Cracking The Algorithm of Humanity

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Cracking the
Algorithm of

Marketing in the Metaverse

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© Adheesha Dharmakeerthi | අ"ශ ධ&ම(&)
© Adheesha Dharmakeerthi | අ"ශ ධ&ම(&)
Adheesha Dharmakeerthi

DBA (Reading) Postgraduate Institute of Management

MBA Postgraduate Institute of Management (University of Sri Jayawardanepura)
B.Sc (Hons) Business Management- University College of Dublin, Ireland (2nd Class Upper Division)
Pg.Dip in professional marketing (CIM-UK)
Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK)
Member of the Computer Society of Sri Lanka
Member of the Young Member Forum of Ceylon Chamber of Commerce

Work Experience
Head of Growth/Vice President – KOKO (Daraz)
Lifecycle Campaign Manager –
Marketing Manager- Dialog Finance PLC
Head of Digital- Wing (Cambodia) Limited Specialised Bank
Manager Digital Media- Vallibel ONE Plc
Asst. Manager at eMarketingEye
Media Planner at Starcom WorldWide Sri Lanka,

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AA Certified RPA Business Analyst
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© Adheesha Dharmakeerthi | අ"ශ ධ&ම(&)
© Adheesha Dharmakeerthi | අ"ශ ධ&ම(&)
I’m an algorithm
So are you
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Just how a machine learning algorithm learn

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We learn
Rules in our algorithm

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Developments of Belief Congruent Decision
Making Theory

People tend to make People are more likely to People were more likely to Lord, Ross, and Lepper
decisions which are make decisions that are remember information that (1979) found that people
consistent with existing consistent with their self- supported their existing were more likely to interpret
beliefs. Festinger(1957) concept, which is their view beliefs, and they were less ambiguous information in a
of themselves. Aronson likely to remember way that supported their
(1992) information that existing beliefs.
contradicted their beliefs.
Kunda (1990)

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© Adheesha Dharmakeerthi | අ"ශ ධ&ම(&)
I am a part of a system

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So, what is this
algorithm of Humanity?

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“Psychological and sociological factors that drive human behavior and thereby
drives the behavior of humanity”

© Adheesha Dharmakeerthi | අ"ශ ධ&ම(&)

The algorithm of humanity, on the other hand, is
often probabilistic, meaning that the output is not
always predictable.

Computer algorithms are typically explicit and

Computer algorithms are typically deterministic,
meaning that they will always produce the same
Lets look at an example

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How can we describe this?

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In the end tech, lets algorithm of humanity

to decide
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What is Web 3.0?

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What Is Web 3.0?

Think of it as the “read/write/own” upgrade to the internet.

This vision of Web3 tends to be a more democratic version of today’s

online world. It’s centered around the idea of ownership, removing
control from the dominant big data companies and other central
authorities and handing it to the masses. This is what’s meant by

Source: Forbes(

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© Adheesha Dharmakeerthi | අ"ශ ධ&ම(&)
© Adheesha Dharmakeerthi | අ"ශ ධ&ම(&)
The metaverse
An interconnected network of virtual reality,
augmented reality, and the internet, providing a
seamless immersive experience.

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Metaverse may be $800 billion market
Major Tech Companies are leading the
charge in creating metaverse

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From gaming to virtual events, education,
and commerce, the metaverse is already
redefining how people interact and
experience digital content.

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In the metaverse, users experience a sense of
presence and social presence, leading to more
profound emotional connections with brands.
(Source: Deloitte)
Research suggests that people's emotional responses
in the metaverse are 27% stronger compared to
traditional online experiences.
(Source: Ericsson ConsumerLab)
Opportunities and Challenges in the
Opportunities Challenges
The metaverse offers Privacy concerns arise as Access to high-quality
brands the potential for the metaverse collects VR/AR devices, may limit
global reach, 24/7 vast amounts of user widespread adoption, but
engagement, and data, necessitating advancements are quickly
immersive brand responsible data usage reducing these obstacles.
experiences. and transparency.
(Source: World Economic
Metaverse Commerce
The metaverse is expected to become a significant e-
commerce platform, with virtual goods sales projected to
reach $400 billion by 2025.
(Source: Juniper Research)
What is an NFT?
AI Personalization:

AI-driven virtual assistants and personalized

experiences will become integral to
marketing in the metaverse
Metaverse Influencers:
Virtual influencers will continue to rise,
collaborating with brands to reach younger
So, its time to start
Building a Metaverse Marketing Strategy

Identify Objectives Understand Target Audiences Leveraging Virtual Events

Define clear marketing objectives, Analyze data to identify the preferences Hosting virtual events can drive
whether it's brand awareness, customer and behaviors of the target audience engagement and foster a sense of
acquisition, or community building. within the metaverse. (Source: community around the brand.
Understand the
humanity algorithm
of the metaverse citizens

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Understanding the humanity
algorithm in metaverse
• Virtual Identities:
• In the metaverse, consumers often present themselves differently, creating
virtual identities and belief systems that influence their purchasing decisions.
• Virtual Commerce:
• The rise of virtual marketplaces allows users to buy virtual goods and
experiences, creating new revenue streams for brands.
• Social Commerce:
• Peer influence and social interactions significantly impact purchase decisions,
making social commerce strategies vital in the metaverse.
Crafting Compelling
Interactivity: Storytelling: Gamification
Content for the Users expect immersive and
interactive experiences in the
Brands can tell compelling
narratives that resonate with users
Gamifying marketing experiences
can boost engagement and
Metaverse metaverse, such as customizable
avatars and interactive brand
on an emotional level, leveraging
the metaverse's unique storytelling
encourage participation.

installations. capabilities.
• Synergy through Collaboration:
• Partnering with other brands or influencers in
Collaboration the metaverse can amplify reach and create
unique experiences.
and • Cross-Platform Marketing:
Partnerships • Brands can extend their metaverse campaigns
across social media and traditional channels to
in the maximize impact.
• Co-Creation with Users:
Metaverse • Involving users in content creation and brand
experiences fosters a sense of ownership and
Brands and Metaverse
Marketing In Metaverse
Why are brands investing millions in the
Ethics and Privacy in
Navigating Ethics and Privacy in the
Data Privacy: • Companies must prioritize user data protection and ensure transparent
data practices to maintain trust in the metaverse. (Source: PwC)

Virtual Harassment: • Combatting virtual harassment and promoting a safe environment is

crucial for fostering a positive user experience.

Digital Inclusivity: • Addressing accessibility and inclusion challenges ensures that the
metaverse is accessible to all users.
Few thoughts I want to leave behind

• The metaverse represents a new frontier for

marketing, unlocking unprecedented opportunities for
brands to connect with consumers on a deeper level.
• Understanding the Algorithm of Humanity is key to
crafting successful marketing strategies that resonate
in virtual environments.
• Embrace the metaverse's potential, navigate
challenges responsibly, and adapt to the evolving
landscape for a successful marketing future.
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