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MATH F342 (Differential Geometry)

Dr. Sangita Yadav

Department of Mathematics
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, Rajasthan
Lecture 12
February 05, 2024

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Section 1.13
Tangent Surfaces, Involutes and

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Tangent Surface to a Curve
The tangent surface the curve ⃗r is the union of all
tangent lines to ⃗r(s) at all its points (also called tangent

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Tangent Surface to a Curve
The tangent surface the curve ⃗r is the union of all
tangent lines to ⃗r(s) at all its points (also called tangent

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Tangent Surface to a Curve
The tangent surface the curve ⃗r is the union of all
tangent lines to ⃗r(s) at all its points (also called tangent

Tangent line at ⃗r(s) is

R(u, s) = ⃗r(s) + u⃗r ′ (s).
As u and s both vary, we get the
tangent surface. The image of
the curve u = u(s) in us-plane
gives a curve
⃗r1 (s) = ⃗r(s) + u(s)⃗r ′ (s).
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An involute of ⃗r is a curve on the tangent surface of ⃗r
which meets all generating lines orthogonally (at the
corresponding points).

If ⃗r1 (s) denotes the position vector on the involute C1 of
a curve C corresponding to its point ⃗r(s), then
⃗r1 (s) = ⃗r(s) + (c − s)⃗t(s) for a constant c (Here s is an
arc length parameter of ⃗r(s)).

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Applications of Involute

Gear industries – To make teeth for two revolving

machines and gears.
Scroll compressing and Gas Compressing – These
are made in this shape to reduce noise and to make
them efficient.

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Curvature and Torsion of an Involute

For an involute ⃗c(s) for a regular path ⃗r(s) of class
m ⩾ 2,

τ 2 + κ2 κτ ′ − κ′ τ
κ⃗c = , τ⃗c = .
κ|c − s| κ(c − s)(τ 2 + κ2 )

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Curvature and Torsion of an Involute

For an involute ⃗c(s) for a regular path ⃗r(s) of class
m ⩾ 2,

τ 2 + κ2 κτ ′ − κ′ τ
κ⃗c = , τ⃗c = .
κ|c − s| κ(c − s)(τ 2 + κ2 )

Involute of a circular helix is a plane curve.

If the involute of a curve is a plane curve then the
curve is a general helix.
Involute of a cycloid is a cycloid.

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If C̃ is an involute of C then C is called evolute of C̃.

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If C̃ is an involute of C then C is called evolute of C̃.

Let ⃗r(s) be a regular curve of class m ⩾ 2 with an arc
length parameter s and non-vanishing curvature. Then
its evolute is given by

⃗r1 (s) = ⃗r(s) + ρ(s)⃗n(s) + ρ(s) cot(ψ(s) + c)⃗b(s),

where c is constant and ψ(s) = τ (s) ds.

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Lecture 13
February 06, 2024

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⃗r(s) has infinitely many evolutes, as c is an arbitrary

For a plane curve, τ = 0, hence choosing c′ = 0,
tan(ψ + c′ ) = 0. Thus for a plane curve, one of the
evolutes is the locus of the centers of the curvatures.

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Find involutes and evolutes of ⃗r(t) = (3t, 3t2 , 2t3 ).
Ans. Involute:

⃗ 2 3 c − (3t + 2t3 )
R(t) = (3t, 3t , 2t ) + 2
(1, 2t, 2t2 ).
1 + 2t

⃗ 2 3 3(1 + 2t2 )2 1
R1 (t) =(3t, 3t , 2t ) + 2
(−2t, 1 − 2t2 , 2t)
2 1 + 2t
3(1 + 2t ) 2 2 √ −1

+ 2
cot( 2 tan ( 2t) + c)(2t2 , −2t, 1).
2(1 + 2t )
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The tangents to two different evolutes corresponding to
two constants c1 and c2 drawn from the same point of
the given curve are inclined to each other at a constant
angle c1 − c2 .

r⃗1 = ⃗r + ρ⃗n + ρ cot(ψ + c)⃗b.
and ψ = τ ds ⇒ ψ ′ = τ. We shall find unit tangents
vectors ⃗t1c1 and ⃗tc12 corresponding to two constants c1 and
c2 on the evolute and then find the angle between them
using ⃗tc11 · ⃗tc12 = cos θ.
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Chapter 2
The First Fundamental Form and Local Intrinsic
Properties of a Surface

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Surface in R3
Definition (Implicit form)
A surface is defined as set of all solutions of F (x, y, z) = 0.
S = {(x, y, z)R3 : F (x, y, z) = 0}.

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Surface in R3
Definition (Implicit form)
A surface is defined as set of all solutions of F (x, y, z) = 0.
S = {(x, y, z)R3 : F (x, y, z) = 0}.

(In stead of R3 , we can consider solutions in an open subset of R3 .

To study S near a point P , we consider the solutions in some
neighbourhood of P ).

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Surface in R3
Definition (Implicit form)
A surface is defined as set of all solutions of F (x, y, z) = 0.
S = {(x, y, z)R3 : F (x, y, z) = 0}.

(In stead of R3 , we can consider solutions in an open subset of R3 .

To study S near a point P , we consider the solutions in some
neighbourhood of P ).

Definition (Parametric form)

For (independent) parameters u, v with (u, v) varying over a domain
D ⊂ R2 , a surface can be parametrically defined by
x = f (u, v), y = g(u, v), z = h(u, v) for some continuous real
valued functions f, g, h defined on D.
S = {(f (u, v), g(u, v), h(u, v)) : (u, v) ∈ D}.
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We say S is of class m if f, g, h are of class m i.e.
have continuous partials of order upto m.

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We say S is of class m if f, g, h are of class m i.e.
have continuous partials of order upto m.
Parameters u, v are called the curvilinear
coordinates or a parametric representation of the
corresponding point on S.

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We say S is of class m if f, g, h are of class m i.e.
have continuous partials of order upto m.
Parameters u, v are called the curvilinear
coordinates or a parametric representation of the
corresponding point on S.
A surface may not have unique parametric
From a parametric equation, by eliminating
parameters, we may get an implicit equation, but it
may give more points than the parametric surface.
For example S : x = u cosh v, y = u sinh v, z = u2 .
On elimination u, v, we get x2 − y 2 − z = 0 which
may contain points with z < 0.
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Parametric transformation
Suppose u, v and ũ, ṽ are two parametric representations
of the same surface. The transformation ũ = ϕ(u, v),
ṽ = ψ(u, v) is called a parametric transformation.

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Parametric transformation
Suppose u, v and ũ, ṽ are two parametric representations
of the same surface. The transformation ũ = ϕ(u, v),
ṽ = ψ(u, v) is called a parametric transformation.
Definition: A parametric transformation is called proper
if (i) ϕ, ψ are single valued, and (ii) The jacobian
determinant ∂(ϕ,ψ)
∂(u,v) ̸= 0 in some domain D.

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Parametric transformation
Suppose u, v and ũ, ṽ are two parametric representations
of the same surface. The transformation ũ = ϕ(u, v),
ṽ = ψ(u, v) is called a parametric transformation.
Definition: A parametric transformation is called proper
if (i) ϕ, ψ are single valued, and (ii) The jacobian
determinant ∂(ϕ,ψ)
∂(u,v) ̸= 0 in some domain D.
Remark The condition (i) ensures that there is a well
defined way to go from (u, v) to (ũ, ṽ). The inverse
function theorem of 2 variables ensures the map (ϕ, ψ) is
locally invertible, by (ii).

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Parametric transformation
Suppose u, v and ũ, ṽ are two parametric representations
of the same surface. The transformation ũ = ϕ(u, v),
ṽ = ψ(u, v) is called a parametric transformation.
Definition: A parametric transformation is called proper
if (i) ϕ, ψ are single valued, and (ii) The jacobian
determinant ∂(ϕ,ψ)
∂(u,v) ̸= 0 in some domain D.
Remark The condition (i) ensures that there is a well
defined way to go from (u, v) to (ũ, ṽ). The inverse
function theorem of 2 variables ensures the map (ϕ, ψ) is
locally invertible, by (ii).
Example: (u, v) → (eu cos v, eu sin v) is a proper
parametric transformation of the (u, v)-plane, but not
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Ordinary vs. singular points
Assume, for a position vector ⃗r = (x, y, z) of a point on
S, we have parameterization x = f (u, v), y = g(u, v),
z = h(u, v) where f, g, h have continuous partials of
required order. Write
⃗r(u, v) = (f (u, v), g(u, v), h(u, v)),
⃗r1 = (fu , gu , hu ), r2 = (fv , gv , hv ),
⃗r11 = (fuu , guu , huu ), ⃗r12 = (fuv , guv , huv ),
⃗r21 = (fvu , gvu , hvu ), ⃗r22 = (fvv , gvv , hvv ).

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Ordinary vs. singular points
Assume, for a position vector ⃗r = (x, y, z) of a point on
S, we have parameterization x = f (u, v), y = g(u, v),
z = h(u, v) where f, g, h have continuous partials of
required order. Write
⃗r(u, v) = (f (u, v), g(u, v), h(u, v)),
⃗r1 = (fu , gu , hu ), r2 = (fv , gv , hv ),
⃗r11 = (fuu , guu , huu ), ⃗r12 = (fuv , guv , huv ),
⃗r21 = (fvu , gvu , hvu ), ⃗r22 = (fvv , gvv , hvv ).
Alternately we write ⃗r1 = (x1 , y1 , z1 ), ⃗r2 = (x2 , y2 , z2 )
Definition: If ⃗r1 × ⃗r2 ̸= 0 at a point P of S then P is
called an ordinary point of S, otherwise P is called a
singularity of S.
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Alternate significance of ordinary point

î ĵ k̂ î ĵ k̂
⃗r1 × ⃗r2 = fu gu hu = x1 y1 z1 .
fv gv hv x2 y2 z2
Thus ⃗r(u0 , v0 ) is ordinary ifand only if some 2 × 2 minor
x y z
of J (x, y, z) = 1 1 1 at (u0 , v0 ) is nonzero i.e. if
x2 y2 z2
and only if J (x, y, z) at (u0 , v0 ) has rank 2.
⃗r(u0 , v0 ) is singular if and only if J (x, y, z) at (u0 , v0 )
has rank 0 or 1.

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Example of Singularity

Cone: ⃗r(u, v) = (u sin α cos v, u sin α sin v, u cos α),

−∞ < u < ∞, −∞ < v < ∞.

⃗r1 (u, v) = (sin α cos v, sin α sin v, cos α)

⃗r2 (u, v) = (−u sin α sin v, u sin α cos v, 0).

⃗r2 (0, 0) = ⃗0, hence ⃗r1 × ⃗r2 vanishes at (0, 0), thus
⃗r(0, 0) is a singularity.

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Another Example

Consider ⃗r = (u2 , u3 , v), (u, v) ∈ R2 .

⃗r1 =(2u, 3u2 , 0)

⃗r2 =(0, 0, 1).

Hence ⃗r1 × ⃗r2 = (3u2 , −2u, 0). Thus the singularities are
all points ⃗r(0, v).

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A proper parametric transformation carries an ordinary
point to an ordinary point.

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In the previous theorem, proper parametric
transformation is essential as indicated in the following
example. Consider (ϕ(r, θ), ψ(r, θ)) = (r cos θ, r sin θ) be
a parametric transformation for the parametric surface
⃗r(u, v) = (u, v, 0), −∞ < u < ∞, −∞ < v < ∞.
Here ⃗r1 = (1, 0, 0), ⃗r2 = (0, 1, 0),
∴ ⃗r1 × ⃗r2 = (0, 0, 1) ̸= 0. Thus all points of this surface
are ordinary. Now
⃗r ∗ S(r, θ) = ⃗r(ϕ(r, θ), ψ(r, θ)) = (r cos θ, r sin θ, 0).
So ⃗r1∗ = (cos θ, sin θ, 0), ⃗r2∗ = (−r sin θ, r cos θ, 0). Since
⃗r2∗ (0, θ) = ⃗0, hence ⃗r ∗ (0, θ) is singular for all θ.
(ϕ(r, θ), ψ(r, θ)) is not a proper parametric transformation.
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Surfaces covered by several parameterizations

Not all surfaces are covered by a single transformation.

Single parametrization is enough to cover the surface
near its point, but to study the whole surface, we may
require to consider several parametrization, union of
whose images is the surface S.
A representation of a surface S of class m in R3 is a
collection {Sj } of parts of S such that each Sj is given
by a single parametrization and on the overlap Si ∩ Sj ,
where both the parametrization work, the parametric
transformation is proper of class m.

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m-equivalence of representations.
Let R = {Si }, R′ = {Si′ } be two representations of a
surface S of class m. We say that R is m-equivalent to
R′ if whenever Si ∩ Sj′ ̸= ϕ, parametric transformation is
proper of class m.

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m-equivalence of representations.
Let R = {Si }, R′ = {Si′ } be two representations of a
surface S of class m. We say that R is m-equivalent to
R′ if whenever Si ∩ Sj′ ̸= ϕ, parametric transformation is
proper of class m.
Definition: A surface S of class m is a m-equivalence
class of representations of class m.

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m-equivalence of representations.
Let R = {Si }, R′ = {Si′ } be two representations of a
surface S of class m. We say that R is m-equivalent to
R′ if whenever Si ∩ Sj′ ̸= ϕ, parametric transformation is
proper of class m.
Definition: A surface S of class m is a m-equivalence
class of representations of class m.
Remark: To study properties of a surface, we can use a
suitable representation in that m-equivalence class (we
are interested in properties shared by m-equivalent
representations). To study the surface near a point, only
one parameterization whose image contains that point is
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Consider two representations S, S ′ of the xy-plane where

S is a parameterization ⃗r(u, v) = (u, v, 0) ∀ (u, v) and
S ′ is a parameterization
⃗r1 (r, θ) = (r cos θ, r sin θ, 0) ∀ (r, θ). These are not
√ as for the parametric transformation,
2 2
r = u + v not of class 1.

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Curves on a surface

Let ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) be the equation of a surface of class m

where u, v vary over a domain in the uv-plane. Let
u = u(t) and v = v(t) be a curve of class n lying in the
domain D of the uv-plane.

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Curves on a surface

Let ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) be the equation of a surface of class m

where u, v vary over a domain in the uv-plane. Let
u = u(t) and v = v(t) be a curve of class n lying in the
domain D of the uv-plane. Now consider
⃗r = ⃗r(u(t), v(t)). Then ⃗r gives the position vector of a
point in terms of a single parameter t so that
⃗r = ⃗r(u(t), v(t)) is a curve lying on a surface with class
equal to smaller of m and n. The equation u = u(t) and
v = v(t) are called curvilinear equations of the curve on
the surface.

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As a consequence of inverse function theorem, it can be

shown that near a regular point, any curve ⃗γ (t) whose
image lies in the image of ⃗r(u, v) can be represented as
⃗r(u(t), v(t)) for suitable functions u(t), v(t) of the same
class m.

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Parametric Curves

Let ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) be the given surface of class m. Let
v = c where c is an arbitrary constant. Then the position
vector ⃗r = ⃗r(u, c) is a function of a single parameter u
and hence ⃗r = ⃗r(u, c) represents a curve lying on the
surface ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v). This curve is called the parametric
curve v = constant. Simlarly, we get another family of
parametric curve, when u = constant.

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Properties of parametric curves
Through every point of the surface, there passes
one and only one parametric curve of each system.

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Properties of parametric curves
Through every point of the surface, there passes
one and only one parametric curve of each system.
No two curves of the same system intersect.

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Properties of parametric curves
Through every point of the surface, there passes
one and only one parametric curve of each system.
No two curves of the same system intersect.
The curves of the systeem u = u0 and v = v0
intersect once but not more than once if
(u0 , v0 ) ∈ D.

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Properties of parametric curves
Through every point of the surface, there passes
one and only one parametric curve of each system.
No two curves of the same system intersect.
The curves of the systeem u = u0 and v = v0
intersect once but not more than once if
(u0 , v0 ) ∈ D.
The parametric curves of the system u = c1 and
v = c2 cannot touch each other.
Tangent to the curve v = c in the direction of u
increasing is ⃗r1 = ∂u .
Tangent to the curve u = c in the direction of v
increasing is ⃗r2 = ∂v .
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Q. 3, Page - 158
Show that on the surface
⃗r(u, v) = (a(u + v), b(u − v), uv), parametric curves are
straight lines. (ab ̸= 0 is required).

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Q. 3, Page - 158
Show that on the surface
⃗r(u, v) = (a(u + v), b(u − v), uv), parametric curves are
straight lines. (ab ̸= 0 is required).

Sol. . ⃗r(u, c) = (a(u + c), b(u − c), cu), u ∈ R

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Q. 3, Page - 158
Show that on the surface
⃗r(u, v) = (a(u + v), b(u − v), uv), parametric curves are
straight lines. (ab ̸= 0 is required).

Sol. . ⃗r(u, c) = (a(u + c), b(u − c), cu), u ∈ R is a line

passing through ⃗r(0, c) = (ac, −bc, 0) with direction
ratios (a, b, c).

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Q. 3, Page - 158
Show that on the surface
⃗r(u, v) = (a(u + v), b(u − v), uv), parametric curves are
straight lines. (ab ̸= 0 is required).

Sol. . ⃗r(u, c) = (a(u + c), b(u − c), cu), u ∈ R is a line

passing through ⃗r(0, c) = (ac, −bc, 0) with direction
ratios (a, b, c).
Similarly ⃗r(c, v) = (a(c + v), b(c − v), cv), v ∈ R

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Q. 3, Page - 158
Show that on the surface
⃗r(u, v) = (a(u + v), b(u − v), uv), parametric curves are
straight lines. (ab ̸= 0 is required).

Sol. . ⃗r(u, c) = (a(u + c), b(u − c), cu), u ∈ R is a line

passing through ⃗r(0, c) = (ac, −bc, 0) with direction
ratios (a, b, c).
Similarly ⃗r(c, v) = (a(c + v), b(c − v), cv), v ∈ R is a line
passing through ⃗r(c, 0) = (ac, bc, 0) with direction ratios
(a, −b, c).

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Q. 3, Page - 158
Show that on the surface
⃗r(u, v) = (a(u + v), b(u − v), uv), parametric curves are
straight lines. (ab ̸= 0 is required).

Sol. . ⃗r(u, c) = (a(u + c), b(u − c), cu), u ∈ R is a line

passing through ⃗r(0, c) = (ac, −bc, 0) with direction
ratios (a, b, c).
Similarly ⃗r(c, v) = (a(c + v), b(c − v), cv), v ∈ R is a line
passing through ⃗r(c, 0) = (ac, bc, 0) with direction ratios
(a, −b, c).
The surface
 hyperbolic paraboloid (Horse saddle)
1 x2 y2
z = 4 a2 − b2 . It can be made by putting together
straight sticks (such surfaces are called ruled surfaces).
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Example 1(ii) Pg. 143

The hyperboloid of one sheet can be represented as

(u − v) (1 + uv) (uv − 1)
⃗r(u, v) = a ,b ,c .
u+v u+v u+v
Find the curves u = constant and v = constant.

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Example 1(ii) Pg. 143

The hyperboloid of one sheet can be represented as

(u − v) (1 + uv) (uv − 1)
⃗r(u, v) = a ,b ,c .
u+v u+v u+v
Find the curves u = constant and v = constant.

Sol. . It has parametric curves as a straight line. It is

2 2 2
also a level surface xa2 + yb2 − zc2 = 1.

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Hyperboloid of one sheet

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Let u = c1 and v = c2 . When the constants c1 and c2
vary, the whole surface is covered with a net of
parametric curves, two of which pass through every
point, (u, v) are called the curvilinear coordinates of P .
The parametric curves are called coordinate curves.

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Let u = c1 and v = c2 . When the constants c1 and c2
vary, the whole surface is covered with a net of
parametric curves, two of which pass through every
point, (u, v) are called the curvilinear coordinates of P .
The parametric curves are called coordinate curves.

Two parametric curves through a point P are said to be
orthogonal if ⃗r1 · ⃗r2 = 0 at P. If this condition is satisfied
at every point (u, v) of the domain, than the two system
of parametric curves are orthogonal.
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Tangent Plane
Let ⃗r = ⃗r(u(t), v(t)) be a general curve lying on the
surface passing through (u(t), v(t)). Then the tangent
to the curve at any point P on the surface is
d⃗r ∂⃗r du ∂⃗r dv du dv
= + = ⃗r1 + r⃗2 .
dt ∂u dt ∂v dt dt dt

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Tangent Plane
Let ⃗r = ⃗r(u(t), v(t)) be a general curve lying on the
surface passing through (u(t), v(t)). Then the tangent
to the curve at any point P on the surface is
d⃗r ∂⃗r du ∂⃗r dv du dv
= + = ⃗r1 + r⃗2 .
dt ∂u dt ∂v dt dt dt

Tangent to any curve drawn on a surface is called a
tangent line to the surface.

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Tangent Plane
Let ⃗r = ⃗r(u(t), v(t)) be a general curve lying on the
surface passing through (u(t), v(t)). Then the tangent
to the curve at any point P on the surface is
d⃗r ∂⃗r du ∂⃗r dv du dv
= + = ⃗r1 + r⃗2 .
dt ∂u dt ∂v dt dt dt

Tangent to any curve drawn on a surface is called a
tangent line to the surface.The tangents to different
curves through P on a surface lie in a plane containing
two independent vectors ⃗r1 and ⃗r2 . This plane is called
tangent plane at P .
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Tangent Plane
Let ⃗r = ⃗r(u(t), v(t)) be a general curve lying on the
surface passing through (u(t), v(t)). Then the tangent
to the curve at any point P on the surface is
d⃗r ∂⃗r du ∂⃗r dv du dv
= + = ⃗r1 + r⃗2 .
dt ∂u dt ∂v dt dt dt

Tangent to any curve drawn on a surface is called a
tangent line to the surface.The tangents to different
curves through P on a surface lie in a plane containing
two independent vectors ⃗r1 and ⃗r2 . This plane is called
tangent plane at P .
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Tangent plane to a regular surface
The equation of a tangent plane at P on a surface with position
vector ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) is either
⃗ = ⃗r + a⃗r1 + b⃗r2 or (R
R ⃗ − ⃗r) · (⃗r1 × ⃗r2 ) = 0,
where a and b are parameters.

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Tangent plane to a regular surface
The equation of a tangent plane at P on a surface with position
vector ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) is either
⃗ = ⃗r + a⃗r1 + b⃗r2 or (R
R ⃗ − ⃗r) · (⃗r1 × ⃗r2 ) = 0,
where a and b are parameters.
Proof. Let ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) be the position vector of a point P on the
surface. The tangent plane at P passes through ⃗r and contains the
⃗ is the position vector of any point on the
vectors ⃗r1 and ⃗r2 . So if R
tangent plane at P , thenR ⃗ − ⃗r, ⃗r1 and ⃗r2 are coplanar. Hence we
have R⃗ − ⃗r = a⃗r1 + b⃗r2 where a and b are arbitrary constants.

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Tangent plane to a regular surface
The equation of a tangent plane at P on a surface with position
vector ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) is either
⃗ = ⃗r + a⃗r1 + b⃗r2 or (R
R ⃗ − ⃗r) · (⃗r1 × ⃗r2 ) = 0,
where a and b are parameters.
Proof. Let ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) be the position vector of a point P on the
surface. The tangent plane at P passes through ⃗r and contains the
vectors ⃗r1 and ⃗r2 . So if R⃗ is the position vector of any point on the
tangent plane at P , thenR ⃗ − ⃗r, ⃗r1 and ⃗r2 are coplanar. Hence we
have R ⃗ − ⃗r = a⃗r1 + b⃗r2 where a and b are arbitrary constants.
⃗r1 × ⃗r2 is perpendicular to the tangent plane at P . Hence ⃗r1 × ⃗r2 is
perpendicular to R ⃗ − ⃗r lying in the tangent plane so that
⃗ − ⃗r) · ⃗r1 × ⃗r2 = 0 is another form of the equation of the tangent
plane at P .
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Normal to the Surface
The normal to the surface at P is a line through P and
perpendicular to the tangent plane at P .
Since ⃗r1 and ⃗r2 lie in the tangent plane at P and pass
through P , the normal is perpendicular to both ⃗r1 , and
⃗r2 and it is parallel to ⃗r1 × ⃗r2 . The normal at P is fixed
by the following convention. If N ⃗ denotes the unit
normal at P , then ⃗r1 , ⃗r2 and N ⃗ in this order should form
a right handed system. Using this convention we have

N⃗ = ⃗r1 × ⃗r2 = ⃗r1 × ⃗r2 , where H = |⃗r1 × ⃗r2 |.

|⃗r1 × ⃗r2 | H
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Equation of the Normal on the Surface

The equation of the normal N ⃗ at a point P on the
⃗ = ⃗r + a(⃗r1 × ⃗r2 ).
surface ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) is R

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Equation of the Normal on the Surface

The equation of the normal N ⃗ at a point P on the
⃗ = ⃗r + a(⃗r1 × ⃗r2 ).
surface ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) is R
Remark: Normal line is invariant under proper
parametric transformation.

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Equation of the Normal on the Surface

The equation of the normal N ⃗ at a point P on the
⃗ = ⃗r + a(⃗r1 × ⃗r2 ).
surface ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) is R
Remark: Normal line is invariant under proper
parametric transformation.
Is unit normal vector invariant?

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Equation of the Normal on the Surface

The equation of the normal N ⃗ at a point P on the
⃗ = ⃗r + a(⃗r1 × ⃗r2 ).
surface ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) is R
Remark: Normal line is invariant under proper
parametric transformation.
Is unit normal vector invariant?
A proper parametric transformation either leaves every
normal unchanged or reverses the direction of the normal.

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Let ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) be the given surface and let the
parametric transformation be
u′ = ϕ(u, v) and v ′ = ψ(u, v).

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Let ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) be the given surface and let the
parametric transformation be
u′ = ϕ(u, v) and v ′ = ψ(u, v).
Since the parametric transformation is proper,
′ ′
J = ∂(u ,v )
∂(u,v) ̸= 0.

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Let ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) be the given surface and let the
parametric transformation be
u′ = ϕ(u, v) and v ′ = ψ(u, v).
Since the parametric transformation is  proper, 
′ ′
′ ′ ∂⃗
r ∂⃗
r ∂(u , v ) ∂⃗r ∂⃗r
J = ∂(u ,v )
∂(u,v) ̸
= 0. As × = ′
× ′
∂u ∂v ∂(u, v) ∂u ∂v

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Let ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) be the given surface and let the
parametric transformation be
u′ = ϕ(u, v) and v ′ = ψ(u, v).
Since the parametric transformation is  proper, 
′ ′
′ ′ ∂⃗
r ∂⃗
r ∂(u , v ) ∂⃗r ∂⃗r
J = ∂(u ,v )
∂(u,v) ̸
= 0. As × = ′
× ′
∂u ∂v ∂(u, v) ∂u ∂v
′ ′
Using H and H in the above step, ′ ⃗ = ∂(u , v ) H ′ N
HN ⃗ ′.
∂(u, v)

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Let ⃗r = ⃗r(u, v) be the given surface and let the
parametric transformation be
u′ = ϕ(u, v) and v ′ = ψ(u, v).
Since the parametric transformation is  proper, 
′ ′
′ ′ ∂⃗
r ∂⃗
r ∂(u , v ) ∂⃗r ∂⃗r
J = ∂(u ,v )
∂(u,v) ̸
= 0. As × = ′
× ′
∂u ∂v ∂(u, v) ∂u ∂v
′ ′
Using H and H in the above step, ′
HN⃗ = ∂(u , v ) H ′ N
⃗ ′.
∂(u, v)
Since H and H ′ are always positive, N and N are of the ⃗ ⃗′
same sign if J > 0 and are of opposite sign if J < 0.
Since J is a continuous function of the parameter u, v
in the whole domain and J does not vanish in D, J
retains the same sign in D. This proves that N⃗ and N
have the same sign.
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Example 1, Page 111
Obtain the surface equation of sphere and find the
singularities, parametric curves, tangent plane at a point
and the surface normal.

Dr. Sangita Yadav (BITS Pilani) MATH F342 (Differential Geometry) February 5, 2024 42 / 42
Example 1, Page 111
Obtain the surface equation of sphere and find the
singularities, parametric curves, tangent plane at a point
and the surface normal.

Sol. Use relation between Cartesian and spherical

coordinates : x = ρ sin ϕ cos θ, y = ρ sin ϕ sin θ,
z = ρ cos ϕ. Unit sphere is ρ = 1. Hence using u, v
instead of ϕ, θ and ρ = a, we get

⃗r = (a sin u cos v, a sin u sin v, a cos u),

where u, v are parameters and 0 ⩽ u ⩽ π, 0 ⩽ v ⩽ 2π.

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