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1. Which of the following is the source of surface

a. Streams b. springs c. Deep wells d. All
2. Many rivers of the world are polluted due to
a. Heavy flux of sewage b. Industrial effluents c. Agricultural wastes d.
3. Water bodies may deteriorated by
a. Aquatic animals b. Phytoplankton c. Decomposed vegetables d. None
4. Physical pollution of water is due to
c. PH
a. Dissolved oxygen b. Turbidity d. None of the above

5. Thermal power plants pollute the water by adding

a. Heavy metals b. Heat c. Dissolved solids d. All the above
6. Which of the following is oxygen demanding waste?
a. Human waste b. Heavy metals c. Detergents d. All the above
7. Lead poisoning may cause
a. Reduction in hemoglobin b. Kidney damage c. Mental retardationd. All
8. The process of rainwater harvesting
a. Is detrimental to environment b. Helps to improve ground water
c. Decreases the collection of water in dams d. All of these
9. Chlorine can be used
a. To kill pathogenic microorganisms b. To increase the PH

c. To clear the turbidity d. All of these

10. Water pollution can be minimized by
a. Releasing sewage to ocean b. Releasing effluent to waste land
c. Treating waste water d. None of these
11. The most abundant element in the earth‟s crust is
a. Oxygen b. Silicon c. Sodium d. Iron

12. The Noise is measured in

a. Decibels b. joules c. PPM d. ms or NTU

13. Noise pollution limits at residential area

a. 45dB b. 80dB c. 55dB d. 90dB
14. Noise pollution limits in industrial area
a. 45dB b.80dB c. 65dB d. 90dB
15. The noise level human can hear without discomfort is
a. 140dB b. 110dB c. 80dB d. 190dB
16. Population of India according to census 2001
a. 1103 million b. 1000 million c. 950 million d. 1027
17. Major objectives of family welfare programs in India is
a. Diseases control b. Population growth rate control
c. Employment generation d. None of these
18. The main cause for the decline of the population of Europe in the 12th & 13 th
centuries was
a. Diphtheria b. Cholera c. Plague d. Meningitis
19. Which of the following is an air pollutant
a. Nitrogen b. Carbon monoxide c. Carbon dioxide d. Oxygen
20. Increase in Asthma attacks has been linked to high levels of
a. Oxygen b. Airborne dust particles c. Nitrogen d.
21. Which of the following are considered as alternative fuels?
a. CNG b. Kerosene c. Coal d. None of these
22. Which among the following is clean fuel?
a. Petrol b. Diesel c. Electricity d. CNG
23. Heavy duty diesel vehicles contribute more
a.NOX b. Particulate matter c. CO d. Both a & b
24. The meaning of green house is
a. House painted with green colour
b. House surrounded by greenery
c. House made of glass for growing plants
d. None of these

25. The meaning of global warming is

a. Increase in the temperature of climate
b. A planet hotter than earth c. solar radiation d. None of these
26. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas
a. CO2 b. SO2 c.O3 d. Water vapour
27. Which of the following gases is having maximum GWP?
a. CFC b. N2O c. CH4 d. CO2
28. Which of the following is not a source of CO2 in the atmosphere?
a. Burning of fossil fuels b. Photosynthesis
c. Volcanic eruptions d. Animal & plant respiration and decay
29. The global warming may bring about the following changes in the climate of
the earth
a. Increase in the rainfall b. Deforestification c. Drought d.
30. The rising level of CO2 in the atmosphere can be reduced by
a. Increase in forest cover
b. Use of renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind energy
c. Minimizing the use of fossil fuels
d. All
31. Which of the following is not a solution for global warming
a. Reducing fossil fuel consumption b. planting more trees
c. Deforestation d. None of the above
32. Acid rain means
a. Heavy rain b. Drizzle c. Any precipitation d. None of these
33. The primary cause of acid rain around the world is
a. Carbon dioxide b. Sulphur dioxide c. Carbon monoxide d.

34. The PH of unpolluted rain water[Acid rain water] is about

a. 8.7 b. 3.7 c. 5.7 d. none if these
35. The PH of acid rain is
a. Less than 5.7 b. Less than 3.7 c. Less than 2.7 d. Less than 1.7
36. Atmospheric oxidation of SO2 to SO3 is influenced by
a. Sunlight b. Humidity c. Presence of hydrocarbons d. All of

37. Acid rain has been increasing day by day due to

a. Urbanization b. Industrialization c. Increase in vehicle population
d. All
38. Acid rain effects on
a. Materials b. Plants c. Soil d. All
39. The effect of acid rain
a. Reduces soil fertility b. Increases atmospheric

c. Causing respiratory problems d. Skin cancer

40. Which of the following is not ill effect of acid rain?
a. Leaching of heavy metals to water bodies
b. Damage of sculptures
c. Killing of fishes
d. Increase in the atmospheric temperature
41. Carbon dioxide reacts with moister in the atmosphere forming
a. CaHCO3 b. H2CO2 c. H2CO3 d. COHb
42. Ozone layer is present in (II-2007)
a. Troposphere b. Stratosphere c. Mesosphere d.

43. Which of the following is not present in the Stratosphere?

a. CO2 b. O2 c. O3 d. NOX
44. Which of the following is the unit for measuring the thickness of ozone layer?
a. Decibels b. Dobson unit c. Centimeter d. None of these
45. UV-C radiation lies in the region
a. 315 to 400 nm b. <280 nm c.> 280 nm d. 280 to 315

46. Which of the following statement about Ozone is not true?

a. Ozone is a major constituent of photochemical smog
b. Ozone protects us from the harmful UV radiation of sun
c. Ozone is not a greenhouse gas
d. Ozone is highly reactive

47. Ozone layer thickness of stratospheric ozone layer across the globe is around

a. 200DU b. 300DU c. 400DU d. 500DU

48 .Ozone layer absorbs
a. UV rays b. Infrared rays c. Cosmic rays d. CO
49. Major compound responsible for the destruction of stratospheric
ozone layer is

a. Oxygen b.CFC c. Carbon dioxide d.

50. Chlorofluro Carbon”s [CFC] are
a. Nontoxic b. Nonflammable c. Non carcinogenic d. All the

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