2 Way Wireless

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TSS =y POPULAR tit’ PREPAID Rep Name:__OSeac Zoi t- Account Name: _< \rseou_sruSvelesS Date Received _*\'S lie _Residual__@__% Upfront $__oo "Fe PinWizard: YES_2_ NO____ PinWizard Username: _2.w--viese\ 3 ‘axed To PaySpot_ >| 53. # of Pages, eee aeseeeseaeeee Date/Time Entered Account Setup. le Date/Time Entered E-FAX 2a\ 5 |e IBO Password, Atez Dat sruuogarstce es Account ID: .79\ 0% Terminal ID_\25 oz Retailer ID:__\% \So Web_ x Terminal. BO Username. invoice Delivery: Fax, Email Date Terminal Deployed/Welcome Kit Sent — Tracking Number. Terminal Model. Sua Ferminal S/N# ite Pin Pad S/N# Daily Limit:$ 00% Weekly Limit: $40. “He date Installed:__ oll 12 Rep Notified:_OS a. ast £-Credit Referred. a Te Approved. Virtual Terminal loft Popular Processing, Inc 3/17/2010 2:50:52 Pu Bill To: 2 Way Wireless Inc. 8210 Van Nuys Biv. Van Nuys, CA 91402 United states Soap Tor 3 Way Wireless Inc. 5210 Van Nuys Bly. Wan Nuys, CA 91402 United States 322273627 / xxxKKX1863 2 Way Wireless Inc. rx Type : SALE order v9-317201025052 Auth + ACCEPTED Amount: $0.01 tax 30.00 Shipping : $0.00 Total: $0.01 Cardmember Acknowledges Receipt Of Goods and/or Services In The Amount of ‘The Total Shown Hereon And Agrees To Perform The Obligations Set Forth By The Cardrember's Agreement With The Issuer baps://www. sagepayments.nev virtualterminal/ vterm/rxreceiptasp tr 3/17/2010 10:50 AM S¥ POPULAR ie La PREPAID ‘Welcome to the POPULAR PREPAID family of prepaid services, We take great pride in building long-lasting relationships with our merchants. In fact, we consider it the highest honor possible to handle the prepaid processing. for your business. We take a proactive approach when it comes to communication pertaining to your account. With ‘this in mind, we have created this 1 page faxable confirmation that you agree and understand your Please take a moment t initial the following boxes next to each bullet point, When completed, please sign and return via FAX to our dedicated customer support line 888-770-3927. When Feceived, one of our customer care representatives will cal you to confirm the set up of your ‘acooust. Le Merchant ha rceveda equlpren andor sofware dovnload promised Bytes ee AAAS Sore - fu. Sa (Q- jo Merchant Signature Tite Date a-why Wiveleds cece Name of Basiness Documentation Fax. er Sheet "Instructions: 10: Customer Service Fax #800-844-9615 ‘ROME 2eS6uf Phone #: BEB AWS Email: Aocor nts eooMlormicassi,, jeck each box that applies to the documentation submitted*** Account 1Ds of Name: (required) JO4OR] usu, veeleso Terminal Number: (if applicable) QOL - ISO/Agent Name: (if appl NEW cust ‘call that appl AGREEMENTS, 1150 Agreement Agent Agreement (Equipment Rental Agreement if terminals needed) jerchant Agreement (only ISO's thant) Direct Merchant Agreement 1D RIA Set Up Form (1 Product Application-cirele all that applies (Blackhawk, Boost UBP, GreenDot, Futura, NetSpend, PreCash) C_ Wholesale Term Sheet MDF Agreement 1 CStore Agreement w/Chain Set Up (CHECKLIST (re fred) jerchant signature, title & date TD Agent signature & date W.9 Form (ISO/Agent only) 1 Voided business check or bank letter with account, routing? & bank official's signature frorect Resale tax certificate for state - all lines must be filled out, signed & dated jscount Exhibit A ~ all discounts filled out completely with signature ble) =P= Proceesing . EXISTING MERCHANT (chesk all that applv) Product Application-cieele all that applies (lackhavwk, Boost UBB, GreenDat, Futura, NetSpend, PreCash) Marketing Material Order Form ‘Terminal Order form ooaa Banking update form 1D Cancellation form 1D Account Mave request Account address/contact update MISC, Cl Hard Card Order [Debit Card Order (replenishment) O Mis ing Paperwork — list documents ret ernurrcuch, A this acount eseenapeverscanssnessees+esPAYSPOT OFFICE USE ONL Yeevos esseentassssasenasssaaca Date Received Verified receipt from above checklist EXHIBIT A PaySpot Products ‘Six Nation Some product ay 201 be a area and or abo subjct to pre-approval. PaySpot reserves the ight to change comnts providers lier ascounts provided to Pay Spo : mis 2_¥/ eae ee - PaySpot, Inc, Confidential Information Merchant Agreement Account 1D#2402-|_terminat b¥: 120ZOD 10 Username: Zucayrrwelees- Referring Agent: Referring Account #: ‘Merchant Contact Information Merchant Name! J =n a A Clty [bin ngeg 1 State [os ip FUG Office Fig 33-338 | Fax th [eit [gi 7, 99-94 E-mail Address Contact Person | J 2.0) ‘State Sales Tax# | Ce. ‘Please attach a copy of your RTC Bank Name: Lay Reet SEAT SEA Routing +**Please attach preprinted business check*** PIN Wizard Access Requested: i yes i no TO BE COMPLETED BY MERCHANT (use additional sheet, if necessary) Requested [plinWizard identification: User Name reyesnCleers Password (Password will be emailed to Mere nt by PaySpot) MBRCHIANT BANKING INFORMATION AND ACH AUTHORIZATION (MUST INCLUDE VOIDED CHECK): This Merchant Agreement Rusu) aerwecn PaySpet, Te (coy) aid Merchare” hited dsve To necommoda estrone ase Tr setenent, Merchant does (ec and asta Company to acco Mrcante desist depokory account so iia rot ardor det ees by tank we, ae til ar Nurned Clewng ease transfer an to suorde the fang son Depo") named above to bck ot ta if rt acs and adamens fray nal eres nade oe deptory acount heated above and to aurie Depositary 0 rig och soo and fo ceed ano obit rw Hock the sure wo sic aeaun. Ths auton wou epee De ous of ay unde [eUsSamtey seman and tis atorky Sal seman i fil ore nd fet unl Company has ected writen notion fom Mecha of is nea ac une and uch manner as fo aon! Company and Depestey a fesorable oparnay act on cer ose Ta sSomtnn nc property Inde specmer vous check atachod. You sige ackrowlcagrs chat ou ate autor to eeeae his eee J, Sigrany en th ashes busine cick and have ea nd understrd all frmtin omabed hen ce tr a condtions and [8 addenda rede catchments al of whieh ae mexsponed no his Apeeent nar: A: Mecha’ rect, Company wl provide inert ass Marcha by means of Company's pnWirwd spticaton dat will see hrchart to purchse PINs for rs pref series eng to ysis and satvare opted by Company Merchant areas 0 sea une Conan" fnWiard syst forthe rect pres ene ad fer dination of PINS for prepaid services of a SP Atcha fara iht Merchat responsi fre scary of assed User Names and Passwords tized aeass Companys [pinWizar ym MOSEENG av Company fora PIN puschaes made izing Merchant's asaened User Names and Passwort Compry ages asalish hae ets intr sem upon Mefchan's writen equse, Merchant ares ta it purchasing Compary's pods "PySpot Produc) fs Ue in cnaar cstris af preps vies ad ht Merchant whl fspore for ny anal sles x blgtions an al pats prchased from company Investigative Commer Report An invesigtive or Consumer Report maybe made and chisined in coonecton with ths Agrsment” Merchant bortes Company or ay ee epurtng agency engaged ty to investi te relent ven or ny sabres ode bind fram Merchant ‘rany onoerined pci or the purpres of ths Agee “Merchant Agreement rev. 10107) 1 PaySpot, Inc, Confdenta Information Product MERCHANT. Trey jlo TE Aw RE (pet name above) soe eee SIGNATURE __ Teme G nn~ DATE Siig so 1. Write VOID across the business check 2. Tape the business check here 3. Fax this Agreement to Customer Services at 800-844-9615 +1, the undersigned, hereby understand and agree that I am requesting that this terminal be placed by PaySpot, ine, pursuant (Sing slgned Bquipment Placement Contract on file, and agree to abide by the terms described therein. Agent Signature: Date: FOR AGENT USE ONLY Merchant Agreement ev. 1003) 3 PaySpot ie. Confidential Information Revised 0772000, Page 4 ‘Tuo: 909000 -OR- Agent username: UNIFORM SALES & USE TAX CERTIFICATE—MULTIJURISDICTION “The elowsited sacs have ncaa tha his form of eetisicate i acceptable, subject wo the noes on pages 2 = 4. The issuer andthe recipient have the responsibility of determining th proper us of his ertifiate under epplicable ls n each tate, as these may ‘hang fom ins to ie. Issued o Sele: —aySpat des Address: 4601 College Blvd, Suite 300, Leawood, KS 66211 cot that ‘is engaged o¢ a registered Name ofFim Guyer 2 TA et ot aaa ; 7 Fi Reta YUty Vow nowy book a ; 4 eae Sete (Catto Venus or aiane? Seer Cato onpuces2-4) onter Seis) Whol Adds and is registered withthe helow listed states and ees within which your frm would deliver purchases tous and tat any set ‘urchoses are for wholesale, resale, ingredients or components ofa new producto serveel to be resold eased, ov rated in the ‘onal eourse of business, Weare in the business of wholesaling, retailing, manufacturing, leasing (renting) the following: Description of Business: _O VKennne ered’ purr etet Goneral description of tangible propery or tunable services i be purchased fran dhe seller: Mobile phones, wireless PINs, long distance phone cards State State Registration, Sellers State State Registration, Seller’ Pennt, or ID Number Permit, o ID Nuriber ofPurchaser ‘of Purchaser Als A 1 ier certify thet ifany property or service so purchased ax fre is used or consume by the frm as to make it subject to a Sales ‘oc Use Tac we Wil py the tan due creel to the proper taxing authority when stale lw so provides or inform the seller fr aed {h biling This certificate shal be a prt of each odor which we may ereafer give to yo, less otherwise specified, and shall he ‘ald und caneslod by us in writing or evoked by te ity or tate, ‘ner penalis of perry, [styearor ann that the information om this form i tre and correcta to every material mater. Autoried Signs: JA Sean oe Tide Ane pae 34 1S 710 DISPLAY CONSPICUOUSLY ATPLACE OF BUSINESS FOR WHICH ISSUED CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. SELLER'S PERMIT AocouNrnanen 10/1/1998 SR AC 99-598528 qT once ropemarree: Sexo oud bey a 2-WAY WIRELESS, INC. Feo tei at 8210 VAN NUYS BLVD ‘hess Tis port Goes VAN NUYS, CA 91402-4805 ot abby You to > L : “] |S rene Aypor2 PURSUANT To SALES AND Use TAKLAW TODKOAGE NTE Eames or seine anoaus Etsow PmopaRTY AT MENDOME LOCATON. Tee Pea SVAUO ONY AT THE ABOVE ADDS. Jpis Pema 18 VID NTL EvOKED Of CANCELED AND SNOT TRANSFERABLE F YOU SEL YOUR DUONESS DESREPSLPoeA patmvensnr worry us on You Cao dc Reseowstae rom SAEs aD USE TASES ‘Nota at anyother adress ‘hie tv ME New OPEAATCROF De USES. For general tax questions, please call our Information Center at 800-400-7115. For information on your rights, contact the Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate Office at 888-924-2708 or 916-S24-2798, or 442-AREV.15;2.06) AMESSAGE TO OUR NEW PERMIT HOLDER ‘As a seller, you have rights and responsibilities under the Sales and Use Tax Law. In order to assist you in your endeavor and to better understand the law, we offer the following sources of help: + Visiting our wobeite dt waww.boe.ca.gov Visiting a district offies ‘+ Attending a Basic Sales and Use Tax Law class offered at one of our district offices ‘= Sending your questions in writing to any one of our offices Calling our tol-free Information Center at 800-400-7118 ‘As a seller, you have the right to issue resale certificates for merchandise that you Intend to resell. Conversely, you have the responsibility of not misusing reeale cortificates. While the sales tax s imposed upon the retailer, + Youhave the right to Seek reimbursement ofthe tax from your custorner Youre responsiole for fling and paying your sales and use tex returns timoly = Youhave the right to be treated in a fair and equitable manner by the employees of the Board © Youare responsible for following the regulations set forth by the Board 1s a seller, you are expected to maintain the normal books and records of a prudent businessperson. You are required *0 Prrintain these books ahd records for ho less than four years, and make them availabe for inspoction by a Board! representative Athen requested. Vou aro also expected to notify us if you are buying, saling, adding a location, or ciscontinving your business, adding of cropping 2 partner, officer, or member, or when you are moving any or all of your business locations. If ft becomes necessary to surrender this permit, you should only do so by mailing itto a Board office, or giving to @ Board representative. Ifyou would like to know more about your rights as a taxpayer, oF if you are unable to resolve an issua with the Board, please ‘Contact tha Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate Office for help by calling tol-re, 285-324-2706 or 916-324-2708. The'r fax numoer is 916-923-9319. Please post this permit at the address for whichit was Issued and at a location vieible to your customers. ‘STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Sales and Use Tax Department 03/16/10 04:30PM PDT -> karla de oscar 8887703927 Pg 2/2 POPULAR Electr Retail S it PROCESSING ronic Retail Service Agreement Tae Visor le Sie04 Van ays, CA S01 Ton ono Fan 670807 E BUSINESS INFORMATION Legal company Nae SPS AT ~ Ww vmeELESS INC me contact Person RA Ns Ena Pow ay urcve eso Te yey | pusness Adsiocs: S2AD Veen us BL re _BP¥-974- 9984 cists zp AN BS Ca Wa rio: AS=YUB-QA3O outs $1 9- 203-3794 Fesera PERSONAL INFORMATION Heme adios: PACD Wan nuns piv caw Suter: DANCRAMA pyThe CA Ayod EE 08. Social Secu. Home Phone BANK INFORMATION sawnane Covet trac city state Zip owing Number. Recount Number; jee veal necix : TERMINAL INFORMATION reaater: LAND. pos sn Termin Ne: Cmk0e Web Lag User Powswort [sae Deco 4071 een ee Terme nnth \ LO 2S Rae Dersleat 1b 15 100 claily 220 Weel =yY¥ POPULAR La PREPAID Pagina principal Nombye del representante: WAY Winecess ine ‘Commission: Residual: Informacion de la maquina y el comerciante DBA Nombre: Maquina Gratis: No Si, ‘INTERNET (PinWizzard):__\¥ Servicio de Prepaid: Servicio de Prepaid con Tarjetas de Visa/MasterCard: Modelo de maquina: Prefix. Modelo de pinpad: zs Entrega de Factura por FAX: a Correo Electronica: Pin Wizzard Nombre de usuario: Contrasefta: LIMITES, Limiter por dia: $ Limite Semanuak:$ Carta de Bienvenidad: Espaitol Ingles Comparativo con Precio Especial: ° Instrucciones especiales: Good Comissiows VER COMPARATIVE rs POPULAR r4 PREPAID 03/16/2010 2-Way Wireless, Inc 8210 Von Nuys Blvd Van Nuys, CA 91402-4805 Bienvenido a ta familia de Servicios Prepagados de Popular Prepaid, Es un honor y un placer para nosotros el encargarnos de esta parte importante de su negocio. Tomamos muy en serio la responsabilidad de proporcionarle servicios de procesamiento prepagado sin molestias ni problemas, Usted puede tener acceso a su cuenta virtual introduciendo los vinculos siguientes en su explorador de web: hitos:/Avebpos pavspot.com/Login aspx ° www.venderprepaid.com “NOMBRE del USUARIO: 2waywireless *CONTRASENA Temporal: Rkbot7ne (Note por favor: Durante la primera vez que usted se conecte con su nombre de usuario y contrasefia ‘temporal, se le pediré crear una nueva contrasefia. Las contrasefias perdidas no pueden ser recuperadas. Las contrasefias se pueden reiniciar con un proceso similar, ordenando una nueva contrasefia. La nueva contrasefia debe tener la primera letra maydscula y terminar con un numero) Popular Prepaid 14416 Victory Blvd suite 104° Van Nuys CA 91401 ‘Tot: (918)-989-4718 = Toll Free (888)-770-3928 - Fax: (888)-770-2927 nw. popularorepaid.com Ty POPULAR it4aPREPAID INFORMES EI 180 (Back Office u Oficina de Atrds) es la fuente de seguimiento central para todos sus negocios con PaySpot. Todas las transacciones financieras, informes de seguimiento de ventas, y mucho mas se hacen a través del 180. jackoff aySpol m “NOMBRE del USUARIO: 2waywireless *CONTRASENA Temporal: 91402 Esperamos que no sean necesarios, pero le estamos proporcionado los niimeros de teléfono que usted podria necesitar para estar en contacto con nuestros departamentos de servicio. Tenemos personal de servicio de atencién a clientes disponible los 24/7 para asegurarse de que su procesamiento siga en marcha. Nuestro personal local de mantenimiento de clientes esta disponible de lunes a viernes para contestar sus preguntas y manejar cualquier actualizaci6n o cambio que usted pueda tener respecto a su cuenta. Si usted necesita ayuda, lame por favor a uno de los niimeros siguientes: Nuestro departamento de atencién a clientes estd en servicio las 24 horas al dia, 365 dias al afio para proveerle ayuda. EI numero gratis es 1-800-983-9385. El departamento local de atencién a clientes est de mantenimiento de cuenta al 1-818-989-4718. isponible para todas sus actualizaciones De nuevo, bienvenido y gracias por ser un cliente de Popular Prepaid. Popular Propatd 414816 Victory Blvd Suite 104" Van Nuys CA 91401 ‘Tot: (818)-989-4718 * Toll Froe (B88)-770-2026 * Fax: (888)-770-0927 eww popularprepaid.com

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