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Lecture One

1.Tony keeps a lot of information in his flash drive.

2. They are fixing the laptop in their shop.


3. We have seen many people on the streets

4. She had taken her money from the bank when we came .


5. Susan was visiting her family at 10.


6. They wote an email last week.


7. They will see you at the restaurant.


8. You must do your homework on time.


9. They can send a virus into the database.


10. The accountants will inventory the store on Monday.


11. They should store a lot of information in the PC.

T. Shaker Nasher
Lecture One

1. Computer: An electronic device capable of performing various tasks and

processing data.

2. Software: Programs and instructions that run on a computer, providing

functionality and allowing users to perform specific tasks.

3. Hardware: The physical components of a computer system, including the

processor, memory, storage devices, and input/output devices.

4. Network: A collection of interconnected devices (computers, servers,

routers, etc.) that can communicate and share resources.

5. Internet: A global network of interconnected computers and networks that

enables communication and information sharing.

6. Database: An organized collection of data stored and accessed

electronically, typically designed to support efficient retrieval and manipulation
of data.

7. Programming: The process of creating instructions (code) that can be

executed by a computer to perform specific tasks.

8. Algorithm: A step-by-step procedure or set of rules for solving a problem or

accomplishing a task, often used in programming and solving complex
computational problems.

9. Code: Instructions written in a programming language that direct and

control the actions and behavior of a computer program.

10. Development: The process of creating or improving software, websites, or

applications using programming, design, and testing methodologies.

11. Application: A software program designed to perform specific tasks or

provide specific functionality for users.
12. Server: A computer or system that provides services or resources to other
computers or devices on a network, often used for data storage, hosting
websites, or running applications.
13. Cloud: A network of remote servers hosted on the internet that can store,
manage, and process data, allowing users to access and use resources

14. Security: Measures taken to protect computer systems, networks, and

data from unauthorized access, damage, or theft.

15. Cybersecurity: The practice of protecting computer systems, networks,

and data from cyber threats such as hacking, malware, and unauthorized

T. Shaker Nasher
Lecture One

16. Firewall: A security device or software that monitors and controls network
traffic, allowing or blocking specific connections based on predefined security

17. Encryption: The process of converting data into a coded or encrypted form
to protect it from unauthorized access or theft.

18. Data: Information in a structured or unstructured form that is processed or

stored by a computer system.

19. Backup: A copy of data or files created to protect against data loss,
allowing restoration of the data in case of accidental deletion, hardware
failure, or other issues.

20. Storage: The process and technology of storing and retrieving data on
various media or devices, such as hard drives, solid-state drives, or cloud

21. Operating system: Software that

manages computer hardware and software resources, provides a user

interface, and allows users to run applications and perform tasks on a

22. User interface: The visual or interactive components of a software

application that allow users to interact with and control the software.

23. Interface: A point of interaction or communication between different

systems, components, or devices.

24. Browser: A software application used to access and view websites and
other internet resources.

25. Website: A collection of related web pages, typically accessed through a


browser, that provide information, services, or resources.

26. Mobile: Referring to technology or devices that are designed for use on
the go or while in motion, such as smartphones and tablets.

27. Artificial intelligence (AI): The simulation of human intelligence in

machines, enabling them to perform tasks that typically require human
intelligence, such as speech recognition, problem-solving, and decision-

28. Machine learning: A subset of AI that involves the development of

algorithms and models that enable computers to learn and improve from data
without explicit programming.

T. Shaker Nasher
Lecture One

29. Big data: Large and complex sets of data that are difficult to process and
analyze using traditional methods and tools, often requiring specialized
techniques and technologies.

30. IT infrastructure: The underlying foundation of hardware, software,

networks, and services that support and enable the operation of an
organization's IT systems and applications.

1. I need to install new ________ on my computer to edit photos.

2. The ________ of a computer includes components like the CPU and RAM.
3. Our company has a local area ________ for internal communication.
4. The ________ has revolutionized the way we access information and
5. A ________ is a structured collection of data used for efficient retrieval and
6. ________ is the process of writing instructions for a computer program.
7. An ________ is a self-contained software program designed for a specific
8. A ________ is a powerful computer that provides services to other
computers over a network.
9. ________ storage allows users to access their files and data from
anywhere with an internet connection.
10. ________ is the practice of protecting computer systems and data from
unauthorized access.

T. Shaker Nasher

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