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Faculty of technical ,vocational Education & skill training

Department of vocational education

Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Amarkantak (M.P.)



DAY -1 Today we have been told what a website is and told it

DATE- 31/12/2023 is divided into Frontend and Backend , in which the
website is divided , in the frontend the website is
created for the user and in the backend there is a
databse . designed to save user data . I was told about
it and we were told that in this training we learn only
fontend and very little information about backend
will be given .

DAY -2 Today we have explained about the tables in the

DATE-01/01/2024 database and how to create them . For this , we have
explained different queries . Sometimes duplicate
entries are made in the tables . To avoid this, we have
given some informantion about the Normal form .

DAY -3 Today we learned how to inert data into the database

DATE- 02/01/2024 and its tables, how to update and delete it and also
explained about DML and DDL commands .
Faculty of technical ,vocational Education & skill training
Department of vocational education
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Amarkantak (M.P.)

DAY -4 After learning theory , to learn practical , today we

DATE-03/01/2024 got MySQL server downloaded. In our laptop and
after downloading we were shown the installation
process in which we accepted all the terms and
conditions and then moved to next page .
Downloaded three software which include mysql
server , mysql workbench and mysql shell and then
selected the path to install and then MySQL installed
successfully .

DAY -5 Today we were given a quiz to see what we have

DATE-04/01/2024 learned so far . in this quiz we were asked some
multiple choice question (MCQ) and theory based
questions in which we performed well .

DAY -6 Today we created some databases and tables on My

DATE 05/01/2024 SQL in which we used many commands like DML
DDL etc.

DAY -7 Till now we have learned about database and now

DATE-06/01/2024 we will learn about web development which includes
HTML , CSS , Java Script , Jquery and React . By
using all these language s we will create a dyanamic
and responsive website .

DAY -8 Today in webdevelopment , we started our first

DATE-06/01/2024 section HTML part and learned the basics of html .
In which we explained the structure of HTML and
file selection .
Faculty of technical ,vocational Education & skill training
Department of vocational education
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Amarkantak (M.P.)

DAY -9 Today we learned about HTML tages and how the

DATE07/01/2024 body of HTML is prepared using tags. And a
structured website is created .

DAY -10 Today we made HTML tags practical and created a

DATE-08/01/2024 website on laptop in which we used different types
of tags and made it run in web browser with the help
of live server .

DAY -11 Today whatever wew learned in HTML . There was a

DATE-09/01/2024 small mock test in which it was a pleasure to solve
all the 15 questions . His marks will be added to our
main exam . There are still many mock testes left in

Today we learned to insert photo , video , and audio

DAY -12 in the website using tags in HTML , in which one tag
DATE-10/01/2024 is used for all different formats are used .

DAY -13 Today we learned about lists and how many types of
DATE-11/01/2024 lists are there in HTML . and how do we code using
it . It was told that there are two types of list
1 Order list
2 UnOrder list
These are our basic information .

DAY -14 Today we were learned about order list and unorder
DATE-12/01/2024 list . the order list is in list number formate .
whereas the unordered list can be in any formate
like symbol , circle , alphabet or dot .
Faculty of technical ,vocational Education & skill training
Department of vocational education
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Amarkantak (M.P.)

DAY -15 Today again we had a mock test which had total 15
DATE-13/01/2024 questions in which 10 questions were objective and
5 were answer base questions .

DAY -16 Today we learned how to create forms in HTML .

DATE-14/01/2024 How is the registration form from created for any
website ? it appers to have used few input tags .
Which will be explained to us in the next class ,
today we have only been given basic information to
create the form .

DAY -17 Yesterday we were taught the basic information

DATE- 15/01/2024 about the form , today we were taught about many
input types to create the form any user . In the
input type , we have text input type ,radio , button ,
checkbox ,username , password , address , textfield
input and ,many more input types were taught . A
registration form is created using all these input
types .

DAY 18 Today we created a login and registration form

DATE 16/01/2024 using all form tags . in which username input type
and password input type were used in a login
section . So that username and password are taken
from the user . On the second side , text input is
taken in the registration form for taking name , age ,
address , etc . information from the user .

DAY 19 Today we taught how to attach a file in HTML

DATE 17/01/2024 and explained that link tag is used to attach any file
. And the link tag is always linked inside the head
tag . This is the rule of HTML structure .
Faculty of technical ,vocational Education & skill training
Department of vocational education
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Amarkantak (M.P.)

DAY -20 After learning HTML , now we come to the

DATE- 18/01/2024 second section of web development CSS which is
a styling property . This is used to make the website
dynamic and attractive . CSS is the main branch of
HTML with the help of which the website or web
application is made attractive

DAY -21 Today we learned about the basic concepts of CSS

DATE- 19/01/2024 is added to the HTML file in two ways , 1 internal
and 2 external . Internally , in HTML ,we can do
styling by using style tag inside the head tag .
Whereas in external CSS file is created separately
and is linked using the path in the head tag .

DAY -22 Today we learned about CSS selectors , which we

DATE- 20/01/2024 have to use for styling in HTML . We have been
told that there are 3 to 4 ways to apply CSS in
HTML , which include class in selector , tag
selector and many other selectors . CSS is applied
by selecting any HTML tag in the tag selector . And
by selecting the class of the tag in the class selector
, CSS is applied to it .
DAY -23 After giving the final test of CSS , we started the
DATE- 21/01/2024 next section Bootstrap , we taught the basic of
Bootstrap and taught about some classes and taught
how to link bootstrap file in html file .

DAY - 24 In today’s class on bootstrap we learned about the

DATE- 22/01/2024 functions and classes of Bootstrap and saw its use
by running it in our computer system and then
creating many functions and classes .
Faculty of technical ,vocational Education & skill training
Department of vocational education
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Amarkantak (M.P.)

DAY -25 Today in Java Script we learned how to create a

DATE- 23/01/2024 function , declare it in a class and call it through an
object . with the help of java script we created a
small website project which was responsive .

DAY -26 Today we gave the final test of Java Script in which
DATE- 24/01/2024 I performed average . after this the next section
React started . React is also a programming
language whose code is similar to JavaScript . Here
we learned how to make vaiable declaration ,
function classes and objects .

Faculty of technical ,vocational Education & skill training
Department of vocational education
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Amarkantak (M.P.)

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