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Bojonegoro,23 Oktober 2023

HRD Manager
Bank Bank Central Asia
Bojonegoro Branch Office
Jl. Mastrip No.72, Ledok Wetan,

Dear HRD Manager

in connection with the information I got from social media, that the BCA Bank Bojonegoro
branch office is currently opening job vacancies for the position of teller. So I sign below:
Name : Tania Putri Irawan
Place/date of birth : Bojonegoro,23 June 2003
Adress : Jl. Kh Mansyur, Bojonegoro
Education : S1 accounting education
Phone : 085692533245
I am a person who easily adapts to new things. Even though I am a fresh graduate, with the
determination and work motivation that I have, I am sure that I will make a positive
contribution to the development and progress of the company.
I encloshed here are:
1. photocopy of KTP
2. Curriculum vitae
3. Photocopy of last diploma
4. photocopy of grades transcript
5. Paste the latest photo size 4 x6
6. photocopy of SKCK
I really hope to join as one of the tellers at BCA Bank at the Bojonegoro branch office. Thank
you for your attention

Hormat saya,

Tania Putri Irawan

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