Galaxy Course Presentation (Devang)

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Non Coherent scattering in spectral lines

Devang Agnihotri(JRF-IIA)

24 April 2024

▶ What is Scattering
▶ Complete Frequency Redistribution
▶ Partial Frequency Redistribution
▶ Atom’s frame
▶ Resonance Scattering
▶ Completely Uncorrelated Scattering
▶ Special cases
▶ Observer’s frame Redistribution function
▶ Special Cases again
▶ Conclusions

Atom’s frame redistribution function =r

Atom’s frame incoming photon frequency=ξ ′
Atom’s frame outgoing photon frequency=ξ
Lab frame redistribution function = R
Lab frame incoming photon frequency =ν ′
Lab frame outgoing photon frequency=ν
What is Scattering

Figure: Scattering

As we see in this cartoon, there are two aspects visible in this

1. Directional distribution
2. Frequency Distribution
This motivates us to find the probability distribution of some light
beam coming in the frequency range dξ ′ in the solid angle dΩ′ to
be scattered in range dξ frequency into dΩ solid angle at some
angle dθ from the incident beam.
Complete Frequency Redistribution

Consider the simple idealistic case of a medium where the medium

completely scatters the light without absorption.
In such a case the Source function can be written as:

S(r, n) = g (n, n’)I (r, n’)dΩ′ (1)

3(1 + (n.n’)2 )
g (n, n’) = (2)
(ref. Chandrasekhar Radiative Transfer) Here we have assumed
that every incoming frequency is scattered with same probability.
Partial frequency Redistribution
Classical treatment

Figure: Energy levels

PFRD contd

Thus frequency redistribution is inevitable and it needs a

mathematical treatment, which is the matter of discussion on the
work done by David G Hummer(1962).
Postulate for the classical model treated :
Atom is in well defined different sublevels before and after
We see that for transition i to e
Ee − Ei
ξ′ = + χ′e − χi = ξie + (χ′e − χi ) (3)
χ′e = ξ ′ − ξie + χi (4)

For transition e to f using the same logic we have

χf = −ξif + ξ ′ − ξ + χi (5)
Calculating the Probabilities
We know that broadening around central frequency is Lorentzian
profile i.e.
L(χj , γ) = (6)
π(χ2j + γ2)
γ= (7)

The probability of transition will be the product of probabilities of
atom in the sublevel χi with being in sublevel χ′e and finally in χf
Finally writing the probability of transition:

L(χi , γi )L(χ′e , γe )L(χf , γf ) (8)

But, χ′e and χf can be written in terms of χi using eqn 4 and 5.

P(if ) = L(χi , γi )L(ξ ′ − ξie + χi , γe )L(−ξif + ξ ′ − ξ + χi , γf )dχi
Atom’s frame Redistribution Function

r (ξ ′ , n’, ξ, n)dξ ′ dξdΩdΩ′ (10)

is the probability of scattering.

We may separate this function into frequency and spatial
probabilities as:

r (ξ ′ , n’, ξ, n) = g (n’, n) × r (ξ ′ , ξ) (11)

We have seen this r (ξ ′ , ξ) earlier in equation 10. Thus in general

we can write:
r (ξ , ξ) = L(χi , γi )L(ξ ′ − ξie + χi , γe )L(−ξif + ξ ′ − ξ + χi , γf )dχi

Resonance scattering(f=i)

Figure: Energy levels

Resonance Scattering contd

This is a simple case where f=i so the eqn 13 becomes:

r (ξ , ξ) = L(χi , γi )L(ξ ′ − ξij + χi , γj )L(ξ ′ − ξ + χi , γi )dχi


Being lazy, we don’t want to solve the general integrals rather we

look for special cases and extract physics out of it.
Completely Uncorrelated scattering

Figure: uncorrelated scattering

Completely Uncorrelated Scattering contd

Now we see a special case, where the excited level is re shuffled

We can see this process as combination of two different processes
because of reshuffling , thus we can modify equation 14 and write
it as product of two integrals as:
noncorrelated ′
r (ξ , ξ) = L(χ′i , γi )L(χ′i − (ξij − ξ ′ ), γj )dχ′i ×
L(χj , γj )L(χj − (ξ − ξij ))dχj (14) These individual integrals can
be solved from contour integration techniques, which simply results
in a new lorentzian profile with increased width thus defining
γij = γi + γj . Writing eqn 15 again

r noncorrelated (ξ ′ , ξ) = L(ξ ′ − ξij , γij )L(ξ − ξij , γij ) (15)

Making Life more simple(Special cases)
1. Two level sharp

Figure: Two level sharp

Two levels sharp contd

Lorentzian profiles become delta functions thus

r1 (ξ , ξ) = L(χi , γi )L(ξ ′ − ξij + χi , γj )L(ξ ′ − ξ + χi , γi )dχi

r1 (ξ ′ , ξ) = δ(ξ ′ − ξo )δ(ξ ′ − ξ)

Notice, the coherence in atom’s frame

2.Lower level sharp, Upper level broadened

Figure: lower sharp , upper broadened

2.Lower level sharp, Upper level broadened contd

Here, we will consider i level as delta function while j level as

lorentzian profile:
r2 (ξ ′ , ξ) = L(χi , γi )L(ξ ′ − ξij + χi , γj )L(ξ ′ − ξ + χi , γi )dχi
r2 (ξ ′ , ξ) = L(ξ ′ − ξo , γj )δ(ξ ′ − ξ)

Again Notice the Coherence

Non correlated(reshuffling)

Figure: non correlated

Non-Correlated contd

We have seen this case earlier slide, directly writing the expression:

r3 (ξ ′ , ξ) = L(ξ ′ − ξo , γij )L(ξ − ξo , γij ) (20)

Observer’s frame Redistribution function
Observer’s frame Redistribution function contd

Observer’s frame redistribution function is the final goal of doing all

this analysis, because this will be really what goes inside the source
function. Analysis is very straightforward, we need to consider the
doppler shift because now the emitting atom is itself moving.
General Expression

The analysis is as simple as substituting the expression for ξ ′ and ξ

in terms of ν and ν ′ which are connected by doppler formula:
ξ′ = ν ′ − (21)
ξ=ν− (22)
v.n’νo v.nνo
R(ν ′ , n’ν, n) = g (n’, n) < r (ν ′ − ,ν − ) >v (23)
c c
To Solve 24 we just have to take the mean by assuming
maxwelliean velocity distribution. Some manipulations will help
General expression contnd

u= (24)
2kB T
vth = (25)

Now equation 24 becomes

R(ν ′ , n’ν, n) = g (n’, n)×

−3 2 2 2
r (ν ′ − v.n’νo v.nνo 2 e −(u1 +u2 +u3 ) du1 du2 du3 (26)
c ,ν − c )π
Useful construction
General expression contnd

To proceed, we must evaluate this dot product using the diagram.

Using the diagram and eqn 25 ,26 and defining doppler width as w:
νo 2kB T
w= (27)
c mA
n⃗′ = αn⃗1 + β n⃗2 (28)
n⃗ = αn⃗1 − β n⃗2 (29)
α = cos( ) (30)
β = sin( ) (31)
Now eqn 27 becomes:
Complete General expression

g (n⃗′ , n⃗)π 2 ×
R −u2 2
e 3 du3 e −u1 du1 ×
R −u2
e 2 du2 r (ν ′ − w (αu1 + βu2 ), ν − w (αu1 − βu2 ))(32)
Now the only task is to plug in special cases of Atom’s fram
redistribution function(r’s) into this equation and obtain the Lab
frame redistribution functions(R’s)
Case-1(Both levels sharp)


r1 (ξ ′ , ξ) = δ(ξ ′ − ξo )δ(ξ ′ − ξ) (33)


defining two dimensionless quantities :

ν − νo
x= (35)
ν ′−ν
x′ = (36)
Using equation 33 we substitiute for r1 and integrate
Case -1 contd

2 +(x ′ −xcosθ)2 )cosec 2 θ

g (n’, n)e −(x
R1 (x ′ , n’, x, n) = (37)
comment: the coherency has been destroyed even in most trivial
Case- 2(Lower sharp, upper broadened)
Again plugging in for

r2 (ξ ′ , ξ) = L(ξ ′ − ξo , γj )δ(ξ ′ − ξ) (38)

We use General expression 33 to integrate. Here the integral will

yield Voigt function as studied in class where
∞ 2
a′ e −u1
H(a′ , z) =
π −∞ a′2 + (u1 − z)2
g (n’, n) (x + x ′ )secθ −(x−x ′ )2 cosec 2 θ
R2 (x ′ , n’, x, n) = H(asecθ, )e 4
πsinθ 2

Comments: Again we see coherency has been destroyed.

Case -3(Non correlated case)

Same algorithm is there we take the form of r3 as

r3 (ξ ′ , ξ) = L(ξ ′ − ξo , γij )L(ξ − ξo , γij ) (42)

Put it in eqn 33, integrate over velocities

we get

∞ 2
H(acosecθ, cotθu1 − xcosecθ)e −u1
′ g (n’, n)a
R3 (x , n’, x, n) = du1
π 2 sinθ ∞ (x ′ − u1 )2 + a2

Comments: Functional form of this case is not attainable (at least

till now),One has to numerically determine this function

I think until now you guys must be bored of this presentation so

here is the good news.
▶ We have obtained general expressions and special cases for
both the atom’s frame redistribution function and the Lab
▶ Complete coherency of scattering is not possible even in
simplest of cases(two level sharp) and the credit goes to
doppler shift.
▶ Results of these derivations has been used in modelling
spectral lines of InterPlanetary medium

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