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Ecommerce Terminologies

Reward Points: Points earned by customers through purchases or other actions, which can be
redeemed for discounts or rewards.

SKU (Stock Keeping Unit): A unique code assigned to each product to track inventory and sales.

UPC/EAN (Barcode): Universal Product Code (UPC) or European Article Number (EAN), a barcode
used to identify products in retail.

Attribute/Option: Characteristics or variations of a product, such as size, color, or material.

Payment Methods/Shipping Methods: Different ways customers can pay for their purchases and
options for shipping goods.

Free Shipping: Offering shipping to customers without additional charges.

Promotions, Fixed & Percentage Discount: Special offers or discounts given to customers, either a
fixed amount or a percentage off the total price.

Infinite Scroll: Website design feature where new content loads automatically as the user scrolls
down the page, instead of pagination.

Size Chart: Reference guide showing the sizes available for clothing or other products, helping
customers choose the right fit.

Facebook Store: A section on a business's Facebook page where products are listed and can be
purchased directly through the platform.

Inventory: The quantity of products available for sale.

Warehouse: Physical location where inventory is stored before being shipped to customers.
Transaction/Transaction ID: Record of a purchase, including details such as items bought, payment
method, and a unique identifier.

Invoice: Document sent to the customer detailing the items purchased and the total amount owed.

One Page Checkout vs Step Checkout: Different approaches to the checkout process, with one-page
checkout allowing customers to complete the entire purchase on a single page, while step checkout
breaks it into multiple steps.

Social Login: Option for users to log in to a website or app using their social media accounts instead
of creating a separate account.

Product Notification (Back In Stock): Alert sent to customers when a previously out-of-stock item
becomes available again.

Price Alert: Notification sent to customers when the price of a product drops to a specified level.

Preferred Delivery Time: Option for customers to choose a specific time or timeframe for the
delivery of their order.

Newsletter: Periodic email sent to subscribers with updates, promotions, or other information about
a business.

Product Customization (Customizable Products): Ability for customers to personalize or customize

products according to their preferences.

Affiliates / Commission: Program where individuals or other businesses promote products and earn
a commission for each sale they generate.

Conversion: When a website visitor completes a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing
up for a newsletter.

Traffic: The number of visitors or users accessing a website or app.

Up-Selling: Technique of encouraging customers to buy a higher-end or more expensive version of a

Cross-Selling: Offering additional or complementary products to customers based on their current


User Experience: Overall experience and satisfaction of users when interacting with a website, app,
or product.

Helpdesk: Support system for handling customer inquiries, issues, and requests for assistance.

Live Chat: Real-time messaging feature that allows customers to communicate with support staff or
sales representatives.

Customer Loyalty: Measures how likely customers are to continue buying from a business and their
level of satisfaction and loyalty.

B2B (Business to Business): Transactions between businesses, where one business sells products or
services to another business.

B2C (Business to Consumer): Transactions between a business and individual consumers, where the
business sells products or services directly to the end-user.

Email Marketing: Promotional or informational messages sent to customers or subscribers via email.

Blogging: Publishing articles or posts on a blog, often used for sharing information, promoting
products, or engaging with customers.

Call to Action: Prompt or instruction encouraging users to take a specific action, such as "Buy Now"
or "Sign Up."

Google Analytics: Web analytics service by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, providing
insights into user behavior and website performance.
Landing Page: A standalone web page designed for a specific marketing campaign or objective, often
optimized for conversions and focused on a single call to action.

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