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An adaptive deep learning model to differentiate syndromes of infectious

fever in smart medicine

Zhuo Liu, Changchuan Bai, Hang Yu, Ying Zhu, Taihua Wu, Fanyu Bu

PII: S0167-739X(19)32184-3
Reference: FUTURE 5221

To appear in: Future Generation Computer Systems

Received date : 15 August 2019

Revised date : 21 September 2019
Accepted date : 27 September 2019

Please cite this article as: Z. Liu, C. Bai, H. Yu et al., An adaptive deep learning model to
differentiate syndromes of infectious fever in smart medicine, Future Generation Computer
Systems (2019), doi:

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Journal Pre-proof

An Adaptive Deep Learning Model to Differentiate Syndromes of

Infectious Fever in Smart Medicine
Zhuo Liua,∗, Changchuan Baib,∗, Hang Yuc,∗, Ying Zhua,∗∗, Taihua Wua , Fanyu Bud
The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian, 116000, China.

Dalian Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dalian, China.
Department of Computer Science, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, B2G 2W5, Canada.
College of Computer and Information Management, Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics, Hohhot,

Recently, smart medicine has been considered as a promising technique to treat the intractable
diseases by combining deep learning techniques with medical Internet of Things. As an important
component in the integration of traditional and western medicine, smart medicine is particularly
effective to treat infectious fever. Before the cause of infectious fever diseases is ascertained, the
Chinese medicine intervention is able to alleviating symptoms and strive for time for the causes
detection. However, accurate syndrome differentiation, a difficult issue in infectious fever, is the
premise of the Chinese medicine intervention. This work presents a possible adaptive deep learn-

ing model by integrating an adaptive dropout function into the stacked auto-encoder for computer-
aided syndrome differentiation in infective fever. Moreover, we summarize the main syndromes
and prescriptions in infectious fever. This work is expected to further the development of smart
medicine, especially smart Chinese medicine. More importantly, it points out a novel research
direction and medical technique in the treatment of infectious fever in clinic.
Keywords: Smart medicine, Medical Internet of Things, Deep learning, Infectious fever

1. Introduction and reliable medical services by combining

medical techniques, artificial intelligence, big
At present, more and more wearable devices
data, cloud computing, and medical Internet of
are being developed such as bracelet, watch,
Things [5,6,7]. In the past two years, smart
wristband, and glasses and they are increas-
medicine, especially smart Chinese medicine,
ing the evolution of medical Internet of Things
has been presented and obtained several suc-
[1,2]. With the rapid proliferation of medical
cessful applications. For example, Zhang et al.

Internet of Things, smart medicine has made

[8] presented a unified smart Chinese medicine
remarkable progress [3,4]. In particular, smart
framework for computer-aided syndrome dif-
medicine was explored to offer the pervasive
ferentiation and prescription recommendation
on the edge-cloud computing platform. In ad-

Zhuo Liu, Changchuan Bai, and Hang Yu are the
co-first authors.
dition, they proposed to use two deep learning
Corresponding author: Ying Zhu. models for syndrome differentiation in hyper-
Preprint submitted to Future Generation Computer Systems September 20, 2019
Journal Pre-proof

tension and spleen-stomach diseases [9,10]. al Chinese medicine is neccessary. In addition,

Currently, smart Chinese medicine is a there are more and more cases of fever of un-
significant component in the integration of known origin in the infectious fever at present
traditional Chinese medicine with western [16,17]. A lot of clinical experience shows that
medicine for treating infectious fever. Infec- the integration of traditional Chinese medicine
tious fever is caused by the invasion of various and western medicine is one of the most im-
pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, my- portant ways for treating the fever of unknown

coplasma, chlamydia, rickettsia, spirochetes, origin. In particular, during the examination
and malaria [11]. In particular, the fever may of pathogens, the traditional Chinese medicine
occur in the acute or chronic, localized or sys- can be used to alleviate symptoms by bring-
ing down the fever. Therefore, the Chinese

temic infection. From the point of view of
pathogenesis, the metabolites of pathogenic medicine is playing an important role in treat-
microorganisms or their toxins act on white ing the infectious fever, especially the fever of
blood cells to produce and release endogenous unknown origin, in the integration of tradition-
heat sources. Their molecular weight is so s- al Chinese medicine and western medicine.
mall that they can directly act on the body tem- The theory of traditional Chinese medicine
perature regulation center through the blood- states that the toxin is caused by fever. Based
brain barrier. In this case, the temperature reg- on a large volume of clinic experience, we
ulation point is raised, thus causing fever. In- put forward a new theory of infectious fever,
fectious fever is seriously threatening human which states that fever is caused by toxin. In
health. For example, during the past few years, detail, the pathogenesis of the fever comes
a large number of enterococci which can re- from four respects. Firstly, the invasion of cold

sist carbon, hydrogen, enzymes, and alkene causes the occlusion of Xuanfu, and thus lead-
have emerged since the abuse of antibiotics ing to fever. Secondly, the external toxin is
such as mepem and imiperem destroys the mi- latent in the body and then produces the fever.
croecological balance in the intestine [12,13]. Thirdly, toxin fever is caused by implication of
In particular, the infection of the enterococ- evil Qi and plague. Finally, the fever is caused
ci may cause septicemia when the enterococ- by internal toxin. Furthermore, we put forward

ci enters the blood. Moreover, the enterococ- a new theory for syndrome differentiation and
ci often leads to sepsis when it infects two or treatment for infectious fever, the location by

more human organs. Antagonism is the main three cardinal guides and zang-fu viscera, the
method of Western medicine in treating in- qualitative analysis by two-izations and qi and
fectious fever. For example, tigecycline and blood, and the tendency determining by four
polymyxin are usually used to treat the infec- stages with deficiency and excess. In detail,
tion of the enterococci [14,15]. However, they three cardinal guides includes exterior, interi-
are not always effective. In this case, the infec- or, and smi-exterior-interior, and zang-fu vis-
tion of the enterococci will result in the death. cera include heart and small intestine, lung and

The speed of research and development of new large intestine, spleen and stomach, liver and
effective antibiotics is far behind that of bac- gallbladder, kidney and bladder, and pericardi-
terial mutation. When no effective antibiotics um by heat and sanjiao. Two-izations include
can be developed to treat the infection of mu- cold and heat, and qi and blood states the qifen
tant bacteria, human life is seriously threat- and xuefen differentiation of infectious fever.
ened. In this case, the intervention of tradition- Four stages include latent stage, early stage,
Journal Pre-proof

obvious stage of symptoms, and termination fectious fever in the traditional Chinese
stage. Moreover, each stage is divided into d- medicine. The presented theory is three-
eficiency syndrome and excess syndrome. By fold: (1) fever being caused by toxin; (2)
this theory, the Chinese medicine aims to coor- the location by three cardinal guides and
dinate yin and yang. For example, the Chinese zang-fu viscera, the qualitative analysis
medicine restores ecological balance in intes- by two-izations and qi and blood, and the
tine by coordination yin and yang for treating tendency determining by four stages with

the invasion of enterococci. By the compre- deficiency and excess; (3) four therapeu-
hensive application of Treatise on Epidemic tic methods of sweating, dispersing, purg-
Febrile Diseases and Treatise on Febrile Dis- ing, and preventing for treating infectious
eases, we put forward four therapeutic meth- fever.

ods of sweating, dispersing, purging, and pre-
venting for bringing down the fever • We present a promising deep learning
Syndrome differentiation is the premise and model that integrates an adaptive func-
core of the Chinese medicine [18] for treating tion into the stacked auto-encoder for au-
the infectious fever. However, it is hard for the tomatical computer-aided syndrome dif-
traditional Chinese medicine to accurately dif- ferentiation of infectious fever.
ferentiate the syndromes of the infectious fever • We summarize the main syndromes of in-
because of the complexity of the infectious fectious fever by two methods of syn-
fever. On the one hand, the infectious fever drome differentiation that are sanjiao syn-
has many different syndromes. On the oth- drome differentiation and syndrome d-
er one hand, some different syndromes have ifferentiation by weifen, qifen, yingfen,

the similar symptoms, which poses a great and xuefen.

challenge on syndrome differentiation. Smart
Chinese medicine provides a new solution for The paper is organized into four sections in
syndrome differentiation by integrating vari- the following. Section 2 presents the related
ous machine learning techniques into the tra- work on smart Chinese medicine and Section
ditional Chinese medicine. In this work, we 3 describes the proposed deep learning mod-

present a promising deep learning model by el. The main syndromes of infectious fever are
combining an adaptive dropout function with summarized in Section 4 and the future work

the stacked auto-encoder for syndrome differ- is discussed in Section 5.

entiation of the infectious fever in the future
work. The adaptive dropout function is used
2. Related Work
to set the activation of neurons in each hidden
layer of the deep learning model. To validate Smart Chinese medicine was developed to
the presented model, we summarize the main offer the computer-aided syndrome differen-
syndromes of the infectious fever. This work tiation and prescription recommendation by

is expected to further the development of the combining data mining, machine learning,
smart Chinese medicine. cloud computing, and medical Internet of
Overall, the paper has three contributions: Things with the theory of the traditional Chi-
nese medicine. In particular, data mining and
• We put forward a new theory for syn- machine learning are used to mine and sum-
drome differentiation and treatment of in- marize the successful clinic experience of a
Journal Pre-proof

large number of experts in traditional Chinese layer is responsible for uploading the patien-
medicine. Once the clinic experience is mod- t’s symptoms to the cloud layer. Most algo-
eled and parameterized, the young or unex- rithms and models are implemented on cloud
perienced doctors of the traditional Chinese for syndrome differentiation and prescription
medicine can be helped with syndrome differ- recommendation or re-organization. In addi-
entiation and prescription recommendation, e- tion, the main companied symptoms are rec-
specially for the difficult and complicated dis- ognized and the prescription re-organization is

eases. Moreover, smart Chinese medicine pro- also implemented on cloud.
vides a bridge for the treatment of complex From the framework, syndrome differentia-
diseases by the integration of traditional Chi- tion is the fundamental step for implementing
nese medicine with western medicine. In par- the smart Chinese medicine. In particular, a

ticular, with the smart Chinese medicine plat- stacked auto-encoder was presented for poten-
form, the doctors without the experience in the tial syndrome differentiation of hypertension
traditional Chinese medicine can differentiate which is a common disease all over the world.
the syndromes and write a prescription by the The stacked auto-encoder is composed of two
theory of the traditional Chinese medicine. hidden layers, as shown in Figure 2 [9].
Zhang et al. [8] presented a unified smart
Chinese medicine framework for computer-
aided syndrome differentiation and prescrip-
tion recommendation based on the edge-cloud
platform, as shown in Figure 1.
a lP

Figure 2: The stacked auto-encoder for syndrome dif-

ferentiation of hypertension.

Each layer is an auto-encoder, as shown in

Figure 3.
The auto-encoder is defined by the follow-
ing forward pass:
Figure 1: The unified smart Chinese medicine frame-
h = fθ (W (1) x + b(1) ). (1)


The framework consists of three layers in-

y = gθ (W (2) h + b(2) ). (2)
cluding the edge layer, the network layer, and
the cloud layer. In the edge layer, the pa- The parameters of each auto-encoder are
tient’s symptoms are collected by inquiry and trained by the back-propagation algorithm
tongue inspection are collected. The network [19].
Journal Pre-proof

leads to the stagnation such as qi stagnation,

blood stagnation, and dampness stagnation,
and thus causing the spleen-stomach diseases.
Furthermore, Zhang et al. [10] pointed out the
most promising deep learning models includ-
ing multi-modal deep learning model and deep
computation model for syndrome differentia-

tion of spleen-stomach diseases, shown in Fig-
ure 4 and Figure 5.
Figure 3: Example of an auto-encoder.

Furthermore, the authors summarized the
main symptoms and the companied symptom-
s of each syndrome of hypertension. Overal-
l, the primary symptoms of hypertension are
vertigo and headache. In detail, five common
syndromes of hypertension are the stagnation
of liver qi with the primary symptoms, liv-
er fire flaring up with the primary symptom-
s and dysphoria, upper hyperactivity of liv-
er yang with the primary symptoms and two

main symptoms of soreness and weakness of Figure 4: Example of a multi-modal deep learning mod-
waist and knees and dysphoria with feverish
sensation in chest, palms and soles, deficien-
cy of yin and yang with the primary symptoms
and fear of cold and cold limbs, and abundant
phlegm-dampness with the primary symptom-

s and oppression in chest, and vomiting. The

corresponding primary prescriptions for each

syndrome of hypertension are xiaochaihu de-

coction, longdan xiegan decoction, yiguan de-
coction, qiju dihuang decoction, and wendan
decoction. Other commonly added Chinese
herbs were summarized in this work.
Moreover, Zhang et al. [10] summarized the
promising deep learning models for syndrome

differentiation of spleen-stomach diseases. In

particular, they put forward the theory of
spleen-stomach diseases caused by stagnation.
The theory states the etiology and pathogen- Figure 5: Example of a deep computation model.
esis of the spleen-stomach diseases in modern
times. In detail, excessive eating and sedentary
Journal Pre-proof

3. Potential Deep Learning Model for

Syndrome Differentiation of Infectious 
 1− ∫l (l− n )2
Fever √1
exp(− 2σ22 )dl n = 2k
σ 2π
y= ∫l (l− n+1
 1− √1 exp(− 2
)dl n = 2k + 1
σ 2π −∞ 2σ 2
In this section, we present a potential (4)
deep learning model for computer-aided syn- This distribution function is also monotoni-

drome differentiation of infectious fever by cally decreasing and its values are also in (0,1).
integrating an adaptive dropout function into This function has been proved to be effective
the stacked auto-encoder. The stacked auto- to reduce the over-fitting of the deep compu-
encoder is a promising model for syndrome tation model. More importantly, the adaptive

differentiation in smart Chinese medicine. dropout deep computation model based on this
However, it often produces the over-fitting distribution function has achieved a high clas-
when it is used for classification in complex sification accuracy in some experiments.
tasks. Aiming at this issue, Hinton et al. [20] Therefore, we integrate the distribution
proposed a dropout model by setting the acti- function into the stacked auto-encoder to
vation rate of each neuron in the hidden layer- present an adaptive dropout stacked auto-
s to 0.5. Although the dropout model could encoder which can be viewed as a special
reduce the over-fitting of the stacked auto- case of the adaptive dropout deep computa-
encoder, it cannot always obtain the desirable tion model. Figure 6 shows an example of the
classification results since it always setts the dropout stacked auto-encoder.
same activation rate in each hidden layer. To

improve the classification accuracy, Bu et al.

[21] proposed an adaptive distribution function
to set the activation rate in different hidden lay-
ers. Let l denote the layer position and the ac-
tivation rate y of each neuron in the l-th hidden
layer is defined by:

y{ = f (l) =
−0.1l + 0.05n + 0.5 n = 2k(k = 1, 2, ...) ,
−0.1l + 0.05n + 0.55 n = 2k − 1(k = 1, 2, ...)
where n is the total number of layers. Clearly,
the distribution function is monotonically de-
creasing and its values are always in (0,1).

More recently, Zhang et al. [22] proposed

another adaptive distribution function to set Figure 6: Example of the dropout stacked auto-encoder.
the activation rate of each neuron in their pro-
posed deep computation model. In particular, In particular, the l-th hidden layer in the
the activation rate y of the neuron in the l-th adaptive dropout deep computation model is
layer is defined by: shown in Figure 7.
Journal Pre-proof

Algorithm 1: Adaptive Back-propagation.

Input: Training
{ set, η, threshold }
Output: θ = W , b ; W (2) , b(2)
(1) (1)

1 y = f (l);
2 for trainingobject = 1, 2, ..., M do
Figure 7: The l-th hidden layer in adaptive dropout deep
3 for j = 1, 2, 3, ...m do
computation model.

4 Use Eq.(1) to compute hi ;
5 Use Eq.(4) to compute y;
The parameters of each layer in the adaptive
6 mark{i} = rand(size(h) > y);
dropout stacked auto-encoder are trained by
7 h = h · ∗mark{i};
the adaptive back-propagation algorithm de-
8 for i = 1, 2, 3, ..., n do
scribed in Algorithm 1.
9 Use Eq.(2) to compute yi ;
In the adaptive back-propagation algorithm,
the output of each hidden and output neuron 10 if J(θ) > threshold then
is computed on line 3-9, and the partial deriva- 11 for i = 1, 2, 3, ..., n do
tives are computed by the back-propagation al- 12 Compute σi [ ];
gorithm on lines 11-23. Finally, the parameter- 13 for j = 1, 2, 3, ...m do
s are updated by the gradient descent method (2)
Compute σj [13];

on lines 25-26.
15 σ (2) = σ (2) ·
∗[ones(size(σ (2) , 1), 1)mark{i}];
4. Common Syndromes of Infectious Fever
16 for i = 1, 2, 3, ..., n do
(2) (2) (3)
In this paper, we summarize the common 17 ∆bi = ∆bi + σi ;
syndromes of the infectious fever by the syn- 18 for j = 1, 2, 3, ...m do

(2) (2) (3)

drome differentiation of weifen, qifen, y- 19 ∆wij = ∆wij + hj · σi ;
ingfen, and xuefen. In particular, there are t-

wo common weifen syndromes namely wind- 20 for j = 1, 2, 3, ...m do

(1) (1) (2)
heat invading wei and wind-cold invading wei 21 ∆bj = ∆bj + σj ;
and there are five common qifen syndromes in- 22 for i = 1, 2, 3, ..., n do
(1) (1) (2)
cluding heat pathogen invading lung, heat in 23 ∆wji = ∆wji + xi · σj ;
chest and diaphragm, heat stagnation in gall-
bladder, heat invading lung and stomach, and 24 //Gradient Descent
heat pathogen in intestines. Four common y- 25 W = W − η × ( M1 ∆W );

ingfen syndromes are heat injuring yingyin, 26 b = b − η × ( M1 ∆b);

invasion of pericardium by heat, heat blocking
heart-mind, and internal blockade and external
collapse, and five common xuefen syndromes
are bleeding due to blood heat, flaring heat in
qifen and xuefen, stirring of wind due to liver-
Journal Pre-proof

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Table 1: Primary prescription for each syndrome of the infectious fever.
Syndrome of infectious fever Primary prescription

wind-heat invading wei yinqiao powder or sangju drink
wind-cold invading wei daqionglong decoction
exuberance of lung heat mahuang xingren gancao shigao decoc-
lung-heat and fu-viscera excess xuanbai chengqi decoction
heat lying depressed in the chest and di- zhizichi decoction
heat burning in chest and diaphragm liangge powder
heat stagnation in gallbladder huangqin decoction with soybean sauce
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heat invading lung and stomach baihu decoction
heat binding in intestine tiaoweichengqi decoction

intestinal heat and diarrhea gegenqinlian decoction

heat injuring yingyin qingying decoction
invasion of pericardium by heat qinggong decoction
heat blocking heart-mind qinggong decoction with angong ni-
uhuang pills or zhibao mini-pills
internal blockade and external collapse shenfu decoction or shengmai powder

with angong niuhuang pills or zhibao


bleeding due to blood heat xijiao dihuang decoction

flaring heat in qifen and xuefen qingwenbaidu decoction
stirring of wind due to liver-heat lingjiaogouteng decoction
blood-heat injuring yin qinghao biejia decoction
heat mixing with blood taoren chengqi decoction

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Journal Pre-proof
Zhuo Liu obtained her B. M. degree from Dalian Medical University, China, in
2009. She is working towards her doctoral degree at Dalian Medical University.
Her research interest is Lung Cancer Fundamentals and Clinic.

Changchuan Bai is currently a chief physician in Dalian Hospital of Traditional

Chinese Medicine, China, and a guest professor in Beijing University of Chinese
Medicine. He is one of the first famous Chinese medicine doctors in China. His
research interests include Exogenous Fever Disease, Classical Prescriptions, and
Smart Chinese Medicine.

Hang Yu is is working towards the B. Sc. honours degree in Computer Science at
the Department of Computer Science in St. Francis Xavier University, Canada. His
research interests include Deep Learning and Smart Medicine.

Ying Zhu is currently a full professor at the First Affiliated Hospital of

Dalian Medical University. Her research interests include Infectious fever and

Smart Medicine.

Taihua Wu obtained his B. M. degree from Dalian Medical University, China, in

1993, and his Ph. D degree from Dalian Medical University, China, in 2001. He is
currently a full professor in Dalian Medical University, China. His research
interests include Respiration and Lung Cancer.
Journal Pre-proof
Fanyu Bu is currently an assistant professor at Inner Mongolia University of
Finance and Economics. His research interests include Deep Learning and Internet
of Things.

a lP
Journal Pre-proof
The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.

a lP
Journal Pre-proof
An adaptive deep learning for syndrome differentiation in infectious fever.
Main syndromes of infectious fever are summarized.
An adaptive dropout function is investigated to improve the effectiveness of
deep learning.

a lP

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