Juniper Marshall - Jewelry Research 2023-24

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Jewelry Historical Research

Answer the following questions using the link. Share your document in Google Classroom.
Please change your font color AS YOU ANSWER. _____ /10pts

For Questions 1-6, use the following site:

1. It is probable that during prehistoric times people used ornamentation (early forms of
jewelry) based on where they lived and what they found. People who lived inland found
materials from animals they used for food. List several of those materials used.
Feathers, bones, animal skins, antlers, and tusks.

2. However, people who lived near water or seashores found what for ornamentation:
Shells, fish bones and teeth, and colorful rocks.

3. Name the early Sumerian Queen with whom some of the earliest examples of
precious jewels were found in her tomb.
Queen Pu-abi’s.

4. Sumerians were very developed as far as technical processes of creating jewelry.

Nearly all modern day processes were known by them. List 3 technical processes the
Sumerian’s have used in forming their jewelry.
Welding, alloys, filigree, stone cutting were all used by the Sumerians.

5. Egyptian tomb discoveries such as pharaoh Tutankhamen (18th dynasty; 1539–1292

bce) reveal the high degree of mastery attained by Egyptian goldsmiths.
a)-Paste in two images containing detailed metal work or jewelry you find online
from Egyptian tombs such as his.
b)-Also, describe each OF THE TWO IMAGES briefly next to them.
The first image is a broach formed from gold, with a teal stone carved into the shape of
a scarab in the center. There is detail in the lines of gold surrounding the stone, and a
wing of gold on either side of the stone with a great deal of detail and texture.
The second image is a necklace with religious symbols on it. There is a lot of negative
space. Gold frames and holds cut stones that are teal, blue, orange, and red that make
up the picture. It is symmetrical except for the person in the center of it. There are
beads leading from it to the chain of the necklace.

6. Greece- Jewelry was relatively rare in Archaic (c.750–c. 500 BCE) and Classical (c.
500–c. 323 BCE) Greece, why was this? Or, What is the name of the material were they
They didn’t have gold.

7. *Use the following site for the following question :
Out of the 40 facts about jewelry, list the 3 you find most interesting?

- Throughout history live insect jewelry has been popular. The Egyptians may have
been the first to do so, wearing scarab beetles into battle. But the Mexican
Maquech Beetle and Giant Madagascar Hissing Cockroach have also been used
in jewelry. In Britain the Victorians loved it, often sporting huge, vivid live beetles
attached to their clothing by tiny, fine gold chains.
- Venetian glass masters on the island of Murano developed crystalline glass,
enameled glass, glass including gold threads and a load more creative and
revolutionary ways to make stunning glass beads. Venetian glass necklaces
were sought after as early as the 1200s and are still made today.
- Diamonds were first mined in India.

8. Use a Google search to explain the difference between what the Casting process is
vs. Fabrication process of jewelry, how are the processes different?
Casting is when liquid material (ex. gold) is poured into molds, and fabrication is when
multiple pieces of hard material are put together with methods such as sautering. With
casting the material is used in liquid form and it easily creates a premade shape, while
with fabrication hard materials have to be bent and combined to get the desired shape.
9. Describe a piece of jewelry worn by you, or someone you know, maybe a family
member... and tell of its significance to you or them.
My family doesn’t really like jewelry. No one I know has a piece of jewelry they wear
that has a significant value to them, if they wear any jewelry at all. I think jewelry is very
interesting and love looking at it, but the only significant thing I have is a pair of earrings
my brother bought for me on a camping trip in Quebec, and I can’t wear them because
I’m allergic to almost every metal in existence.

/ 10 points possible -----

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