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Chapter IV


This chapter presents data, its analysis and interpretation of the results. The

succeeding tables with correspond discussion and explanation reflect the various results. It

also answers specific problems stated in the previous presentations.

Problem No.1.

What are the factors that lead to teachers’ attrition in Poblacion Polomolok

National High School?

Table 1: Essential Themes and Thematic Statement of the Participants

Essential Themes Thematic Statements

There are different reasons why teachers leave
their jobs, especially at PPNHS. 1. Seeking for
greener pasture 2. Burn out 3. Health 4. Mental
health, notable factors may be mental health and
burn out.
For me, I think the factors that can lead me
quitting my present job are the workloads given
to us such as; paperwork’s that are beyond our
The factors that lead to teachers’ attrition job description and also the learners’ continuous
bad behaviors.
Maybe the standard of living or the amount of
salary. All about financial matters, because of the
salary amount in Philippines.
I believe that some of the common factors that
affect teachers’ attrition (not just in PPNHS but in
general) aside from retirement or death, is the
pursuit of a greener pastures.
Well if you ask me why some teachers may quit
due to some reason: 1. Stress,

problem 3. Paper works,

1.1 The factors that lead to teachers’ attrition

As the questionnaire was given, the participants were asked about the factors that

lead to teachers' attrition. With this the participants have their own notable factors that may

lead them in quitting their present job. The researcher discovered their own perspective

about the topic. There are two participants who say that the notable factors for them is the

presence of "greener pastures", and this is also connected to participant 3,where the

"standard of living or the amount of salary", is also one of the factors why it leads to

attrition of a teacher. The participants thought were connected to “financial problem”.

Others said that "workloads and students bad behaviors" are also the factors that may lead

teachers’ in deciding to leave their teaching job that may really lead to stress and mental

health issues.

What was said or stated in their statements can really be considered notable

factors. Each teacher has a different perspective and interpretation. Others leave to have a

richer life. The researcher found out that the standard of living is more important, because it

is true that the salary in the Philippines is not really enough compared to other countries

where the salary is higher for other teachers, which is why some go abroad. Others are to

improve mental health because they experience workloads such as paper works and the bad

students behaviors, which really affect a teacher's teaching. Their opinions are different, for

these are the factors they are experiencing. In the research of the researcher, it was

analyzed that the reason for attrition is not only retirement and death, it also includes the

departure of a worker from his working field, for the reason that more people want greener
pastures for they lack in finance for we all know, in the Philippines, your salary is not

enough to cover the bills. And it also affects a person's mental health.

All their notable factors are based on their own interpretation and perspective as a

teacher, generally speaking. It depends on the situation and a teacher's decision on how far

the limit of their patience in the working field occurs. Thus, the researcher had knowledge

of the various causes of attrition. We learned that it's not just about leaving your work

voluntarily and involuntarily. The researcher conclude that the teachers really have different

reasons and views on life based on their answers, one of those is to have a better life and a

bigger salary which is why there is attrition happenings.

Problem No.2.

How do the factors affect the teachers of Poblacion Polomolok National

High School in terms of:

2.1. Finance

2.2. Lack of Support

2.3. Work load

Table 2: Essential Themes and Thematic Statements of the Participants

Essential Theme Thematic Statements

My salary was able to compensate our expenses
in the family. These past few days it has quite
affected me because as a breadwinner of the
family, it is difficult to budget my salary
especially that I am on medication.
In terms of finances, I think the salary rate given
to the teachers affects me, because sometimes
our salary cannot compensate the work that we
rendered. Finances affect my drive in working
every day because sometimes when my finances
is not that good there are instances that I borrow
money to my mother to pay for my fair going to
Generally in the Philippines mostly of the
teachers were not the same in financial stability.
I have four college students so what can you
expect? 33,000 is not enough. It’s still okay, it
depends on your priorities in life. Financial
stability is just a little portion in my life, I’m still
Factors that affect to teachers in terms of in favor of moral.
I guess financial problem is inevitable but being a
public school teacher, I find it convenient utilizing
available financial networks. In our present
economic, inflation affects everyone. I just make
sure that I know my priorities. It discern between
“wants” and “needs”, ensuring my focus remains
on essential.
As a matter of fact, my financial experience as a

teacher is very sustaining. I am satisfied with my

current financial situation as a teacher. I enjoy

teaching and trying to be a productive teacher.

For me lack of support means the support

coming from some of the parents. In this past
few days, no more feeling of lack of support from
some parents since some of my students did not
enroll for the 2nd semester and some parents of
those who continue are now supportive of their
Factors that affect to teachers in terms of Sometimes the lack of support from the
government affects my decision on quitting my
Lack of Support
job because sometimes there are seminars that
are planned to help teachers improve
professionally but it cannot cater all the teachers.
Sometimes it affects my growth as a teacher.
It’s okay for me, because I mastered my field of
study. How about those novice teachers? They
need to do sidelines, so more or less their school
performance were affected. The effect is we tend
to find another job.
I’ve also encountered moments when I had to
rely solely on my own strength and courage to
persevere. As time goes by, I’ve embraced the
reality that personal growth is an individual
As a teacher, your internal support is yourself. In

the field of education, all have their designations

and different areas of responsibility. It is just a

blessing if your leader or co-worker will support

you. Lack of support will be very crucial. It can

lead to failure.

Well, since we are experiencing El Nino in the

Factors these days that affect to teachers in past few weeks there were really changes in
class schedule. I just need to be flexible and
terms of Work Load
resourceful in preparing activities and
performance task in cases like this. It is not really
affect me that much.
Many workloads like coordinator ship and other
paperwork’s that given, sometimes not only the
school head gave me tasks but also my
colleagues, they can easily gave me tasks that
are not related unto my job description. Also it
adds to my workload that let me took sleepless
nights to finish those.
It doesn’t affect me, not applicable. For me only
is that my building were far. Just enjoy life.
Workload these days is not a big deal since
school head is making sure that we will be given
equal loads. In fact, I find it fulfilling being an
SSLG adviser. In order to meet my required
workloads, there should always be a time
Well before I have 3 loads with different

subjects. 1 in grade in 12, 2 in grade 11. I should

say that I wasn’t able to do my job because I am

not that effective and efficient teacher anymore

because of 3 loads plus paperwork’s equals

stress and infectivity.

2.1. Factors that affect to teachers in terms of Finance

The participants were asked about how the factors affect the teachers in terms of

finance. Regarding their responses, the financial aspect is quite a big deal. One in five said

"our salary cannot compensate the work that we rendered". While other participant said "my

salary was able to compensate our expenses" but even so he is still struggling with

budgeting especially for paying its medical. As a breadwinner at home and a mother with

four college students, their income is not really enough "generally in the Philippines mostly

of the teachers were not the same in financial stability", this is connected to what a

participant says "our present economy, inflation affects everyone". The salaries of private

and public teachers are not really equal. And it depends on their rank, so everything also

depends on their priorities, discern between wants and needs. For participant 5 she’s

satisfied with her current financial and it is very sustaining as a teacher.

Teachers have different problems when it comes to finance, some have enough

salary but still struggle with budgeting and others do not have enough salary that

compensate their work, especially with our current economic inflation. Where the cost and

fees are increasing which affects the income of the teachers. Others just choose to put their

priorities in life first, like ensuring that everyone is focused on the essentials, needs are
more important than wants. It is also true that teachers' salaries are not equal, especially in

the Philippines. Some even borrow money to pay for expenses, especially for those teachers

who travel every day when their houses were far from the school they teach, the fair causes

much it becomes complicated for them. In our present time teachers’ tend to have

sidelines/part time job to have more income. The researcher also analyzed that their where

some teachers that are satisfied with their own salary for them it really sustain their needs

and also want. They enjoy and trying to be more productive.

Teachers have many priorities, bills that need to be paid on time. And tuition fees for

their children and siblings education. Right now there are lending institutions that offer

public schools, having credit choices to meet their needs. Budgeting financials where really

difficult to fulfill your daily needs. The researcher conclude that their answers are based on

their own experiences when it comes to finance that is how it affects teachers’ generally,

due to inflation that is currently happening in our country.

2.2. Factors that affect to teachers in terms of Lack of Support

In terms of lack of support they have different insights about it. Three participants

view lack of support as the support coming from parents of their students, peers, and

friends and also support in themselves. Teachers need to call for the parents for a dialogue

of their students’ academic. The other participant considers herself blessed to be surrounded

by people who lend her hands. They encountered moments that they needed to rely solely

on their own strengths but for this participant "embracing the reality that personal growth is

an individual journey" meant to strive harder. For participant 5, lack of support will be

crucial and can lead to failure, ”it is just a blessing if your leader co-worker will support

you.” Two participants also view lack of support as the support coming from government

officials "seminars that are planned to help teachers improve professionally but cannot cater

all the teachers", the lack of support from the government is another factor that affects the
growth of a teacher. Participant 3 also said that the lack of support affects novice teachers

because they are having sidelines and if they can’t handle it anymore they “tend to find

another job" a job that is sufficient for the benefit support.

Two different perspectives for the lack of support. This lack of support really affects

teachers, lack of support from the government tends them to find another job and leave

their teaching profession in reciprocate for a work that is more in good supporting system.

The lack of beneficiary support from the government is also a reason why other teachers do

not last long in their teaching profession here in the Philippines, so others prefer to continue

their teaching profession in other countries. Maybe they get more support from that school

and the government that handles that school. The lack of support from parents to their child

is also another factor. The lack of support from parents of the students also affects as a

factor for teachers because they have to call for some parents to come for a dialogue of the

students’ academic also it makes teachers stress in some reason. The researcher analyzed

that having people that you can rely on may lessen the fact that will give teachers idea to

retire or give up in their jobs, lack of support may have several of options regarding to the

situation, but this is also a factor that needs to be resolved.

In conclusion the lack of support from yourself, parents and government are factors

that affect teachers in their teaching profession, therefore, others really strive and push

harder to simply continue their profession in some way. In the Philippines, lack of support

from the government is worrying because other teachers lose self-esteem to do the work so

their capabilities and talents are affected professionally especially, all of them have different

designated areas of responsibility. They need more beneficiary and emotional support from

their family, friends and government to avoid attrition. The researcher conclude that their

perspective as a response to this factor must be heard.

2.3. Factors these days that affect to teachers in terms of Work Load
As the researcher gave the question most of the participants were not quite affected

of workload these days, but still they saw it as a factor. There are several reasons and

perspective regarding to this topic. One of the participants found it as a difficult factor, the

participant said that workload affected its sleep at night. “Many workloads that were given

to them and tasked to do that are not related to their job description.” Also this can be a

factor that affect the supposed to be their free time of a teacher. Participant 5 also stated

that “I wasn’t able to do my job because I am not that effective and efficient” only refers

that workload can be really a factor. Three stated that work load does not really affect them

that much, it is not a big deal these days “since school head is making sure that we will be

given equal loads” they deal with this factor in positive way, teachers tend to be more

flexible especially todays. They deal this factors by complying on the deadline and managing

the time they occur. Through this the researcher have their different interpretations and

perspective regarding workloads these days.

The researcher analyzed that there are really difference between the teachers given

task and loads, depending on their field of study. Other may find it not that difficult, but few

still struggle with this factor. Researcher analyzed that it really depends on teacher’s

mastery about the loads, 3 loads plus paperwork’s really leads to stress and infectivity. The

said equally distributed task were given to the teachers that are in different fields, while

others are still struggling with the loads that are being piled on them. They have different

perspectives regarding the work load because their field of study is not the same, which is

why teachers also have unequal salaries. They also tend to ask suggestions especially from

higher ups and colleagues that might help them deal with the obligations in an easier way.

But as what the researcher analyzed, there are still colleagues who take advantage of other

teachers, and this is where the piling up of tasks begins that causes a teacher's sleepless

night. They still have ways to avoid the workload but not all of these are applicable to other

teachers who have other personal care.

Perhaps their experiences are different so their answers are also different, this

workload may not really affect them or they don't find it as a factor, but the researcher

conclude that it is still a hassle for the teachers nowadays. Different levels in school have

different kinds of loads, and they also have differences in their living, their personal life may

include as another load to deal with. Workload affects their finances too, it is stated that not

all their work is rewarded with a good salary. They tend to enjoy this and keep on going for

the sake of their jobs because it is difficult to find new jobs these days. To this researcher

concludes that there is a differences among their personal loads in their teaching field.

Problem No.3.

What are the possible suggestions of teachers in order to prevent

teachers’ attrition?

Table 3: Essential Themes and Thematic Statements of the Participants

Essential Themes Thematic Statements

I suggest to those who are in the higher position

in Department of Education to visit teachers in
the classroom, observe and ask them about what
happens to them every day and what challenges
they face every day. Through this they will be
able to do what they have to do to avoid or if not
lessen teachers’ attrition.
As a teacher all I’m suggesting is that
government in DepEd must be aware also of
their teachers’ needs especially in increasing their
salary instead of increasing their workloads. The
Department of Education must have the program
catering the safety and proper compensation for
teachers’ rendering their effort in building the
nation and producing globally competitive
citizens in the coming years.
Find ways and be contented. Be contented of
Teachers’ possible suggestions to prevent
what you have, if you’re not contented find ways,
teachers’ attrition another means like you make business because
sideline is not prohibited as long as you teach
and cope with your work on DepEd, just like that
if you’re contented, if not then go abroad. Find
ways have sidelines.
Salary increase is already a hot topic. For me,
teachers were pleased when D.O 005, s. 2024 or
also known as “Rationalization of Teachers’
Workload in Public Schools and Payment of
Teaching Over load”, was released. I believe, our
government is doing their best to come up into
the best solution our public teacher needs.
For me, the school may hire many teachers to

suffice the need of the students and also to

lessen the workloads of the teachers. One

suggestion to increase teacher job satisfaction, is

to establish regular feedback channels for

teachers to anonymously share their thoughts on

the work environment, curriculum, and

professional development.

3.1 Teachers’ possible suggestions to prevent teachers’ attrition

The researcher asked the participants to their suggestions. Most of them suggested

a request demand in our government to take an action regarding teachers’ attrition for it to

be prevented. Participants 1, 2 and 3 suggests that “those who are in the higher position in

DepEd, visit teachers in classroom”, take action like asking teachers on what happenings

teachers encounter most of the time. One of the participant also suggested the “DepEd

must be aware also of their teacher’s needs, especially in increasing their salary instead of
increasing their workloads.” Participant 4 stated that salary increase is already a hot topic

which connects to participant 2. Teachers were pleased when D.O 005, s.2024 was

released. This participant believes that government is doing its best to cope up a better

solution to prevent attrition. They suggest that there must also be a program catering the

safety and proper compensation for teachers. One of the participants suggest to find way

and be contented instead of suggesting more request in Department of education. The

participant added that being contented can cope with this matter. Finding other means such

as business to avoid attrition. Participant 5 suggested to the school to hire more teachers to

lessen workloads and suffice student’s needs. Also the increase of job satisfaction and

established regular feedback.

In analyzing, the research gain knowledge in the different suggestions of teachers

to prevent teachers' attrition. Mostly they suggest a request in our government in DepEd to

take an action regarding this topic. And what the researcher sees is that their request is an”

increase in the salary for their work”, the salary really becomes a factor that is why many

teachers' attrite in their teaching job. Some teachers also suggest to hire more teachers if

possible, we view this as a good option but still in a process. The teachers still have different

views, they have a style in their suggestions. You can build a business to supplement your

income and prevent teachers' attrition. Perhaps this is one of the solutions that teachers see

to reduce or avoid this type of matter. But unknown to everyone, these suggestions are not

easy, it takes hundreds of times to be implemented depending on the situation of our

society, so leaving work cannot really be avoided, but these suggestions will be an option to

listen to the government also the grievances of the teachers. The fact is that teachers really

need to be wise in deciding what they should do especially it is difficult to find a new job in

the Philippines and abroad.

The suggestions we have are what the teachers want others to hear. Everyone is

struggling so they decide to leave the teaching field. But it is still a good step to have a

sufficient and correct salary to prevent the increase of teachers' attrition rate in the country

of the Philippines. It is also a good suggestion to set up small businesses so that somehow

the needs of each teacher can be alleviated. Hiring is a process that needs to have a good

feedback that will help some school to hire more possible novice teachers. The researcher

concludes that this suggestion may vary to lessen or either prevent teachers' attrition. Their

views and opinions regarding this matter are valid.

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