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Elia C Andrade Girón

Melgarejo Lora Shayra Celeste

I am I`m
You are You`re going to have a vacation
He/she/it is He/she/it`s next month.
We are We`re
You are You`re
They are They`re

I am not I`m not
You are not You aren`t going to have a vacation
He/she/it is not He/she/it isn`t next month.
We are not We aren`t
You are not You aren`t
They are not They aren`t

• Use to be going to + verb (base form) to talk about future plans.

• With the verb go you can say.
I`m going to go or I`m going
• We often use future time expressions with going to.
Tomorrow, next week, next year, etc.

Questions + Answers - Answers
Am I I am I`m not
Are you going to have a You are You aren`t
Is He/she/it vacation next Yes, He/she/it is No, He/she/it isn`t
Are We month? We are We aren`t
Are you You are You aren`t
Are they They are They aren`t

Be going to (predictions).

Dra. Elia C Andrade Girón

• You can also use be going to + verb (base form) for predictions.
(I think) They are going to be very happy.
(I think) It`s going to rain.
He`s going to have an accident
They’re going to play tennis.



Tomorrow, next week, next month, next summer etc. not the next year.

a. Write sentences about Susan`s vacation plans.
She`s going to go to Rome. (go)

1) She´s going to speak Italian. (speak)

2) She´s going to stay in a hotel. (Stay in)
3) She´s going to take photos. (take)
4) She´s going to eat spaghetti. (eat)
5) She´s going to see the Colosseum (see)

b. Complete the sentence with (be) going to + a verb.

buy cook do not have study not fly.

Our car is ten years old. We’re going to buy a new one

1) My mother`s at work, so my father is going to cook the lunch.

2) I am going to study tonight. I have an exam tomorrow.
3) Are you going to buy a present for Bill?
4) We aren´t going to fly to Chicago. It`s too expensive.
5) What is your brother going to do after school?
6) It`s her birthday next week, but she is not going to have a party.

c. Complete the predictions with (be) going to and a verb.

be – break – have – not pass – wake up – win

It`s my dream vacation! I know I`m going to have a good time.

1. They`re playing very well. I think they are going to win the game.
2. She`s a very bad student. She is not going to pass the exam.

Dra. Elia C Andrade Girón

3. Look at the blue sky. It is going to be a beautiful day.

4. You`re driving very fast! We are going to have an accident!
5. Be careful with that glass! You are going to break It!
6. The baby`s very tired. I don`t think she is going to wake up tonight.

d. VOCABULARY vacations
Write the expressions in the correct column.
On vacation / the sights / in a hotel / shopping / to the beach / at a campsite
/ in a bed and breakfast /a show / the Statue of Liberty

stay go see
In a hotel On vacation The sights
At a campsite Shopping A show
In bed and To the beach The statue of
breakfast Liberty

e. CONVERSATION Listen and practice.

Monica: So, Dennis. What are you going to do for Christmas?

Dennis: I am going to have dinner at my parents ‘house. What about you?
Any plans?
Monica: Yeah. I am going to cook dinner with some friends. We are going
to make fish soup.
Dennis: Hmm. That`s unusual. We always have turkey, chocolate ….
Monica: I know. Every year, my friends and I make something different.
Dennis: Sound like fun. Well, have a happy Christmas.
Monica: Thanks. You, too.

f. Can you answer these questions?

1. Are you going to invite John to your party? Yes, I am.

2. Are you going to ride your bicycle tomorrow? No, I´m not.
3. Are you going to study English next year? Yes, I am.
4. Are you going to travel to Cuzco next year? No, I´m not.
5. Are you going to study Engineer in the university? Yes, I´m.
6. What are you going to wear to the party? I´m going to wear a very
elegant smoking.
7. When are you going to visit me again?
I´m visiting you next week.
8. What time are you going to get up tomorrow?
I’m going to get up at 6am tomorrow morning
9. How long are your friends going to stay here?

Dra. Elia C Andrade Girón

They´re staying till Monday.

10. What are you going to do on Sunday afternoon?
I´m going to play soccer.
11. Where are you going to go on Saturday morning?
I´m going to play basketball.

g. It`s January first. Write about the people`s ages and birthdays.

Name Alex Anita Tony Peter Mely You

Age now 75 25 50 18 44 …….

Birthday 3/30 7/27 5/15 9/13 8/22 …….

1. Alex is going to be seventy-six on March thirtieth.

2. Anita is turning 26 on July 27th.
3. Tony is going to turn 51 on May 15th.
4. Peter and Patty are turning 19 on September 9th.
5. Mely is going to turn 45 on august
6. I´m going to turn 19 on May 29th.

Read Lucy`s calendar. Write about her plans for the month.

1 2 3 4 5
play have go
tennis lunch with shopping
after work Tony with Julie.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
meet John work late go to

Dra. Elia C Andrade Girón

for dinner Sam`s


13 14 15 16 17 18 19
See a
with Tony
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
buy have sleep
Paula`s dinner until
birthday with her noon!
27 28 29 30 31
clean her go to a
room. party

1. On December second, she`s going to play tennis after work.

2. Lucy´s going to have lunch with Tony on December 3rd.
3. On December 5th, Lucy is going to go shopping with Julie.
4. Lucy´s going to meet with john to have dinner on December 6th.
5. On December 9th, Lucy´s going to work late.
6. Lucy´s going to go to Sam’s party on December 11th.
7. On December 14th, Lucy is going to see a movie with Tony.
8. Lucy´s going to buy a present for Paula’s birthday on December 23rd.
9. On December 24th, Lucy is going to have a dinner with her family.
10. Lucy is going to sleep until noon on December 25th.
11. On December 28th, Lucy is going to clean her room.
12. Lucy is going to go to a party on December 31st.


Subject will Contraction affirmative Verb and time Marker
I will I `ll
You will You`ll
He/she/it will He/she/it`ll leave tomorrow.
We will We`ll
You will You`ll
They will They`ll

Dra. Elia C Andrade Girón

Full form Contraction Verb and time marker
I will not I won`t
You will not You won`t
He/she/it will not He/she/it won`t leave tonight.
We will not We won`t
You will not You won`t
They will not They won`t

• Use will / won`t + base form for future predictions.

• The future of there is / are = there will be; the future of I can = I`ll be able to
NOT I`ll can.

Questions + Answers - Answers
Will I I will I won`t
Will you You will You won`t
Will He/she/it be late ? Yes, He/she/it will No, He/she/it won`t
Will We We will We won`t
Will you You will You won`t
Will they They will They won`t

• We often I think / I don`t think … + will … I think he`ll fail the exam. I
don`t think he`ll pass the exam. NOT I think he won`t pass.

Will (promises, offers, and decisions).

Decisions I won`t have the fish I`ll have the steak.

We`ll take the train at 6:30
Offers I`ll help you with your homework.
I`ll open the door for you.
Promises I`ll always love you.
I won`t tell anyone.

• Use will / won`t + base form for making decisions, offering, and
promising. I`ll help you with those bags. NOT I help you.
• In? sentences with I and we, shall (and not will) is sometimes used to
offer to do something or to make a suggestion, but this is not a common
use. Shall we go for walk?

Dra. Elia C Andrade Girón


Today, tonight, tomorrow, (this) morning, afternoon, evening.

(tomorrow) morning, afternoon, evening, night. (next) week, month,
year, Monday weekend. (in) 2020, the 22nd century, twenty years, two
weeks, a few days.

h. Write sentences and questions with will / won`t. Use contractions
where you can.
It / be difficult (+) It`ll be difficult.

6) They/ win (-) They won´t win.

7) The meeting / be long. (?) Will the meeting be long?
8) He/ get the job (-) He won´t get the job.
9) You / see him at the party (?) Will you see him at the party?
10) It/ be impossible to park (+) It´ll be impossible to park.
11) You/ like the movie (-) You won´t like the movie.
12) She / love the chocolates we bought her (+) She´ll love the
chocolate we bought her.
13) There / be a lot of traffic at 6:00 (-) There won´t be a lot of traffic
at 6:00.
14) You / can find a good job (+) You could find a good job.

i. Match the sentences.

It`s cold in here(G) A I`ll help you with it.
7. I`m thirsty. (I) B I`ll make you a sandwich.
8. That music is too loud(H) C I`ll carry one for you.
9. This exercise is hard(A) D I`ll lend you some money.
10. I`m hungry(B) F I`ll send it by e-mail now.
11. These bags are heavy(C) G I`ll shut the window.
12. I left my wallet at home(D) H I`ll turn it off.
13. I need that photo urgently(F) I I`ll get you a glass of water.

j. Complete the predictions with will / won`t + a verb.

call – forget – have – help – pay – take - tell

A What would you like? B I`ll have the pasta.

7. A I can`t open this window. B I will help you.

8. A It`s a secret. B I won´t tell anyone, I promise.

Dra. Elia C Andrade Girón

9. A when will I see you again? B I will call you tonight.

10. Can I borrow $50? I will pay you back tomorrow.
11. A It`s my birthday next week. B I Don`t worry. I won´t forget
12. A I don`t feel very well. B I will take you home.

k. Are these sentences promises (P), decision (D), or offers (O)?

1. I`ll give it back to you tomorrow. ……P…….
2. which one do you want? ……. D…….
3. I`ll take the red one. ……D…….
4. I`ll lend you the money if you want. ……O…….
5. I`ll help you with that. ……O…….
6. I won`t tell your father. ……P…….
7. I`ll have the soup and a salad. ……D…….

l. CONVERSATION Listen and practice.

Amanda: I wonder what our future will be. Tina, what do you think?
What will you do for living in the year 2020?
Tina: I`ll be an administrator. I`ll be married and have two children.
Pablo: I`ll be a banker. I`ll work in a bank in Mexico City.
Amanda: What about you Linda?
Linda: I`ll live in New York City. I`ll work for the United Nations.
Amanda: What will you do for a living, Joel?
Joel: I won`t work. I`ll be a millionaire by the year 2020. I`ll be a famous
inventor and make a lot of money.
Amanda; Oh yeah?
Joel: Sure, what about you, Amanda?
Amanda: I`ll be an astronaut. I`ll be the first person to live on the Moon.

m. Read and practice.


A: What will she do for living?

B: She`ll be a teacher. She`ll live in Huacho. She`ll be married and have
three children. She`ll work at Pedro E Paulet school. She`ll study master`s
degree and doctor. She`ll be a good and happy teacher.


1. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham- Koening (1997) American English File.

Dra. Elia C Andrade Girón

1A, 1B – 2A, 2B.

2. 5 English teacher`s book (2012) Santillana.
3. Schoenberg, Irene E. (2006, 2000, 1994) Focus on grammar And Integrated Skills
Approach 3rd ed by Pearson Education, Inc.
4. Virginia Evans – Neil O`Sullivan (2001) Click on 2, 3 by Express Publishing.
5. Raymond Murphy (1996) Basic Grammar in Use New York.
6. Elementary grammar worksheets.

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