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27/2/23, 0:00 Quiz Unit 2 (CALIFICABLE): Revisión del intento

Página Principal Mis cursos Educación Continuada 23I01 INGLÉS GENERAL - VIRTUAL NACIONAL

BLOQUE UNICO 1 A1I01/50116/23I01/B4/IV001/IN001 Unit 2 Quiz Unit 2 (CALIFICABLE)

Comenzado el domingo, 26 de febrero de 2023, 23:36

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en domingo, 26 de febrero de 2023, 23:58
Tiempo 21 minutos 24 segundos
Puntos 12.00/15.00
Calificación 4.00 de 5.00 (80%)

Pregunta 1

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the correct plural form for each word:

My friend and I like to go to _____ .

Seleccione una:
a. partys
b. parties
c. partyes

Pregunta 2

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the correct conjugation of to be for each sentence.

I _____ from Argentina.

Seleccione una:
a. amn’t
b. am not 1/7
27/2/23, 0:00 Quiz Unit 2 (CALIFICABLE): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 3


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the correct plural form of the sentence.

The cat is on the roof.

Seleccione una:
a. The cats are on the roof.
b. The cats is on the roof.
c. The cat are on the room.

Pregunta 4


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Choose a/an in the blanks as it corresponds. (Poner a / an en cada espacio para completar)

This is my living room. That is _ a _ TV Set and over there, there is _ an _ elephant’s figure. Also, there is _ a
_ book shelf

Pregunta 5

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Choose the sentence that is in the correct interrogative form.

Mike is from Miami.

Seleccione una:
a. Is from Miami Mike?
b. Is Mike Miami from?
c. Is Mike from Miami? 2/7
27/2/23, 0:00 Quiz Unit 2 (CALIFICABLE): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 6


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to the following audios and choose the correct one you hear.

Seleccione una:
a. A cat is on the sofa
b. The cat is on the sofa
c. A cat is in the sofa

Pregunta 7

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to the next audio and complete with the correct subject pronoun and conjugation of the verb to be.

____ ____ my friend.

Seleccione una:
a. She is
b. She as
c. She are

Pregunta 8

Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to the next audio and complete with the correct subject pronoun and conjugation of the verb to be.

_____ _____ my teammates.

Seleccione una:
a. They are not
b. They are
c. They isn’t 3/7
27/2/23, 0:00 Quiz Unit 2 (CALIFICABLE): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 9


Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to the following audio and give a short answer to each question. Keep in mind punctuation and
capitalization. Remember not to put spaces at the beginning or end of your answer.

Is he a painter? Not, he is .

Pregunta 10

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Listen to the following audios and choose the correct one you hear.

Seleccione una:
a. Is she an lawyer?
b. Is she a lawyer?
c. Is he a player? 4/7
27/2/23, 0:00 Quiz Unit 2 (CALIFICABLE): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 11


Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Read the following text and choose the correct answer for the question.

A cat is at the park with its friends. They are waiting for others to come. Eventually, lots of them are in the park just
hanging around.

Are there cats in the park?

Seleccione una:
a. Yes, there are.
b. No, there aren’t.

Pregunta 12

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Read the following text and choose the correct answer for the question.
A cat is at the park with its friends. They are waiting for others to come. Eventually, lots of them are in the park just
hanging around.

Is one cat hanging around in the park alone?

Seleccione una:
a. No, he isn’t.
b. No, it isn’t.

Pregunta 13

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Read the following text and choose the correct answer for the question.

Jim is a student at the University of Memphis. Mike, Jim’s friend, is also a student at that University. They are both
24 years old.

Is Jim the same age as Mike?

Seleccione una:
a. No, he isn’t.
b. Yes, he is. 5/7
27/2/23, 0:00 Quiz Unit 2 (CALIFICABLE): Revisión del intento

Pregunta 14


Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 1.00

Read the following text and choose the correct answer for the question.

For Christmas, Maria buys presents for her family. For the ladies, the present is a scarf and for the gentlemen, the
present is a watch.

The presents for the ladies are ________.

Seleccione una:
a. Scarves
b. Scarfes

Pregunta 15

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Read the following text and choose the correct answer for the question.
Jim is a student at the University of Memphis. Mike, Jim’s friend, is also a student at that University. They are both
24 years old.

Are they students of the same University?

Seleccione una:
a. No, they aren’t.
b. Yes, they are.

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◄ Pronunciation activity 5 (No calificable)

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27/2/23, 0:00 Quiz Unit 2 (CALIFICABLE): Revisión del intento

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