Xue Et Al-2018-Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

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Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry—Volume 37, Number 5—pp.

1367–1377, 2018
Received: 7 August 2017 | Revised: 5 October 2017 | Accepted: 4 January 2018 1367

Environmental Toxicology

Trophic Transfer of Cd from Duckweed (Lemna minor L.)

to Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)
Yan Xue,a,* Willie J.G.M. Peijnenburg,b,c Jin Huang,a Dengjun Wang,d and Yan Jine
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Environment Monitoring and Pollution Control, School of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University of
Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China
National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, Center for the Safety of Substances and Products, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Institute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
National Research Council Resident Research Associate, US Environmental Protection Agency, Ada, Oklahoma, USA
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA

Abstract: The transfer of the toxic heavy metal Cd from duckweed (Lemna minor L.) to the freshwater fish tilapia (Oreochromis
mossambicus) was investigated. Concentrations of Cd in different chemical forms in duckweed and in different tissues (gut,
edible muscle, and remnants or residual) of tilapia (i.e., ethanol-extractable fraction [FE], HCl-extractable fraction [FHCl], and
residual fraction [FR]) were quantified, and the bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) of Cd in the tilapia body were calculated. Simple
linear regression analysis was used to unravel the correlation and accumulation mechanisms of Cd along the short food chain.
Our results showed that with increasing exposure concentrations of Cd (0–50 mM for duckweed and 0–10 mM for tilapia), the
total, FE (Fe,d)-, FHCl (Fh,d)-, and FR (Fr,d)-Cd concentrations in duckweed and different tissues of tilapia increased progressively.
The Cd sources (aqueous or dietary) influenced the BAF for Cd accumulation in the whole body of tilapia. Furthermore,
regression analyses yielded significant positive correlations (R2 > 0.96) between the Cd concentration in duckweed and in both
the 3 parts and the whole body of tilapia. This finding suggests that Cd transfer from duckweed to tilapia can be quantitatively
evaluated when tilapia is exposed only to duckweed. In addition, the linear regression between Cd accumulation in whole tilapia
and Fe,d-, Fh,d-, and Fr,d-Cd showed that particularly the correlation with Fe,d-Cd is statistically significant (p < 0.001). The
accumulated Cd concentrations and chemical forms in tilapia tissues also positively correlated with Cd sources (solution or
duckweed). Compared with waterborne exposure only, duckweed especially increased the accumulation of Cd in the gut of
tilapia. Taken together, our findings support a strong dependence of Cd accumulation and transfer from duckweed to tilapia on
its chemical forms, especially on Fe,d-Cd. This knowledge may expedite more accurate risk assessment of heavy metals through
aquatic food chain ecosystems. Environ Toxicol Chem 2018;37:1367–1377.  C 2018 SETAC

Keywords: Cadmium; Duckweed; Tilapia; Bioaccumulation; Trophic transfer

INTRODUCTION 2016) and fishes (Farombi et al. 2007; Wu et al. 2017) and then be
transferred to animals of higher trophic levels (e.g., fish and
The past few decades have seen aggravating water quality
shrimp; Erdogrul and Erbilir 2007), thereby bioaccumulating
deterioration and contamination in aquatic environments
along the aquatic food chain (Sofyan et al. 2006). Because fish
caused in part by the ever-increasing loading of a wide spectrum
are close to the top of the aquatic food chain and can
of toxic heavy metals including, but not limited to, arsenic (As),
bioconcentrate heavy metals from contaminated waterbodies,
lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), mercury (Hg), and cadmium (Cd; Chen
consumption of fish by organisms of a higher trophic level or by
et al. 2000; AltaSs and B€uy€ukg€ung€
or 2007). Once these toxic
humans increases the potential risks to ecosystem safety as well
heavy metals are released into the aquatic environment, they can
as to human health (Sinnett et al. 2010).
be directly or indirectly absorbed by plants (e.g., Salvinia
Heavy metals occur ubiquitously in natural systems with
herzogii and Phragmites australis; Maine et al. 2004; Vymazal
varying concentrations and chemical forms, which in turn
determine their transport efficiency, accumulation pathway,
* Address correspondence to xueyan@nuist.edu.cn and thus phytotoxicity in plants (Wu et al. 2005; Zhao et al. 2015).
Published online 5 January 2017 in Wiley Online Library
(wileyonlinelibrary.com). Using Cd as an example, Zhao et al. (2015) found that specific
DOI: 10.1002/etc.4076 chemical forms of Cd controlled the translocation inside plant

C 2018 SETAC
1368 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2018;37:1367–1377—Y. Xue et al.

tissues. Soluble (e.g., acid-soluble and exchangeable) Cd environments. Another reason for selecting duckweed was
fractions that inherently exhibit high transport efficiency are because of its known capacity of Cd uptake (Hou et al. 2007) and
bioavailable to plants and can induce high phytotoxicity (Chavez tilapia often eat duckweed as their primary food. Specific
et al. 2015). Wang et al. (2015) found that Cd tended to objectives of the present study were to: 1) measure accumulation
accumulate in insoluble forms (e.g., as precipitate with of Cd in duckweed after short-time exposure to different
phosphate and pectate- or protein-bounded), thus reducing concentrations and chemical forms of Cd, 2) investigate the
Cd mobility and toxicity in watercress. influence of 2 types of exposure (water only and via duckweed)
In comparison, accumulation of heavy metals in organisms of on Cd accumulation and chemical forms in tilapia, 3) quantify the
a higher trophic level such as fish is thought to be more complex, relationships among diverse chemical forms of Cd and Cd
depending on the interplay of multiple parameters such as type concentrations in these chemical forms in duckweed and Cd
of heavy metal, concentration, as well as fish species (Chen et al. concentrations in dissimilar tissues of tilapia, and 4) identify the
2000). For example, Chen et al. (2000) identified different mechanisms responsible for Cd transfer and accumulation from
accumulation pathways and modes for 5 heavy metals (Hg, Zn, duckweed to tilapia.
Cd, As, and Pb) in aqueous food chains. Mercury and Zn were
found to biomagnify from the lower trophic level plankton to
macrozooplankton and then to the higher trophic level fish, MATERIALS AND METHODS
whereas Cd bioaccumulated (rather than biomagnified) in fish The tested Cd concentrations were in most cases higher than
when fed Cd-contaminated food for a short-term period realistic environmental concentrations of Cd. The high Cd
(Ruangsomboon and Wongrat 2006). In addition, species, age concentrations were used to test the responses for duckweed
(growth stage), and size of fish were also found to affect the (L. minor L.) and tilapia, which mimic the scenario (acute
bioaccumulation of heavy metals among different tissues of fish exposure) of Cd accidental spill/release in duckweed and tilapia
(e.g., Tilapia nilotica; Amundsen et al. 1997; Al-Yousuf et al. in aquatic environments.
2000). Wang et al. (2010) reported that concentration enrich-
ment of Cd in aquatic organisms was affected by the exposure
route (waterborne vs dietary exposure). Furthermore, metal
Cd accumulation in duckweed
speciation is another key factor determining the trophic transfer Duckweed was chosen as a representative plant for Cd
of metals from the aquatic environment to biota (Kosolsaksakul exposure experiments. Duckweed (L. minor L.) seedling samples
et al. 2014; Sungur et al. 2014; Chavez et al. 2016). were collected from Yilian Garden in Nanjing, China. The
Although previous studies have examined heavy metal seedlings were transferred in Hoagland medium (KNO3 224 mg
accumulation and toxicity in both plants (Maine et al. 2004; L1, Ca(NO3)2  4H2O 235 mg L1, MgSO4  7H2O 62 mg L1,
Vymazal 2016) and fish (Mansour and Sidky 2002) and through K2HPO4 160 mg L1, KCl 1.77 mg L1, H3BO3 0.27 mg L1,
the plant–fish food chain (Chen et al. 2000; Mendoza-Carranza MnSO4  H2O 0.11 mg L1, Na2MoO4 0.05 mg L1 Mo, CuSO4
et al. 2016), little attention has been paid to unraveling how  5H2O 0.03, mg L1 Cu NaFe- ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
different chemical forms (or speciation) of heavy metals impact [EDTA] 2.00 mg L1 Fe, and ZnSO4  7H2O 0.13 mg L1 Zn) and
the bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of Cd from plant to fish. cultivated under natural light conditions in a greenhouse. Before
Compared with other metal toxicant pollution, Cd contamina- cultivation the pH of the Hoagland medium was adjusted to
tion is one of the pressing and challenging global issues (Vidovic 5.5 using 0.1 M NaOH and HCl. The medium was replaced every
et al. 2005) that has received immense interest all over the world, 2 d during seedling cultivation. Experimental cultures were
primarily because Cd is highly mobile and transferable within initiated by inoculation of a single colony with 2 to 3 fronds.
terrestrial ecosystems and beyond (Vig et al. 2003). For example, Duckweed plants having similar frond numbers (2.0  0.1 g,
Cd has been shown to transfer and accumulate along the fresh wt, each concentration) were selected and transferred to
soil–rice–human food chain (Simmons et al. 2008), posing great Cd-containing Hoagland medium at Cd concentrations of 0, 0.1,
risks to the human health—particularly in Asia (e.g., China) where 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 mM CdCl2 (i.e., 0, 0.011, 0.056, 0.112,
rice is the most important food crop and dietary staple. Also, 0.562, 1.12, 2.25, and 5.62 mg L1 CdCl2), and grown in the
evidence has indicated that Cd is easily transferable in aquatic greenhouse at 25  2 8C for 7 d. Triplicate experiments
food chains (Ruangsomboon and Wongrat 2006) and Cd toxicity were performed for each concentration test. At day 7 the plants
and migration behaviors are highly related to its chemical forms were harvested, washed with distilled, deionized water, and then
(Chavez et al. 2016; Wang et al. 2015). It is reasonable to expect dried at 70 8C to constant weight. The resulting dry samples were
that diverse forms of Cd would also behave differently in the ground into powder using a stainless steel mill that was also
transfer of Cd from plant to fish. utilized for tilapia feeding and for analyses of total Cd
In the present study, we investigated the transfer of Cd from concentration and speciation.
duckweed to tilapia in the laboratory by monitoring different
chemical forms of Cd (i.e., ethanol-extractable fraction [FE],
HCl-extractable fraction [FHCl], and residual or remnant fraction
Cd accumulation in tilapia from Cd-containing
[FR]). Duckweed (Lemna minor L.) and tilapia (Oreochromis water
mossambicus) were chosen as representative plant and fish Preliminary experiment to confirm the median lethal
species, respectively, that are commonly found in aqueous concentration of Cd. Tilapia (O. mossambicus) purchased

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Cd trophic transfer from duckweed to tilapia—Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2018;37:1367–1377 1369

from an unpolluted fishery farm (the water samples were analyzed for In the transfer experiment, 2 tilapia (20 g fresh wt; 12 cm in
heavy metal analysis: Cd, Pb, and Hg were undetectable and the length) were fed with duckweed that had accumulated Cd from
concentration of Cu was 0.001 mM, as determined by atomic the previous stage. Each fish was placed in an indoor aquarium
absorption spectrophotometer [AAS; TAS-986; Purkinje General (0.5 m  0.5 m  0.5 m) filled with 50 L of aerated, diluted
Instrument]) in Nanjing, China (328030 N, 1188460 E), were used as the (medium:distilled water, 1:25, v/v) MA medium and main-
representative fish in the present study. Before Cd accumulation tained under a 12:12-h light: dark cycle. First, to acclimate all
experiments, the tilapia were acclimated to laboratory conditions in fish to the experimental conditions, they were fed a controlled
aerated laboratory tanks at optimal water temperatures of 20 to Cd-free diet (commercial fish food) twice a day at 9:00 AM and
25 8C (pH 7.4–7.7) for 1 wk under natural photoperiod conditions. 5:00 PM for 3 d. The fish were able to consume the given diet
During the acclimation period, the fish were fed with commercial, within 10 to 15 min after diet delivery. They were fed for 7 d
unpolluted fish food (Cd free) twice a day (morning and afternoon) at with the dry Cd-dosed duckweed powder containing different
a daily rate of 5% body weight (fresh wt). chemical forms of Cd ( 11 mg of dry wt duckweed per fish per
After 1 wk of acclimatization, tilapia (6 tilapia per aquarium) in day; 154 mg total for the entire experiment duration). The
good health and having similar sizes (body wt of 20.2  2.4 g major reason for employing the dried duckweed for feeding
fresh wt; total length of 12.4  0.6 cm) were transferred to the tilapia was that this procedure allowed us to obtain Cd
experimental indoor aquaria (0.5 m  0.5 m  0.5 m) containing concentrations that were sufficiently high enough to accurately
50 L of diluted (medium:distilled water, 1:25, v/v) MA medium assess bioaccumulation for tilapia. Each treatment was
(Ca(NO3)2  4H2O 50 mg L1, KNO3 100 mg L1, NaNO3 performed in triplicate, and the medium in the aquaria was
50 mg L1, Na2EDTA 5 mg L1, bicine 500 mg L1, disodium renewed once every 2 d. As previously described, the fish were
b-glycerophosphate 100 mg L1, CoCl2  6H2O 5 mg L1, harvested, washed, and separated into 3 parts for Cd
FeC13  6H2O 0.5 mg L1, Na2MoO4  2H2O 0.8 mg L1, concentration and chemical speciation analyses.
1 1
MgC12  6H2O 50 mg L , MnCl2  4H2O 5 mg L , ZnCl2 0.5 mg
L1, H3BO3 20 mg L1, and Na2SO4 40 mg L1; Maeda et al. 1993)
and different Cd concentrations containing 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, Sample digestion
20, and 50 mg L1 of Cd (added as CdCl2). The aquaria were The Cd concentrations in the duckweed were analyzed
operated under a 12:12-h light:dark cycle. Fish were fed using a according to the method of Wang et al. (2003) with some
controlled, Cd-free diet twice a day. Triplicate experiments were modifications. Briefly, 0.4  0.01 g of dry-powder plant samples
carried out for each concentration treatment. The MA medium were combined with 10 mL of a mixture of concentrated HNO3
was replaced every 2 d. The trial tests were performed for 7 d. The (8.7 mL) and HClO4 (1.3 mL). The resulting mixture was digested
results showed that 10 mg L1 (89 mM) of Cd were the median first at 180 8C for 6 h and then at 220 8C for 2 h. During digestion,
lethal concentration, which is often used as the highest additional concentrated HNO3 and/or HClO4 were added, if
concentration for acute toxicity testing experiments (Maeda needed, to digest the sample until no visible plant tissues
et al. 1993). remained in the digestion solution. The digested solution was
then transferred to a flask, and deionized water was added to
Formal experiment. The process of the experiment was the obtain a final volume of 25 mL for Cd analysis.
same as in Preliminary experiment to confirm the median lethal Samples of fish tissues were digested using the method of Yi
concentration of Cd, in the Materials and Methods section. et al. (2011) with minor modification. In brief, 0.4  0.01 g of
The Cd concentrations of 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 mg L1 were dry-powder samples of different fish tissues were put directly
added as CdCl2. When the culture was finished, tilapia were into acid-washed Teflon digestion vessels. Five mililiters of
harvested, washed with deionized water, and separated into 3 concentrated HNO3 was added into each vessel and evapo-
parts (Maeda et al. 1993): edible muscle, gut, and the residual rated until all HNO3 was gone at the temperature of 100 8C
fraction including bones, scales, fins, and skin. Each part was cut using XT-9800 pretreatment heater (Shanghai Jingxue Science
into small pieces and freeze-dried using a freeze-dryer vacuum- Apparatus CO.). Afterward, 5 mL of concentrated HNO3:H2O2
concentrator (model FD-1A-50; Shanghai Jingxue Science (4:1, v/v) mixture solution were added to each vessel and
Apparatus CO., LTD, China). The dried samples were weighed digested in a microwave. To check the digestion efficiency,
and then ground into powder using a stainless steel mill that was each digestion experiment was conducted in parallel with
then used for analyses of total Cd concentration and speciation. control treatments that included a reagent blank, a reference
The dry mass ratio of edible muscle:guts:remnants was standard material (yellow croaker, Pseudosciaena crocea,
approximately 5:1:6. GBW08573, from the National Research Center for Standards,
Beijing, China), and a sample without addition of the mixture of
concentrated acids. Specifically, microwave digestion included
Transfer of Cd from duckweed to tilapia 3 steps: digestion at 0.5 MPa for 2 min, 1.0 MPa for 2 min, and
To simplify and strengthen the results of the Cd transfer, the 1.5 MPa for 3 min. After microwave digestion, the samples were
present study used 2 experimental designs according to Maeda cooled down at room temperature for at least 1 h before being
et al. (1993). In one of the designs the duckweed was cultured in transferred to plastic test tubes. Deionized water was added to
Cd-contaminated water (2.1), whereas in the other design the each tube, reaching a final total volume of 100 mL before Cd
tilapia were fed dried duckweed. concentration measurements (Yi et al. 2011).

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1370 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2018;37:1367–1377—Y. Xue et al.

Sequential extraction of different Cd forms in the whole body of tilapia and Cs represents the Cd concen-
duckweed and tilapia trations in the solution to which tilapia are exposed. When
exposed to dietary Cd (duckweed), the bioaccumulation factor
Samples of duckweed and different tissues of tilapia were
(BAFd) was calculated as BAFd ¼ Ct/Cd kg duckweed kg1 (YW.
sequentially extracted using the methods of Wu et al. (2005) and
Wang et al. 2008), where Ct represents the mean Cd
Wu et al. (2012) with modification, to examine the different
concentration in the whole body of tilapia and Cd represents
chemical forms of Cd. The Cd species in duckweed and tilapia
the mean Cd concentration (mg kg1) in duckweed.
samples were chemically divided into FE-Cd, FHCl-Cd, and FR-Cd
fractions, respectively. Specifically, a 3-step sequential extrac-
tion procedure was carried out: 1) 80% ethanol was used to Statistical analyses
extract soluble Cd (FE-Cd), primarily including soluble Cd and
All experimental data were reported as mean values 
aminophenol Cd; 2) 0.6 M of HCl were utilized to extract
standard deviations. Bivariate correlation analyses were per-
insoluble CdHPO4 and Cd3(PO4)2, other Cd-phosphate com-
formed to determine the relationship among different forms of
plexes, and Cd integrated with pectates and proteins (FHCl-Cd);
Cd in duckweed and Cd concentration in different tissues of
and 3) either a concentrated HNO3-HClO4 or HNO3-H2O2
tilapia using Excel 2013. Significant differences were identified
mixture was used to release residual Cd (FR-Cd) that cannot be
by one-way analysis of variance using the least significant
extracted by ethanol or HCl from duckweed and tilapia.
difference test with a 95% confidence limit (p < 0.05).
The 3-step sequential Cd extraction procedure was as follows:
Dry-powder samples of duckweed or tilapia (4 g) were introduced
into a 50-mL centrifugal tube containing 25 mL of extractant (80% RESULTS
ethanol). The mixture was then placed in a 30 8C water bath for
Cd accumulation in duckweed (L. minor) from
18 h, and then centrifuged at 5000 g for 10 min. The resulting the
exposure to Cd in solution
supernatant (first extraction, containing FE-Cd) was collected. The
extraction procedure was repeated again by adding another Table 1 presents the accumulation of Cd in duckweed
20 mL of extractant (0.6 M HCl) to the residual sample, which was (L. minor) as a function of the Cd concentration in aqueous
again placed in the water bath at 30 8C for 2 h, and then solution. With increasing aqueous Cd concentrations, the total
centrifuged at 5000 g for 10 min. The supernatant (second accumulated Cd concentration in duckweed increased signifi-
extraction, containing FHCl-Cd) was collected. The first and cantly (p < 0.05). For example, when the Cd concentration in the
second extractions were evaporated on an electric plate at exposure medium was increased from 0.1 to 50 mM, the Cd
70 8C until a constant weight was achieved. The evaporated concentration in duckweed was elevated monotonically from 5.8
extraction containing FE-Cd or FHCl-Cd was performed by using to 530 mg/kg dry weight. Similar trends were observed for Cd
HNO3-HClO4 (87:13, v/v, for duckweed) or HNO3-H2O2 (4:1, v/v, accumulation in different chemical forms (i.e., the concentrations
for fish), respectively. The solid sample (containing FR-Cd) in the of Fe,d, Fh,d, and Fr,d increased significantly [p < 0.05] on
centrifugal tube after second extraction was directly digested increasing the Cd concentration in the aquatic exposure
using the same mixtures of HNO3-HClO4 or HNO3-H2O2 for medium; Table 1). Interestingly, regardless of the external Cd
determining the concentration of residual Cd. The chemical forms concentration, Cd accumulated in duckweed was mostly in the
of FE, FHCl, and FR in duckweed were expressed as Fe,d, Fh,d, and form of Fh,d, ranging from 76.2 to 88.1% of the total accumulated
Fr,d, respectively. The chemical forms of FE, FHCl, and FR in tilapia Cd concentration (Table 1). In comparison, much lower
were expressed as Fe,t, Fh,t, and Fr,t, respectively. percentages, 8.1 to 16.4% and 3.9 to 11.3% Cd, were found
in the forms of Fe,d and Fr,d, respectively.

Cd concentration measurement
Cd accumulation and its chemical forms in tilapia
The concentrations of Cd extracted using different extrac-
tants (described in Sequential extraction of different Cd forms in
from exposure to Cd in solution
duckweed and tilapia) in both duckweed and in different tissues Total accumulated concentrations and concentrations in
of tilapia were determined using an AAS (TAS-986; Purkinje different chemical forms of Cd in tilapia gut, edible muscle,
General Instrument) or a graphite furnace if the Cd concentration and remnants as a function of exposure concentration are shown
was low (at ppb level). Reagent blanks, analytical duplicates, and in Figure 1. In agreement with the results shown for duckweed
standard reference materials were measured in parallel for (Table 1), Cd accumulation in each part of the tilapia body
quality assurance and quality control and to determine extrac- increased significantly (p < 0.05) with increasing Cd concentra-
tion efficiency. The recovery rates for the standard reference tion in solution. Furthermore, among the different tissues of
materials were determined to be > 95%. tilapia, Cd concentrations in the gut were the highest. However,
because of its small total mass, the gut was not the dominant
tissue for Cd bioaccumulation overall, accounting for only 22.6
Bioaccumulation factors to 28.7% of total accumulated Cd. The percentage of Cd
When exposed to the aqueous phase Cd, the bioaccumu- accumulation in the different tissues followed the order of
lation factor (BAFa) was calculated using the formula BAFa ¼ remnants (61.7–65.2%) > gut (22.6–28.7%) > edible muscle
Ct/Cs L kg1, where Ct represents the mean Cd concentration in (8.1–11.2%).

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Cd trophic transfer from duckweed to tilapia—Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2018;37:1367–1377 1371

TABLE 1: Accumulation and chemical forms of cadmium (Cd) in duckweed (Lemna minor L.)

Cd concentration in duckweed (mg Cd/kg dry wt [%])

Cd concentration in water (mM) Total Fe,d-Cda Fh,d-Cdb Fr,d-Cdc

0.1 5.8  0.55A 0.82  0.091A (14.1C,D) 5.1  0.039A (87.9A) 0.23  0.019A (3.9A)
0.5 23.9  2.47B 3.9  0.39B (16.4C,D) 20.3  2.44B (85.0A) 1.4  0.15B (5.9C)
1 49.0  5.20C 8.00  0.92C (16.3D) 37.4  4.21C (76.3A) 2.6  0.30C (5.3C)
5 147  19.6D 16.4  1.48D (11.2C) 112  12.6D (76.2A) 12.2  1.33D (8.3D)
10 270  30.3E 26.3  3.11E (9.8A,B) 231  28.9E (85.6A) 17.9  1.77E (6.6C)
20 420  40.1F 34.1  3.90F (8.1A) 370  41.7F (88.1A) 19.4  2.01F (4.6B)
50 530  56.6G 56.3  6.02G (10.6B) 429  52.4G (80.9A) 59.7  6.42G (11.3E)
Values in parentheses are relative % contents.
Fe,d-Cd—extracted by 80% ethanol; soluble Cd including nitrate, chloride, and aminophenol Cd.
Fh,d-Cd—extracted by 0.6 M HCl, insoluble CdHPO4 and Cd3(PO4)2, other Cd-phosphate complexes, and Cd integrated with pectates and proteins.
Fr,d-Cd—in the residuals.
Significant differences at p < 0.05 (analysis of variance).
ND ¼ not detectable.

With respect to the different chemical forms, Cd accumula- (with R2  0.96) between Cd content in duckweed and Cd uptake
tion in tilapia varied in a concentration-dependent manner by tilapia tissues (Figure 2).
(Figure 1). For example, Cd accumulated in the gut was
predominately in the form of Fh,t, accounting for 78.1 to
85.8% of the total amount of Cd that had accumulated, followed BAFs for Cd in the whole body of tilapia via
by Fr,t (9.8–11.7%) and Fe,t (5.6–10.3%), respectively (Figure 1A). different exposure routes
In contrast, accumulation of the various forms of Cd showed a Figure 3 shows BAFa and BAFd as functions of the Cd
different pattern in the edible muscle (Figure 1C). Specifically, concentrations in the exposure mediums (either water or dried
Fh,t and Fe,t had almost equal percentages and accounted for duckweed). The BAFa decreased with an increase of Cd
39.2 to 49.3% and 41.1 to 48.8%, respectively, of total concentration in water first and then remained steady. The
accumulated Cd, whereas Fr,t (10.8–17.0%) was approximately BAFd increased at first and then decreased with the increase of
3 times lower than the other 2 forms. In remnants (Figure 1B), Cd concentration in duckweed. The BAFs for Cd in the whole
however, Fh,t (48.3–57.7%) was significantly higher than Fe,t body of tilapia varied with Cd sources. When exposed directly to
(31.3–43.1%) and Fr,t (10.8–15.6%). water, BAFa values ranged between 2.82 and 5.46 L kg1,
whereas the BAFd values were in the range of 0.035 to 0.019 kg
duckweed kg1 via duckweed.
Transfer and bioaccumulation of Cd from the
duckweed to tilapia
Table 2 shows Cd accumulation in 3 different tissues of Relationship between chemical forms of Cd in
tilapia fed with duckweed powder containing diverse amounts duckweed and tilapia
of Cd (Table 1). Accumulation of Cd in tilapia increased The Cd concentration accumulated in whole tilapia was
significantly from 0.17 to 12.0 mg kg1 dry weight with significantly correlated with the chemical forms of Cd in
enhanced Cd content (from 5.8–530 mg kg1 dry wt) in duckweed, as shown by the high linear regression constants
duckweed. Consistent with the findings of direct exposure of (Figure 4). The correlation with Fe,d-Cd (Figure 4a; R2 ¼ 1.00) was
tilapia to Cd in solution (see text under the heading Cd the best of all, at a p < 0.001 significant level, followed by Fh,d-
accumulation and its chemical forms in tilapia from exposure to Cd (Figure 4b; R2 ¼ 0.95), and Fr,d-Cd (Figure 4c; R2 ¼ 0.90).
Cd in solution, in the Results section), Cd concentrations in the Figure 5 shows the collections of different chemical forms of
gut were the highest, followed by that in remnants and then in Cd in different tissues of tilapia exposed directly to water and via
edible muscle. duckweed. The concentrations of Fh,t and Fr,t accumulated in
However, the percentage of Cd in different tissues of tilapia tilapia followed the same order of gut > remnants > edible
was different from the findings of direct exposure of tilapia to Cd muscle, regardless of Cd source or exposed concentration
in solution (Cd accumulation and its chemical forms in tilapia (Figure 5C–F). However, the concentration of Fe,t-Cd varied with
from exposure to Cd in solution); the gut of tilapia, through food the Cd source. When exposed to aqueous phase Cd (Figure 5A),
transfer, accumulated greater amounts of Cd than the other the order of Fe,t-Cd concentration in tilapia was remnants > gut
2 tissues (edible muscle and remnants). For example, 55.8 to > edible muscle, whereas Fe,t-Cd concentration was the highest
64.7% of Cd accumulated in the guts, whereas edible muscle in the gut when the Cd source was duckweed (Figure 5B).
and remnants accumulated 1.1 to 1.2% and 32.0 to 37.2%, Overall, all chemical forms of Cd accumulated in different tilapia
respectively, of the total amount of Cd collected. Linear tissues increased significantly (p < 0.05) with increasing Cd
regression analyses confirmed a significantly positive correlation concentrations in the exposure medium (solution or duckweed).

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1372 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2018;37:1367–1377—Y. Xue et al.

FIGURE 2: Regression analyses of accumulated Cd concentration (mg

Cd/kg dry wt) between Lemna minor and Oreochromis mossambicus
whole body, and between L. minor and the 3 parts of O. mossambicus.
Tilapia, n ¼ 30. R2, the coefficient of determination, is significant at
p < 0.001.

For example, when the Cd concentration rose from 0.5 to

10 mg/L in the aqueous solution, Fe,t-Cd accumulation in the gut,
remnants, and edible muscle increased from 0.67 to 10.97, 1.23
to 16.87, and 0.31 to 3.44 mg kg1, respectively. Similarly, Fe,t-,
Fh,t-, and Fr,t-Cd in all parts of tilapia increased monotonically
with increasing Cd content in duckweed.

Cd chemical forms
The chemical forms of Cd affect its uptake pathways and thus
the Cd bioaccumulation and transfer through food chains. In
other words, the chemical forms of Cd determine the
FIGURE 1: Accumulation and chemical forms of Cd in different tissues
of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) from Cd-containing water. bioaccumulation efficiency and toxic effects of Cd for each
(A) Gut, (B) remnants, and (C) edible muscle. Different lower case trophic-level organism along a food chain (X. Wang et al. 2008;
letters at tops of bars indicate significant dissimilarities at p < 0.05 Sungur et al. 2014). For instance, soluble Cd in inorganic form
(analysis of variance) within the same forms of Cd with Cd concentration
in water. One-half of the tilapia did not survive. #Because duckweed
and organic form (extracted by 80% ethanol, FE-Cd) exhibits
and tilapia have differing Cd endurance capacities, diverse Cd exposure remarkably stronger migration ability, compared with the
concentrations were selected in the present study. –The analytical data undissolved Cd phosphate and Cd oxalate (extracted by 0.6 M
are negative or near 0 when Cd concentration was 0 mM. Fh,t-Cd, Fe,t- HCl, FHCl-Cd). This is because soluble Cd can easily penetrate
Cd, and Fr,t-Cd express the Cd chemical forms of HCl-extractable
fraction, ethanol-extractable fraction, and residual or remnant fraction, the symplasm system and it is thus highly transferable among
respectively, in tissues of tilapia. different tissues (Fu et al. 2011), resulting in more severe toxic
effects compared with those of other Cd species (X. Wang et al.

TABLE 2: Bioaccumulation and transfer of cadmium (Cd) in the duckweed–tilapia short food chain

Organisms Cd in organisms (mg Cd kg1 dry wt)

Lemna minor L.a (Cd in water, mM) 5.8  0.55 (0.1) 49.0  5.2 (1) 270  30.3 (10) 420  40.1 (20) 530  56.6 (50)
Oreochromis mossambicus whole bodyb 0.17  0.017A 1.7  0.23B 5.6  0.53C 7.9  0.79D 12.0  1.5E
O. mossambicus gut 0.76  0.052A 7.3  0.88B 21.5  1.9C 30.7  3.3D 49.4  6.4E
O. mossambicus edible muscle 0.0043  0.0003A 0.29  0.018B 1.6  0.17C 2.1  0.25D 2.9  0.32E
O. mossambicus remnants 0.22  0.024A 2.0  0.19B 6.3  0.60C 8.9  0.82D 13.4  1.6E
Values in parentheses are Cd concentrations in the medium culturing duckweed.
L. minor containing different Cd was chosen from Table 1.
Whole body Cd of the tilapia was calculated from the Cd concentration in each of the organ parts and the weight ratios of those parts.
Significant differences at p < 0.05 (analysis of variance).
Lemna minor L. ¼ duckweed; Oreochromis mossambicus ¼ tilapia.

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Cd trophic transfer from duckweed to tilapia—Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2018;37:1367–1377 1373

FIGURE 3: Bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) for Cd from the solution and from dietary (duckweed) in the whole body of tilapia. The whole body of the
tilapia was calculated from the weight ratios of these parts and Cd concentration (mg/kg dry wt) in each of the 3 parts shown in Table 2. One-half of
the tilapia did not survive. BAFa denotes Cd in the whole body of tilapia exposed to the solution. BAFd represents Cd in the whole body of tilapia via

2008; Mwamba et al. 2016). In comparison, FHCl-Cd integrat- different tilapia tissues was remnants > gut > edible muscle.
ing with proteins and pectic acids had low or no phytotoxicity, Whereas when the Cd source was diet, the order was
which is responsible for the adaptation of plants to Cd stress gut > remnants > edible muscle. We further observed that the
(Fu et al. 2011). In the present study, the majority of Cd in contents of Cd in all tilapia tissues increased with boosting the
duckweed was in the form of Fh,d-Cd, likely complexed with solution Cd concentrations, whereas Cd enrichment in the gut
pectates and proteins (Table 1), followed by Fe,d-Cd. Similar was greater than enrichment in muscle and remnants (Figure 1).
results have been found in previous studies. For example, the The results indicate that diverse tissues have different abilities to
largest portion of Cd accumulated in roots and shoots of accumulate heavy metals (e.g., Cd). Karadede et al. (2004)
cabbage was found to be integrated with proteins and reported that in the gut metallothioneins can be produced to
pectates (extracted by 1 M NaCl; Qiu et al. 2011). Similar alleviate the toxicity of heavy metals. Other studies also showed
findings were reported as well for Porphyra yezoensis and that muscle was not an active tissue for heavy metal accumula-
Laminaria japonica (Zhao et al. 2012). In addition, Wu et al. tion (Mansour and Sidky 2002; Yilmaz et al. 2007). Thus the fish
(2005) found that Cd-resistant barley genotypes had higher gut, rather than other fish tissues, is more often used to indicate
concentrations of pectate- and protein-integrated Cd and the extent of water pollution (Karadede et al. 2004). Further
lower concentrations of Cd in water-soluble and inorganic studies are needed to improve our current knowledge in terms of
forms, compared with Cd-sensitive genotypes. Further studies which types of proteins or peptides are responsible for binding
are needed to decipher whether pectate- and protein- and detoxification of Cd in the gut tissue of tilapia.
integrated Cd (Fh,d-Cd in the present study) in duckweed
play an important role in alleviating the toxicity of Cd.
Biotransformation of Cd from duckweed to
Cd concentrations in aquatic organisms There have been reports that dietary exposure to Cd might
Our findings clearly show accumulation of Cd in duckweed as cause Cd biomagnification, a process whereby chemical
a result of exposure to Cd in aqueous solution. Accumulation concentrations increase in aquatic organisms at each successive
was found to increase with increasing Cd concentration in the trophic level because of increasing dietary exposures in aquatic
exposure medium (Table 1). These results support previous food webs (Wang et al. 2010). Other studies have also shown
reports that duckweed can absorb Cd from surrounding that Cd accumulation by aquatic organisms varies largely with
environments (Hou et al. 2007). the exposure route of Cd (Sofyan et al. 2007). More specifically,
Fish can accumulate heavy metals from aquatic environments Sofyan et al. (2007) found that compared with co-exposure to
(Kibria et al. 2016). For example, Hook and Fisher (2001) both aqueous and dietary sources, the individual dietary
reported that the body burden of Cd of the copepod Acartia exposure pathway was less harmful to Ceriodaphnia dubia.
hudsonica increased 2-fold more than the background concen- Our results indicate that tilapia (both whole fish and individual
tration after a short-term exposure at 5 nM Cd. Furthermore, the tissues) bioaccumulated Cd (no biomagnification) when ex-
heavy metal accumulation capacity of fish varies among types of posed via diet (Table 2). Table 2 shows that the Cd concen-
fish as well as among the different tissues of each fish (Lwanga trations in both whole fish and all 3 tissues are significantly lower
et al. 2003). Al-Yousuf et al. (2000) observed that Cd enrichment than those in duckweed, the dietary source of Cd. However,
in Lethrinus lentjan fish tissues varied in the order gut > muscle feeding duckweed containing higher Cd concentrations to the
> skin. In the present study, Cd accumulation in different tilapia tilapia resulted in growth in the accumulated Cd concentrations
tissues was affected by the Cd source (i.e., solution or diet). in tilapia and the 3 tissues (i.e., the gut, edible muscle, and
When exposed to solution, the order of Cd accumulation in remnants). Furthermore, a positive correlation (R2 > 0.96) was

C 2018 SETAC
1374 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2018;37:1367–1377—Y. Xue et al.

metal-binding proteins. Moreover, Chen et al. (2017) found that

heat-stable protein could bind most of the accumulated Cd in 2
different earthworms (Metaphire guillelmi and Eisenia fetida);
E. fetida had a higher proportion of proteins, resulting in a better
capacity to detoxify Cd and a greater tolerance of the metal than
in M. guillelmi. Al-Yousuf et al. (2000) found that the main
location of Cd accumulation varied strongly with fish species.
Several studies reported that Cd accumulation occurred mainly
in the liver, as in carp (Suresh et al. 1993) and in L. lentjan
(Al-Yousuf et al. 2000). This is not consistent with our results.
Nevertheless, the present study shows that the exposure route
of Cd (aqueous or dietary) influences the percentage of the total
Cd in different tissues of tilapia. The gut accumulated a higher
percentage of Cd via the diet than via the solution (Table 2).

BAFs for Cd in the whole body of tilapia

Bioaccumulation factors of fish for trace elements (Cd, Co, Cr,
Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn) have been reported to be affected by the
metal concentration in the environment (Alhashemi et al. 2012).
Figure 3 shows that BAFa and BAFd varied with the Cd
concentration in the water and in the duckweed, respectively,
consistent with previously documented findings (Alhashemi
et al. 2012). Julian (2013) supposed that the BAF of Hg was
related primarily to the metal source. The BAF of Cd as obtained
in our study was in line with the hypothesis. Figure 3 indicates
that the Cd source influenced the whole-body accumulation of
Cd by tilapia. Arnot and Gobas (2006) controlled laboratory
conditions in which the diet was either included or not. It was
detected that BAF (diet included) was different from the
bioconcentration factor (diet not included), which agreed with
our findings. It was found that BAF was related not only to the
ambient concentration but also to growth dilution, elimination
and uptake, fecal egestion, and metabolic biotransformation
(Arnot and Gobas 2006). However, there was no direct evidence
supporting the influence of Cd chemical forms in different Cd
sources on the BAF. Further studies are needed to improve our
current knowledge of potential mechanisms responsible for the
FIGURE 4: Relationship between Cd chemical forms (Fe,d, Fh,d, and Fr,d) metal transfer in the food chain.
in duckweed and accumulated Cd concentration in different tissues of
tilapia fed with the Cd-dosed duckweed for 7 d. The whole body of the
tilapia was calculated from the weight ratios of these parts and Cd
concentration (mg/kg dry wt) in each of the 3 parts shown in Table 2. Fe,d- Migration of different Cd chemical forms from
Cd, Fh,d-Cd, and Fr,d-Cd express the Cd chemical forms of ethanol- duckweed to tilapia
extractable fraction, HCl-extractable fraction, and residual or remnant
fraction, respectively, in duckweed. As discussed in section Cd chemical forms, different chemical
forms of Cd can result in different degrees of toxicity to
organisms and migration efficiency along food chains (X. Wang
observed between Cd concentrations in duckweed and Cd in et al. 2008; Chavez et al. 2016). For instance, Su et al. (2014)
the tilapia whole body (Figure 2). These results clearly suggest reported a positive exponential relationship between peanut
that diet represents a direct pathway for Cd transfer from shoot Cd concentration and FE-Cd concentration. Chavez et al.
duckweed to tilapia. Similar findings were reported previously (2015) found that the accumulation of Cd in cacao beans was
(Notten et al. 2005). significantly correlated with Cd chemical forms in soils. As clearly
As shown in Table 2, regardless of the Cd source (aqueous or shown in Figure 4 in our study, the Cd concentration in tilapia
dietary), Cd concentration was highest in the gut of tilapia, was closely correlated with the Cd chemical forms in their dietary
consistent with the findings reported elsewhere (Roesijadi 1992). source (duckweed). The best linear correlation was observed
According to Roesijadi (1992), Cd exposure resulted in Cd between Cd concentration in the whole tilapia body and Fe,d-Cd
accumulation in the gut because the gut plays a major role in in duckweed, whereas the correlation was weaker with Fr,d. In a
detoxification and excretion of metals through the induction of similar study, Prankel et al. (2005) fed sheep with a diet

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Cd trophic transfer from duckweed to tilapia—Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2018;37:1367–1377 1375

FIGURE 5: Concentration of different Cd chemical forms in different tissues of tilapia exposed to water phase and via food (duckweed). One-half of the
tilapia did not survive. (A) Fe,t-Cd exposed to medium, (B) Fe,t-Cd exposed to duckweed, (C) Fh,t-Cd exposed to medium, (D) Fh,t-Cd exposed to
duckweed, (E) Fr,t-Cd exposed to medium, and (F) Fr,t-Cd exposed to duckweed. Fe,t-Cd, Fh,t-Cd, and Fr,t-Cd express the Cd chemical forms of ethanol-
extractable fraction, HCl-extractable fraction, and residual or remnant fraction, respectively, in tissues of tilapia.

containing organic Cd forms (Cd from plants fertilized with determine Cd accumulation, translocation, and its chemical
sewage sludge) and inorganic Cd forms (CdCl2 added to their forms in higher trophic organisms along the food chain.
diet), respectively. It was found that the chemical forms of Cd Nevertheless, whereas the chemical form may provide a
(both organic and inorganic) significantly influenced the rate of Cd convincing mechanistic explanation for observed metal toxicity,
accumulation in sheep. However, such correlation was not taken translocation, and migration in the food chain, various potential
into account in their study. In comparison, our research provides interferences could complicate the interpretations and should
clear new evidence on the important role that Cd chemical forms be taken into consideration under more complex conditions.
played in the accumulation and transfer of Cd along the food
chain, which suggests that the chemical forms of heavy metals
(e.g., Cd) may be a reliable indicator that could be used to predict CONCLUSIONS
their food-chain bioaccumulation and transfer potentials. The bioaccumulation and transfer of Cd were investigated
It should be mentioned that the concentrations of the using a typical short freshwater food chain of duckweed–tilapia,
different Cd chemical forms, especially FE-Cd, were affected by taking into account different Cd sources. In addition, Cd
the route of exposure. Figure 5 shows that when exposed to accumulation in tilapia, representing the higher trophic level
different Cd sources (solution or duckweed), Cd was enriched in considered, was studied in detail by measuring Cd accumulation
different forms among different tissues of the fish. Similarly, in 3 tilapia tissues. Bioaccumulation factors of Cd in the whole
Chavez et al. (2016) reported that the Cd concentration in cacao body of tilapia were also analyzed. The Cd source is an important
beans was strongly correlated with exchangeable and acid- factor influencing the bioaccumulation of Cd in the present
soluble Cd pools. Our study extends the current understanding study. Taking all evidence together, we conclude that the
that the Cd source and the chemical form of Cd collectively extent of Cd accumulation and transfer in the duckweed–tilapia

C 2018 SETAC
1376 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2018;37:1367–1377—Y. Xue et al.

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