Purposive Communication - FINAL PROJECT

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Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

PROJECT PROPOSAL TITLE: I Do Give a FACT: Promoting Fact-checking towards the Prevention
of Fake News


I. BACKGROUND Defining the Problem

What is the problem?

By promoting fact-checking, this advocacy can help to protect everyone from the negative effects of
fake news. It aims to eliminate the spread and proliferation of fake news, which has become one of
the society's biggest problems.

Fake news has become a serious problem in our society, as it can spread rapidly through social media
and other platforms. This makes it difficult for people to differentiate between accurate information and
misinformation. Scholars from various fields, including political science, communication, and
psychology, have found that repeated exposure to false and misleading information can significantly
impact people's beliefs about the world. Therefore, taking prompt action to prevent the spread of fake
news in different parts of the world is essential to avoid its negative effects on society.

One of the main causes of fake news is social media by posting and sharing some details that are not
true and the main platform of it is facebook because nowadays it is the biggest reason why fake news
is spreading all over the world. Facebook is a social media platform and one of the biggest reasons for
the spread of fake news online, amplifying its visibility by establishing recommendation algorithms or
segregated groups (Zimmer et al. 2019). This is why grasping the mechanisms behind news sharing
and consumption becomes so important to understand the reasons why fake news continues to be so
widely shared and consumed on social media. Lastly, clickbait and sensational headlines can attract
more online traffic, leading to increased advertising revenue. This economic motivation can encourage
the creation and dissemination of sensationalized or false content.

Fake news has wide-ranging consequences. It undermines trust in information, manipulates public

opinion, fosters social division by reinforcing biases, and leads to real-world repercussions affecting
health and economic decisions. Regulatory responses may emerge, raising concerns about potential
impacts on freedom of expression. The challenge of combating increasingly sophisticated
misinformation persists with advancing technology. Given the global nature of social media, fake news
can have extensive international repercussions. Addressing these consequences requires
collaborative efforts involving social media platforms, regulators, and users, emphasizing media
literacy, responsible online behavior, and enhanced fact-checking processes.

People are always being tricked into believing or persuaded to stand on an inaccurate idea due to the
constant chaos of blending false information into our everyday news sources. People will feel much
more at ease and be able to trust the information being provided to them and take quick action or
learn more about the necessary phenomenon if there is a treatment or some other way to lessen the
outbreak of spreading of false information. The use of Fact checking tools and websites such as
“PolitiFact” that can detect misinformation confirming its accuracy of information and resources before
it is distributed.

According to Olan et al., (2022) The implementation of fact-checking tools is critical in building
acceptance and trust in society. Adopting these mediums shows a dedication to truthfulness,
openness, and responsible information sharing. It also helps to reduce the risks associated with the
spread of fake news by promoting a culture in which people can interact with information with
confidence. However, people shouldn't just rely on AI fact-checkers; it's more convenient if you have a
solid foundation in fact-checking. As stated by Pennycook et al. (2018) found that simply reading a
fake news headline once is sufficient to increase later perceptions of its accuracy.

Guide questions:
● Who are those affected?
● Why is there a problem?
● What are the main causes?
● What is the impact of the problem and future consequences?
● In what ways can the problem be solved?
● What evidence can support your definition of the problem?

II. OBJECTIVES Setting the Goals or Objectives

What is the goal of your advocacy campaign? What outcomes do you want?

Long-term goals The goal of this advocacy campaign is to raise awareness about the
importance of fact-checking, because it will be the main instrument to
eliminate fake news. This advocacy would like to educate people on how to
identify reliable information, for them to become aware of this society. This

advocacy also aims to create a culture of accountability and transparency in
online and media information sharing.

Short-term goals The proponent typically offers strategies to stop the widespread transfer of
false information among people and to stop fake news from harming everyone
more. The advocacy offers strategies and resources that may be applied to
reduce the issue and produce more creative solutions along into the future.

Specific outcomes As a result of our advocacy, several positive outcomes can be expected:
What will happen as
1. It raises awareness about the importance of fact-checking and it can
a result of your
advocacy? empower individuals to critically evaluate the information they
2. It will prevent the spread of fake news, so that it no longer becomes a
big problem for society.
3. This advocacy can make people aware about the issues in their
society and of the information that they get.
4. Promoting fact-checking can contribute to a more informed society,
where people make decisions based on accurate and reliable
5. This advocacy can encourage media organizations and platforms to
prioritize accuracy and fact-checking in their reporting, leading to a
more trustworthy and reliable media landscape.

III. PROCEDURES Target Audience, The Message, The Messenger, Media Strategies

A. The Target Audience

Who is more The advocacy will be beneficial to the public, obtaining access to reliable
likely to benefit
information sources that provide relief to all races will be advantageous.
from the
advocacy? Encouraging fact-checking will increase everyone's expertise in verifying the
accuracy of the information they receive, as it is an essential component of daily
life. It will empower the general public to stop false information from hurting
society and to stop holding erroneous beliefs about particular subjects.

Who is more By expanding the concept of fact-checking to more reliable and helpful sources
likely to be
of information, the advocacy seeks to enhance the fundamental method of giving
influenced by the the public accurate information and relieve it of polluted fake news. A resolution
that will provide an accurate picture of the precise information that every member

of a society will acquire, such as a big use and innovative work for fact checking
websites or tools that will be convenient to the people to use whenever it is
needed. Additionally, the campaign works to prevent bias in thinking about the
subject and does not aim to subvert cultural beliefs or customs.

Who are the The advocates intend to focus on the general public, particularly those who are
consumers and are constantly sharing information. The target audience does not
groups or
institutions in the narrow its emphasis; rather, it spreads the message about the necessity of
fact-checking and expanding technologies that can help to reduce the pollution of
disinformation that affects society.

Who are the The advocacy seeks to broaden its impact by engaging with journalists,
influencers, publishing entities, universities, and non-governmental organizations
groups or
institutions in the that serve the public. Additionally, all the people who using social media
especially all the student inside of our campus

Who will be the Most likely, this advocacy will be supported by our schoolmates and friends and
supporters of the
especially our families who use any kind of social media. Given that the active
participants in the advocacy campaign are social media users, the campaign
intends to utilize digital and social media as its primary format and channel for
communication. Potential supporters of the advocacy include individuals who
desire positive change and are committed to preventing the spread of fake news.
This group may consist of those who strongly oppose the dissemination of

Journalists also play a crucial role as potential advocates, given their

responsibility to deliver accurate and unbiased news. Furthermore, individuals
who have been victims of fake news could be strong allies in our cause. Their
personal experiences underscore the detrimental effects of misinformation and
highlight the urgency of our mission to combat fake news. Together, these
diverse supporters form a united front against the challenges posed by
misinformation, contributing to a society that values truth and responsible
information-sharing. This advocacy can be shared to anyone, especially on
social media. By just one click, you can change and help the world to decrease
the spreading of fake news, and the main goal of our advocacy is to open the
eyes of everyone on how to use social media properly.

B. The Message

Primary The primary goal of this advocacy is to combat the rapid growth of fake news
through education, awareness, and responsible digital citizenship. The prevalence
What do you
want to achieve, of fake news poses a significant threat to the integrity of information and
why, and how?
undermines the foundations of an informed and engaged society. Misinformation
Include the
central idea of can lead to public confusion, influence decision-making, and contribute to the
your message
erosion of trust in media and institutions. The consequences of unchecked
and highlight why
your advocacy is misinformation can be far-reaching, impacting public opinion, elections, and even
public health. Promoting media literacy is essential to preserving the democratic
Support your
statement with principles of an informed citizens.

This advocacy is crucial in the current digital age where information spreads
rapidly through various online channels. By empowering individuals to discern
reliable sources from misinformation, we aim to create a more informed and
resilient community that actively participates in a trustworthy information
ecosystem. Embracing fact-checking tools demonstrates a commitment to
accuracy, transparency, and responsible information sharing, fostering a culture
where individuals can confidently engage with information while mitigating the risks
posed by the spread of fake news.

In essence, this advocacy is not solely about debunking fake news; it is about
building a culture of critical thinking and digital literacy, ultimately strengthening our
collective ability to navigate the complex information landscape of the modern
world. By combining these approaches, it seeks not only to raise awareness but
also to empower individuals to be active participants in fostering a culture of truth
and responsibility in the digital age. Through collaborative efforts across various
sectors, it aims to create a lasting impact on how information is consumed, shared,
and valued in society.

What is the A multifaceted strategy will be implemented to achieve the established goals and
solution for the
objectives of raising awareness about fake news, educating individuals on reliable
Highlight what information sources, promoting critical thinking, encouraging responsible sharing,
you want to do in
and empowering active participation. By implementing these strategies, the
order to reach
the established initiative aims to create a comprehensive and dynamic approach that addresses
various aspects of the fake news challenge. The combination of educational,
community-based, and online initiatives is designed to have a synergistic impact,
fostering a culture of critical thinking, responsible information sharing, and active
participation in the fight against misinformation. In order to fulfill the goal, the

advocacy's content explores the basic ideas of fact-checking and the obstacles
that prevent it from being widely used. It promotes a better understanding by
highlighting the differences between influencers and journalists in the media
landscape. Most importantly, by actively practicing fact-checking, the initiative aims
to equip both younger and older generations with the knowledge and abilities
necessary to responsibly navigate the information landscape.

C. Media Strategies

Channel The influence of technology and social media is big in today's generation, so
What forms of
sharing the advocacy campaign through social media platforms like Facebook will
media will be
utilized for the be a great idea. This will be a big help to introduce this advocacy because many
people are active in using Facebook.

Format The advocacy campaign will be created through the use of technology and digital
(video, print,
apps, it will employ digital media in the form of digital infographics.
slideshow, etc)

IV. Resources What are the resources needed to reach your goals?

Financial This advocacy will not be used with any financial money, as posting posters or
anything that can be introduced in advocacy will only be used with free digital apps
and social media.

Human The advocacy campaign only intends to utilize its skills, expertise, and experience
to create the campaign materials. The advocacy will be posted online, people will
share and interact with the campaign through connections and Facebook pages
from colleges, friends, classmates, and family members.

V. Evaluation How will the success of the advocacy be evaluated?

Evaluation Strategy By creating a questionnaire using google forms, it will determine how
(e.g survey, reflection,
effective the advocacy campaign is. Through the feedback and comments of
interview, etc.)
the respondents, it can measure whether the campaign's message and aims
have been delivered properly. In order to gather comments, views, and
opinions, online surveys will be distributed using QR code links. This
strategy will aid in assessing how the advocacy impacted and influenced


The following questions are sample queries included in the online survey;

1. What are your thoughts on the impact of this advocacy campaign?

2. Was the purpose of the advocacy campaign clear, concise and
3. What changes, if any, have you made in your behavior regarding
fact-checking before sharing information?
4. How confident do you feel now in your ability to distinguish reliable
sources from fake news?
5. If you have any suggestions about this advocacy, what would it be?

The Advocacy Campaign Material

Attached the copy of your final Advocacy Campaign material (video, blog, vlog, infographics, etc.)


Olan, F., Jayawickrama, U., Arakpogun, E. O., Suklan, J., & Liu, S. (2022). Fake news on Social Media: the

impact on society. Information Systems Frontiers, 1, 1–16.


Pennycook, G., & Rand, D. G. (2018). Lazy, not biased: Susceptibility to partisan fake news is better

explained by lack of reasoning than by motivated reasoning. Cognition.


Zimmer, F., Scheibe, K., & Stock, W. G. (2019). Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles of Fake News in Social

Media. Man-made or produced by algorithms? ResearchGate.



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