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1. Introduction

The reproduction process that involves genetic recombination is called sexual reproduction, and includes an alternancy
between diploid and haploid cells, in this way, when haploid cells from two different diploid organisms fuse, diploid
chromosome number is reestablished with a genetic mix. Most higher plant and animal species are in a diploid state. The
process by which haploid cells or gametes needed for sex reproduction and the maintenance of a diploid state are
generated is known as meiosis. In pluricellular organisms this happens only in the germinal cell lineage.

Gametogenesis in mammals presents differences between sexes. These processes are known as spermatogenesis in males
and oogenesis in females. Although meiosis- as well as mitosis- is a continuous process, there have been identified stages
where characteristic phenomena happen; first meiotic division involves stages known as prophase I (in turn divided into
leptotene, zygotene, pachitene, diplotene and diakinesis), metaphase I, anaphase I and telophase I, while second meiotic
division includes prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II and telophase II. Identification of such stages is done by preparing
and observing slides with cells from orthopterans sex organs.

2. Objetives


To recognize gametogenesis stages


To identify in ovary and testes histological slides the general structure of such organs, the maturation stages in
gametogenesis and the accessory cells.

To identify the different phases of meiosis within grasshopper testes.

To analyze the biological importance of gametogenesis.

3. Materials y Reagents

Compound microscope Saline solution

Stereo Microscope Ether
Hotplate 70% EtOH
Glass plate Biological materials
2 Fine dissection forceps Testes Histological slides stained with hematoxiline- eosine.
3 Glass slides Ovary Histological slides stained with hematoxiline- eosine.
3 Glass coverslips Adult male grasshopper
Fine scissors Clean Gerber jar with lid
scapel Pencil eraser
Optical lens paper
Immersion oil
2%Acetorcein solution

4. Methods

• Observe the HE slides under the compound microscope, identifying the structures of each organ, the accessory cells
and the stages of meiosis
• Take a cricket and humanely kill it using ether into the Gerber jar and into the fume hood. Fix the animal using 70%
EtOH for 10minutes.
• Put the cricket o the glass plate with its belly facing down and under the stero microscope cut the dorsal side in a
median sagittal plane, open using the forceps and identify the testes (two yellowish sacs)
• Put the testes on the glass plate and add a few drops of acetorceine solution for 10 minutes. Take one of the testes
and transfer it to a glass slide, then cover with the glass coverslip and macerate using the pencil rubber until
creating a single-cell layer.
• Put the glass slide on the hotplate for 3-4 secs and look under the compound microscope y identifying the different
meiosis phases.

5. Results

Include pictures or drawings of your observations indicating the identified structures, the recognized cell types and the
meiotic stages seen.

6. Quiz

Make a table comparing the process of oogenesis and spermatogenesis

In which meiotic phase does recombination occur?

7. References

• Alberts, B., D, Bray, J., Lewis, M Raff y J.D. Watson. 1994. Molecular biology of the cell. 3rd ed.
• Garland. New York. 1294 pp.
• Dalal Y, Furuyama T, Vermaak D, Henikoff S. Structure, dynamics, and evolution of centromeric
• nucleosomes.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Oct 9;104(41):15974-81. Epub 2007 Sep 24.
• Meyer BJ. X-Chromosome dosage compensation. WormBook. 2005 Jun 25;:1-14.
• Rodríguez-Arnaiz, R., A. N. Castañeda Sortibrán y M. G. Ordaz Téllez. 2004. Conceptos básicos
• de genética. 1ª ed. Las prensas de ciencias. México. 262 pp.
• 8.Aditional support

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