a ah atone ese rSevee eer ey we cient nen ie emer tre a ge oon ay ear raat ana eae cere OF re pe | Rezaniee by HSBO Bank USANA Bae epee SCS~iz Page 11 of 11 Revision 10°11 FREE TERMINAL PLAGEMENT AGREEMENT BA a Oe ML MOM OL lol 4 Imager ~ Superior performance for faster transaction processing Ethernet connection for lightning-fast transactions Multiple paymant and value-added applications PCI PED approved, advanced security Inciuding SSL = Lower cosi, higher performance Small size keeps countertops clutter free. FREE Verifone VX510 Terminal or VX510 w/ CR1000i Check ‘This Agrsennot is 2 conta batuaen tha chart name alow and PAVUENT PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES 116 (PET) NOW THEREFORE, Payment Ecoessing Teemelogins (PPT) and ha Paty Marcha arse aa fons Iwestart os ae Eadpats e pooaty of PET Js ang iene nora andra entra re ane wana copes te (1 pL Aa Fe Es hues lensastagtes inne eqiope ious [STO Sau hale Coreen ome tet ce Vie SSies-Fipaa S70, ere suhoraay Pt to Hc my eno for Sal eee accorcng © grr, van, erthart seed ‘ee exports any de ‘dels wih oomporsbe rod io be Squtmelt ssa fess misuse or neglgares PPT resanes dr tt televe te above fondo ods or tesonteve rods 1 arcnant agra to nsemviy znd hod DET harmlass fom ad aint any ond 2 abies sees, seine, damagoe, spas, fete, sare or siarne of any Kd inary wy aad tote una for mio) ofthe Emerk. Marcha cadercanda hab PPT agrees fo se overight cemry of repacamen equlprert, fly programed aro eaty 10 so, up bul ot exceeding ties ‘eft os, an tat sac econ iesdon wi int e of BS, nnyferant nas acceptes the fotowng equipmset (tne “cqupment) by eneeing one box DetOWe ‘Seen Conese ‘vente Ye Si0 Temi (equpinent vue oF 5895) il Tost up comesen nto S1UTerT nal, GR 1600: Check mage, Saher, ard a nacessery CIES owen asa (squire vee oF 288; axe ere sr enc rene canes ura ofan) eqa ene | SE ear “rooney fe Tweet eouement va oF 3228) revel ctnise expressly pees the Merchant Agreement as nereofvearondd, ah sensi fl fren ane ee secherae Si \ Denes i= Oe eaateeaine Sratne 0a INDIVIDUAL GUARANTY (NO TITLES) UWe hereby goavee t PPT. thee successors end asigns, the fl, prompt and complet= performance of Merchant ard ll of Merchant’ obligations under tis Agreement ictoing. hot not limited to, ll monetary obligations tising oct of Merchants performance or nosperformance uncer Me Agreement. whether aring befow a str tominadn of te ‘Agreement, The sdersiged by sgping below.agrees fo be hound by the Agreatent aa hi oaraty ERG oO JUAN GABRIEL HERNANDEZ = ovo ben ‘STOP TIRE SUNSET Ban sat 810 70268 I pay TO THE OnDER OF__ FOR wou .UOB" saad xe youane AInp 10 wakedee ~ —“Faiaq pue ebpaprouy Aus jo soq oto PEHISD | wvausyoua Ke puis seowsnaoP St UL LOREUMIOIAN of YEW CISI ICE || AWO c fows ‘ NOUUOd WlOLLOg NUNLaY ONY HOvLad asvaTd 4 ert LA % ial MastercardDiscover Qualified Rate "lea Dacor on insve Ful Acqling Acaun res wi 6c Teneacnns * navaee sore ol i eisore: Ged Konown Puneed Boe} Intemet Gateway Fee (Monthly: Phone Swipe Transaction Foe Phone Suipe Access Fee (Monthy) Desit Transaction Fast Debit ooemay Fee (Money SY Transaction Fee Retire Fee: Chargehask Fee: MyBizPeris Prosrarn: “Ferminal Rents! is 1 Vaart OA Fecee [rams Jeune naterk Access eas“) Pass Bunce ene wen tnse ost snk Ru jeans m ABE PROCESSING SOLUTIONS New Application Cover Sheet Fax to: 888-770-3927 Rep Name: (daeger MILI Date: 3/30) FO1Z Pages (incl Merchant & Terminal Information DBAName:__fo 3 Fee Texe SEage ing covery Telemarketing Appt Retail_7 Restaurant___MOTO___Intemet_Pefro___Lodging Check Services: __ Gift Card Service: _ e6T. ‘Terminal Type:_LeK F720 NOS Ver, Pinpad Type: AHL Dist up:__tP Conreation: a Wireless: Auwo Close___ (Time) Manual Close Tip Line___Server#___lnvoice#__Bar Tab Quick Pay. Custom Header/Footer FREE TERMINAL PROGRAM: Yes_1~ No. or REPROGRAM Activation Pee eli Yes$. Apply for New Amex___or Existing Ament: SPECIAL PRICING REQUESTED: Yes Analysis Included Special tastructions:

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