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Encryption and Decryption

Encryption and Decryption

❖ The process of turning plain text into an encrypted form (cipher text) is known

as encryption. Sensitive data is transmitted in an encrypted form so that it can

be protected and a strong encryption mechanism ensures that the data is not
misused even if a hacker gets hold of it. Decryption is the reverse mechanism
where the encrypted cipher text is converted back into its original form.
What is Encryption?
❖ Encryption is the procedure of encoding data in cryptography. This procedure turns

plaintext, or the original representation of the data, into cipher text or an

alternate representation of the data. Only authorized parties should be able to

decrypt a cipher text back to plaintext and access the original data. Encryption

does not prevent interference in and of itself, but it does hinder a would-be

interceptor from understanding the information.

What is Encryption?

An encryption system generally employs a pseudo-random encryption key produced by an

algorithm for technical reasons. Although it is possible to decode a message without

knowing the key, a well-designed encryption system requires significant computational

resources and skills are required. An authorized recipient can easily decrypt the

message with the key provided by the originator to recipients but not to unauthorized

What is Encryption?
❖ Encrypted data typically appears as a long string of random letters and numbers.

❖ Once the information has been encrypted, the only way to decrypt it and make it readable

again is to use the correct encryption key. Encryption is necessary for the secure

transmission and storage of sensitive data.

❖ Stream ciphers encrypt data one bit or byte at a time, making them ideal for real-time

communications. Before encrypting data, block ciphers divide it into larger chunks,

usually 64 bits.
What is Decryption?

❖ Decryption is the procedure of restoring encrypted data to its

original state. In most cases, it's the reverse mechanism of
the encryption process. Because decryption needs a secret key
or password, it decodes the encrypted information so that only
an authorized user may decrypt the data.
What is Decryption?

❖ As information flows across the Internet, it becomes vulnerable to

unauthorized persons or groups scrutinizing and accessing it. As a

consequence, data is encrypted in order to prevent data theft and loss.
Email communications, text files, pictures, user data, and directories
are just a few of the objects that are commonly encrypted. The person in
charge of decryption receives a popup or window asking for a password to
access the encrypted data.
Difference between Encryption and Decryption

Key Encryption Decryption

Definition Encryption is a process of Decryption is a process of

converting a plain text converting the encrypted
into an encrypted or or cipher text into plain
cipher text. text.

Place of Occurrence Encryption takes place at Decryption is done at the

the sender's end. receiver's end.

Process A secret key or a public Any communication that

key must be used to requires the use of a
encrypt every message. secret key or private key
to decode.

Actor After encrypting the data The receiver gets the

with a secret key or a encrypted data and uses
public key, the sender the secret key or private
delivers it to the key to decode it.
Difference between Encryption and Decryption

S.NO Encryption Decryption

Encryption is the process of While decryption is the process of

1. converting normal message into converting meaningless message into
meaningless message. its original form.

Encryption is the process which take While decryption is the process which
2. place at sender’s end. take place at receiver’s end.

Its major task is to convert the plain While its main task is to convert the
3. text into cipher text. cipher text into plain text.
Difference between Encryption and Decryption

Any message can be encrypted with either Whereas the encrypted message can be
4. secret key or public key. decrypted with either secret key or private key.

Whereas in decryption process, receiver

In encryption process, sender sends the data to
5. receiver after encrypted it.
receives the information(Cipher text) and
convert into plain text.

The only single algorithm is used for

The same algorithm with the same key is used
6. for the encryption-decryption process.
encryption-decryption with a pair of keys where
each use for encryption and decryption.
Difference between Encryption and Decryption
Encryption & Decryption
Encryption & Decryption
Private Key

❖ A private key, also known as a secret key, is a variable in

cryptography that is used with an algorithm to encrypt and
decrypt data. Secret keys should only be shared with the
key's generator or parties authorized to decrypt the data.
Private Key

Public key cryptography is a method of encrypting or signing data with two

different keys and making one of the keys, the public key, available for
anyone to use. The other key is known as the private key. Data encrypted
with the public key can only be decrypted with the private key.
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