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Nama : Evi purnama sari

Nim : 044076348

Prodi : Manajemen

Kode Matkul : ADBI4201

: Bahasa Inggris
Mata Kuliah Niaga
Title: The Impact of Insufficient Infrastructure on a Country's Economy

Infrastructure plays a crucial role in fostering economic development and societal well-being.
A country with inadequate infrastructure, such as damaged roads and limited health facilities,
is likely to face significant challenges in its economic growth. The repercussions of
insufficient infrastructure are multi-faceted and can impede various aspects of a nation's

Firstly, a lack of proper transportation infrastructure, including damaged roads and

insufficient public transportation, can hinder the movement of goods and people. This
impediment to logistics disrupts supply chains, increases transportation costs, and reduces the
overall efficiency of business operations. Additionally, inadequate health facilities contribute
to a less healthy workforce, leading to increased absenteeism and decreased productivity. The
economic impact is compounded as healthcare costs rise due to preventable illnesses and the
strain on emergency services.

Furthermore, insufficient infrastructure can deter foreign investment and limit economic
opportunities. Investors often seek stable environments with reliable infrastructure to ensure
the success of their ventures. A country lacking in this regard may struggle to attract foreign
direct investment, hindering economic expansion and job creation. In the long run, the
absence of sufficient infrastructure becomes a barrier to overall development, impacting
sectors ranging from education to commerce.

In conclusion, the absence of adequate infrastructure poses a substantial threat to a country's

economic prospects. To foster sustainable growth, governments should prioritize investments
in infrastructure development, recognizing its pivotal role in promoting economic prosperity,
improving living standards, and attracting both domestic and foreign investments.

- World Economic Forum. (2019). "The Global Competitiveness Report 2019." Retrieved
- Aschauer, D. A. (1989). "Is public expenditure productive?" Journal of Monetary
Economics, 23(2), 177-200.

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