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original products

product improvements

New product development product modif ications

new brands developed

New product development f rom f irm's own research & development

Overestimation of market size

Poor design

Incorrect positioning

Wrong timing

New product f ailure (9 reasons) Priced too high

Inef f ective promotion

Management inf luence

High development costs


Internal sources
1 Idea generation
External sources

2 Idea screening

Product idea

Product concept
3 Concept development and testing
Product image

Concept testing

Part 1
+ Description of target market
Developing new products and + Product positioning, sales, market share, prof ir goals
The new product development
managing the product life cycle process (8 stages)
4 Marketing strategy development Part 2: Price distribution and budget

Part 3: Long-term sales, prof it goals, marketing mix


5 Business analysis

6 Product development

Standard test markets

7 T est marketing Controlled test markets

Simulated test markets

8 Commercialisation


Managing new product
T eam-based


Introduction stage

Growth stage
Product life-cycle strategies
Maturity stage

Decline stage

Product decisions and social responsibility

Additional product and service considerations
International product and service marketing

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