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Operating System Question bank ( Unit I and II )

Q.1 Explain the following shell commands with example

i) echo ii) grep iii) chmod iv) ls
Q.2. State and explain the basic functions of Operating System
Q.3 Write a shell script to check if given string is a palindrome or not
Q.4 State and explain different services provided by an operating system.
Q.5 Explain PCB.
Q.6 What is virtual machine? Explain the concept of virtualization
Q.7 Discuss the control structures used in shell programming.
Q.8 Write a short note on distributed operating system
Q.9 Explain the structure of JVM.
Q.10 Write a shell script to check a given number is palindrome
Q.11 Explain Process state transition diagram
Q.12 Explain fork system call with an example
Q.13 Differentiate between process and thread
Q.14 Explain different types of schedulers
Q.15 Numerical based on scheduling algorithms
Q.16 What is a context switch
Q.17 Explain multilevel queue scheduling
Q.18 Write a C program for FCFS Scheduling
Q.19 Differentiate between Preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling
Q.20 Explain Criteria for scheduling algorithms

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