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‘Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No P1598 {6002}.228 [Total No. of Pages : 2 S.E. (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning), COMPUTER NETWORKS (2019 Pattern) (Semester - IIT) (218543) Time : 2% Hours] [Max. Marks}: 70 Instructions to the candidates: D Answer 0.1 or Q.2, 0.3 or Ot, 0.5 oF 0.6, 0.7 or 0.8. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks, A) Assume suitable data if necessary. QI) a)” What is CRC? Generate the CRC code of message HOIIOLIL. Given generator Polynomial g(a) =" 4.4 1. 19] b) Explain the working mechanism of : [9] i) Stop and Wait ARQ ii) Go back-N ARQ OR ' Q2) a) _ Explain with example fixed-size framing and variable size framing. [9] b) What is hamming code? Also find Hamming code word for following _ Data word 1010001 using odd pa 19] Q3) 2) Discuss Link State Routing protocol in detail. 19) b) Explain Network Address Translation with suitable di [8] OR Q4) a) — Explain Subnetting and Supernetting with example.” ry b) Discuss DHCP protocol in details. [8] QS) a) Whatis congestion Control? Explain ‘Token bucket algorithm, Oy] b) Explain three way handshake algorithm tor TCP connection establishment WI OR 06) 4) Explain various socket primitives used in connection oriented client server approach wl by Differentiate between POP and UDP protocol Expkun how CCP provides How control hacility m PLO. Q7) a) What is DNS Server? Explain lookup methods used by the DNS to_ resolve the remote names. [9] b) Explain control and data connection of FTP? Explain any two FTP commands. [3] OR Q8) 2) What is SNMP? What is the purpose SMI and MIB in relation to snmp? 91 >). What is MIME? Discuss its role in SMTP. [8] BSR nnn ‘Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No.: PA-1301 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [5925]-334 S.E. (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learni ng) COMPUTER NETWORKS (2019 Pattern) (218543) (Semester - IIT) Time : 24 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Neat diagrams must be wherever necessary 2) Figures to the right side indicate full marks. 3) Use of calculator is allowed. 4) Assume Suitable data jf necessary. QI) a) — What is hamming code in computer network? Data bits 1001101 is transmitted using a hamming code, show the actual bit string transmitted (Consider even patity). Suppose 7 bit from left is inverted during transmission, show that this ertor is detected and corrected at the receivers end. {8} b) “What-are the functions of Data Link Layer? Draw-the taxonomy of protocols for involved in data exchange at data link layer. Compare and contrast the Go-Back-N ARQ protocol with Selective Repeat ARQ. [9] OR Q2) a) Write short note on : 18] i) (EEE 802.3 Standard ii) IEEE 802.4 Standard b) Compare and Contrast flow control and Error Control. Explain the working of Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) using the following. Example (show the complete steps of division) Data bits: 1101110110, Generator Polynomial: X*++ X + 1 Write the redundant bits that will be sent along with the data bits. is inverted during transmission. Show iver’s end. yl Suppose the 2" bit from the | that error is detected at the Q3) a) by Q4) a) b) Q5) a) b) 06) 0) b) Q7 a) b) Q8) 3) b) Explain difference between Classfiul and Classless Addressing, Write 2 bricf note on OSPF protocol. J yay Explain following terms 19) i) Datagrams ii) Fragmentation iii) routing table oR Explain ARP protocol with diagram. (4) Explain following terms (9) i) Private IPv4 address ii) Public IPv4 Addresses ii) NAT P with its header format. What is'a Socket int Explain various socket primitives used in client-s action with neat diagram for a stream socket. 19} OR What is silly window syndrome? List different solutions to overeo: Explain one solution at sender side and receiver side each. 191 What do you mean by congestion control in transport ! the different methods to alleviate it? Explain the operation of DHCP with state transition di Explain different server types in detail. OR Whit is the purpose of DNS? How does recursive res iterative resolution? Expkain with suitable diagram Deseribe the functions of the Wo FER conneetoas. List between FPP & PEEP ina tabular format, QOOYN Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. P706 - of Pages : 2 [5869] - 373 [Total No. of Pages = SE. (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) COMPUTER NETWORKS (2019 Pattern) (Semester - III) Time : 2% Hours] [Max. Marks : 70 Instructions to the candidates: 4) Attempt Q.1, or 0.2, 0.3 or 0.4, Q.5 or 0.6, 0.7 or 0.8. 2) Figures to the right side indicate full marks. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3) Use of Caleutator is allowed. 5) Assume stable data, if necessary. QI) a). Write short notes dn: [8] i) IEEE 802.4 (Token Bus) ii) IEEE 802.5 (Token Ring). b) What is the definition of a linear block code? Explain hamming code in brief. What is the Hamming distance? What is the minimum Hamming distance? 191 OR @Q2) a) Explain CSMA/CA random access technique in detail with suitable diagram/ flowchart, Explain how collision is avoided in CSMA/CA. [8] b) Explain Stop-and-Wait ARQ Protocol. Explain the reason for moving from the Stop-and-Wait ARQ Protocol to the Go Back-N ARQ Protocol. 191 Q3) a) [8s] i) ibnet mask produce? ii) How many valid hosts per subnet are available? iii) © Whatare the valid subnets? iv) What's the broadeast addr ¥) What are the valid hosts in e: b) Explain working of ARP protocol with neat diagram, Compare and Contrast ARP Protocol & RARP Protocol, 19] OR RTO. 24) a) b) 05) a) b) Q6) a) b) Q7) a) b) 8) x) b) What is the address depletion (exhaustion) in IPv4? List different solutions to alleviate/relieve the problem of address depletion (exhaustion) in IPv4. Write the range of private IP addresses in IPv4. 13} Explain following terms [9] i) Distance Vector Routing i) Link State Routing iil) Path Vector Routing What ifthe difference between traffic shaping and congestion control at transport layer? Compare and contrast Leaky Bucket & Token Bucket algorithm. 19] Enlist all socket primitives & explain any three. 19] OR Explain the ‘three-way handshake algorithm for TCP connection establishment, Compare and contrast between TCP and UDP. 191 What do you mean by flow control in transport layer? List the different methods of achieve it, Explain any one method in detail, 19] “What is DNS? What is the need of DNS? Explain any one query resolution technique in detail. 19] What is MIME? Whatis the purpose of MIME? Explain MIME header in detail. 19] oR Define network management. List five functions of network management. Explain Role of MIB in detail. 19] Describe the functions of the wo FTP connections. List difference between FTP & TF P in a tabular format. 19) {5869 - 373 2

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