Assessment 2

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Assessment 2: Below is an excerpt or portion of a text which lacks cohesive devices.

Complete it by choosing your

answers from the words inside the parenthesis.
I could not imagine how I became what I am today 1. (and, for) _____ it was different before. I stand before you now as
a teacher. It was seven years ago, 3. (so, yet) ______ I could still imagine as if it were just yesterday. I used to carry
bags containing vegetables 4. (such as, for) ______ okra, eggplant and bamboo shoots. I would sell them to the
neighborhood where my playmates would 5. (not only, either) ___
_____ laugh at me, and tell stories of our poor family, 6. (but also, nor) _______ bully me. 7. (However, Moreover)
_______, I did not mind them 8. (because, so that) I needed to surprise my mother. I am secretly buying her

Four years after, I did not climb the hills to get vegetables anymore, instead I climbed the stage where my healed
mother pinned more ribbons on me. Now, I still carry my bag no longer with vegetables to sell but with the harvested
fruits of hard work namely wisdom, knowledge, and values. I will carry them free for you if you promise that you will
put them in your bags too. 9. (However, Hence) ______ my dearest students it really matters how you carry your bag.
It can be heavy at times, and it does not hurt much to take a break. Rest and carry on. Never forget that there are
people willing to help. 10. (Yet, So) _________ as your classmate, do you want me to help you carry your bag too?

Assessment 2: Below is an excerpt or portion of a text which lacks cohesive devices. Complete it by choosing your
answers from the words inside the parenthesis.
I could not imagine how I became what I am today 1. (and, for) _____ it was different before. I stand before you now as
a teacher. It was seven years ago, 3. (so, yet) ______ I could still imagine as if it were just yesterday. I used to carry
bags containing vegetables 4. (such as, for) ______ okra, eggplant and bamboo shoots. I would sell them to the
neighborhood where my playmates would 5. (not only, either) ___
_____ laugh at me, and tell stories of our poor family, 6. (but also, nor) _______ bully me. 7. (However, Moreover)
_______, I did not mind them 8. (because, so that) I needed to surprise my mother. I am secretly buying her

Four years after, I did not climb the hills to get vegetables anymore, instead I climbed the stage where my healed
mother pinned more ribbons on me. Now, I still carry my bag no longer with vegetables to sell but with the harvested
fruits of hard work namely wisdom, knowledge, and values. I will carry them free for you if you promise that you will
put them in your bags too. 9. (However, Hence) ______ my dearest students it really matters how you carry your bag.
It can be heavy at times, and it does not hurt much to take a break. Rest and carry on. Never forget that there are
people willing to help. 10. (Yet, So) _________ as your classmate, do you want me to help you carry your bag too?

Assessment 2: Below is an excerpt or portion of a text which lacks cohesive devices. Complete it by choosing your
answers from the words inside the parenthesis.
I could not imagine how I became what I am today 1. (and, for) _____ it was different before. I stand before you now as
a teacher. It was seven years ago, 3. (so, yet) ______ I could still imagine as if it were just yesterday. I used to carry
bags containing vegetables 4. (such as, for) ______ okra, eggplant and bamboo shoots. I would sell them to the
neighborhood where my playmates would 5. (not only, either) ___
_____ laugh at me, and tell stories of our poor family, 6. (but also, nor) _______ bully me. 7. (However, Moreover)
_______, I did not mind them 8. (because, so that) I needed to surprise my mother. I am secretly buying her

Four years after, I did not climb the hills to get vegetables anymore, instead I climbed the stage where my healed
mother pinned more ribbons on me. Now, I still carry my bag no longer with vegetables to sell but with the harvested
fruits of hard work namely wisdom, knowledge, and values. I will carry them free for you if you promise that you will
put them in your bags too. 9. (However, Hence) ______ my dearest students it really matters how you carry your bag.
It can be heavy at times, and it does not hurt much to take a break. Rest and carry on. Never forget that there are
people willing to help. 10. (Yet, So) _________ as your classmate, do you want me to help you carry your bag too?

Assessment 2: Below is an excerpt or portion of a text which lacks cohesive devices. Complete it by choosing your
answers from the words inside the parenthesis.
I could not imagine how I became what I am today 1. (and, for) _____ it was different before. I stand before you now as
a teacher. It was seven years ago, 3. (so, yet) ______ I could still imagine as if it were just yesterday. I used to carry
bags containing vegetables 4. (such as, for) ______ okra, eggplant and bamboo shoots. I would sell them to the
neighborhood where my playmates would 5. (not only, either) ___
_____ laugh at me, and tell stories of our poor family, 6. (but also, nor) _______ bully me. 7. (However, Moreover)
_______, I did not mind them 8. (because, so that) I needed to surprise my mother. I am secretly buying her

Four years after, I did not climb the hills to get vegetables anymore, instead I climbed the stage where my healed
mother pinned more ribbons on me. Now, I still carry my bag no longer with vegetables to sell but with the harvested
fruits of hard work namely wisdom, knowledge, and values. I will carry them free for you if you promise that you will
put them in your bags too. 9. (However, Hence) ______ my dearest students it really matters how you carry your bag.
It can be heavy at times, and it does not hurt much to take a break. Rest and carry on. Never forget that there are
people willing to help. 10. (Yet, So) _________ as your classmate, do you want me to help you carry your bag too?

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