ABB 654 WPO GIC On Power Transformers

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Effects of GIC on Power Transformers and Power Systems

R. Girgis, Fellow, IEEE, K. Vedante, Senior Member IEEE

ABB Power Transformers
St. Louis, MO, USA

transformers when subjected to high levels of DC, are

Abstract: There is some misconception in the electric power
industry today that geo – magnetically induced currents (GIC) presented. In section VI, a short discussion of the effect of
have caused, and would cause, significant damage to the majority GIC on power systems is presented.
of large and medium power transformers installed on power grids
in North America and around the world. The purpose of this

paper is to present, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the true A. Phenomenon of Part – Cycle, Semi – Saturation of
effect of GIC on power transformers, based on thorough transformer cores when subjected to DC
knowledge of power transformer design and performance. The When a power transformer is subjected to DC, it results in a
paper also provides concise explanation of the cases of
unidirectional DC flux in the core. The magnitude of this flux
transformer failure / overheating reported in the published
literature to have been caused by GIC currents.
depends on the magnitude of the DC, number of turns in the
The paper demonstrates that, because of the nature of the GIC windings carrying the DC current, and reluctance of the path
currents, the great majority of power transformers would not of this DC flux. The result is that the DC flux adds to the AC
experience much overheating or damage due to even high levels of flux in one half – cycle and subtracts from the AC flux in the
GIC. Only some specific transformers could suffer some winding other half – cycle; as illustrated in Figure 1 (a) below. When
damage due to high winding circulating currents if exposed to large enough, or when the design flux density is high, this
high levels of GIC. The paper also presents the real issue with
leads to core peak flux densities in the magnetic core pre –
GIC; namely, the narrow pulse of the magnetizing current which
results from part – cycle, semi – saturation of transformer cores saturation range in one half of the cycle. As shown in Figure 1
when subjected to high levels of GIC currents. This one current (b) below, the B – H characteristics of the transformer core
pulse / cycle could cause relays and capacitive components in materials is inherently very non-linear. For higher magnitudes
power systems, such as SVC (s), to trip, which may contribute to of DC, the core provides a very high reluctance to the DC
grid instability. Also, the current pulse is associated with 2nd and Ampere – Turns; resulting in a smaller flux density shift.
higher order harmonics. As a result, resonance may occur,
differential relays may operate, and stability of the grid may be
Correspondingly, the magnetizing current becomes a short
compromised. duration pulse with a high peak. Figure 2 presents the
calculated magnitudes and wave – shapes of the magnetizing
Keywords: Power transformers, Power Systems, Geo – magnetically current which results as a consequence of a large 1 – Phase
Induced Currents, GIC, DC. power transformer being subjected to 3 different levels of DC;
I. INTRODUCTION namely, 6, 12, and 40 Amps. As can be seen from the figure,
the magnitudes of the peaks of these magnetizing currents are
In order to understand the effect of GIC currents on power
5, 11, and 47 percent of the full load current, respectively.
transformers and power systems, this paper starts with
Correspondingly, the magnitude of the percentage magnetizing
presenting the basic theory of the effect of DC on Power
current in the absence of DC is a fraction of a percent for this
Transformers. This includes presenting the phenomenon of
transformer. Also, the duration of this pulse is only in the
part – cycle, semi – saturation of transformer cores due to DC,
range of 1/10th to 1/12th of the cycle.
the resulting magnetizing current pulse, and the effect of this
core semi – saturation on temperature of transformer windings Flux Density vs Phase angle
& structural parts. In the following section, the paper presents
a detailed discussion, supported by measured data, of the 2.0 Bm, AC

Bm, (AC+DC)
nature of the GIC currents associated with GIC events. This is 1.5

followed by deriving the effect of GIC on transformers

Flux Density, Tesla

considering the nature of the GIC currents. Section IV

provides explanations of transformer failures / overheating 0.5

reported in the published literature as caused by GIC currents. 0.0

-90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
In section V, actual measurements, made on full size power -0.5

_____________________________________________ -1.0
Dr. Ramsis Girgis is presently the R & D manager at the ABB
Power Transformer plant, Saint Louis, MO. -1.5

Mr. Kiran Vedante is presently a Senior R &D Engineer at the -2.0

ABB Power Transformer plant, Saint Louis, MO. Phase Angle, Degrees

(a) Flux density shift in the core caused by DC


(b) Part – Cycle, Semi – Saturation of Transformer cores

Fig. 1 – Effect of DC on transformer core magnetization
% Magnetizing Current vs Phase Angle
Fig. 3 – Core DC flux path in various core types

40% Figure 4 below presents the percentage magnetizing current

Neutral DC = 6 Amps drawn by two different types of transformers, one is a large 1 –
% Magnetizing Current

Neutral DC = 12 Amps phase power transformer with a 3 – limb core and the other is
Neutral DC = 40 Amps a large 3 – phase power transformer with a 3 – limb core. It
can be seen that the magnetizing current drawn by the 3 –
20% phase, 3 – limb core is much smaller than the magnetizing
15% current drawn by the 1 – phase transformer for the same values
10% of DC currents flowing through the windings of these
% Magnetizing Current vs DC Current
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
Phase Angle, Degrees
Fig. 2 – Magnetizing current pulse due to DC current 3-Phase, 3-Limb Transformer
B. Factors affecting how much DC causes Semi – saturation 1-Phase Transformer
% M ag n e tizin g C u rre n t

Core – type, core geometry, and core design
As mentioned earlier, the magnitude of the DC flux shift in 4
the core depends on the magnetic reluctance of the DC flux
path. Thus, the DC flux shift in a 3 – phase, 3 – limb core form 3

transformers would be the lowest of all core – types. This is

because this design offers an order of magnitude higher
magnetic reluctance to the DC Ampere – turns in the Core – 1
Tank magnetic circuit, refer to Figure 3 below. The DC flux
has to pass through the very high reluctance path from the core 0
top yoke to the tank cover, through the tank walls, and return 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
DC Current/Phase
to the bottom yoke through, again, the high reluctance path
from the tank bottom. All other core – types offer much less
reluctance to the DC Ampere – turns because the path of this Fig. 4 – Peak magnetizing current for 2 different core – types
DC flux is through the core; which has orders of magnitudes C. Harmonic content of the magnetizing current pulse
higher permeability, see Figure 3 below. Core material and Typically, 3 – phase transformers with 3 – limb cores will
type of core joint have some influence. However this influence have narrower magnetizing current pulses under the effect of
is small and depends on the core – type and the operating flux DC compared to corresponding magnetizing current pulses of
density in the core. This influence decreases even further for transformers with other core – types. Figure 5 compares the %
high magnitudes of DC.

harmonic content for these two types of transformers. The Winding Hot Spot Temperature vs Time, 1-Phase Transformer
magnetizing current pulse in the 3 – phase transformer has
higher amplitudes of the lower order harmonics and much 110

Wdg Hot Spot Tempt, Degree C

lower amplitudes of the high order harmonics. For other core 100

– types, represented by the 1 – phase transformer data in 90

Figure 5, the magnetizing current pulse has much more 80

70 Idc = 20 Amps
uniform amplitudes among low and high order harmonics. Idc = 30 Amps
Therefore, these transformers would have a significant content 50 Idc = 50 Amps

of higher order harmonics. Another observation from Figure 5 40

is that transformers, with other than the 3 – phase, 3 – limb, 30

core – type, have a much lower % of the 2nd order harmonic. 20

This is significant as lower levels of 2nd order harmonics 0
associated with the total primary current of the transformer 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time, Minutes
could give an erroneous message to the differential relay set at
a low value of 2nd harmonic content to differentiate between Fig. 6 – Winding Hot spot temperatures under DC
Inrush current events and a fault condition.
E. Calculation of hot spot temperature of structural parts
Harmonics Spectrum of Magnetizing Current under DC Conditions
16% The magnitude of this temperature rise depends on the core
construction, the operating / design flux density, and
3 - Phase, 3 - Limb Transformer magnitude of DC current flowing through the windings. Once
12% 1 - Phase Transformer the core flux density reaches close to the saturation flux
density level of the core steel, there will be spillage of the core
% Harmonics Amplitude

10% flux outside the core. This results into additional flux linkages
to the structural parts, such as tie plates, yoke clamps, tank
8% walls, tank cover, tank bottom, etc. This adds to the existing
leakage flux due to load current and the high peak magnetizing
current pulse. The result is an additional increase in
4% temperature of these parts. Figure 7 below presents the
calculated hot spot temperature of a tie – plate for different
2% values of DC applied continuously for 120 minutes.
The figure shows that the hot spot temperature reached
60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660
close to a final value within about 20 minutes from the
Harmonic Frequency, Hz application of the DC. This corresponds to the typical range of
Fig. 5 – Harmonic content of magnetizing current of transformers time constant of the metallic structural parts of transformers.
subjected to DC The increase in the hot spot temperature is still not significant
even after being subjected to a 50 Amps DC for 120 minutes
D. Calculation of increase in winding hot spot temperatures
continuously (32 C). Under actual GIC, however, this
The much higher magnetizing current, and the nature of its temperature rise will be much lower than shown below due to
wave – shape, produce correspondingly higher magnitudes of the very short duration nature of GIC (1 – 2 minutes). This is
leakage flux that is also rich in harmonics. This results in demonstrated in the following section of this paper.
appreciably higher eddy and circulating current losses in the Flitch-Plate Temperature vs Time
windings as well as the structural parts of the transformer but a 160

small increase in the total load losses of the transformer. 140

In Figure 6 below, calculated temperatures of the hot spot
Flitch-Plate Tempt, Degree C

in the windings of a 1 – Phase large power transformer are
presented when the transformer is subjected to 20, 30, and 50 100
Idc = 20 Amps
Amps / phase DC currents for a 30 minute duration, while
80 Idc = 30 Amps
fully loaded. The figure shows that the hot spot temperature Idc = 50 Amps
reached close to a final value within about 5 minutes from the 60

application of the DC. This corresponds to the typical range of

the time constant of transformer windings. The increase in the
hot spot temperature is still not significant even after being 20

subjected to a continuous 50 Amps DC for 30 minutes. This 0

increase is only 12 º C. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time, Minutes

Fig. 7 – Tie – plate hot spot temperature under DC


III. EFFECTS OF GIC ON POWER TRANSFORMERS Calculation of the effect of GIC currents

In order to accurately determine the capability of a transformer Due to the short duration of the high peaks of GIC (1 – 2
to GIC, one needs to consider the nature of the signature of the minutes) and the fact that the duration of the resulting
GIC current as well as magnitudes and time duration involved magnetizing current pulse is only in the range of 1/10th to
with a GIC event. 1/12th of a cycle, the actual duration of the resulting core part –
cycle, semi – saturation, and associated high peak pulses of the
Typical signature of GIC Currents core magnetizing current, is only a few seconds. Hence, the
Figs. 8 & 9, below, present two different examples of GIC increase in temperature rises in the transformer windings due
signatures; one is estimated [1] based on the original measured to GIC would be expected to be at least an order of magnitude
VAR consumption at the PSE&G Salem Generating station lower than that estimated based on continuous duration DC
during the K9 GIC event on March 13, 1989. The other is a currents. The same is true for temperature rises in the core and
recent signature obtained at a generating station in southern structural parts. This is because the thermal time constants of
Manitoba, Canada during a GIC event in February, 2011. windings and metallic structural parts are much higher than the
application time of the current pulse and associated leakage
flux in the transformer.
In order to illustrate the above, a profile of GIC per Figure
10 (a) below was assumed and winding hot spot temperature
was calculated for a fully loaded large 1 – phase power
transformer when subjected to this assumed GIC current
profile. The assumed GIC profile is a base level of 100 Amps /
phase (300 Amps for a 3 – phase bank) followed by 2 minute
duration very high level GIC pulses of 400 Amps / phase
(1200 Amps for a 3 – phase bank) every 30 minutes. This GIC
profile / magnitudes is almost 5 times that experience at the
Salem Generating Station caused by the K9 GIC event of
Fig. 8 – GIC current at Salem Generating station in 1989 March 13, 1989.
The calculated winding temperatures due to the GIC profile
of Figure 10 (a) are presented in Figure 10 (b) below. It can be
seen from the figure that:
1. The temperature rise of the winding hot – spot due to
the base 100 Amps is about 7º C; which when added to
the winding hot spot temperature of 110 º C at full load
results in a total hot spot temperature of 118 º C.
2. The temperature of the winding hot – spot, due to the 2
minute duration of 400 Amps / phase of GIC, increases
by about 35 C; resulting in a hot spot total temperature
of about 152 C. The temperatures will be much lower
when the transformer is not fully loaded and / or
ambient temperature is lower than 30 C. Such winding
hot spot temperatures for such a short duration would
not cause any appreciable damage of the windings,
Fig. 9 – Measured GIC at a Generating station in structural parts, or loss of insulation life of the
Southern Manitoba, Canada in February 2011 transformer. In fact. Industry Standards allow much
As it is demonstrated in these two figures, a Solar magnetic higher winding hot spot temperature levels for much
event is associated with GIC which is quasi DC characterized longer times under emergency loading conditions.
by high levels of DC as well as a few much higher peaks that 3. After the 2 – minute duration, the hot spot temperature
have very short time duration. For example, in Fig. 8 above, of the windings goes back down to the original
the GIC signature shows mainly several consecutive narrow (a temperature existing before that pulse of GIC. In fact,
few minutes duration) peaks of 20 amps magnitude over a it takes only about 3 minutes for this to happen as the
period of 90 minutes along with two high peaks of 80 & 100 time constant of the windings is only several minutes.
Amps of about 2 minute duration each. Similarly in Fig. 9, the
GIC event is characterized by a number of narrow peaks of < 5 4. The duration of that pulse of winding temperature rise
amps magnitude for a total accumulative duration of 5 minutes is only a few minutes; which would not result in any
and one 8 amps peak of < 1 minute duration. damage to the windings of this transformer anyway.

The same is true for structural parts, except that the This is an old Shell form transformer that had an old
temperature rise will be even smaller for these structural parts winding design that made it susceptible to overheating caused
as their time constant is higher than that of the windings. by high circulating current when subjected to high levels of
GIC currents. This winding design was originally optimized
for the leakage flux pattern typically associated with normal
loading and operating conditions. During this high GIC event,
the high GIC current caused part – cycle, semi – saturation of
the core; during which the leakage flux pattern changed and
resulted in very high circulating currents in the series
[2, 3]
connection of the LV windings of this transformer . Same
design transformers at PSE&G experienced similar
overheating, although to a lesser degree. This old generic
design of the LV winding was already changed since the early
seventies. The newer design minimizes circulating currents in
(a) Simulated GIC current
Winding Hot Spot Temperature vs Time
this winding in general as well as under the conditions of core
semi – saturation associated with high levels of GIC.
Another case reported in Reference [1] is a Shell – form
Transformer that had tank wall heating during the same GIC
Winding Hot Spot Tempt, Degree C


event. In the construction of such shell – form transformers,

wood slabs are placed between the core and tank walls. These
80 areas of the tank walls are, therefore, cooled by air only on one
side. Under GIC conditions, when the core goes through the
short periods of semi – saturation, part of the main flux in the
core and the windings leakage flux travel to the tank wall
20 causing localized eddy losses in the tank. Being blanketed by
the wood slabs these regions of the tank start to overheat.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Additionally, it should be noted that this temperature increase
Time, Minutes
had not resulted into any real consequences to transformer
(b) Calculated Winding Hot Spot Temperature except discoloration of the tank paint at the tank regions
Fig. 10 – Winding Hot Spot Temperature for GIC profile above opposite to the wood slabs on the inside of the tank walls .
Improvements made to this type of construction allow better
cooling of the tank walls.
Another case of overheating damage reported to have been
Reference [1] reports several of those cases. Figure 11 below
shows a picture of the one shell form transformer that caused by GIC is the case of several EHV core form power
experienced significant overheating of the windings of a GSU transformers in South Africa; where overheating of the HV
transformer at a PSE&G Generating power station at Salem, leads was observed. At that time, the manufacturer of these
NJ during the March 13, 1989 K9 GIC event that injected transformers investigated the cause of the lead overheating and
extremely high GIC currents shown in Figure 8 of this paper. it was realized at the time that these leads were over –
The transformer did not actually fail but was taken out of insulated which did not allow proper oil flow in these leads
service a week later because of significant gassing. resulting in the overheating. The high pulses of magnetizing
current that these transformers experienced during the very
high GIC event there could have contributed some to the
overheating. It was concluded that overheating could have also
been already there before the GIC event.
Also, Reference [1] included a statement that within 2 years
of the 1989 GIC event, 11 nuclear plants experienced failures
of several Generator Step – Up transformers (GSUs) but no
details were given. During that period, a number of GSU
failures have been studied in detail and were found to be
caused by back – feed mode operation. In this mode of
operation, the generator step – up transformers are not
sufficiently protected from switching and lightning surges.
Also, the generator is not connected and, hence, the electrical
Fig. 11 – Winding series – connection overheating in PSE&G damping in the electric circuit is very low making it vulnerable
Transformer caused by the March 13, 1989 GIC Event to electrical circuit and winding resonances.

Other cases were reported in Reference [5] of significant An earlier experimental study of the effect of DC on power
winding overheating in a number of large core form power transformers was conducted by Tokyo Electric Power
transformers in S. Africa during the period between 2003 and Corporation, in collaboration with Toshiba, Hitachi, and
2004. These incidents were found to coincide with failures Mitsubishi . The study tested several small scale models of
caused by the phenomenon of the conducting Copper Sulphide core form as well as shell form transformers with different
forming and causing failures of transformers world – wide; core – types. Based on the measurements performed on these
related to the Sulphur content in the mineral oil used in these models, measurements were made on two large – Scale models
transformers. It is believed that higher temperatures in the of 1 – phase, 3 – limb 1000 MVA / 550 KV core form and
windings, caused by GIC, could have accelerated the shell form transformers. These transformers were tested with
formation of Copper Sulphide in these transformers; which DC levels of up to 66 Amps; which corresponds to 400 – 600
would have contributed to the experienced winding damage. Amps / phase for the corresponding full size transformers. The
However, the magnitudes of the GIC reported to have been DC was applied for up to 30 minutes continuous. The leakage
associated with these incidents do not seem to be high enough flux and temperatures were measured in windings and
to cause much winding overheating. structural parts of these transformers. The maximum
One transformer in New Zealand that was reported in temperature rise measured after 30 minutes of applying such
Reference [6] as having failed one minute after a GIC event is large magnitudes of DC continuously was approximately 110
believed to have been caused by System instability associated C in both the Tie – plate for the core form transformer and the
with the GIC event. Similarly, it was reported by HQ in core support in the shell form transformer. As suggested in the
reference [6] that two large power core form transformers were paper, these temperature rises would have been 1/10th of these
subjected to external faults during the GIC event and are values if the Tie plates and the core support were made of non
believed to have been caused by over – voltages due to System – magnetic steel. Also, the very short duration of GIC would
instability. Also, Reference [7] reports on two transformer not allow hot spot temperatures to rise to a fraction of these
failures in National Grid in Britain after a GIC event but no temperatures. The study, again, concluded that because of the
details were given to ascertain that claim. Finally, in Reference short duration of these temperatures, the transformer life
[8], account is given of a number of 400 kV large power core would not be appreciably affected.
form transformers in southern Sweden that were subjected to It is very important to note here that all testing performed
high levels of GIC in the October 2003 GIC event. No on full size transformers or scale models, applied DC current
transformer damage was reported; including a 3 – Phase continuously for 20 minutes and up to 2 hrs. The measured
transformer that was subjected to an estimated peak of 330 temperature rises were still in a very reasonable range. Also, as
Amps of GIC in the neutral. The authors of this paper reported demonstrated in section III above, a high amplitude GIC
that a 20 – 50 minute black out occurred in the Malmo area duration of 1 – 2 minutes and the time constants of windings &
which was caused by the tripping of a 130 kV line resulting structural parts being in the range of 5 – 15 minutes,
from the operation of a relay that had a higher sensitivity to the respectively, winding and structural parts temperatures would
rd not increase to any significant levels. Also, as Reference [10]
3 harmonic than to the fundamental frequency.
suggested, because of the short duration of these temperatures,
It is to be noted here that, as in the case of the Salem shell transformer insulation life would not be appreciably affected.
form transformer, core and shell form transformers with
special winding arrangements and construction could VI. EFFECT OF GIC ON POWER SYSTEMS
experience large levels of circulating current and suffer some As presented earlier in this paper, part – cycle, core semi –
winding damage if these transformers are subjected to very saturation is associated with a high magnitude narrow
high levels of GIC that would cause core part – cycle, semi – magnetizing current pulse once per cycle. This represents high
saturation. These types of transformers will need to be levels of VAR pulse requirement on the power system causing
investigated and identified on an individual basis. system voltage distortions. Also, the narrow current pulse
causes capacitive components on the system, such as static
V. ACTUAL MEASUREMSNTS OF EFFECT OF DC / GIC VAR compensators, etc. to increase their currents and may
become overloaded and trip, which may contribute to grid
Two full size experiments were performed by Hydro instability. Moreover, the magnetizing current pulse is
[9] [10]
Quebec and FIN Power where very large 1 – phase and associated with high harmonics, and as a result, resonance may
3 – phase power transformers were injected with high levels of occur and stability of the grid may be compromised due to the
DC (75 Amps for 20 minutes and up to 200 Amps for 30 creation of virtual zero at some point and opening of lines.
minute intervals; respectively). Temperature rises were Also, as observed from Figure 5 of this paper, transformers
measured in windings and structural parts of the transformers. with other than the 3 – phase, 3 – limb core – type have a
It was found that the temperature rises were in a reasonable much lower % of the 2nd order harmonic. This is significant as
range in spite of the high levels of DC applied continuously for lower levels of 2nd order harmonics associated with the total
long durations. As concluded by these studies, even high levels primary current of the transformer could give an erroneous
of GIC currents should not cause transformer damage. message to the differential relays set at a low value of the %

2nd harmonic content to differentiate between Inrush current Disturbances”, IEEE Special Panel Session Report, July
events and a fault condition. 12, 1989
[5] C. T Gaunt, G. Coetzee, “Transformer failures in regions
VII. CONCLUSIONS incorrectly considered to have low GIC-risk”, Mat Post
High levels of GIC could cause part – cycle, semi – 07, 3rd European Conference on MV & HV Substation
saturation of transformer cores. This results in a short Equipment, Nov 15-17, 2007, Lyon, France, Proceedings
duration, high peak pulse of magnetizing current. of Power Tech, July 15, 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland

Because of its short duration, in the great majority of the [6] Jean Beland, Kevin Small, “Space Weather Effects on
cases, even high levels of GIC would not cause damaging Power Transmission Systems: The Cases of Hydro-
overheating of neither windings nor structural parts of Quebec and Trans power New Zealand Ltd,” Proceedings
power transformers. of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Effects of
Space Weather on Technology Infrastructure, NATO
Only transformers, core form or shell form, where part – Science Series, Vol 176, 2004
cycle, core semi – saturation would cause high winding
circulating currents would be susceptible to significant [7] A. Erinmez, J. G. Kappenman, W. A. Radasky:
winding overheating when the transformer is subjected to “Management of the geomagnetically induced current
high levels of GIC. The significant overheating of the risks on the National Grid Company’s electric power
series connection of old design shell form transformers at transmission system,” Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-
PSE&G during the 1989 GIC storm was an example of Terrestrial Physics, 64, 2002, p743-756
this group of transformers. [8] M. Wik et al, “Space weather events in July 1982 and
Other cases of significant overheating and winding October 2003 and the effects of geomagnetically induced
damage, reported in the published literature as have been currents on Swedish technical systems”, Annales
caused by GIC, were found to have been caused totally, or Geophysicae, 27, 1775-1787, 2009.
partially, by other effects, or by system instability [9] P. Picher, L. Bolduc et al, “Study of the acceptable DC
experienced during a GIC event. current limit in core-form Power Transformers”, IEEE
The main impact of GIC is on the system instability it Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 12, No. 1, January
causes due to high levels of VARS and significant current 1997, Page 257-265.
harmonics as a result of transformer core part – cycle, [10] Matti Lahtinen & Jarmo Elovaara, “GIC Occurrences and
semi – saturation. GIC Test for 400 kV System Transformer”, IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 17, No. 2, April
VIII. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 2002, Page 555-561.
The authors of this paper would like to acknowledge technical [11] Nobuo Takasu et al, “An experimental analysis of DC
and editorial comments provided by Mr. Juan Castellanos of excitation of Transformers by Geo - magnetically Induced
GE Prolec, Mr. James McIver of Siemens, and Mr. Mohamed Currents”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 9,
Diaby of EFACEC. The authors also would like to thank Mr. No. 2, April 1994, Page 1173-1182.
Mats Bernesjo for his help during the production and
submission process of this document.
Dr. Ramsis S. Girgis (F'93) is presently
[1] John Kappenman, “Geomagnetic Storms and Their the Research & Development manger at
Impacts on the U.S. Power Grid”, Report # Meta-R-319 the Power Transformer Division of ABB
by Metatech Corporation submitted to Oak Ridge located in St. Louis, Missouri. He is also
National Laboratory, Pages 1-197. the leader of the global ABB R&D
[2] Ramsis Girgis & Chung-Duck KO, “Calculation activities in the area of “Transformer Core
Techniques And Results Of Effects Of GIC Currents as Performance”. Dr. Girgis received his
Applied to Two Large Power Transformers”, IEEE Ph.D. degree from the University of
Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 7, No. 2, April Saskatchewan, Canada, in Electrical
1992, Page 699-705. Engineering in 1978. He has over 40
years of R&D experience in the area of power, distribution,
[3] Ramsis Girgis, Chung-Duck KO, and Dennis Scott, and high frequency transformers, rotating machines, and pulse
“Analysis of Transformer Overheating due to power components. He has published and presented over 60
Geomagnetic ally Induced Currents”, Proceedings of the scientific papers in IEEE, IEE, CIGRE, and other international
American Power Conference, Vol. 153 II, 1992, pp1167. journals. He co-authored chapters in two electrical engineering
[4] Phil Gattens and R. M. Waggel; “Investigation of handbooks on transformer design and transformer noise. He is
Transformer overheating due to Solar Magnetic presently the chairman of the IEEE Transformers Standards

“Audible Sound and Vibrations” Working Group. He is the

past Chairman of the IEEE Transformers Standards
“Performance Characteristics” Sub Committee and past
Technical Advisor representing the US National Committee in
the IEC Technical Committee 14.

Mr. Kiran B. Vedante (SM’2006) was

born in India on June 24, 1971. He
completed his Diploma in Electrical
Engineering from Mumbai Technical
Board in 1989, Bachelor of Engineering,
and Master of Engineering degrees in
1989 & 1992; respectively from VJ
Technological Institute (Mumbai
University); all in Electrical Engineering. He worked for
various renowned Transformer companies like Siemens, USA,
Pennsylvania Transformers, USA, and Crompton Greaves
Limited, India for more than 19 years. Kiran has extensive
work experience in Design and Development of EHV Power
Transformers up to 315 MVA, 400 kV and Shunt Reactors up
to 80 MVAR, 420 kV. He was involved in the Development of
Reactive type Load Tap Changer and also in the design of
Specialty Transformers. He also has work experience in the
System Studies and design of Power distribution systems
(Substations design etc.) for various Industrial Plants. In 2008,
Kiran joined the Power Transformers Remanufacturing
department of ABB Inc. in Saint Louis, MO; where he is now
a senior R&D Engineer. His present research work is mainly
focused in the area of - Core performance and Effects of
GIC/DC on Power Transformers. He is an active member of a
number of Working Groups and Task Forces in IEEE
Transformer Standards Committee and a member of IEEE

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