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Clay Minerals: A Guide to

Their X-H^y Identification

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I I I t

14 I0 SP E C IA L PAPER 126>

Cu K
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Clay Minerals: A Guide to
Their X-ray Identification

D o r o t h y C a r r o ll

U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California





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Library o f Congress Catalog Card Num ber: 71-98016
S.B.N. 8137-2126-1

Published by


Colorado Building, P.O. Box 1719

Boulder, Colorado 80302


Reprinted 1974

Printed in the United States of America

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The printing of this volume has been made possible
through the bequest of
Richard Alexander Fullerton Penrose, Jr.,
and is partially supported
by a grant from
The National Science Foundation.

As this vo lu m e w as being c om p leted T h e S o c ie ty

r e c e iv e d w o rd o f D o r o th y Carroll’s death o n January 30,
1970. T h e su m m a ry o f m u ch that sh e learned during an
active and p rod u ctive life will, it is h oped , stand as a
fitting m em oria l to h er contribu tion s to the scien ce.

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I n t r o d u c t io n .......................................... ................................................................................................. 1
C la y -s iz e d m a t e r ia l ..................................................................................................................... 2
C la y m in e r a ls .................................................................................................................................. 3
O th e r m in e r a ls o f c la y s iz e ....................................................................................................... 3
E n v ir o n m e n t o f c la y m in e r a ls ............................................................................................... 5

K in d s o f c la y m in e r a ls ..................................................................................................................... 7

K a o lin it e g r o u p m in e r a ls .............................................. ........................................................... 7

K a o lin it e ......................................................................................................................................... 7
K a o lin it e , d is o r d e r e d .............................................................................................................. 9
D ic k it e .............................................................................................................................................. 10
N a c r it e .............................................................................................................................................. 11
H a llo y s it e ................................................................................ ."I................................................... 12
H a llo y s it e , d is o r d e r e d .............................................................................................................. 12
A n a u x it e ......................................................................................................................................... 13
A llo p h a n e ....................................................................................................................................... 13
A m o r p h o u s c l a y .......................................................................................................................... 14

M ic a g r o u p m in e r a ls ...................................................................................................................... 14
M u s c o v it e ........................................... ........................................................................................... 15
M u s c o v it e p o l y t y p e s ................................................................................................................ 17
I llit e ................................................................................................................................................... 19
G la u c o n ite ....................................................................................................................................... 19
C e la d o n it e ............................................................................................... ....................................... 21
B io t it e .............................................................................................................................................. 21
V e r m ic u lit e .................................................................................................................................... 22

M o n t m o r illo n it e g r o u p m in e r a ls .......................................................... ................................ 23

M o n t m o r illo n it e .......................................................................................................................... 25

C h o lo r it e grou p m in e r a ls ....................................................................................................... 31
C h lo r it e ......................................................................................... ■.................................................. 31
C h lo r it e p o l y t y p e s ...................................................................................................................... 32
S w e l l i n g c h l o r i t e ........................................................................................................................ 34

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vi X - r a y Id e n t if ic a t io n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

Dioctahedral ch lorite............................................................................................ 34
Chamosite ............................................................................................................... 35
Mixed-layer clay m inerals.................................................................................. 36

Palygorskite-sepiolite group minerals ............................................................ 42

Palygorskite ........................................................................................................... 42
S ep iolite................................................................................................................... 43
X-ray diffraction as applied to clay m in eralogy.................................................... 45

Techniques for X-ray identification o f clay m inerals............................................ 48

Routine procedures .................................................................................................. 51
Preparation of clays fo r X-ray exam ination...................................................... 57

Quantitative estimation o f clay minerals in mixtures ........................................ 63

References c it e d ............................................................................................................ 69

In d e x ................................................................................................................................. 77


F ig u r e

1. X-ray diffractograms o f the (001) spacing in an oriented mount o f

well-crystallized kaolinite and poorly crystallized kaolinite .................... 8
2. Crystallinity index fo r kaolinite (unoriented mount) .............................. 9
3. Mineralogical relations o f members o f the dioctahedral mica group .... 15
4. X-ray diffractogram s o f the (001) spacing o f muscovite and illite
(oriented mount) .................................................................................................. 20
5. Dehydration o f verm iculite............................................................................... 23
6. Potassium uptake in vermiculite from Libby, Montana as shown by
X-ray diffractograms o f oriented mounts o f the (001) spacing ........... 24
7. X-ray diffractograms o f the (001) spacing o f oriented mounts o f
montmorillonite from Chambers, Arizona ............................... .................... 27
8. Classification o f the chlorites based on two principal types o f ionic
replacement ........................................................................................................... 33
9. Possible mixed-layering o f clay minerals ................................................... 39
10. Three-component composition triangles fo r the fou r possible inter­
layer mixtures o f 10 A , 12.4 A , 14 A , and 15.4 A c la y s ............................ 41
11. X-ray diffractogram of oriented mount o f clay typical o f sediment
on the sea floor at lat 35° 00' N., 165° 00' W ., northern Pacific Ocean .... 50
12. Areal percentage relation o f oriented mounts o f kaolinite (001) and
montmorillonite (001) ........................................................................................ 66

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I l l u s t r a t io n s v ii

P late

1. Sample holder for X-ray diffraction of unoriented clay samples ........... 30

T able

1. Classification scheme of clay minerals ............................................................ 4

2. Nonclay minerals in the clay fraction ............................................................ 5
3. Characteristics of micaceous clay m inerals.................................................... 16
4. X -ray d reflections from 8° to 35.2° 20 fo r 2 M, 1 M, and 1 Md musco­
vite polytypes with CuK« radiation ................................................................. 17
5. Muscovite polytypes in the clay-sized fractions of sedimentary
m aterials.................................................................................................................. 18
6. Spacings of h k reflections of montm orillonites.............................................. 28
7. Mass absorption coefficients for CuKa and FeKa radiation o f common
minerals .......................................... ....................................................................... 47
8. Intensity of X-ray diffraction from fine quartz powders .......................... 48
9. X-ray identification o f the principal clay minerals (< 2 microns) in an
oriented mount of a separated clay fraction from sedimentary
material ........................................................................................... facing page 50
10. Temperatures required in the identification o f clay minerals ............... 52
11. Surface area and number o f particles in 1 g o f some standard minerals .. 55
12. Quantitative identification of clay minerals and certain others in the
clay fraction (< 2 microns) o f sedimentary materials by X -ray d iffrac­
tion .......................................................................................................................... 67

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This paper is a guide to the X-ray examination of clay min­
erals ; it incorporates background information concerning the
principal crystallographic features of clay minerals, and how this
is used in the X-ray identification of these minerals, together with
laboratory techniques and the application of X-ray diffractometry
to the diagnosis of the clay minerals in natural sedimentary
Clay is a natural material of very fine texture, usually plastic
when wet, and hard and compact when dry. Clay consists mainly
of fine mineral particles with admixed organic matter and/or other
fine mineral grains, which range in size downward from 0.002 mm
(2 microns). It has a large surface area because of its fine size
and the platy character of the individual minerals. The finest part
of clay behaves as a colloid; fineness of grain size and other
physical properties result in stickiness as well as plasticity when
wet. These properties have been made use of in numerous cultural
and industrial applications.
Clay is essentially a weathering product of the disintegration
and chemical decomposition of igneous rocks and of some types of
metamorphic rocks. In sedimentary rocks it is largely detrital,
but during geologic time a certain amount of diagenesis generally
takes place. In marine and nonmarine unconsolidated sediments,
the clay is also at first detrital, but it may subsequently be modified
by the environment. Commercial clay deposits are mostly residual,
as in the Cornish kaolin deposits. Clays may be winnowed from
their original environments and accumulate as pocket deposits.
Those that have been derived from transportation and deposition
of volcanic glass in an aqueous environment form the important
bentonite beds in parts of the northern United States.

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2 X - r a y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

Clay, in larger or smaller quantities, is a constituent of the

soils and sediments of most natural environments and of most
materials that are examined by geologists and soil scientists. The
easily recognizable physical properties it possesses has enabled
people to use it for building (bricks) and pottery, and for the early
hieroglyphic writing on tablets long before its nature was under­
This paper describes methods for the X-ray examination and
diagnosis of the clay minerals commonly found in geologic materials.


Clay-sized material is considered here to be less than 0.002 mm

or < 2 /x effective spherical diameter (U.S. Department of Agricul­
ture, 1951). There is a natural break in the continuity of weathered
material at the lower limit of the silt-size, which is 2 microns.
In natural material or crushed rock the larger sand-sized grains
are, on microscopic examination, distinct monomineralogic grains.
In gravel or coarse sand, the grains may consist of quartz by itself
or of quartz and other grains. Such grains are often aggregates.
To the naked eye the finest material, clay, appears to be amorphous,
but although the grains are very small they are crystalline alumino-
Clay has different surface chemical reactions and different
bulk physical properties from those of the larger grains of silt,
sand, and gravel of weathered rocks. Whatever its ultimate com­
position, the fine particles are called clay.
There are many classifications of the grain sizes in natural
materials, but most agree that clay is < 2 microns ( 0.002 mm) in
grain diameter. A useful chart correlating the various grain-size
definitions of sedimentary materials has been compiled by Truesdall
and Varnes (1950).
Soil scientists formulated an international classification of the
sizes of the mineral grains in soils (U.S. Department of Agriculture,
1951, p. 207). Most examinations of the grain size distribution in
soils refer to these sizes unless otherwise stated. The grain sizes
in the international classification are:

Coarse sand 2-0.2 mm Silt 0.02-0.002 mm

Fine sand 0.2-0.02 mm Clay <0.002 mm

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I n t r o d u c t io n 3

The crystalline nature of clay minerals was long anticipated
by mineralogists (Grim, 1953, p. 11-25), but it was not until 1930
that Hendricks and Fry (1930) of the U.S. Department of Agri­
culture were able to prove by X-ray powder photographs that clay
consists of crystalline mineral particles. Even though the fact of
crystallinity was known, it was not until after World War II that
wide-range goniometers used on X-ray units provided the means
for the rapid identification of the minerals present in clays. As a
result of the pioneering efforts of many researchers, the identifica­
tion of clay minerals in all kinds of sedimentary materials has
become almost routine in many universities, government institu­
tions, research institutes, and private industry.
The principal minerals in clays are layer-lattice silicates
(phyllosilicates), except the Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group which
are chain silicates. The layer-lattice silicates are made up of
combinations of two structural units, a silicon-oxygen tetrahedron,
and an aluminum-oxygen-hydroxyl octahedron. A report on the
classification of the phyllosilicate clay minerals by the International
Mineralogical Association was given by Brindley (1966), and the
complete Report of the Nomenclature Committee (1966-67) of the
Clay Minerals Society was published by Brindley and others (1968).
Table 1 gives the tabulation of the Nomenclature Committee. It
includes some minerals that have not been identified in clays and
omits important details of others. The clay minerals commonly
found in each of the major groups, kaolinite, mica, montmorillonite,
chlorite, and palygorskite-sepiolite, and in clay fractions of sedi­
mentary materials, are further classified in the description of each
group. An important omission in Table 1 is the mention of the
mixed-layer minerals that are so prominent in most natural situa­
tions. The position of illite has not yet been clarified by the I.M.A.
Many minerals so identified may be interstratified. Mackenzie and
Mitchell (1966) also published a classification of the clay minerals
based on the I.M.A. classification. Their classification includes
the chain silicates palygorskite and sepiolite.


Many non-clay minerals may be present within the size range
of clay minerals. The presence of a mineral depends principally
on its presence in the distributive province, its stability on weather­
ing and, for some minerals, the geochemical changes that take place

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T able l. C l a s s if ic a t io n of th e C l a y M in e r a l s

G roup
Type (.r = c h a r g e p e r S u b grou p S p e cie s*
fo r m u la u n it)

K a o lin ite -s e r p e n tin e K a o lin ite s K a o lin ite , h a llo y s ite

1:1 S e r p e n tin e s C h r y s o tile , liza rd ite ,
x ~ 0 a n tig o r ite

P y r o p h y llit e -ta lc P y r o p h y llit e s P y r o p h y llit e

x ~ 0 T a lc s T a lc

S m e c tite or D io c ta h e d r a l sm e ctite s M o n tm o r illo n ite ,

M o n tm o r illo n ite - or M o n tm o r illo n ite s b e id e llite , n o n tr o n ite
sa p o n ite
x ~ 0 -2 5 -0 -6 T r io c t a h e d r a l sm e ctite s S a p o n ite , h e c to rite ,
or S a p o n ite s sa u co n ite

V e r m ic u lit e D io c ta h e d r a l v e r m ic u lite s D io c ta h e d r a l v e r m ic u lite

a; ~ 0 - 6 - 0 - 9 T r io c t a h e d r a l v e r m ic u lite s T r io c t a h e d r a l
v e r m ic u lite

M ic a t D io c ta h e d r a l m ica s M u s c o v ite , p a r a g o n it e
x ~ 1 T r io c t a h e d r a l m ica s B io tit e , p h lo g o p it e

B r itt le m ic a D io c ta h e d r a l b r ittle M a r g a r it e
m ica s
x ~ 2 T r io c t a h e d r a l b r it tle C lin to n ite
m ica s

C h lo r ite D io c ta h e d r a l c h lo r ite s
4 -5 o ct. c a tio n s p e r
fo r m u la u n it)
2 :1 :1
x v a r ia b le T r io c t a h e d r a l c h lo r ite s P e n n in e , c lin o c h lo r e ,
(5 -6 o c t. c a t io n s p e r p r o c h lo r it e
fo r m u la u n it)

* O n ly a f e w e x a m p le s a r e g iv e n
t T h e sta tu s o f Mite ( o r hydromica) , sericite, etc. m u s t b e le ft o p e n a t p re s e n t
b e ca u se it is n o t c le a r w h e th e r o r a t w h a t lev el t h e y w o u ld e n te r th e T a b l e ; m a n y
m a te r ia ls s o d e s ig n a te d m a y b e in t e r s tr a t ifie d .
A fter B r in d le y an d o th e r s , 1968, p . 323.

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I n t r o d u c t io n 5

after deposition. The same factors apply to residual deposits of

clay. Stability on weathering will allow for transportation and
deposition of a mineral in the formation of a sediment, and for
the presence of a mineral in residuum or slightly transported
residual deposits. Table 2 gives the principal non-clay minerals
to be expected in the clay sizes, that is, < 2 microns.
Other minerals may be present under certain conditions. In
addition to the minerals listed in Table 2, Brown (1961) gives
titanium oxides, pyrophyllite and talc, sulfides, sulfates, phosphates,
and gibbsite. Their presence can be found by X-ray diffraction
only if they occur in excess of about 5 percent by volume or weight.
Specific tests combined with X-ray diffraction may indicate their

T a b l e 2. N o n -C l a y M in e r a l s i n t h e C l a y F r a c t io n

Distributive Residual Transported Diagenetic

province deposit sedimentary
Mineral material

Quartz + + +
Feldspar +
? +* 1 **

Dolomite + +
Calcite j **
Iron oxides + + +
Zeolites + +

..... Absent.
? Possibly present, depending on climate.
*Depends on type o f weathering and transportation.
**Feldspar is authigenic under certain conditions; fo r example, in some
limestones. Calcite is authigenic in some clay deposits and in soils that
are not leached, such as Pedocals.
««»Generally in the form o f foram iniferal tests and shell fragments.

*Compiled by Dorothy Carroll


There are two principal kinds of situations in which clay
minerals are found:
(1) Clays are produced by alteration of minerals as rocks

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6 X - r a y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

weather in situ as a result of chemical leaching that is

caused mainly by rainwater, ground water, and drainage.
(2) The altered original minerals may be removed by erosion
and redeposited.
Although the end products of weathering under leaching con­
ditions are the same in any well-drained situation, the time required
for clay mineral production varies. Generally, time is measured
Clay minerals are formed as the result of chemical alteration
of primary rock-forming minerals: feldspars, some ferromagnesian
minerals (olivine, pyroxenes, amphiboles, mica). These minerals
vary in their stability or ease of alteration; for example, the
stability of the ferromagnesian minerals is as follows:
muscovite > > > amphibole (igneous) > pyroxenes » olivine > biotite.
Hence, muscovite (and its derivative illite) is of widespread
occurrence in sediments and residual deposits, whereas the other
ferromagnesian minerals (with the exception of metamorphic
types of amphibole) are of local derivation, and their presence
denotes a short period of weathering.
The geochemical environment in which these minerals are
found will modify their composition and structure in ways that
are not yet completely understood. Different types of clay minerals
develop from alumino-silicate parents, depending first on the
weathering environment. The initial alteration is generally modi­
fied by its later geochemical environment. Thus, feldspar com­
monly alters first to montmorillonite because the environment of
initial alteration is alkaline. In a dry climate, montmorillonite
will be stable (as it is in the Wyoming bentonite beds), but with
chemical leaching, an accompaniment of a moist climate and good
drainage, the initial montmorillonite will change first to halloysite
(4H 20 ) and then to kaolinite. With further leaching continued for
a long time, the kaolinite loses silica, and gibbsite results.

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Kinds of Clay Minerals

The minerals in this group are hydrated alumino-silicates of

general chemical composition A120 3 : S i0 2 : H 20 = 1 : 2 : 2 .
Structurally they are phyllosilicates of type 1 : 1 (Table 1 ). The
individual sheets are unsymmetrical with S i02-tetrahedra on one
side and A l 20 3-octahedra on the other. The hydroxyl groups of the
octahedral sheet are in contact with the basal oxygens of the tetra-
hedra of the next sheet. The kaolinite minerals thus have two
surfaces, each of which is different in chemical and structural
composition. There is no isomorphous replacement of cations in
the structure, and there is no charge on the unit cell.
The kaolinite group minerals can be divided into two sub­
groups, a, structurally and chemically similar to kaolinite, and b,
similar to a but with additional water.

a b
Kaolinite Allophane (amorphous to X-
Disordered and poorly crystal- rays; contains adsorbed
line kaolinite water)
Metahalloysite (7A ) Halloysite (1 0 A ; contains inter-
Disordered halloysite layer water)


Chemical Composition. 2 A l 2Si20 5 (OH ) 4 or 2 S i0 2 • A120 3

• 2H20 per unit cell. There are no isomorphous substitutions in
kaolinite. The water in kaolinite exists as hydroxyl groups.
Structure. Kaolinite consists of sheets of S i0 2 tetrahedra
bonded to sheets of A120 3 octahedra that are continuous in the
a and b directions and stacked one above the other in the c direction.

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8 X -EA Y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M i n e r a l s

Unit Cell, a = 5.14 A ; b = 8.93 A ; c = 7.37 A. Kaolinite is

triclinic, and Z = 1, a — 91° 48'; ¿8 = 104° 30'; y — 90°. Each
layfer has a thickness of about 7.15 A (tetrahedral sheet = 2.1 A ;
octahedral sheet = 5.05 A) which is 001 for kaolinite.
Diffraction Pattern— Oriented Mount. An integral series of
d reflections (spacings) based on (001), that is, 7.15 A = (0 0 1 );
3.57 A = (002) ; 2.35 A = (003) ;
1.79 A = (004). In most mounts
of kaolinite only the ( 001 ) and
( 0 02 ) reflections are sufficiently
intense for recognition in diffrac­
o tometer charts. The intensity of
the (003) and (004) reflections is
1 I insufficient for recognition in
mixtures of minerals. The appear­
ance of the ( 0 0 1 ) reflection of
well-crystallized and poorly crys­
tallized kaolinite in an oriented
mount is shown in Figure 1.
Unoriented Mount. In well-
crystallized kaolinite a series of
reflections between 3.37 and 2.55
A caused by hkls (11 1)-(2 01) and
hk bands are characteristic of
poorly crystallized kaolinite. The
(060) reflection at 1.48 A-49 A,
giving the b dimension of the unit
cell, is usually easily obtained.
Identification. The presence of
~ 7 A d reflection (001) and 3.57
A-58 A d reflection (002) in ori­
ented mount; collapse of structure
to an X-ray amorphous mineral,
metakaolin, on heating to —-550°
Figure 1. X-ray diffractograms C ; (060) d reflection of about
of the ( 001 ) spacing of well-
crystallized and poorly crystal­ 1.49 A-1.50 A.
lized kaolinites (CuKa radiation, Occurrence. Found in decom­
103 cps., multiplier 1, ratemeter
4; chart speed 30"/hr., scanning posed igneous rocks, in leached
speed 1° 26 min., kv 50, ma soils, in residual clay deposits, in
20). (a) Kaolinite, A.P.I. H-5, hydrothermally altered rocks of
Bath, South Carolina, (b) Kao­
linite, soil, Virginia. suitable composition. Kaolinite is

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K in d s o f C l a y M in e r a l s 9

generally more abundant in regions of tropical weathering than

in more temperate zones. Kaolinite occurs in detrital deposits
derived from tropical weathering.
Kaolinite, Disordered
Chemical Composition. Similar to that of kaolinite. In addi­
tion to impurities in the samples there may be some isomorphous
replacement in the octahedral layer.
Structure. The structure is similar to that of kaolinite but is
disordered principally by random layer displacements parallel to the
b axis. When only partial order exists, the triclinic angle a = 91.6°
of well-crystallized kaolinite becomes 90° in disordered forms which
are then pseudo-monoclinic. Brindley (1961b, p. 64-65) gives a
detailed description of disorder in kaolinite. Hinckley (1963) in­
vestigated the crystallinity of the hard and soft kaolins in Georgia
and South Carolina. “ Hard” and “ soft” describe the ease of pulver­
izing the two principal types of kaolin found in commercial kaolin
deposits. The hard kaolin was sedimented in a marine environment,
and the original detrital kaolinite was not recrystallized. The soft
kaolin was sedimented in a fresh­
water environment, and the
detrital kaolinite was leached
and recrystallized. He used the
llO and 111 d reflections of kao­
lins at 20.4° and 21.3° 26 (CuKa
radiation) to measure the crys­
tallinity. The method of meas­
urement is shown in Figure 2,
and details of the method are
given by Bates and Hinckley
Unit Cell, a = 5.15 Â ; b =
8.93 A ; c = 7.39 A ; j8 = 104.5°,
and disordered kaolinite is prac­
tically monoclinic.
Diffraction Pattern. Disorder
in kaolinite results in the broad­
20* ening of the ( 001 ) and ( 002 ) d
reflections, and consequently a
Figure 2. Crystallinity index for lowering of intensity of reflec-

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10 X - r a y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

reflection in the vicinity of 4.48 A (19iii 26) occurs instead of a

number of sharp reflections.
Identification. In oriented mounts the presence of disordered
kaolinite is shown by broad ( 001 ) and ( 002 ) d reflections at ap­
proximately the same distance 20 as those in ordered kaolinite. Fig­
ure 2 shows the appearance of ordered and disordered kaolinite
in an oriented mount.
Occurrence. There is a considerable variation between well-
crystallized and poorly crystallized kaolinite in the situations in
which kaolinite occurs. Geologically, old kaolinitic soils may con­
tain well-crystallized kaolinite, but the type often found is similar
to that of Figure 1 (b). Clay deposits may contain both hard and
soft kaolinite. The kaolin clays of the southeastern United States
were investigated, among others, by Hinckley (1963), who showed
that the hard kaolinites have better crystallinity than the soft
kaolinites. A method for distinguishing between well-crystallized
and poorly crystallized kaolinite by X-ray diffraction, known as the
crystallinity index, was worked out by Hinckley (1963). The essen­
tial features of the crystallinity index are given in Figure 2.


Chemical Composition. 2 S i0 2 • A120 3 • 2H 20 , a polytype of

Structure. Dickite is extremely well-crystallized in individual
monoclinic plates that consist of S i0 2 tetrahedra layers bonded to
A120 3 octahedral layers, as in kaolinite. Dickite differs from kaolin­
ite in the stacking of the layers. Further structural details are
given in Grim (1953), Brindley (1961b), and Bailey (1963).
Unit Cell, a = 5.15 A ; b = 8.95 A ; c = 14.42 A ; fi = 96°48'.
The unit cell is similar to that of kaolinite except that it contains
two sets of S i0 2-A l 20 s layers.
Diffraction Pattern. Dickite gives more intense d reflections
and a clearer diffractogram than most kaolinites in both oriented
and unoriented mounts.
Identification. The diffraction pattern is similar to that of
kaolinite, but the spacings give more intense diffraction than with
kaolinite. The d reflection at about 7.16 A is the ( 002 ) reflection;
the (001) reflection at about 14 A is not resolved. The (004) d
reflection at 3.57 A-58 A is in a similar position to the (002) of

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K in d s o f C l a y M i n e r a l s 11

kaolinite. Other reflections in the integral series based on d (002)

are weak (Newnham, 1961; Newnham and Brindley, 1956).
Occurrence. Dickite was first identified as a member of the
kaolinite group from material of hydrothermal origin, but later it
was recognized as authigenic in many sandstones where it had
apparently formed by alteration of detrital minerals and redistri­
bution of their silica and alumina. Such material has recrystallized
as dickite. Dickite is relatively common in sandstones. In the
Hawkesbury Sandstone (Triassic) of the Sydney Basin, Australia,
Bayliss and others (1965) have recorded the widespread presence
of dickite associated with kaolinite and illite. This well-crystallized
dickite developed in the sandstone authigenically, probably as a
result of leaching of detrital material in a porous, although confined,
situation. Dickite does not form in clayey sediments or in soils.
Chemical Composition. Similar to kaolinite.
Structure. Nacrite is a polytype of kaolinite. Bailey (1963,
p. 1205) found that the smallest unit cell is of monoclinic shape
and contains two kaolin layers, whereas Hendricks (1938) had
described nacrite as a six-layer structure with (3 close to 90°. Two
alternate two-layer unit cells exist, as in dickite, with approximately
100° and 114° (Bailey, 1963, p. 1205).
Unit Cell, a = 8.96 A ; b = 5.15 A ; c = 14.35 A. X = b
= 5.1 A ; Y = a = 8.9 A, the reverse of theorientation in kaolinite
and dickite.
Diffraction Pattern. The X-ray reflections from nacrite are
weaker than those of kaolinite and dickite, and consist partly of
broad bands caused by the coalescence of diffractions from several
adjacent planes. The patterns are ill-defined.
Identification. The first basal spacing is similar to that of
kaolinite at about 7.18 A but is d (002) ; a spacing at 3.58 A almost
coincides with kaolinite ( 002 ) but is nacrite (004). An indexed
powder pattern is given by Bailey (1963, p. 1206).
Occurrence. Nacrite is rare in comparison with kaolinite and
dickite, but as it is difficult to identify, it may have been described
as kaolinite. Nacrite has been identified as segregations of authi­
genic origin in altered rocks and it has also been recorded in clays
associated with sedimentary rocks. Nacrite probably does not occur
except in restricted situations, as does dickite (Brindley, 1961b,
p. 82).

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12 X - r a y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s


Chemical Composition. Similar in composition to kaolinite.

Structure. A polymorph of kaolinite (Brindley, 1961b; Bailey,
1963). The hydrated form, halloysite, consists of a regular sequence
of kaolinite layers separated by interlayer water. The dehydrated
form, metahalloysite, contains hydroxyl water. Halloysite dehy­
drates irreversibly to metahalloysite.
Unit Cell, a = 5.15 A ; b = 8.93 A ; c = 7.37 A or 10.27 A,
the difference in the c parameter being due to a single molecular
sheet of water.
Diffraction Pattern. Halloysite dried at 110°C has basal spac-
ings (001) and (002) similar to kaolinite. Prior to dehydration the
mineral is either in the 4HaO form or near to it, and the 7 A d
spacing is replaced by one at about 10.1 A. The basal spacings are
broad, implying an irregular stacking sequence. In unoriented
mounts, broad reflections occur at the position of (h k o) reflections.
Identification. By less sharp d basal reflections than kaolinite,
and by the collapse of the 10.1 A spacing to about 7.2 A on dehydra­
tion. If halloysite is not completely dehydrated, it can be rehydrated
to a 10.1 A spacing. Halloysite may dry out, so that the humidity
of the atmosphere should be controlled to prevent its reversion to
metahalloysite. The morphology of most halloysite is tubular as
seen in electron micrographs (Bates and others, 1950).
Occurrence. Halloysite is formed in the weathering of igneous
rocks in the sequence montmorillonite halloysite -> metahalloysite
-» kaolinite (Carroll and Hathaway, 1963). Moist conditions are
necessary for the stability of halloysite. Halloysite has been re­
corded from Pacific Ocean sediments by Griffin and Goldberg
(1963, p. 734), and it is probably more abundant in marine sedi­
ments than has so far been recorded.

Halloysite, Disordered

There appears to be a gradation between kaolinite and halloy­

site. Halloysite, and hence its dehydrated form, metahalloysite,
has a less ordered structure than kaolinite. Halloysite consists of
a highly random stacking of kaolinite layers (further details of
the relation of the water layers and layer stacking are given in
Brindley, 1961b). Detailed structure analyses cannot be made of
halloysites because of their structural disorder.

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It has been shown recently that anauxite is a form of kaolinite.

The excess silica reported in early analyses is probably amorphous
silica that may have been deposited between kaolinite platelets.
The Nomenclature Committee of the Clay Minerals Society has
ruled that anauxite is not a distant species and that the name should
be discontinued (Brindley and others, 1968, p. 324).


Chemical Composition. Hydrous alumino-silicate ; a mixture

of S i0 2 and A120 3 of variable composition ranging from 1 : 1 to
1 : 2, with n H 20 . The alumina may be either in 6-coordination
or in 4-coordination. The water is adsorbed.
Structure. It was thought that allophane had no regular ar­
rangement of atoms in its structure, but soil allophane is now known
to have different degrees of order (Wada, 1967, p. 690).
Unit Cell. No definite lattice parameters.
Diffraction Pattern. Although largely amorphous to X-rays,
Wada (1967, p. 691) has shown that several broad X-ray reflections
may occur. The strongest reflections are in the vicinity of 13.0-
18 Â, 7.6-7.8 Â, 3.26 Â.
Identification. Allophane is not identifiable by X-ray diffrac­
tion alone and is therefore similar to amorphous clay, much of
which may actually be allophane. Infrared absorptions give absorp­
tion in the region 800-1300cm_1, but varies with the development
of order in the structure produced by aging. D.T.A. curves show
a gradual loss of water up to about 300°C; some apparently more
ordered structures show the endothermie reaction between 400° C
and 525 °C suggestive of loss of hydroxyl water. Fieldes and others
(1966, p. 623) suggest testing for allophane by reaction with NaF
to release hydroxyl groups.
Occurrence. Allophane is produced in the first stages of altera­
tion of ferromagnesian minerals in basic and ultrabasic rocks by
incongruent solution of the primary minerals, from weathering of
volcanic glass, by weathering of feldspar under conditions where
sericite does not form, by precipitation of hydrous alumino-silicates
under low temperature and pressure in fissures in ore veins, and
on continued grinding of muscovite and micaceous minerals. Allo­
phane is probably present in many situations where it has not been

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14 X - r a y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

recorded because of difficulty in identification. Soil allophane has

been described in detail by Fieldes and others (1966).
Amorphous Clay

Amorphous clay should be identified as allophane, because a

sample containing amorphous clay gives the same type of X-ray
diffraction pattern as allophane. The X-ray diffractogram of a
sample containing amorphous clay (allophane) can be assessed by
the fact that the same volume of such clay as that containing well-
crystallized clay minerals gives a background radiation without, or
with only very weak spacings from which individual minerals
cannot be identified with certainty. The greater the dilution of
crystalline clay minerals with amorphous clay, the weaker the
spacings of minerals and the greater the background radiation.


Minerals with a 2 : 1 layer structure can be arranged in a

logical sequence as follows:


Partial replacement of No interlayer K+ ions, but

K+ ions with H20 and H20 and metallic cations
metallic cations. are present. I

Iliite Montmorillonite Group

Biotite (trioctahedral)


The chemical relationships among members of the dioctahedral

micas are shown in Figure 3.
The characteristics of the micaceous clay minerals have been
summarized by MacEwan (1961, p. 145), who tabulated the main
features as given in Table 3.

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K in d s o f C l a y M in e r a l s 15

Celadonite K Mg Fe Si4 0 |Q(0H)2

Al-Celadonite K Mg Al Si4 0 |Q (OH)2

Figure 3. Mineralogical relations of members of the dioctahedral

mica group (after Yoder and Eugster, 1955). Reprinted by courtesy of
Pergamon Press, Inc.


The most ubiquitous micaceous minerals in soils, sedimentary

rocks, and unconsolidated deposits of mineral matter are related
to muscovite. Mineralogically, micas are classified as muscovite, a
dioctahedral mineral of composition K Al 2(AlSi 3Oi0), or as biotite,
a trioctahedral mineral of composition K (Mg,Fe) 3Oi0(OH) 2. Musco­
vite is much less altered by weathering than biotite. Within the
muscovite group of minerals there is much isomorphous replace­
Chemical Composition. The members of the dioctahedral potas­
sium mica group vary between KA1 A l(SisA l)O 10(OH ) 2 and
KA1 M g(Si 4)O 10(O H )2.
Structure. Muscovite and the micaceous clay minerals consist
structurally of one layer of alumina octahedra sandwiched between
two layers of silica tetrahedra. This structure is generally referred

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16 X - r a y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

T a b l e 3. C h a r a c t e r is t ic s o f M ic a c e o u s C l a y M in e r a l s *

Mineral type Charge per interlamellar Swelling behavior
unit-cell-layer cations
Brittle mica 4 Ca No swelling reported
Mica 2 K, Na May swell slightly with spe­
cial treatment
Vermiculite 1-3 Mg Many organic complexes
May swell indefinitely with
special treatment
Montmorillonite 0-7 Na, Ca, etc. Wide range of complexes
Swells indefinitely with some
monovalent cations
Pyrophyllite-talc 0 No swelling reported
*A fter MacEwan, 1961. (Reprinted by courtesy of The Mineralogical Society.)

to as a 2 : 1 layer lattice (Table 1). The tripartite layers are

bonded together by K+ ions in 12 coordination with oxygens of the
silica tetrahedra. The packing of the oxygen ions in the ideal
muscovite structure leads to offsets of upper and lower hexagonal
nets (at the base of the silica tetrahedra) in any of the three 120 °
directions. Consequently, polymorphs or polytypes of muscovite are
formed. These have been designated as 1 M, 2 M1; 2 M2, and 8 T,
for one-layer monoclinic muscovite, two kinds of two-layer mono­
clinic muscovite, and three-layer trigonal muscovite by Smith and
Yoder (1956). Details of the structural arrangements of the com­
mon polytypes are given by Yoder and Eugster (1955). Table 4
gives the principal d reflections of the polytypes of muscovite as
shown by X-ray powder photographs using CuK* radiation.
The muscovite polytypes produced by different structural
arrangements can be recognized by the (hlcl) reflections shown
in diffractograms of unoriented mounts of clays. In particular,
the (112) reflection (22.375° 2 6») and the 112 (24.315° 2 0) are
useful for diagnosis, using CuKa. In metamorphism, the disordered
structure (1 Md) is gradually replaced by a more ordered structure
and hkl’s begin to appear; the intensity of the hkl reflections may be
used as a measure of the amount of change from disordered mica
to the 1 M polytype. With increasing temperature and pressure,
the 1 M structure changes to that of the 2 M structure. The trans­
formations are slow. Both the 1 Md and the 1 M muscovite polytypes
are metastable (Velde, 1965, p. 448).

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K in d s o f C l a y M i n e r a l s 17

The muscovite polytypes commonly found in the clay-sized

fraction of sedimentary materials are given in Table 5.
Muscovite grains in natural situations are almost exclusively
the 2 M polytype because mica has a very slow rate of inversion;
that is, mica adjusts very slowly to the equilibrium conditions of
the chemical environment. Because of this, 2 M muscovite is detrital
in sediments. As weathering proceeds, the 2 M polytype will slowly
change its composition by the replacement of some K+ ions by H 20 .
Apparently, this replacement is limited because even experimen­
tally the spacing of ( 002 ) cannot be increased much beyond 12 Â.
In addition to the mica polytypes described above, detailed
single crystal determinations have shown that many others can
be recognized (Radslovich and Norrish, 1962; Ross and others,
1966). Such polytypes cannot be identified except by single crystal
X-ray studies.
Dioctahedral micas which have either 1 Md or 1 M polytypes
are either metastable muscovite forms or are micas with a compo-

T able 4. X - ray d Reflections from 8° to 35.2° 26 for 2M, 1M, and l Md

Synthetic Muscovite Polytypes with CuK« R adiation
(C om piled from data o f Y od er and E ugster, 1955)

2M 1M lMd
hkl A I hkl  I hkl A 1*
002 10.014 <100 001 10.077 <100 001 10.077
004 5.021 55 002 5.036 37 002 5.036
110 4.478 55
111 4.458 65 020 4.488 90 020 4.488
021 4.391 14 111 4.349 27 003 3.356
111 4.296 21 021 4.115 16 130 2.582
022 4.109 14 112 3.660 60 200 2.550
112 3.973 12 003) 3.35 <100
022 (
113 3.899 14 112
3.073 50
023 3.735 32 113
2.929 6
114 3.500 44 023
2.269 16
006) 3.351 <100 130
2.582 50
114 3.208 47
025 2.999 47
115 2.871 35
116 2.803 22
^Intensities not given by Yoder and Eugster (1955).
(See relation of illite and muscovite in Figure 4, p. 20.)

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18 X - r a y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

T able 5. M uscovite P olytypes P resent in th e C l a y -S ized

F ractions of S edim en tary M aterials

(Compiled from data o f Yoder and Eugster, 1955)

Polytype Structure Stability X -ray identification Natural

1 Md Disordered Low tempera- Basal d spacings Common in sedi-
1M tures, < 2 0 0 °C ;o n ly ; (060) at ments, soils;
<15,000 psi. about 1.50A; (02) probably diagenetic
band at about 4.1A. in marine sedi­
ments; forms

1 M 0° stacking Low tempera­ Basal d spacings Sediments; low-

angle of tures, 200- and hkl’s fo r 111, grade metamorphic
layers 250°C; 021.112, 022 and rocks to chlorite
<15,000 psi. 024.112, 113,130 grade; secondary
131,200, etc., alteration zones;
(Table 4) low-temperature
pegmatites; in
mixed-layer struc­
tures with mont-

2 M Continuous High tempera- Basal d spacings Igneous and high-

alternation of tures, > 2 0 0 °- and numerous hkl grade metamorphic
120° and 350° at 15,000 reflections rocks. Detrital in
240°, or o f psi (upper (Table 4.) sediments and
60° and 300° limit o f stabil- soils.
stacking ity is 625 °C at
angles this pressure).

sition differing from that of muscovite; for example, glauconite,

celadonite, and illite. Polytypes 1 Md and 1 M are common in
nature and form a large part of the minerals in sedimentary and
low-grade metamorphic rocks. The very abundant 1 Md and 1 M
dioctahedral muscovites in sediments are probably authigenic,
whereas the 2 M muscovites are detrital.
Unit Cell, a = 5.3 A ; b = 9.2 A or 9.3 A (muscovite and most
lithium-bearing micas have b near 9.0 A ; the Fe- and Mg-muscovites
have b 9.2 A to 9.3 A ) ; c = about 20 A ; 0 = 95°-100°.
Diffraction Pattern. An oriented mount of muscovite gives an
integral series 001 spacings of which the (001) for 2 M structures

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K in d s o f C l a y M in e r a l s 19

(the 002) is prominent at about 10 A. A reflection at about 5 A is

also readily observed, but a reflection at 3.3 A merges with that of
quartz. In an unoriented mount, hk reflections are numerous and
sharp in well-crystallized muscovites.
Identification. The mica structure is easily recognized by an
intense reflection at about 10 A and a small reflection at about 5 A.
Polytypes can be recognized in unoriented mounts from the infor­
mation in Tables 4 and 5.
Occurrence. The common micaceous mineral of soils and sedi­
mentary materials.
Illite is a field term that is used for the mica in soils, uncon­
solidated sediments, and sedimentary rocks. Hower and Mowatt
(1966) investigated the chemical composition and structure to­
gether with a number of other characteristics of type samples of
illites, K-bentonites, and mixed-layer mica-montmorillonites and
found that all the illites they examined were of the 1 Md polytype.
Chemical Composition. Similar to that of muscovite but con­
tains less K+ ion and more S i0 2 and H20 than muscovite. The charge
due to the depletion of the K+ ion is partially replaced by metallic
cations that may be exchangeable in part.
Structure. 1 Md muscovite; but as illites represent detrital
material as well as diagenetic, 2 M muscovite is found in some
illites. The described illites contain any or all muscovite polytypes,
and most illites are mixed-layer structures. Some samples of Fithian
illite consist of mixed-layer 1 Md + montmorillonite + 2 M musco­
vite (Yoder and Eugster, 1955, p. 249).
Diffraction Pattern. As illite generally is a 1 Md muscovite,
only the (001) d reflections are present (Table 3 ). The appearance
of the principal ( 0 0 1 ) reflections of muscovite and illite are shown
in Figure 4.
Identification. The diffraction pattern is similar to that of a
1 Md muscovite. Some expansion with glycol is to be expected if
the mineral is interlayered with montmorillonite.
Occurrence. The mica commonly found in soils and unconsoli­
dated sediments is mostly illite, except near a source of 2 M musco­
Chemical Composition. Similar to that of illite, but with
greater iron content. The Fe+:i to Fe+2 ratio increases with oxidation.

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Figure 4. X-ray diffractograms of the (001)

spacing of muscovite and illite (CuK« radiation,
103 cps., multiplier 1, ratemeter 4; chart speed
30"/hr. ; scanning speed 1° 20 min., kv 50, Ma
20). (a) Muscovite, Upton County, Georgia (U.S.
National Museum no. 105013). (b) Illite, A.P.I.
H-35, Fithian, Illinois (calcite and quartz re­

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K in d s o f C l a y M in e r a l s 21

Structure. 1 M d and 1 M m uscovite.

U n it Cell. Sim ilar to th at o f 1 M m uscovite.
D iffraction P attern. Sim ilar to th at o f illite. N ew ly form ed
glauconite has 1 M d reflection s; older glauconite in consolidated
sediments th a t have been subjected to pressure have 1 M reflections,
and the am ount o f change fro m 1 M d to 1 M is shown b y the develop­
m ent o f hk reflections. The type glauconite w as described fro m
sedim entary beds in the Paris Basin, France ; it has a 1 M d d iffr a c ­
tion pattern. A green color, indicating ferrous iron, suggests
reducing conditions under which glauconite has form ed. E x p eri­
m entally, illite w ill not develop the green color o f F e +2 in a reducing
environm ent, but nontronite does so (C arroll, 1958, p. 1 0 ) . F urth er
inform ation concerning glauconite is obtainable fro m W a rsh a w
( 1 9 5 7 ) , B u rst ( 1 9 5 8 ) , H ow er ( 1 9 6 1 ) , and Hendricks and Ross
( 1 9 4 1 ).
Occurrence. Glauconite form s authigenically in a m arine en­
vironm ent w ith E h 0 to —150 m v. and p H 7-8. T he method of
authigenesis probably is : M ontm orillonite (nontronite) in reducing
conditions -> nontronite + K (Ca, M g ) glauconite (M d ) + pres­
sure and aging -» glauconite (1 M ) (Carroll, unpub. d a ta ).


Chemical Composition. K A lM g (S i4) O i 0 ( O H ) 2. Isomorphous

replacem ent in the octahedral layer causes a charge deficiency.
Structure. 1 M dioctahedral m uscovite.
U nit Cell. Sim ilar to 1 M m uscovite.
D iffraction Pattern. A s fo r 1 M m uscovite.
Identification. B y chemical analysis. Celadonite requires spe­
cial conditions fo r form ation and is not detrital.
Occurrence. A n alteration product o f olivine in vesicular basalt.
Its m agnesium content is derived fro m olivine, and aluminum is
not an essential constituent.


Chemical Composition. Biotite is a trioctahedral m ica whose

composition varies between M g-rich (phlogopite) and F e-rich
(siderophyllite and lepidomelane) end m em bers. A general form ula
fo r biotite is :
K ( M g ,F e ) 3 (A lS isO10) ( O H ) 2.
Structure. Lam ellar monoclinic plates w ith irregular outlines ;
form ed o f one layer o f alumina octahedra sandwiched between two

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22 X - r a y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

layers of silica tetrahedra as in m uscovite. T he K + ion bonds the

layers together.
U n it Cell, a = 5.31 A ; b = 9.2 3 A ; c = 2 0 .3 6 A.
D iffraction P attern. V e ry sim ilar to th at o f m uscovite, but
cl spacings differ, fro m those o f m uscovite because o f unit cell
dimensions, d (0 6 0 ) is 1.52 A -5 3 A. (B row n, 1961, p. 2 3 9 )
Identification. A s biotite is trioctahedral d (0 6 0 ) is 1.52 A -
53 A compared w ith m uscovite (dioctahedral, d (0 6 0 ) 1 .5 0 ). The
intensity o f the reflections o f the basal spacing's decreases w ith the
F e-content, and are alw ays less than those o f m uscovite because o f
absorption by iron when C U K a radiation is used.
Occurrence. Biotite is unstable in w eathering and only occurs
near its source in igneous or m etam orphic rocks. It m ay be common
in glacial sedim ents derived from biotitic rocks. B iotite is detrital
in volcanic ash.

Verm iculite

Chemical Com position. The general composition is M g 3Si 4O i 0

(O H ) 2 x HoO, but isomorphous replacement is common in both the
octahedral and tetrahedral layers. Verm iculite is com m only inter­
layered w ith biotite or w ith chlorite (Hendricks and Jefferson,
1 9 3 8 ). Commercial verm iculite is interlayered unaltered biotite
with verm iculite; the structural form ulas obtainable fro m the
chemical analyses o f such m ixtures do not indicate the composition
o f vermiculite alone. One structural form ula calculated fo r ver­
miculite fro m L ibby, M ontana, is :

(A l. 62F e +3 .o4Fe+2.o3Mg2 .7oMn.oi) (S i 3.32A l. 67 ) Oio (O H ) 2 (K . 2oNa.22Ca.2o)

Gruner’s (1 9 3 4 , p. 5 5 9 ) chemical analysis o f verm iculite (U .S . N atl.

M useum , N o .9 5 6 4 7 ) fro m Bare Hills, M aryland., gives the follow­
ing structural fo rm u la :

(F e +3.24 F e +2.04 N i .01 M g 2.7o) (S i 2.73A l 1.2e) Oio (O H ) 2 (M g . 55Ca. 01)

Structure. A 2 : 1 -layer structure sim ilar to m ica but having,
in addition, w ater molecules occupying about 5 A as an interlayer.
U n it Cell, a = 5.3 A ; b = 9.2 0 A ; c = 2 8.91 A . T he thickness
o f the w ater layer varies slightly w ith the exchangeable cation
present (B arshad, 1 9 4 8 ).
D iffraction Pattern. In an oriented m ount the low est angle
reflection is 14 + A , which is taken as (0 0 1 ), and is followed b y an
integral series o f basal spacings. M ost verm iculite is trioctahedral

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K in d s o f C l a y M in e r a l s 23

with (0 6 0 ) d = 1 .5 0 -5 3 , but dioctahedral verm iculite w ith d (0 6 0 )

of 1.4 8 -4 9 has been recorded in extrem ely fin e fraction s o f w eath­
ered m uscovite (R ich and Obenshain, 1 9 5 5 ).
Identification. Verm iculite will not expand m uch beyond 14 A
on glycolation. B y heating to 5 0 0 °C the interlayer w ater is expelled,
but vermiculite quickly reh yd ra tes; on h eating to 7 0 0 °C , verm icu­
lite will collapse to 9.3 A fo r (0 0 1 ) and will not rehydrate. In KC1
solutions vermiculite reverts to a m ica structure, has a low cation
exchange capacity, and will not expand.
F igure 5 show s the e ffe c t o f dehydration o f verm iculite and
uptake o f the K + ion by vermiculite.
Occurrence. Verm iculite occurs principally as a hydrotherm al
product o f biotite or phlogopite alteration. It is generally inter­
layered with biotite. Verm iculite occurs in soils where it is common
as a m ixed-layer mineral w ith chlorite and illite-type m ica.


Clay minerals in which th e component layers are not tig h tly

bonded by K + ions (m ica) or M g +2 ions (verm icu lite), but contain
w ater molecules in a sim ilar situation, have been grouped together
as m ontmorillonites. T hese m inerals, although having the sam e
structural features, d iffer som ew hat in chemical composition. T hey
are all extrem ely fine-grained, do not fo rm macroscopic crystals,

Figure 5. Dehydration of vermiculite (schematic diagram modified

after Walker, 1961, p. 305). (A) fully hydrated; (B, C) stages in
dehydration; (D) fully dehydrated.

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24 X - r a y I d e n t if ic a t io n of C l a y M in e r a l s

and swell on the addition o f w ater or organic liquids. Such minerals

have variously been called sm ectites (B ritish u sa g e ), montmorillon-
oids, or m ontm orins. Isomorphous substitution results in charge
deficiencies which m ay occur either in the octahedral or tetrahedral
layer. The charge deficiency is neutralized by exchangeable cations

~ 1A&
' I


Figure 6 . Potassium uptake in vermiculite from

Libby, Montana. The commercial vermiculite was
completely converted to the Mg-form by warming for
about 48 hours in N MgCl2 solution, (a) Mg-vermicu­
lite treated with IN KC1 solution; (b) Mg-vermiculite.
X-ray diffractograms of oriented mounts (CuKa
radiation, 1 0 3 cps., multiplier 1 , ratemeter 4; scanning
speed 1° 26 min., chart speed 30"/hr.; kv 50, ma 20
(Dorothy Carroll, unpub.).

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K in d s o f C l a y M in e r a l s 25

so th at the mineral becomes electrically neutral. A general schem e

fo r the chemical composition was given by Ross and Hendricks
(19 4 5 ) as follow s:
exchangeable ions
[Iona with octahedral coordination] [Ions with tetrahedral coordination]
O1 0 [OH ] 2
= alumina octahedron = silica tetrahedron
The crystal structure is B A B , with charge deficiency generally in
A , but in som e minerals (beidellite, nontronite, and saponite) the
charge deficiency is in B.
Because o f the infinite variation of possible isomorphous re­
placements, and consequently in the am ount o f charge deficiency,
it is impracticable to define definite species, although a gradation
between charge deficiency on A and on B occurs. Only sauconite,
saponite, stevensite, hectorite, and nontronite are well-defined
species. Their structural chemical form ulas, calculated fro m chem i­
cal analyses, follow.
Sauconite (Z n 2 .40M A l. 22F e+3 .i7) (S i 3.47A l. 53) O j 0 (O H ) 2

Saponite (M g 2 .92Fe+3 .o8F e+2.o3) (S i 3.4oAl.60) O a0 (O H ) 2

Stevensite (M g 2 .S8Fe+3.02M n.02) (S i4) O i 0 (O H ) 2

Hectorite (A l. 01L i. 30M g 2.67) (S i4) O 10 (O H ) 2
Nontronite (F e +31.92F e +2.o5M g .1()) (S i 3 .51A l. 49) O 10 (O H ) 2

M ost m ontmorillonites are dioctahedral, but hectorite,

stevensite, sauconite, and saponite are trioctahedral. T he com monly
occurring montmorillonites are dioctahedral and belong to the
montmorillonite-beidellite group, as defined by R oss and Hendricks
(1 9 4 5 ). Such m ontmorillonites are the principal, and generally the
only, clay minerals in bentonites.


Chemical Composition. Hydrous aluminosilicate (see introduc­

tion to this section ).
Structure. Sim ilar to m ica, but has interlayer w ater instead of
K + ions between the la y ers; there is little bonding (Table 1) and
macroscopic crystals are not form ed.
U nit Cell, a, b, and c are variable w ithin narrow lim its ; a and
b vary w ith the composition of the octahedral layer, c w ith hum idity
and exchangeable cations. T h e method o f describing micaceous
minerals according to the occupancy o f cations is due to Stevens
(1 9 4 6 ). In the m ontmorillonite group, both dioctahedral and

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26 X - k a y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

trioctahedral minerals occur as listed above (p. 2 5 ) . The follow ing

sem iem pirical form u la relating the b axis in dioctahedral and
trioctahedral layer silicates to the chemical com position has been
suggested (B rindley and M acE w an , 1953, p. 1 5 -5 9 ) :
Dioctahedral montmorillonite, 6 (A) = 8.92 + 0.06* + 0.09y + 0.18r + 0.27s
Trioctahedral montmorillonite, b ( A) = 9.19 + 0.06a: + 0.12p —0.06q + 0.06s
where p, q, r, s are the num bers o f A I+3, Fe+3, M g *2 and F e +2 ions per
half-unit-cell layer in octahedral coordination, and x the number
o f A l+S ions in tetrahedral coordination. T he relation o f a to b i s :
a : b = 1 : V 3 = 0 .5 7 7 (M a cE w an , 1961, p. 1 6 8 ) . T he c spacing
fo r m ost montm orillonites is in the vicinity o f 15 A.
D iffraction Pattern. Characterized by a series o f reflections
fro m the (0 0 1 ) plane in oriented mounts. In untreated m ontm oril­
lonites the sequence o f reflections is irrational, but in glycol- or
glycerol-treated montmorillonites th a t give a uniform ( 0 0 1 ) spacing,
the reflections are rational. U n iform conditions o f interlayer cation
(C a is p referred ), hum idity, and glycolation are required to produce
an integral series o f spacings fro m ( 0 0 1 ) th a t can be interpreted
with confidence in clays containing m ontm orillonite. M o st mounts
o f m ontmorillonites, if not definitely unoriented, will give only the
basal spacings, as shown in Figure 7.
A n unoriented (ran dom ) m ount m ay show w eak hk reflections
as given b y M acE w an (1 9 6 1 , p. 192) and reproduced in T able 6 .
The hk reflections are m ost satisfactorily recorded in Guinier
powder photographs, but they can also be obtained b y packing a
dry-pow der sam ple into the sample holder shown in Plate 1 and
m aking a diffractogram . A s the hk reflections are w eak, the (0 2 )
reflection at about 4 .5 A is generally.the only one found in d iffracto -
gram s o f unoriented m ounts.
Identification. B y characteristic swelling on glycolation from
a d spacing o f about 15 A to one o f about 1 7 -1 8 A . T he interlayer
w ater is rem oved b y h eating at 300 °C fo r at least an hour, and
the original 15 A reflection is replaced by one at 9 -1 0 A . Characteris­
tic d iffraction patterns o f the (0 0 1 ) spacing are given in F ig u re 7.
It is usual to glycolate sam ples o f clay m inerals fo r the identifica­
tion o f m ontm orillonite because o f the expansion o f the ( 0 0 1 ) reflec­
tion and the sharpness obtainable fro m the integral series of
reflections fro m the basal spacing. In an X -r a y powder photograph
o f m ontm orillonite, both basal and general reflections are seen. The
general reflections, hk, are characteristic o f the m ineral and the
0 0 1 basal reflections are characteristic o f the condition, that is,

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K in d s o f C l a y M i n e r a l s 27


Figure 7. X-ray diffractograms of the

( 0 0 1 ) spacing of montmorillonite (oriented
mount) from Chambers, Arizona (A.P.I. H-23).
(a) room temperature and humidity; (b) gly-
colated; (c) heated 1 hr. at 300°C. CuKa
radiation, 1 0 3 cps., multiplier 1 , ratemeter 4;
scanning speed 1° 29 min.t chart speed 30"/hr.;
kv 50, ma 2 0 (Dorothy Carroll, unpub.).

interlayer water, cations in exchange positions, complexes with

organic liquids (glycol or g ly cerol). F or further details, M acE w an
(1 9 6 1 ) should be consulted.
Occurrence. Montmorillonite group minerals occur in altered
volcanic ash as in bentonite b e d s ; they are common as an alteration

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T a b le 6. S p a c in g s o f hk R e f l e c t i o n s o f M o n t m o r i l l o n i t e s

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Montmoril- Montmoril- Beidellite Nontronite Volkhons- Saponite Hectorite Sauconite Pimelite Cardenite Lem-
Indices d( A) lonite lonite koite bergite
calc. d{ A) I d ( A) / S d{ A) I d( A) I d ( A) I S d( A) I d(A) 7 d ( A) I S d ( A) I S d{ A) / d{ A) I

11; 02 4-50 4*51 10 4-61 10 vbr 4*46 10 4-56 10 4*461 3 4*52 8 4-58 10 4*62 6 4*211 4*50 7 4-56 10
(4-07) 6 8 br 4*43 5
(3*02) 6 4 -1 3 ! (3-04) 1
13; 20 2*60 2*62 1 2*56 8 vbr 2-61} 2*63 1 2*575 5 br 2*55 8 2-66 8 2*67 1 2-425 10 vbr 2-65 5 2*62 N
2*56 > 0 10 8 2*46 4 2-49 6 6 8
2*42 ; 2*50 J 2-57 1 2 -5 8 4 / 2*47j
2*39 4
22; 04 2-25 2*24 1 2*221 3 br 2*244 ^ 2*24 X 2-289 3 2-298 1
S 2-168 ' 3
2 . 159 ! 2*094 .
(1-909) (1*894) 3
3 1 ;1 5 ; 24 1*706 1-711 } 1-692 6 br 1*697 1-719 1 1*706 h 1*74 6 1-721 j 1-757 3 1-691 3 br 1-739 \ 1*70 5
6 6 3 6 1
1-685 ) 1*657 , 1-671 ! 1*692 S 1*682 )
33; 06 1-503 1-500 10 1*492 10 vsh 1-491 10 1-522 10 1*506 6 1*52 8 1*530 10 1-547 8 1-513 8 sh 1-536 6 1-536 10

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(1-483) 1 (1*483) 1
26; 40 1*301 1-295 6 1*289 6 br 1*287 6 1-319 -j 1-302 2 br 1-32 6 1-323 j 1-330 5 1-307 5 br 1-326 1 1-326 5
3 8
1-303 ) 1*304
35 ; 17 ; 42 1-252 1-250 6 1*244 6 sh 1-244 6 1-269 1*267 1;29 6 1-270 2 1-288 2 br
3 1-254 1 br
08; 44 1*127 1*120 3 sh 1*157 4 1-136 2 br
3 7 ;2 8 ; 51 1*036 1*029 3 br 1*052 4 1-069 2br
19 ;53; 46 0-984 0-972 3 0*9765 4br 0*972 0*992 4 1-008 2 br
0,10 ; 55 0*902
39; 60 0*8683 0-865 3 0*8642 4 sh 0*864 3 0*880 4 0-893 2 br
2,10; 48; 62 0-846 1 br
1,11; 57; 64 0-823 2 br
a 5*21 Â 5-18 Â 5*17 Â 5*15 Â 5-24 A 5*18 A 5-31 A 5*25 A 5-35 Â 5-24 Â 5-32 A 5*32 Â
b 9*02 A 9-00 Â 8*95 A 8-95 A 9-13 A 9-02 A 9*20 A 9-18 Â 9-28Â 9-08 Â 9-22 A 9-22 Â
( 1 ) U nter-R upsroth, R h on ; [S i7.«Al„.52] IV[ A l3.r,iFe3Vo(;Mgo..1o]VI0 2,,(O H ).1Cao.32Nao.i4Mg,,.o8, spacings and form u la fr o m N agelschm idt (1 9 3 8 ).
(2 ) F rom W yom in g ben ton ite; typical fo rm u la o f such m aterial, [S i 7.7iA ll,..i] lv [Al.:.10F e 3*„.:!SF e 2%.(, 1M g 0.5i] VIOL„ (O H ) ,Na0.K.. X -r a y data b y M acE w an
(unpublished elsew h ere).
(3 ) Black Jack M ine, Carson Co., Id a h o ; [S i6.92Al1.„s] lv [Alr,.!,2Fe3+o.os]VIOj(l(OH).,Ca„..,oNao-o.iMgl„„lK„.n,, spacings and form u la fr o m Nagelschm idt
(1 9 3 8 ).
(4 ) B ehen jy, M ad agascar; [S i;.,,A l0.M] IV[ A lo.,0F e 3+3.68F e2+0.osMg„.16] VIO=„ ( O H ) 4Ca0.30Mg„.-,G, spacings and form u la fro m N agelschm idt (1 9 3 8 ).
(5 ) Thom psons, U ta h ; analysis A120 3 19-70, F e 20 , (in cl. F eO ) 3-10, C r 20 3 1-67, M nO 0 - 2 1 , NiO 0-02, M gO 3-72, CaO 0-23, T iO . 0-45, SiO, and
H 20 ± not determ ined, spacings and analysis fr o m M cC onnell (1 954).
( 6 ) Spacings fr o m K e rr (1 9 3 7 ), d values appear to be too low especially near top o f table.
(7 ) H ector, San B ernardino Co., C a lifo rn ia ; [S i 7.7sAl„.,i,Mg 0.12] IV[M g 5.:MLi„.,ii,]VIC>2„(O H ). 1Cao.<isNao.MK (,.c,,, spacings and form u la fr o m N agelschm idt
(1 9 3 8 ).
( 8 ) Y ankee D oodle M ine, Leadville, C olora d o; [S i 6.6<,A l1..,0] IV [Z n 3. 7„Mg„.2sAl 1. 5SF e 3V o i]VI0 2o(OH ).,Cao.23Na,1.Jo; X -r a y data a fter F aust (1 9 5 1 ), fo r ­
m ula afte r R oss (1 9 4 6 ).
(9 ) Synthetic m aterial o f small particle size ; form u la given as SisN i 6O 20(O H )., by van V oorth u ijsen and F ranzen (1 951) ; X -r a y spacings deduced
fro m their m icrophotom eter tra ce b y M acE w an.
( 1 0 ) Carden W ood, A berd een sh ire; [S i6.12A l1.8l] IV[A]o.s8Fe3+1.3sFewo.soMg2.MCal).2.,]vl0 2o (O H ), spacings and form u la fro m M acE w an (1 9 5 4 ).
(1 1 ) M oniwa, J a pa n ; an iron-rich saponite [S i 7.2.,Al0.70] IV[ A l 0.0sFe 3*2.n0M g 3.w] VIO 2„(O H ),,C a 0..10, spacings and form u la fro m Sudo (1 9 5 4 ). (F orm ula
shows im perfect change balance.)

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Notes on Table
( i ) Indices are those fo r a tw o-dim ensional orth o-hexagon al lattice a = 5-21 A, b = 9-02 A ; d calc, gives hkO spacings w hich are approxim ately
coincident w ith band heads,
(ii) L attice param eters o f the various m inerals given in last tw o lines are calculated fro m the observed sp a cin g s; fo r specim ens 1, 3, 4, and 7
fr o m 26,40 fo r a and 33,06 fo r b, fo r specim ens 2, 5, 6 and 10 fr o m the higher ord er reflection s and adjusted to m ake b = V 3a, fo r specim ens
8 , 9, and 11 they are obtained fr o m 33,06 and the relation b = V 3a.

(iii) W hen tw o o r m ore spacings are given against a g rou p o f indices they p rob ably represent subsidiary m axim a o r apparent edges o f bands.
(iv ) R eflection s in brackets m ay be due to im purities.
(v ) I — relative in ten sity ; S = shape o f band, v = v ery, sh = sharp, br = broad.
After M acE w en, 1961, p. 192-193. (R ep rin ted by courtesy o f The M ineralogical S ociety.)
S a m p le h o ld e r f o r X - r a y d i f f r a c t i o n o f u n o r ie n t e d c l a y s a m p le s (p a t t e r n e d
a f t e r B y s t r o m - A s k l u n d , 1 9 6 6 ). C la y is p a c k e d n o r m a l t o b d i r e c t io n o f fla k e s .
L eft, in p o s i t i o n f o r p a c k i n g s a m p l e ; h o ld e r i s h e ld v e r t i c a l in a s t y r o f o a m b a se .
Right , in p o s it io n f o r i n s e r t i n g in g o n i o m e t e r o f a N o r e l c o d i f f r a c t i o n u n it
( l e f t s id e o f h o ld e r is s e t f l u s h w i t h s h a f t o f g o n i o m e t e r ) . T h e a lu m in u m s a m p le
h o l d e r i l l u s t r a t e d w a s m a d e in t h e w o r k s h o p s o f t h e U .S . G e o lo g ic a l S u r v e y in
W a s h i n g t o n , D .C .


Geological Society of America Special Paper 126

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K in d s o p C l a y M in e r a l s 31

product o f w eathering igneous and m etam orphic rock m inerals of

suitable composition in an alkaline environment w ith little leaching,
and are present in soils developed from suitable rocks in unleached
environments (for example, in arid c lim a te s). M ontmorillonite has
form ed authigenically from volcanic ash in the South Pacific Ocean
clays (G riffin and Goldberg, 1963, p. 7 3 5 ), but in other oceans
montmorillonite appears to have been distributed fro m weathered
land surfaces. D etrital montmorillonite changes diagenetically to
m ixed-layer chlorite-vermiculite in the m arine environm ent (B erry
and Johns, 1966, p. 1 9 2 ).

The minerals classified as chlorites are trioctahedral phyllo-
silicates w ith a 2 : 1 layer structure sim ilar to th a t o f mica. The
general composition o f the group is (M g ,F e ,A l ) 6 ( A l,S i) 4O i 0 ( O H ) 8,
but isomorphous replacement is usual. T hey consist o f a 2 : 1 : 1
layer structure in which mica and brucitelike layers alternate. The
m ica layer is negatively charged, but is neutralized by a positive
charge in th e brucitelike layer which thus acts in a sim ilar manner
to the K + ion in m uscovite. T he isomorphous replacements found
in analyzed specimens o f chlorite have been described by F oster
(1 9 6 2 ), who classified chlorites w ith respect to replacement o f Si
by A1 tetrahedral coordination, and on the F e +2 : R +2 ratios. Chlorites
fall naturally into Fe-chlorites, interm ediate, and M g-chlorites. It
should be noted th at F e +3 is a necessary ion in m any chlorites and
that it is not generally due to oxidation. F igure 8 gives F oster’s
(1962) grouping o f the chlorites.
A n other very useful classification o f the chlorites is that given
by H ey (1 9 5 4 , p. 2 7 7 -2 9 2 ). H e uses the ratio R = F e / ( F e + M g )
fo r m easuring the proportion o f F e +2 ions in the structure.
In addition to variation in chemical com position, B row n and
Bailey (1 9 6 2 ) have shown that structural chlorite polytypes occur.
Details o f the possible structural arrangem ents o f the brucite layer,
resulting in chlorite polytypes, are given by B row n and Bailey
( 1 9 6 2 ) , and they have recognized that 80 percent o f the chlorites
are the l i b polytype in which the structure is a monoclinic unit cell.
M ost o f the rem aining chlorites are the lb polytype based on an
orthohexagonal (or orthorhom bic) unit cell. T w o other polytypes,
l a and 1 1 a, based on a monoclinic and an orthohexagonal unit cell,
respectively, are o f a limited occurrence in nature. The polytypes
are due to the composition o f the layers rather than to the stacking
sequence o f the layers. T he form ation o f polytypes is due to equili­

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32 X - r a y Id e n t if ic a t io n of C l a y M in e r a l s

brium conditions as related to the energy available in the environ­

ment. The stable chlorite in norm al-grade m etam orphism and in
m edium - and high-tem perature conditions is nearly alw ays the l i b
polytype. Diagenetic chlorites are the orthohexagonal lb polytype
(like cham osite) or monoclinic l b polytype. W ith time and energy
(fo r exam ple, p ressu re), the l b polytypes w ill recrystallize into l i b
polytypes. The conversion o f the lb polytype to the l i b polytype
is im portant in the low -grade m etam orphism o f iron ores as, fo r
exam ple, the Biw abic iron form ation o f M innesota and others
(B row n and Bailey, 1962, p. 8 4 5 -8 4 8 ). The diagenetic chlorite found
in m arine sedim ents is the lb polytype ; it is poorly crystalline and
probably is the variety o f chlorite known as chamosite (Carroll, in
prep. ; see F ig . 8 ) .
The lb chlorite polytype, apart fro m its poor crystallinity, is
d ifficult to distinguish fro m the l i b polytype, except in X -r a y
photographs o f single crystals and in unoriented mounts o f chlorite-
bearing clays. Brow n and Bailey (1 9 6 2 , p. 8 3 9 ) give the follow ing
d spacings fo r 202, 202, 201, and 203 o f the common polytypes o f
Polytype Cell hkl A I*

lib M onoclinic 202 2.59 5

lib Do. 201 2.54 8

lb Do. 202 2.61 1.5

lb Do. 201 2.55 0.5
lb Orthohexagonal 202 2.50 1 0 .0

lb Do. 203 2.33 1 .0

*M easured in scale o f 0-10.


Chemical Composition. (M g ,F e ,A l) 6 (S i ,A l) 4Oi 0 (O H )s, with

isomorphous replacements.
Structure. Chlorite consists o f “ talc” and “ brucite” layers
th at are stacked in various w ays to form polytypes as described
above (Brow n and Bailey, 1962, p. 8 1 9 ).
U n it Cell. The unit cell is slightly variable according to the
chlorite polytype. T he common l i b polytype has a = 5.3 3 A ; b =
9.2 3 A ; c sin /3 = 14.2 A , w ith ¡3 = 9 7 °. b varies w ith the number
o f F e +2 ions in the octahedral layer, and c w ith the num ber o f A l +3
ions replacing Si +4 in the tetrahedral layer (B rindley, 1961c, p.
2 6 8 -2 7 0 ).

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K in d s o p C l a y M in e r a l s 33

X K • • Fe2°3 < I percent
*x * 5 J
• x
Fe203 > l percent
X • * c
• Chromia chlorite

x *
i . . *cr *
• •* •

• • x
x • •
• • •• • cr•
•« /
cr* •* « cy V V ’ * •* s
0.00 L k

Figure 8 . Classification of chlorites based on the- two principal

types of ionic replacement (Foster, 1962, p. A 1 9 ).

D iffraction Pattern. A n oriented m ount o f chlorite shows an

integral series o f (001) spacings fro m 14 A (B rindley, 1961c, p.
2 6 0 -2 6 1 ). In an unoriented m ount, m any hkl spacings are observ­
able, but a photographic method m a y be necessary to identify the
Identification. A fte r a chlorite diffractogram has been recog­
nized, th e follow ing features should be in vestigated :
(1 ) M o st M g - and low Fe-chlorites give a clear sequence o f
the fir s t fou r or fiv e basal reflections m easured fro m d ( 0 0 1 ) =
14 + A .
(2 ) F e-rich chlorites give weak 1st and 3rd basal reflections
but stron g 2nd and 4th order basal reflections.
( 3 ) T h e d (0 0 1 ) a t 14 + A will not expand on glycolation.
( 4 ) W ith w arm 1 N HC1 treatm ent, well-crystallized chlorites
tend to dissolve slightly, the less ordered chlorites dissolve. Kaolinite
does not dissolve w ith this treatm ent.
( 5 ) I f chlorite is heated fo r 1 hour a t 6 0 0 °C , the kaolinite
structure is destroyed, and the m ineral becomes am orphous to X -
rays. The chlorite structure is not destroyed, and the 14 A d reflec­
tion is intensified b y heating up to 6 0 0 °C , and the higher orders

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34 X - r a y I d e n t i f ic a t io n o f C l a y M i n e r a l s

Occurrence. The l i b poly type occurs in low-grade metam orphic

schists in pre-Tertiary consolidated sedim entary rocks and m eta­
morphosed iron-bearing sedim ents. It is detrital in sedimentary
environments, and especially in sedim entary m aterial derived from
the glaciation of m etam orphosed rocks. T he l b polytype occurs
diagenetically in m arine sediments and in unmetamorphosed iron
ores where it is authigenic. It is also authigenic in altered ferro-
m agnesian minerals (Brown and Bailey, 1962, p. 8 4 5 ).

Chlorite Varieties

Swelling Chlorite. It has been observed th at some chlorite-type

minerals exhibit properties intermediate between normal chlorite
and montmorillonite- and verm iculite-type m inerals. Som e such
minerals are inter layered m ixtures. Long-spacing swelling minerals
o f chlorite-type o f various structural (and probably chemical)
compositions have been termed swelling chlorite. In general, m in­
erals called sw elling chlorite have a d spacing in the vicinity o f
28 Â which increases to 32 À on absorption o f glycerol or glycol,
and collapses to about 13.8 À a fte r heating a t 4 5 0 °C -5 0 0 °C . H ow ­
ever, these m inerals are structurally complex and do not all behave
sim ilarly w ith glycerol and heat treatm ent. The complexities o f
the structure and nomenclature o f sw elling chlorites are described
by Brindley (1 961c, p. 2 8 0 ) . Sw elling chlorites are, in som e re­
spects, sim ilar to m ixed-layer m inerals composed o f chlorite, m ont­
morillonite, and vermiculite.
Corrensite (nam ed fo r Professor C. W . Correns o f Gottingen)
is such a m ineral fro m the K euper Clay in G erm any (Lippm an,
1 9 5 4 ). It has been noted under V erm iculite, p. 23, th at chlorite is
generally associated w ith the alteration o f biotite, and it is to be
expected in hydrotherm ally altered biotite.
Dioctahedral Chlorite. A lth ou gh m ost chlorite is trioctahedral,
Rich and Obenshain (1 9 5 5 ) identified dioctahedral chlorite in a
soil derived fro m m uscovite schist in V irgin ia. Later, Brydon and
others (1 9 6 1 ) observed a dioctahedral chlorite in a soil fro m British
Columbia and were able to obtain a su fficien tly pure sam ple fo r
chemical analysis. The X -r a y diffraction o f this chlorite is sim ilar
to that o f cookeite, a high A l-chlorite (B row n and Bailey, 1962,
p. 8 3 9 ) . T he B ritish Columbia dioctahedral chlorite has d (0 6 0 )
1.496 Â , thus d iffe rin g fro m trioctahedral chlorites which have d
(0 6 0 ) 1.53 Â -1 5 4 Â . Brydon and others (1 9 6 1 ) , in discussing the
origin o f dioctahedral chlorite, point out th at “ chloritic” m inerals

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K in d s o f C l a y M in e r a l s 35

m ay fo rm in the A horizon o f acid soils o f p H 4 .5 -5 .5 or less.

Sedim entary dioctahedral chlorites (E ggleston and B ailey, 1967,
p. 6 8 7 ) are the l a layer type (cookeite) which are high energy
structural fo rm s that m ay crystallize m etastably in a sedim entary
environment. Dioctahedral chlorite could be authigenic.
Chemical Composition. Iron silicate o f som ewhat variable com­
position containing nearly 40 percent FeO (Jam es, 1966, p. W 5 ) .
Cham osite is common in m any sedim entary iron ores, and its rela­
tion to chlorite is shown in F igure 8 .
U nit Cell. Two types of chamosite have been recognized; one
is a 2 : 1 : 1 chlorite th at has long been called “ cham osite.” The
other is a 1 : 1 type mineral which should be called “ berthierine”
(Brindley and others, 1968, p. 3 2 4 ). Two types of kaolin-like chamo­
site have been described by Brindley (1961a, p. 1 0 5 ). One o f these
is orthorhombic and the other is monoclinic. The cell dimensions
a re : a, 5.39 A ; b, 9.3 3 A ; c = 7 .0 4 A, w ith the monoclinic fo rm
having fi = 1 0 4 .5 °. T he iron in fresh chamosite is F e 2+, but on
oxidation the iron changes to the F e 3+ which causes a slight con­
traction o f the unit cell. B rindley (1961b , p. 1 0 6 ) gives these
fig u r e s :
Ferrous fo rm F erric fo rm

a 5.41 A 5 .2 5 A
b 9.3 8 A 9 .1 0 A
d (0 0 1 ) 7.1 1 A 7 .0 6 A
B ailey (1 9 6 3 , p. 1 1 9 8 ) considers that 1 M chamosite is a triocta-
hedral analogue o f kaolinite.
The chlorite-type chamosite has a = 5.3 A ; b = 9 .3 A ; c =
14.3 A , w ith /3 = 9 7 °.
D iffraction Pattern. Brindley (1961b, p. 104) discussed the
structure o f chamosites, and Brindley and Y ouell (1 9 5 3 ) described
ferrous and ferric cham osites. In nature there m ay be m ixtures
of orthorhombic and monoclinic kaolin types and o f ferrous and
ferric chamosite as well as chlorite-type cham osite. In a d iffracto-
gram only the basal d reflections are usually shown, and the peaks
m ay be diffuse. In a powder photograph, a trio o f m edium intensity
lines at 2.4 0 A , 2.1 5 A , and 2.6 7 a are diagnostic, and a band at
4 .5 A , corresponding to the (0 2 ) o f disordered kaolinite, is common.
Cham osite is often associated with siderite, some o f the d spacings
o f which coincide with those o f chamosite.

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36 X -r a y I d e n t ific a t io n o f C la y M in e r a ls

Identification. Cham osite is an authigenic mineral, generally

a lb chlorite polytype in which F e +- gives a green color which is
m aintained in reducing conditions and the presence o f decomposing
organic m atter. On oxidation, the ferrous iron changes to the ferric
ion, and the d iffraction pattern (and structure) resembles th at of
a disordered kaolinite. Even when fir s t form ed , cham osite h as a
rather poor crystalline structure and d iffracto g ra m s give only a
7 A (0 0 1 ) d reflection. W ith pressure, as in the consolidation o f a
sediment, and low -grade m etam orphism , cham osite recrystallizes
to a thuringite or bavalite, in which state a 14 A d reflection appears.
Cham osite is then an Fe-chlorite. In pow der photographs with
F eK a radiation, authigenic chamosite fr o m th e N iger D elta de­
scribed by P orrenga (1 9 6 5 ) and X -ra y e d by Schoen and Carroll
(unpub. d a t a ), has m any hk lines th at are not visible on a d iffracto-
gram . A s chamosite has a l b chlorite polytype structure, unless
ferrous iron is found in appreciable quantities b y chemical analysis,
it would probably be identified as either disordered kaolinite or as
a l b chlorite. The (0 6 0 ) spacing is 1.56 A fo r ferrous chamosite,
and 1 .514 A fo r ferric chamosite (B rin dley and Y ou ell, 1953, p. 5 8 ) .
T h e kaolin-type cham osite gives X -r a y data and a h eating pattern
like k aolin ite; the chlorite-type cham osite gives X -r a y data and a
heating pattern like chlorite. T h at is, the kaolin-type structure
collapses at about 5 5 0 °C and appears am orphous, and the chlorite-
type structure has an intensified 14 A d reflection and does not
collapse. H ow ever, Fe-chlorites in general are not as heat resistant
as the M g-chlorites. F e K « radiation should be used in chamosite
identification (fo r fu rth er details on structure and identification,
see Brindley, 1961b, p. 1 0 4 ).
Occurrence. Cham osite occurs in m any geologically young iron
ores such as the Northam pton Iron Sand (T a ylor, 1 9 4 9 ) and the
m inette ores o f Lorraine (Bubenieek, 1 9 6 0 ). A sum m ary o f the
occurrence o f chamosite is given by James ( 1 9 6 6 ) . Chamosite
occurs in m arine sedim ents in which reducing conditions prevail,
and it is probably form ed diagenetically in deep-sea clays where,
being unstable, it oxidizes and produces the well-know n Red M uds.
T h e X -r a y diffraction pattern o f such m aterial indicates a lb
chlorite poly type rather than a kaolinite (Carroll, in p rep .).


Clay m inerals th at consist o f in terstratified layers o f d ifferen t

m inerals are o f very common occurrence in soils and sedim ents.

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K in d s o f C l a y M in e r a l s 37

W eaver (1 9 5 6 ) reported that 70 percent o f some 6000 sedim entary

rocks examined by him contained some variety o f m ixed-layer clay.
The fa c t th at all clays except the Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group are
similar in structure, accounts fo r ease o f aggregation o f layers
o f similar structure but slightly d ifferen t chemical composition.
M ixed layering in clays is an adjustm ent to environm ent in two
w a y s: ( 1 ) degradation as in w eathering rocks and so ils; and ( 2 )
diagenesis as in deposits of detrital m aterials. A fu rth er step in
diagenesis is in consolidation which leads to the production o f more
stable crystals o f m inerals fro m original detrital clay m inerals. This
type o f very weak m etam orphism leads, fo r exam ple, to the fo rm a ­
tion o f 2 M polytypes o f mica fro m 1 M d illite, and to the re­
crystallization o f glauconite into chloritelike m inerals or into
well-crystallized micas. M acE w an (1 9 4 9 ) has pointed out that
interstratification m ay be ( 1 ) reg u lar; ( 2 ) ran d om ; or (3 ) a
segregation within one crystallite into zones o f types ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) .
Because of original w eathering o f igneous rocks in various
climates, the principal types o f m ixed-layer clay to be expected
in the d ifferen t climatic zones a r e :
( 1 ) in m oist tropical reg io n s: interstratification in the se­
quence montm orillonite-halloysite-kaolinite (C arroll and H athaw ay,
1963, p. F 3 2 ) ;
( 2 ) in humid tem perate zones: interstratification in the se­
quence m ontm orillonite-chlorite-m ica or m ica-m ica-interm ediates-
illite (Jackson and others, 1 9 5 2 ).
T he w eathering o f sedim entary rocks containing m ixed-layer
minerals will result in detrital m ixed-layer clays, which m ay
further change in the environm ent into which they are released
by weathering.
T here is no simple process o f change. Changes in the chemical
composition o f the phyllosilicates result fro m the removal or addi­
tion o f cations, either through the removal o f K + ions bonding the
m ica sheets together, or in the stabilization o f the chemical compo­
sition with cations in exchange positions th at are present in the
environment. The effects o f anion exchange and adsorption have
not been fu lly assessed (C arroll, 1959, p. 7 6 5 -7 6 7 ). T he fin al result
is tow ard sim plification o f clay m inerals in a leaching environment,
and to preservation o f the clay m inerals in a neutral or nonleaching
environment. In a leaching environm ent, sim plification tow ard a
kaolinitic type is caused by stripping o f first, interlayer cations,
and second, by rem oval o f divalent cations fro m the octahedral

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38 X - r a y I d e n t if ic a t io n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

layers o f clay m inerals. In other words, an original 2 : 1 layer

structure is gradually replaced by a 1 : 1 layer silicate. The in flu ­
ence o f natural environm ents was explained by Carroll (1962a.
PI. 1 ).
M acE w an and others ( 1 9 6 1 ) , explain m ixed layerin g as a
special fo rm o f intergrow ths. These are classified a s :
( 1 ) H ydrated layers in clay m inerals— m ontm orillonites and
verm iculites— are hydrated varieties o f mica. M ica-verm iculite and
m ica-m ontm orillonite interstratifications are common.
(2 ) Gibbsitic ( A l 2OH „) and brucitic ( M g ,A l ) 0 (O H ) 2 sheets
m ay occur between layers, givin g m ica-chlorite interstratifications,
and w ith w ater-layers, verm iculite-chlorite, or m ontm orillonite-
chlorite as well as interstratifications o f m ica-m ontm orillonite-
chlorite. In addition, interstratification, not to be confused with
m ixed layering, occurs artificially as in organic complexes with
m ontm orillonite (glycolation, fo r e x am p le), or by replacement o f
exchangeable cations (as in the replacement o f M g *2 in vermiculite
w ith K +) . Interstratification m ay result fro m the replacement o f
existing exchangeable cations o f clay m inerals by change o f chem­
ical environm ent as, fo r exam ple, the deposition o f clay minerals
fro m a fresh -w ater environm ent into a m arine environm ent. Sea
w ater has a calculable quantity o f cations and anions whose activity
enables them to react w ith clay minerals.
T he possible types o f m ixed layering to be found in clay
m inerals has been calculated by Cole and H osk in g (1 9 5 7 ) as shown
in F igure 9.
M a cE w a n and others ( 1 9 6 1 ) , have classified m ixed layering
in clay m inerals statistically as regular, random , and segregation
o f one m ineral in zones w ithin another m ineral. In regular mixed
layerin g the d iffraction pattern follow s a com pletely regular se­
quence o f X -r a y reflections which can be interpreted in a sim ilar
w ay to th at o f the diffraction o f a single m ineral. Both Zen (1 9 6 7 )
and Reynolds (1 9 6 7 ) have described the theoretical background for
the d iffraction o f a regular m ixed-layer m ineral as sim ilar to that
o f a one-dim ensional crystal. A n exam ple o f regular m ixed layering
is rectorite ( = allevardite, B row n and W e ir , 1 9 6 3 ), described by
Bradley ( 1 9 5 0 ) , in which an alternation o f pyrophyllitelike and
m ontm orillonitelike layers give a basal spacing, d (0 0 1 ) o f 25 A.
The basal spacings fo rm an integral series fro m ( 0 0 1 ) . Kodam a
(1 9 5 8 ) described a regularly interstratified pyrophyllite-m ont-
m orillonite w ith a basal spacing o f 25 A which is sim ilar to rectorite.

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K in d s o p C l a y M i n e r a l s 39


f* I i!
o c" Jo -g S » E8

oc 5 ** hn
2 - u-O
£ !.2 § 5~.
fc» Sr O id l. -, _ ^ C7>
-• O-r nO o 7\
2 o US ^-8 ° \7-7kX
!4kX !4kX (4kX t .2 + .3 +

| I I !2kX X i . . L " " ^ 4 0 + 20H

“• lOkX J
9 2kX
1 - - ' - 'C 60

or Me
4 0 + 20H — ■'' En(OH)2
4 SI 4H 20 4H20 6 OH
2 HjO

V ? .._ + a-.2 + kaJ* L .J +

.N a 0 6 7 C °0 3 3 M e0 7 7 M «6 M e033

6 0 — . K++H 3 °

4 5 ,- 2H z°
4HjO 4H20 60H
4O + 20H
2+ 3+ x * ... * ... E n c o y j,
M e o r Me
T 60
92 kX
4 Si
! 2kX
l4 k X
Me o r Me

!7-7k X

Figure 9. Possible mixed-layering of clay minerals ( after Cole and

Hosking, 1957, p. 249). Reprinted by courtesy of the Mineralogical So­
ciety, London.

Other clay m inerals th at are thus regularly interstratified are

corrensite (see under chlorite, p. 3 4 ) , and a number o f minerals
that have long spacings (Sudo, 1 9 5 9 ), as well as som e 1 : 1 m ont-
m orillonite-chlorite regular interstratifications (M a cE w a n and
others, 1961, p. 4 4 1 -4 4 2 ).
In random m ixed layering the diffraction spacings m a y be
calculated (M a c E w a n and others, 1961, p. 3 9 7 -4 1 8 ), and the

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40 X - r a y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

diffraction patterns can be identified from charts calculated for

d ifferen t proportions o f end m em bers producing d spacings, assum ­
ing that the interstratified minerals have the same structure factor,
that is, the same type o f structure. D iffraction patterns from
random ly m ixed-layer m inerals do not give an integral series o f d
spacings fro m d ( 0 0 1 ) .

X -R a y Identification o f M ixed-Layer Clays

( 1 ) R egular interstratified clays are identified by an integral

sequence o f 001 reflections representing the sum o f the layer
thicknesses; fo r exam ple, tw o layers o f 14 A m inerals will give a
28 A spacing fo r ( 0 0 1 ) . It m ay be necessary to apply various
treatm ents to identify the components.
(2 ) Random ly interstratified clays are m ore d ifficu lt to inter­
pret. H ow ever, inspection o f the d iffraction chart m ay suggest
identification but it should be remem bered th at the sequence of
reflections fr o m a m ixed-layer clay is short. Random in terstratifi­
cation o f two or three d ifferen t clays is very comm on. In a pre­
lim inary analysis o f a tw o-com ponent system , no large errors result
i f it is assumed th at the diffraction peaks m ove linearly fro m the
position fo r one pure component tow ard the nearest position o f the
other component as the proportion o f the components alter. I f the
distances fro m neighboring A and B positions are x and y, respec­
tively, the proportion o f A is deduced to be y / ( x + y ) (M a cE w an
and others, 1961, p. 4 3 2 -4 3 3 ). M ixtu res o f three components have
been studied by W ea ver ( 1 9 5 6 ) . Jonas and B row n (1 9 5 9 ) used an
empirical method to estim ate the first-order spacing fro m three-
component in terstratified system s. Their determ inative diagram is
reproduced as F igure 10.
In a diffraction pattern, m ixed layering o f m ica is indicated
by a series o f reflections on the low -angle side o f the 1 0 A d spacing.
T he resultant spacing is broad and has several peaks m aking up
the “ hum p” or shoulder. I f w ater is present it m a y be removed
w ith heat, and the structure will revert to th at o f a m ic a ; if the
m ica is interlayered w ith organic m atter, the latter m ay be re­
moved. Saturation w ith K + ions m ay reconstitute the m ica structure.
M ixed layering o f m ontm orillonite, verm iculite, and chlorite is
indicated b y reflections on the high-angle side o f the 14 A d spacing.
Glycolation and heating are generally required to identify the
components th at fo rm the shoulder or hump on the h igh-angle side
o f the 14 A spacing.

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K in d s of C l a y M in e r a l s 41

The recognition o f regular or random in terstratification o f clay

m inerals shown in a d iffraction pattern is the fir s t step in the
identification o f the components present. A fte r the identification
o f these components by various treatm ents and the preparation
o f d iffraction patterns fro m the treated m aterials, the investigator
w ill generally be able to recognize the type o f interstratification
given by certain components.
M echanical m ixtures o f clay m inerals can be readily identified
as the d spacings o f prom inent reflection p lan es; all appear in a
d iffractogram , and each reflection plane can be identified as be­
lon ging to a particular m ineral. T he am ounts o f the components
in a m ixtu re th at can be recognized in a d iffractogram are discussed
under “ Quantitative estim ates o f clay m inerals in m ixtures.”


F igu re 10. T hree-com ponent com position triangles fo r the fo u r pos­

sible interlayer m ixtures o f 10 A , 12.4 A , and 15.4 a clays. The apparent
X -ra y d iffra ctio n spacing, d, is contoured (after Jonas and Brow n, 1959,
p. 8 4 ). R eprinted by courtesy o f Dr. E. C. Jonas, the Journal o f Sedi­
m entary P etrology, and S ociety o f E conom ic P aleontologists and M iner­

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42 X - r a y Id e n t if ic a t io n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

The crystalline structure o f the m inerals in this group is
sim ilar to th at o f the am phiboles; it consists o f long double chains
o f composition Si.,0 , , which are parallel to the length o f the m ineral
fibers. Between these double chains there are channels occupied
by w ater (B radley, 1 9 4 0 ). The channel w ater is removed stepwise
by heating, but all the w ater is not removed until about 850 °C
is reached. A s w ater is removed, the structure rem ains rigid until
3 5 0 °C -4 0 0 °C , when contraction occurs; the original structure is
completely destroyed at 8 5 0 °C -1 0 0 0 °C (Calliere and Henin, 1 9 6 1 a ;
1961b, p. 3 3 7 -3 3 8 , 3 5 0 ) . There is no expansion with organic liquids.
E a rly descriptions o f the Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group su g­
gested an isomorphous series between the AI end member (paly-
gorskite) and the M g end m em ber (se p io lite), but m ore detailed
investigations showed that this is not so, and th at there are two
separate m inerals w ith slightly d ifferen t structure. In the paly-
gorskites there is isomorphous replacement o f A l by M g , but in
the sepiolites there is no such replacement (M illot, 1964, p. 3 6 ) .


P alygorskite, pilolite, lassalite, and attapulgite are synony­

mous ; the nam e palygorskite has precedence. A ttap u lgite, the clay
from A ttapu lgus, Georgia, is the name used fo r palygorskite in the
United States.
Chemical Com position. "T h e ideal form ula fo r the half-unit
cell is SisMgsOao (O H ) 2 (O H 2) 4 4 H 20 , where O H 2 denotes bound
w ater and H 20 represents w ater held in channels.” (Calliere and
Henin, 1961b, p. 3 4 6 .) Isomorphous replacements occur w ith F e
and C a ; the Ca present in m any analyses is an exchangeable ion
(Bradley, 1 9 4 0 ).
U n it Cell, a = 12.9 A ; b = 18.0 A ; c = 5.3 A (Calliere and
H enin, 1961b, p. 3 4 6 ) .
D iffraction P attern. A s the structure o f palygorskite is sim ilar
to th at o f sepiolite, the same general features are found in the
diffraction pattern. Reflections o f su fficien t intensity to appear
on diffractogram s occur at 10.5, 4.5, 3.23, and 2.6 2 A.
Identification. Palygorskite is identified fro m its diffraction
pattern. A bove 4 0 0 °C the 10.5 A reflection is replaced by a broad
band, and near 800 °C the structure is completely destroyed. As
palygorskite and sepiolite do not have identical crystal form s or
cell dimensions, the d spacings d iffe r fo r the tw o m inerals. F or

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K in d s o f C l a y M i n e r a l s 43

exam ple, d (1 1 0 ) is 10.48 A fo r palygorskite and 1 2.07 A fo r

sepiolite; d (1 3 0 ) is 5.4 4 fo r palygorskite and 7 .4 8 A fo r sepiolite;
d (2 0 0 ) is 6.4 5 A fo r palygorskite and 6.73 A fo r sepiolite (Calliere
and H enin, 1961a, p. 3 4 0 ; 1961b, p. 3 5 2 ) .
Occurrence. Palygorskite has been recorded as a hydrotherm al
alteration product o f pyroxenes and amphiboles but the largest
deposits are o f authigenic origin, as in the interbedded m arine to
fresh -w ater lagoonal deposits in th e H aw thorn Form ation (M iocene)
o f Georgia and Florida (K err and others, 1950, p. 4 5 ). Palygorskite
is more abundant than sepiolite, and numerous occurrences o f it
have been cited in the literature. Like sepiolite, palygorskite re­
quires an alkaline chemical environment fo r survival. It has been
identified in alkaline unleached soils fro m m any localities.

Sepiolite is known as the clay meerschaum , a lightw eight white
or gray clay. Meerschaum = sea-froth (G erm an) and sepiolite =
cuttlefish (G reek ).
Chemical Composition. A hydrous m agnesium silicate the
structural schem e o f which provides sites fo r 1 2 tetrahedral ions,
9 octahedral ions, 40 articulated oxygens and hydroxyls and about
6 molecules o f low tem perature w ater per h alf unit cell (N a g y and

Bradley, 1955, p. 8 8 8 ) . T he ideal form ula can be rationalized to :

H 6M g 8Si 12O 30 (O H ) 10 • 6 H 20
T h e form ula calculated fro m analysis o f sepiolite fro m L ittle Cot­
tonwood, U tah, by Calliere and Henin (1961, p. 3 3 3 ) is :

(Sill.67Alo.24Fe+So.09) (Fe«0.02Mn^0.53Mr2r.42) O 32 C U o .15

Other analyzed sepiolites give sim ilar form ulas.
U n it Cell, a = 13.50 A ; b = 2 6 .9 7 A ; c = 5.2 6 A (Calliere
and Henin, 1961a, p. 3 3 5 ).
D iffraction Pattern. Sepiolite has a wide range o f crystallinity.
A d iffractogram o f well-crystallized sepiolite shows a num ber of
d reflections between 7 ° and 4 4 ° 26 (1 2 .0 7 A to 2 .0 7 A ) (Calliere
and H enin, 1961a, p. 3 3 6 ) . Poorly crystalline sepiolite shows only
the strongest d reflections in a d iffra c to g ra m ; these are at about
12.6 A , 4.31 A , and 2.62 A . Calliere and Henin (1 9 6 1 a , p. 3 3 6 )
illustrate the d iffractogram s given by w ell-crystallized and poorly
crystalline sepiolite.
Identification. B y d spacings on a diffractogram and b y char­
acteristic dehydration; loss o f zeolitic w ater < 2 5 0 °C , bound w ater

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44 X - r a y I d e n t i f ic a t io n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

2 5 0 °C -6 2 0 °C , and of hydroxyls 6 2 0 °-1 0 0 0 °C (Calliere and Henin,

1961a, p. 3 3 4 ). The structure is not m odified by loss o f water
< 3 0 0 °C , but irreversible dehydration occurs at about 2 5 0 °C . Above
3 5 0 °C the structure is changed. The 12 A reflection becomes weak
and diffuse, a new d spacing appears at 9.8 A, and the intensity of
the spacing at 7.6 A increases. This structure is stable < 70 0 °C ,
but on fu rth er heating the mineral becomes amorphous to X -ra y s
(Calliere and Henin, 1961a, p. 3 3 7 -3 3 8 ).
Occurrence. Sepiolite has two principal modes o f occurrence
in both o f which stability is maintained only under alkaline con­
ditions. Sepiolite is decomposed by acid leaching, and therefore not
to be expected in situations in which the pH is less than 7. One type
of occurrence is in vein alteration o f original biotite, as in the
sequence biotite -» vermiculite sepiolite. Sepiolite also occurs as
crack fillings in altered serpentine. The second type o f occurrence
is in soils w ith underlying dolomitic marl, often o f lacustrine origin.
Recently sepiolite has been recorded from the m arine sedim ents of
the M id -A tlantic Ridge by H athaw ay and Sachs (1 9 6 5 ) and by Sie-
ver and K astn er (1 9 6 7 ). Sepiolite has form ed there authigenically
as an alteration product o f serpentine by m arine weathering.
Millot (1964, p. 2 3 3 -2 3 4 ) has summarized the authigenic occurrences
o f sepiolite.

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X -R ay Diffraction as Applied to

Clay Mineralogy

It is presumed that the m a jo rity o f readers are fa m ilia r with

the use o f an X -r a y unit. Details o f the theory o f X -r a y diffraction
are given in K lu g and Alexander (1 9 6 2 ) and o f the operation o f
the various types o f X -r a y units in descriptive instructions supplied
by the m anufacturers. T he principles are the same fo r all units,
but there are slight differences in the details of operation.
X -r a y d iffraction using a w ide-range goniom eter results in
pulse generation by the sam ple being recorded on a chart. This
method is peculiarly suited to the exam ination o f fine-grained
samples. In fact, fin e grinding is desirable fo r the X -r a y diffraction
o f all samples except thin slabs o f ro ck ; clay should be separated
fro m other m inerals by dispersion and sedimentation. A chemical
analysis gives only the amount o f chemical elements th at are
present ; it does not give inform ation about how these elements are
combined w ith one another. X -r a y diffraction apparatus gives a
pattern o f the principal crystallographic planes th at cause the
diffraction o f X -r a y s , and hence, by interpretation, gives the actual
m inerals that are present in a m ixture. A s the m ass absorption
coefficient (/u.*) does not d iffe r greatly fo r the m a jo rity o f the
m inerals to be identified in clays, the orientation o f the grains is o f
considerable importance. H ow ever, a direct com parison o f the
amounts o f a m ineral in a m ixture as presented by peak intensities
or areas is not possible ( see Quantitative Estim ation o f Clay M in ­
erals in M ixtures, p. 6 3 .)
T he clay m inerals as described above all have basically sim ilar
layer-lattice structures except the Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group
(T able 1 ) . Thus, all exhibit sim ilar X -r a y diffraction features,


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46 X - r a y I d e n t i f ic a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

but as the unit cells and chemical character vary in differen t

m inerals, the identification o f the individual m inerals requires
tests other than diffraction to be applied fo r their identification.
The X -r a y diffraction patterns clay m inerals give, in oriented
m ounts, the basal spacings ( 0 0 Z) o f the m in era ls; in unoriented
mounts the hkl spacings are given. The basal spacing gives periodi­
cities norm al to the plane along c* ; this dimension m a y vary with
hum idity, dehydration, glycolation, cations in interlayer positions,
acid treatm ent, etc. Identification o f clay m inerals depends on the
experim ental reaction o f the individual m ineral under controlled
conditions. T h e hk spacings are the a and b directions o f the unit
cell in all m inerals except those o f the triclinic class. These spacings
do not v ary appreciably w ith treatm ent.
T w o im portant considerations in X -r a y d iffraction are the
correct alignm ent o f the X -r a y instrum ent and o f the sam ple in
the path o f the X -r a y beam so that m axim um d iffraction is ob­
tained. The m ass absorption coefficient (/u.*) varies w ith the
chemical composition o f the sample and w ith the radiation used.
H ow ever, fo r the m inerals com monly found in clays it ranges be­
tween 3 0 and 50 except fo r the Fe-chlorites. It is generally less
w ith CuKa than with F eK a. T h e m ass absorption coefficients fo r
a num ber o f common m inerals are given in Table 7.
A s the m ass absorption coefficient o f iron is greater w ith CuKa
than w ith F eK « radiation, the latter is preferred fo r m inerals
known to contain a high percentage o f iron (com pare //.* fo r M g -
and Fe-chlorites in Table 7 ) . W ith the curved crystal m ono-
chrom eters th at are available and in use in som e laboratories, the
optim um radiation fo r the identification o f clay m inerals in samples
th at contain an appreciable amount o f iron can be easily found.
One o f the requirem ents fo r the efficient use o f X -r a y d if-
fra cto m etry in identification o f m inerals is the correct thickness
o f the mounted sam ple to give the m axim um intensity fo r d iffrac­
tion fro m crystal lattice planes ( see p. 4 8 ) . A n other is the require­
m ent o f size o f grains to be X -ra y e d . The grains should be
size-graded as they are in the preparation o f a clay fraction. The
intensity o f X -r a y diffraction, obtained with d ifferen t sizes o f less
than 325-m esh quartz powders using C u K « radiation, is given in
T able 8 .
I t is apparent th a t the clay fraction < 2 m icrons gives th e best
results fo r X -r a y d iffraction and th at the arbitra ry separation o f
clay fro m silt and larger m ineral grains is theoretically sound.

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T a b l e 7. M ass A b s o r p t io n C o e f f ic ie n t s for CuKa and F e K q.

R a d ia t io n o f C o m m o n M in e r a l s *

Mass absorption coefficient

Mineral CuKa F eK „

Quartz 35 67
Orthoclase 48 101
Albite 34 78
Anorthite (An«,Abo) 52 98
Calcite 71 140
Dolomite 50 93
Siderite 162 47
Pyrite 200 117
Kaolinite 30 60
Metakaolin 32 64
Muscovite 44 85
Illitea 55 73
Glauconite6 117 75
K-bentonite° 52 74
Mixed-layerd 59 72
Biotitee 94 87
Chlorite (M g )f 54 57
Chlorite (intermediate)® 104 61
Chlorite (F e )» 133 62
Montmorillonite ‘ 42 66
Gibbsite 24 48
Mullite 32 64
Iron oxide, Fe2Os 231 58
Magnetite 238 60
Ilmenite 189 135

“average chemical composition o f 8 type samples (Hower and Mowatt, 1966).

baverage chemical composition o f 40 glauconite samples (Hendricks and Ross,
‘ average chemical composition o f 9 type samples (Hower and Mowatt, 1966).
^average chemical composition o f 4 type samples (Hower and Mowatt, 1966).
eaverage chemical composition o f 137 biotites (Foster, 1960).
‘ average chemical composition o f 78 Mg-chlorites (Foster, 1962).
«average chemical composition o f 56 (M g,Fe) chlorites (Foster, 1962).
‘‘average chemical composition o f 20 Fe-chlorites (Foster, 1962).
‘ average chemical composition o f 54 members o f the montmorillonite-beidellite
group (Ross and Hendricks, 1945).
C alculated by Dorothy Carroll.

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48 X - r a y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

T able 8. I n t e n s it y of X -ra y D if f r a c t io n fro m F in e Quartz P ow ders

< 5 microns 5-15 microns 5-50 microns 15-50 microns

Mean area* 11,293 11,268 9,227 8,513

Mean deviation 132 236 929 1,545
Mean percent deviation 1.2 2.1 10.1 18.2

* Measured under principal d spacing o f lattice.

A fte r Klug and Alexander, 1962, p. 292. (Reprinted by courtesy o f John
W iley & Sons, Inc.)


T he crystalline structure o f the clay m inerals (described

above) is such th at the m ost im portant d iffraction s fro m an X -r a y
beam occur w ithin the 2 -3 7 ° 20 scanning distance. A n oriented
m ount will give the fir s t fiv e (001) basal spacings o f w ell-crystal­
lized chlorite or m ica and the basal spacings o f the other clay m in­
erals, except the Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group which does not have
the phyllosilicate structure. Such a scan will give su fficien t length o f
d iffracto g ra m fo r a prelim inary identification o f any clay m ineral
present and will also include prom inent reflections o f quartz,
cristobalite, feldspar, carbonates, as well as such m inor constituents
as amphiboles, pyroxenes, and zeolites. A n untreated oriented
m ount can give little fu rth er inform ation. I f the goniom eter scans
at I o 20 per m inute and the recording chart speed is 30 inches per
hour, then the prelim inary identification will take a little over
h a lf an hour. M any investigators sacrifice m ineral inform ation
fo r speed by scanning at 2 ° 20 per m inute or even fa ster. The
speed o f scan is decided by the requirem ents o f the results to be
obtained fro m the sam ple.
Standards. T he d spacings obtained on the initial diffractogram
are next compared w ith the d spacings o f standard m inerals as
recorded b y the A m erican Society fo r T estin g M aterials ( A .S .T .M .)
on their sets o f file cards. It is im portant to have a set o f A .S .T .M .
file cards, together with an Index to the Pow der D iffra ctio n File
fo r every laboratory in which clays are identified b y X -r a y s . In
addition, in the U nited States, sam ples o f A .P .I . (K e rr and H am il­
ton, 1949, Am erican Petroleum Institute Project 4 9 ) standard clay
m inerals should be available so that a set o f standard d iffracto -

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A p p l ie d X - r a y D i f f r a c t i o n 49

gram s o f the various clay m inerals can be made fo r com parative

In a prelim inary exam ination o f a d iffracto g ra m o f a clay
sample, the d iffraction angles ( 2 0 ) are converted to d spacings in
A n gstrom units by means o f tables (S w itzer and others, 1 9 4 8 ; U .S .
National Bureau o f Standards, 1 9 5 0 ; F a n g and Bloss, 1 9 6 6 ). Com ­
parison o f these spacings with d iffractogram s o f standard m inerals
and the A .S .T .M . file cards should indicate whether the sam ple
consists o f a single m ineral or o f a m ixture o f m inerals. The
diffractogram o f F igure 11 shows a clay th at is composed o f
several d iffe re n t m inerals.
F ro m a prelim inary identification, certain tests are suggested
fo r the complete identification o f the individual m inerals in the
d iffractogram . A comm only employed scheme o f identification is
given in T able 9.
A s shown in Table 9, the principal auxiliary treatm ents fo r
the identification o f clay m inerals are glycolation and heating.
Both treatm ents cause distinctive expansion or contraction o f the
c lattice dimension that are measurable on d iffractogram s. W ith
prolonged h eating at high tem peratures, d ifferen t fo r each group
o f m inerals, all three lattice param eters are a ffe c te d ; the crystalline
structure o f the m ineral breaks down, and am orphous m ineral
m atter results. Continued high tem perature m ay cause the m ineral
substance to recrystallize into other m inerals, but that is another
phase o f m ineralogy. It is not required in the identification of
clay minerals.
Identification o f clay m inerals often requires the application
of a number o f auxiliary techniques, such as chemical, petrological,
and infrared absorption analysis, electron m icroscopy, differential
therm al analysis, and others (B rindley, 1 9 6 1 a ), but a clay m ineral­
ogist soon learns by experience which auxiliary treatm ent is
required fo r his samples. F or exam ple, if the sam ples appear to
contain much organic m atter, this should be removed w ith hydrogen
peroxide prior to X -ra y in g . Sim ilarly, it m ay be necessary to
remove iron oxide coatings w ith sodium dithionite or other sim ilar
Inasm uch as m any laboratories m a y be responsible fo r the
identification o f clay m inerals in large num bers o f sam ples, routine
application of m ethods h ighlighting the m ain differences in clay
mineral groups are applied. A u x iliary techniques can then be
applied if necessary, provided the equipment and skilled personnel

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Figure 11. X-ray diffractogram of oriented mount of clay typical of
sediment 50 cm below sea-floor at lat 35° 00' N., 165° 00' W., northern
Pacific Ocean (laboratory working chart, Dorothy Carroll, unpub.). Ch,
chlorite; M, mica; Q, quartz; Cr, cristobalite; F, feldspar.

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T able 9. X - r a y I d e n t if ic a t io n of t h e P r in c i p a l C l a y M in e r a l s ( < 2 M ic r o n s ) in a n O r ie n t e d M o u n t o f a S e pa r a te d
C l a y F r a c t io n f r o m S e d im e n t a r y M a t e r ia l *

Glycolation effect; Heating effect,

Mineral Basal d spacings (001) 1 hour, 60 °C 1 hour

Kaolinite 7.15A (001) ; 3.75A (002) No change Becomes amorphous 550-600°C

Kaolinite, disordered 7.15A (001) broad; 3.75Abroad No change Becomes amorphous at lower tem­
peratures than kaolinite

Halloysite, 4H20 10A (001) broad No change Dehydrates to 2H20 at 110°C

Halloysite, 2H20 7.2A (001) broad No change Dehydrates at 125-150°C; becomes

amorphous 560-590 °C

Mica, 2M 10A (0 0 2 ); 5A (004) generally re­ No change ( 001) becomes more intense on heat­
ferred to as ( 001) and ( 002) ing but structure is maintained to
700 °C

Illite, lM d 10a ( 002), broad, other basal spacings No change ( 001) noticeably more intense on
present but small heating as water layers are removed;
at higher temperatures like mica

Montmorillonite Group 15A (001) and integral series o f basal (001) expands to 17Â At 300°C (001) becomes 9A (Fig. 5)
spacings with rational sequence of
higher orders

Vermiculite 14A (001) and integral series o f basal No change Dehydrates in steps (Fig. 4a)

Chlorite, Mg-form 14A (0 0 1 ) and integral series o f basal (001) increases in intensity; <800°C
spacings No change shows weight loss but no structural

Chlorite, Fe-form 14A (001) less intense than in Mg- No change (001) scarcely increases; structure
form ; integral series of basal spacings collapses below 800 °C

Mixed-layer minerals Regular, one (001) and integral series No change unless an ex­ Various, see descriptions of individual
of basal spacings pandable component is minerals
Random, (001) is addition of indi­ Expands if montmorillon­ Depends on minerals present in inter­
vidual minerals and depends on ite is a constituent layered mineral
amount o f those present

Attapulgite High intensity d reflections at 10.5A, No change Dehydrates stepwise (see description)
(palygorskite) 4.5A, 3.23A, 2.62A

Sepiolite High intensity reflections at 12.6A, No change Do.

4. 31A, 2.61A

Amorphous clay, No d reflections No change Dehydrates and loses weight


»Compiled by Dorothy Carroll.

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A p p l ie d X - r a y D if f r a c t i o n 51

are available. The prelim inary identifications can then be aug­

mented and refined. In such a w ay the routine techniques of
Table 9 can be augm ented by the X -r a y determ ination o f the a
and b lattice param eters. Powder photographs can also be made
to obtain all the d spacings o f a clay m ineral. H ow ever, fo r the
identification o f a large num ber o f clay-bearing sam ples, the speed
at which d iffracto g ra m s can be made (1 5 or 30 m inutes) has made
the X -r a y diffractom eter the choice o f m ost investigators. In a
well-operated laboratory w ith su fficien t competent assistance, the
clay m inerals in at least 20 sam ples can be identified in a w orking
day o f 8 hours.

Routine Procedure for the X -r a y Identification o f Clay M inerals

(1 ) M ake oriented m ount on tile or V ycor glass slide using

slurry fro m the dispersion o f original sam ple. Clay should be < 2
m icron particle size.
(2 ) A llo w clay to dry at room tem perature.
(3 ) Place in desiccator at constant hum idity when clay appears
dry (4 -8 hours fo r original d r y in g ). Som e localities are too dry,
others are too hum id, and m ontm orillonites and halloysites react
to hum idity.
(4 ) M ake d iffractogram ( A ) at predeterm ined best settin g o f
instrum ent and electronic panel to give a d iffractogram th at shows
the d spacings clearly (this will require some trial and error p ro­
cedures with standard sam p les; goniom eter should be carefully
checked fo r a lig n m e n t). Do not remove chart fro m recorder.
(5 ) Id en tify and label d spacings shown on d iffractogram .
( 6 ) Place mounted sample in small desiccator containing about
i/ 2 pint ethylene glycol (B runton, 1 9 5 5 ). Run 6 -12 sam ples to this
stage. W h en desiccator has room fo r no m ore m ounted samples,
place in oven a t 6 0 °C fo r at least one hour (several hours m ay be
required fo r expansion to take place in some m in e ra ls). Remove
desiccator and set aside to cool; leave sam ples in desiccator until
(7 ) M ake a d iffracto g ra m o f each glycolated sam ple (B ) on
same chart w ith original sam ple ( A ) , but with d iffe re n t colored
ink and w ith zero set above the ( A ) zero. It is convenient to make
diffracto g ra m s o f about six sam ples ( A ) , then wind chart back
and make (B ) above ( A ) .
( 8 ) Inspect and label d spacings in ( B ) , particularly any
spacing at about 1 4 -1 7 ° 20.

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52 X - r a y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

T a b le 10. T e m p e r a t u r e s R e q u ir e d in t h e I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C la y M in e r a ls

Mineral 1 hour E ffect

Kaolinite, well-crystallized 575-625°C Replacement by amorphous meta­

kaolin; no diffraction pattern

Kaolinite, disordered 550-562°C Similar to kaolinite

( “fire-clay” )

Dickite 665-700°C Similar to kaolinite

Nacrite 625-680 °C Similar to kaolinite

Halloysite j 125-160°C Water removed

1 560-605 °C Similar to kaolinite

Metahalloysite / 125-150°C Water removed

( 560-590 °C Similar to kaolinite

Allophane 140-180°C Adsorbed water removed; amor­

phous at all temperatures

Mica, well-crystallized 700 °C Shows gradual loss in weight, but

does not break down below 700°C;
(001) spacings remain in diffracto-
grams below 700 °C and up to

Illite, and clay micas / 125-250°C Loss of hydroscopic water

< 350-550°C Reverts to mica structure

\ 700°C Similar to mica

Glauconite 530-650 °C Loss o f interlayer water; reverts
to mica structure
Celadonite 500-600 °C Similar to glauconite
Biotite 700 °C Phlogopite is similar to muscovite
Biotite shows breakdown 700-

(9 ) A t this stage the prelim inary identification o f the principal

clay m inerals present in the m ount will have been m ade ( see de­
scriptions o f m in era ls).
(1 0 ) H ea t in a m u ffle furnace at calibrated controlled tem ­
perature to give the characteristic heat reaction o f the various
m inerals. The heat required fo r the identification o f the common
clay m inerals is given in T able 10.
A f t e r h eating and cooling in a desiccator, m ake a d iffracto g ra m

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A p p l ie d X - r a y D i f f r a c t i o n 53

T able 10. (Continued)

Mineral 1 hour E ffect

Vermiculite <300°C Water removed in stages with 14A

13.8A 11.6A 9A. Initial (001) spac­
ing controlled by humidity

Montmorillonite Group 300 °C Original 15A spacing disappears;

9A spacing develops

Chlorite Group 600-800 °C Show gradual weight loss, but no

structural change

Mg-chlorite 650 °C 14A spacing is intensified; (004)

at 3.54 not affected

Fe-chlorite 500°C 14A spacing less intense and may

become broad and diffuse

Mixed-layer clays <600°C Varies with kinds o f minerals

present and amount o f each; check
with X-rays (Cole and Hosking,

Palygorskite-Sepiolite Water occurs in channels in struc­

Group ture

Sepiolite <200°C Rapid dehydration

>200°C Slow dehydration; spacing at 12A

above 350 °C becomes weak and
diffuse; a spacing at 9.8A appears
and spacing at 7.6A becomes more
intense; recrystallizes at 800°C

Palygorskite 400-440°C Rapid dehydration, but no change

in structure <400°C ; >400°C
10.5A spacing becomes broad and
diffuse; near 800°C structure is

Compiled b y D oroth y Carroll

(C ) above ( A ) and (B ) on the same chart w ith a d iffe re n t color

and zero setting.
B lue ( A ) , green ( B ) , and red (C ) inks on a recorder chart
m ake the results o f the various treatm ents very easily comparable,
and it is advantageous to have all three results recorded on the
same chart. Interpretation o f the d iffracto g ra m s and filin g o f
results is thus sim plified.

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54 X - r a y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

A s the X -r a y identification o f clay m inerals is generally on

samples < 2 microns in grain diameter, the e ffe c t o f crystallite size
on the d iffraction o f the d spacing need not be considered in the
m a jo rity o f determ in ation s; the size o f the clay fraction particles
is a constant factor in the identification. H ow ever, one o f the uses
to which d iffractogram s can be put is the determination o f crystal­
lite size. I f the crystallites are extrem ely sm all, a broadening of
the d spacings is found, as shown by K lu g and Alexander (1 9 6 2 ,
p. 5 3 0 -5 3 8 ). Such line broadening m ay be hard to detect, because
the mineral m ay be disordered and thus have line broadening be­
cause o f crystallinity rather than crystallite size. In some clay
fractions separated fro m sedim entary m aterials, a line broadening
in quartz indicates that the quartz grains are o f extrem ely fine
It has been shown by Keely (1 9 6 6 ) th at the surface area of
m ineral grains o f d ifferen t sizes can be m easured by an X -r a y
line broadening effect. K eely’s investigation stem s fro m earlier
investigations o f the relation between crystallite size and approxi­
m ate specific surface o f metallic oxides in their use as catalysts
and coating agents. The line broadening w as m easured fro m the
principal d spacing o f the m aterial investigated as show n on a
d iffractom eter chart, and the mean particle size w as determined
fro m the Scherrer equation:

D = ° '9 X
(/3 — j3o) cos 6

W h ere X = w ave-length o f X -r a y ,

j8 = breadth at h alf-m axim u m intensity o f a peak o f

the m aterial,
(30 = breadth at h alf-m axim u m intensity o f the com­
pletely crystalline m aterial,
6 = B r a g g angle (on e-half the spectrom eter a n g le ).
Both D and A are in A n gstrom units.

I t is assumed th at all the particles are spherical, and it is necessary

to obtain the density and the volume o f 1 gram o f the m aterial.
T h e num ber o f particles is determined b y :

volum e o f 1 gram
Number of particles =
4 / 3 -7T (Vg x m ean dim ension ) 3

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A p p l ie d X - r a y D i f f r a c t i o n 55

The surface area is calculated by m ultiplying the num ber o f p ar­

ticles by the surface ( 4 m 2) o f each particle (r = r a d iu s ).
H ow ever, clay m inerals are prism atic, and in a prelim inary
experim ent to test the application o f K eely’s method fo r the deter­
m ination o f surface areas o f clay m inerals, the equation w as
m odified to accom modate prism atic grains by substituting the
surface areas o f prism atic grains using the unit cell dim ensions fo r
the term 4 / 3 7 r. Prelim inary results by this method calculated fro m
X -r a y data fo r the surface area and number o f particles in 1 gram
o f standard m inerals are given in T able 11. T h e data have not
been checked w ith the standard B .E .T . nitrogen absorption method.

T able 11. S u r f a c e A r e a a n d N u m b e r o f P a r t ic l e s i n 1 g
of So m e S ta n d a r d M in e r a l s *

Particle size of Surface area Number o f particles

Mineral prepared mineralf of 1 g, in 1 g
micron m2

Quartz <2 7.6 5.23 x 10s

Feldspar < 2 40.3 1.00 X 108
Mica (2M,) < 2 11.4 129.4 X 107
Kaolinite < 2 6.7 27.8 X 106

* Calculated from line broadening o f principal X -ray peak by Dorothy

Carroll (unpub. data).
fParticle size obtained by sedimentation.

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Preparation of Clays for
X -R ay Examination

Sizing. In the Introduction, clay-sized m aterial w as defined

fo r practical purposes as particles < 2 m icrons in diameter. E xcept
in deposits o f clay, the clay fraction is associated w ith larger
mineral grains fro m which it m u st be separated prior to exam ina­
tion. In addition, the clay particles occur as aggregates both w ith
other clay minerals and w ith other m inerals. Inasm uch as clay is
the agriculturally im portant ingredient o f soils, agricultural chem ­
ists evolved a general m ethod o f m aking a size analysis or mechani­
cal analysis o f soils. This m ethod can be applied in part to the
preparation o f clays fo r X -r a y exam ination. T here are m any d if­
feren t procedures based essentially on th at o f the agricultural
chem ists. One such procedure used by the w riter is given in the
flow -sheet on the follow in g page.
T here are m any variations o f this basic procedure, but the
aim o f each is to obtain a dispersed sam ple o f clay fo r X -r a y
exam ination. Each person processing clay fo r X -r a y examination
will eventually evolve his own technique according to the raw
m aterial, th e equipment available, and the assistance he has fo r
the preparation o f samples.
M ounting o f Sam ple. Tw o kinds o f clay m ineral m ounts for
X -r a y d iffractom etry are generally m a d e: (1 ) A n oriented m ount
obtained m ost readily fro m a clay slurry obtained as part o f the
process o f m aking a size distribution o f sedim entary m aterial. A
sim ilar oriented m ount can be made fro m dry clay, but the m ount
m a y be u nsatisfactory because o f the d ifficu lty o f deflocculating
clay th a t has been dried. Clay sm ears can also be made th at are
satisfactory. (2 ) Unoriented m ounts o f dry clay in aluminum


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58 X - r a y I d e n t if ic a t io n of C l a y M in e r a l s

Raw sample
1 0 |)*g

Disaggregate in water

(a) in ultrasonic vibrator (b ) in mechanical shaker to which

a peptizing agent (N H 4OH,
NaOH, calgon, sodium hexa-
metaphosphate, or other) has
been added

Allow to stand in cylinder containing 1000 ml water

fo r sufficient time to sediment the sand fraction
(> 6 2 microns) according to Stoke’s Law

Siphon o ff clay and silt fractions in suspension

Remove silt from clay by centrifugation

.--------------------------------- 1— !

Allow silt to dry at Remove water from clay by filter

room temperature candle under vacuum until about
200 ml o f slurry remains
Weigh and store
Remove about 10 ml with eye­
dropper and place evenly on glass
slide or semiporous tile to dry at
room temperature
Place a sample o f slurry in a snap-
cap vial for reference and storage

Place remainder o f clay slurry in

large evaporating dish to dry at
room temperature. When dry,
scrape up and store

*This flow sheet gives a general outline o f procedure; 100 g is the maximum
amount that is needed fo r processing. The amount of raw sediment to be used
varies with mineralogical composition and with the requirements o f the exami­
nation; several procedures may be used for the separated clay; fo r example,
cation exchange capacity, electron microscopy, chemical analysis, X -ray d iffrac­

The geom etry o f the wide-angle goniom eter used in d iffracto -

m etry requires that the sam ple to be X -r a y e d be p erfectly fla t and
parallel to its m ount (curved sam ples give m ore precise X -r a y
reflection, but they are not com monly used and present difficulties
in sample m o u n tin g ; fla t m ounts give su fficien tly accurate results
fo r the routine identification o f clay m in era ls).

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P r e p a r a t io n fo r X - r a y E x a m i n a t io n s 59

T he m ethod o f m ounting the fine-grained mineral to be X -ra yed

is o f fundam ental importance. K lu g and Alexander (1 9 6 2 , p. 2 5 2 )
state th at if the m axim um diffraction intensity is required, it is
necessary fo r the thickness o f the sam ple, t, to be great enough to
sa tisfy the follow in g equation :

. = 3 .2 p . a
t > ___ J— sin 6
p, p '

w here p = density o f powdered m ineral

p' = density o f powdered m ineral + interstices
fi = linear absorption coefficient o f the m ineral

Aqueous suspensions containing only a very sm all am ount o f dis­

persed clay m ay make too thin an oriented m ount to cause X -r a y
d iffraction o f the clay m inerals (K lu g and A lexander, 1 9 6 2 , p. 2 5 2 ) .
I f such a m ount is m ade on a glass slide, only the X -ra d iation o f
amorphous m aterial is produced; generally, the optim um condi­
tions are easily produced. I f the powder spread on the tile is too
thin, the principal d spacings are w eak and d iffu se, and the d
spacings o f th e tile m aterial occur, depending on the composition
o f the tile. I f the m ount is too thick, a high background is produced
in a d iffracto g ra m by X -r a y scattering. It is advisable alw ays to
make a d iffracto g ra m o f a tile if one is used as a m ount. The
thickness o f the sample should be fro m 0 .0 7 -0 .1 2 m m (Sudo and
others, 1 9 6 1 ), and this is obtained if approxim ately 40 m g o f sam ple
is spread over an area o f 2.0 x 2.7 cm (5 4 0 m m 2) . T he microscope
glass slides used fo r m ounting in the U nited States are 4 .5 x 2 .6 cm
(1 1 7 0 m m 2) , so that a com parative thickness is given by a 90 m g

Oriented M ounts. There are a num ber o f advantages in using

a completely dispersed clay (as in a slurry th at is produced in a
mechanical a n a ly sis; see the flow sheet given under Sizing, p. 57 )
fo r m aking oriented mounts. A lthough the am ount o f clay in a
slurry can be measured, there m ay be physical and m ineralogical
differences fro m sam ple to sam ple th at m ake such a procedure
tim e-consum ing and im practicable. Judgm ent based on experience
gives a su fficien tly accurate amount o f clay on the m ount, and
furtherm ore, th e actual thickness o f the dried clay can be accurately
measured w ith a microscope as a check i f necessary. T here are
three types o f m ounts that are com m only used fo r oriented clay

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60 X - r a y I d e n t if ic a t io n of C l a y M in e r a l s

d iffr a c to m e try : glass slides fo r evaporation m ounts or sm ears

(heat resistant or V ycor glass is p refera b le), semiporous ceramic
tile, or porous ceramic tile. The kind o f m ount used depends on
availability (m a n y tiles have to be cut to s iz e ), ease o f m anipulation
during preparation and use, experience of the preparator, amount
o f clay in the slurry used (a clay fraction th at contains much
colloidal organic m atter gives a very m eager m ount fo r clay m in­
erals and a glass slide is advisable to reduce the background and
eliminate spacings due to m inerals in the tile ), and kind o f results
required by the investigator. Som e o f the procedures used in m aking
oriented clay m ounts have been discussed by Gibbs (1 9 6 5 , p. 7 41-
7 5 1 ) , but no fir m recomm endations can be m ade th at will apply
to every clay that is examined by X -r a y diffraction . The w riter
prefers, a fte r considerable experience, to m ake m ounts on sem i­
porous tile (C oors porcelain, type used fo r drying crystal pre­
cipitates, unglazed, 48 x 4 8 x 6 m m , cut in half, g ivin g plates
48 x 24 x 6 m m , which fit easily into the holder o f a Norelco
w id e-ran ge gon iom eter). The clay slurry dried easily at room
tem perature by a combination o f drainage through the tile (espe­
cially if set on a styrofoam pad) and evaporation. T he w riter
uses a batchwise procedure th at processes six sam ples at a time.
Som e investigators p refer porous tiles that are cut in thin slabs
and employ vacuum to rem ove w ater fro m the slurry, thus leaving
the clay sam ple on the tile which is then allowed to dry at room
tem perature or heated at low tem peratures. There are a number
o f other procedures th at can be used in the preparation o f oriented
clay m o u n ts; their use will depend on the type o f m aterial investi­
gated and on the experience o f the investigator.
T he preparation o f standard m inerals fo r X -r a y d iffraction
requires care. Som e m inerals, such as quartz and feldspar, can
be ground w ith a pestle and m ortar to obtain grains o f sufficient
fineness. M icas, chlorites, and verm iculites should be pulverized
in a sm all electrically powered device, such as th at w hich was
designed fo r this purpose in the M ineralogical M useum o f Oslo
U n iversity (N eu m ann , 1 9 5 6 ). The grinding o f micaceous minerals
is d ifficu lt and fin e grin ding results in the production o f an am or­
phous or allophanelike m aterial (F ieldes and others, 1 9 6 6 ), because
the ordered crystalline structure o f these m inerals is destroyed.
Pulverizing, follow ed by sieving, produces m echanically split or
shredded particles th at have the properties o f larger grains, and
such grains do not show any o f the effects o f grinding.

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P r e p a r a t io n f o r X - r a y E x a m i n a t io n s 61

Unoriented M ounts. A sample o f clay ( < 2 m icrons) is packed

into an alum inum holder follow ing M cC reery’s procedure (K lu g
and A lexander, 1962, p. 3 0 0 -3 0 1 ) ; w ith good technique an un­
oriented m ount is obtained. To increase random orientation o f the
clay m inerals, the sam ple should be sieved onto the holder and cut
down into the hole in the m ount with a sm all spatula held w ith
the thin edge o f the blade at righ t angles to the holder. W h en the
hole in the m ount is filled, it should be pressed down lightly w ith
the wide blade o f the spatula to obtain the necessary fla t surface
which coincides w ith th at o f the surface o f the alum inum holder.
A d iffraction pattern o f the sam ple thus mounted w ill show the
am ount o f random orientation by the intensity o f the hkl reflections.
A special holder fo r m ak in g mounts o f layer-lattice m inerals
to obtain the hkl spacings w ith the older type o f X -r a y goniom eters
w as designed by B ystrom -A sk lu n d (1 9 6 6 ) o f the Swedish Geological
Survey. T h e clay particles are packed into this holder with their
basal spacings (th e natural w a y fo r platy particles to lie) parallel
to the base o f the holder, which is then turned on its side when
mounted in a d iffractom eter. T he hkl reflections are readily ob­
tained w ith type o f m ount which is especially useful fo r recording
the (0 6 0 ) spacing o f clay m inerals. T his holder is shown in
Plate 1.

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Quantitative Estimation of Clay Minerals
in Mixtures
On superficial exam ination it m igh t seem th at direct com ­
parison o f intensities or peak areas o f m inerals identified on a
d iffracto g ra m o f a m ixture o f minerals would give an estim ate
o f the quantities o f the individual m inerals present. H ow ever, this
cannot be done because o f differences in m ass absorption c o e ffi­
cients o f the individual m inerals (T able 7 ) , o f the orientation o f
the grains, thickness o f the mount, w eight o f the clay sample
X -ra y e d , evenness o f the spread o f the m ixed m inerals, differences
in crystal perfection, polytypism , hydration, chemical composition
and m any other factors.
U nder standardized conditions, using m ixtures o f m inerals
that are equally w ell-crystallized, the quantity o f each component
can be obtained by using an internal standard (generally fluorite)
and m aking calibration curves fro m which the w eight o f each
com ponent present in the m ixtu re can be found (K lu g and A le xa n ­
der, 1962, p. 4 1 9 -4 3 8 ). T h e method o f internal standards is seldom
applicable to the m ixtures o f clay m inerals that com m only occur
in soils and unconsolidated sediments because it is difficult, i f not
im possible, to obtain standards that are o f sim ilar crystallinity,
or o f sim ilar chemical composition to the m inerals occurring
naturally. So fa r , it has been seldom possible to separate individual
m inerals in natural m ixtures in order to characterize them fo r use
as standards. T he qualitative identification o f clay m inerals de­
pends on comparison with standards such as the A .P .I . standard
clays described on page 48. These standards have also been used
fo r sem iquantitative estim ates of the components in m ixtures.
B rindley (1 9 6 1 d ) discussed the principles o f quantitative estim a­
tion o f clay m inerals in m ixtures, and earlier w ork in this field
(w ith the exception of the Japanese investigations) w as sum -


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64 X - r a y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

m arized by Carroll ( 1 9 6 2 b ) . In a recent review o f clay m ineralogy,

M ackenzie and M itchell (1 9 6 6 , p. 6 2 ) conclude that “ M ost clay
m ineralogical analyses m ust be regarded at best . . . as semi-
V a n der M arel (1 9 6 6 ) published a method o f m aking quanti­
tative estim ates o f clay m inerals in soils and other natural m aterials
using X -r a y , th erm o- and infrared analyses. H e pointed out the
difficulties inherent in the composition o f clay m inerals and in
m ixtures, no p art o f which can be satisfactorily standardized
except quartz, calcite, and dolomite, which are diluents o f clay.
E arlier, quantitative investigations in this field were those by
W illis and others ( 1 9 4 8 ) . T his paper tabulated the composition
o f 53 m ixtures o f standard m inerals (based on the w eathering
sequence o f clay m inerals) and compared the intensity o f X -r a y
reflections o f clay fraction s with those o f the standards. N o details
o f the standards were given, but the paper indicates the com plexity
o f procedures necessary fo r quantitative analysis.
One o f the m ost comprehensive quantitative investigations o f
soil clays w as m ade by N orrish and T aylor ( 1 9 6 2 ) , who used
sam ples o f m inerals < 5 m icrons, and either C u K « or C o K « radia­
tion. Their method depends on the intensity o f d iffraction and on
the m ass absorption coefficient o f the m ineral to the radiation
used. Certain m inerals in soil clays can be directly estimated
without the use o f internal standards or calibration curves. It is
particularly useful fo r estim ating the iron contents o f samples.
Quantitative estim ates o f shale com position using X -r a y d if­
fraction w ere described by Schultz ( 1 9 6 4 ). H e used fin ely ground
shale powder. F rom d iffracto g ra m s and an evaluation o f the results
o f chemical analyses o f the shale, together w ith heat treatm ents
and glycolation o f the sam ples, he w as able to make quantitative
estim ates o f the com position o f the m ineralogical composition fro m
X -r a y diffractogram s.
Some o f the problem s o f m aking rapid clay m ineralogical
analyses w ere described by Oinum a and Kobayashi (1 9 6 1 ) and were
elaborated by Sudo and others ( 1 9 6 1 ) , who gave details o f the
procedures involved in m aking such analyses. The m ethods de­
scribed have been used in a number o f Japanese descriptions of
the m ineralogy o f sediments. The latter paper is particularly
valuable fo r the practical procedures which m u st be considered
in the successful quantitative estim ation o f the amounts o f the
individual groups o f clay m inerals in a m ixture. One very im por­

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Q u a n t it a t iv e E s t im a t e s i n M ix t u r e s 65

ta n t feature is the size o f the clay sam ple to be used fo r X -r a y

exam ination and the even spread o f this sam ple over the area to
be irradiated. A s N orrish and Taylor (1 9 6 2 ) did, Sudo and others
(1 9 6 1 ) used oriented m ounts o f the clay m inerals, both known and
in m ixtures. B y experim ent, Oinum a and Kobayashi (1 9 6 1 ) found
th at a sample w eighing 40 m g, spread over an area o f 2.0 x 2 .7 cm
(5 4 0 m m 2) on a glass slide, gave a thickness o f 0 .0 7 -0 .1 2 m m which
gave m axim um intensity o f d iffraction o f X -r a y s .
A method fo r the quantitative estim ation o f clay- and silt­
sized m inerals in m ixtu res w as recently investigated by Carroll
(unpub. d a ta ), who used w eight-percent m ixtures o f standard
m inerals and took into consideration the m ass absorption coefficient
and the efficiency o f the Geiger counter on the X -r a y unit used.
T he results indicate that this method will be useful fo r quantitative
estim ates w ithin the tolerance o f the m ethod and equipment. B y
com parison o f the peak areas o f the principal spacing o f certain
m inerals, an estim ate can be m ade o f the quantity o f each present.
F o r exam ple, kaolinite and disordered k aolin ite; 2 M m ica and
illite, 1 M d. M easurem ent o f the areas o f the principal (0 0 1 ) spac-
ings on d iffractogram s o f m inerals w ith a polar planim eter a ffo rd s
a useful method o f com paring quantities o f a m ineral in a m ixture,
provided th at the m ass absorption and the crystallinity are sim ilar.
F ig u re 12 shows the results o f com paring the m easured areas of
the ( 0 0 1 ) spacing o f kaolinite with the ( 0 0 1 ) spacing o f m ont-
Previously, H ath aw ay and Carroll ( 1 9 5 4 ) , follow in g the in­
vestigations o f Talvenheim o and W h ite (1 9 5 2 ) had shown that
the peak area ratio o f the ( 0 0 1 ) spacing o f m ontm orillonite to the
(0 0 1 ) spacing o f kaolinite w as about 5 : 1 in m ixtures o f the two
m inerals. F igu re 12 also show s this areal relation.
In quantitative estim ates o f clay m ineral components, the
w riter adheres to the sam e techniques in the preparation o f the
sam ples, the m ounting, and the method o f obtaining X -r a y d iffr a c ­
togram s. A set o f d iffracto g ra m s o f standard m inerals m ixed in
w eight-percent am ounts traced on plastic sheets are used as
tem plates fo r com paring X -r a y spacings o f m inerals in m ixtures
w ith standards.
Quantitative estim ates o f the amounts o f the clay m inerals
have been stated by various investigators to be probably accurate
to about 5 -10 percent. T his is certainly true fo r quartz, feldspar,
calcite, dolomite, 2 M m ica, ferric oxide, and halite. T able 12 show s

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66 X - r a y Id e n t if ic a t io n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

Figure 12. Illustration of the areal percentage relation of kaolinite

(001) and montmorillonite (001) (Dorothy Carrol], unpub.).

the lowest percentage of clay m inerals and others comm only

encountered that have been reported in the literature.
E arlier investigators estimated the relative proportions of
clay m inerals identified in X -r a y d iffracto g ra m s o f the clay fr a c ­
tion o f sedim entary m aterials (including so ils ). Such an estim a­
tion, which m akes use o f the m ass-absorption coefficient o f standard
minerals and indirectly o f their crystallinity in evaluating the area
o f the principal X -r a y diffraction (sp acin g) o f the m inerals,
would seem to be precise enough fo r the m ethods generally used
to obtain the samples in the field. Statistical sam pling, not often
applicable, would add refinem ent to the method, as would knowledge
o f the approxim ate percentage of one clay m ineral in a m ixture.

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T able 12. Q u a n t i t a t i v e I d e n t if ic a t io n b y X - r a y D if f r a c t io n o f C l a y M in e r a l s
and C e r t a in O t h e r s i n t h e C l a y F r a c t io n (<2 M i c r o n s ) o f S e d im e n t a r y
M a t e r a l s ( C u Ka; kv 50, ma 20, 1° S c a t t e r S l i t , 006" R e c e iv in g S l i t , c p s . 103,
M u l t i p l ie r l, R a t e m e t e r 4 ; O r ie n t e d M o u n t o n T i l e ) 1° 20 p e r M i n u t e ;
C h a r t S p e e d 30" p e r H our

Principal d
Lowest spacing used for 20°,
percentage hkl identification, (approx.)
Mineral identifiable A

Kaolinite 5 001 7.13-7.16 12.36-12.4

Kaolinite, disordered 1-5 001 7.15 12.38
Halloysite, 4H20 10 001 10.1 8.75
Halloysite, 2H,0 10 001 7.21 12.26
Mica, 2M, 1 002 9.99-10.4 8.85-8.80
Illite* 5 001 10.16 8.70
Glauconite” ? 001 10.06-10.19 8.79-8.67
Chamosite0, Fe+2 ? 001 7.10 12.46
Chamosite0, Fet3 ? 001 7.04 12.56
Biotite 1 002 10.1 8.77
Vermiculite1' 5 001 14.2 6.22
Montmorillonite Group' 10 001 15.4 (variable) 5.7
Chlorite, Mg 1 001 14.1-14.2 6.27-6.22
Chlorite, Fe 10 001 14.1-14.2 6.27-6.22
Mixed-layer clays*
Palygorskite 5 110 10.2-10.48 8.66-8.46
Sepiolite ?5 110 12.05-13.3 7.33-7.18
Quartz 1 101 3.34 26.66
Quartz 5 100 4.26 30.85
Cristobalite, a 5 101 4.04 22.0
Feldspar, orthoclase 5 040,202 3.25-3.28 27.4-27.16
Feldspar, plagioclase 5 002,040 3.17-3.18 28.14-28.0
Calcite 5 104 3.03 29.47
Dolomite 1 104 2.88-2.89 30.05
Ferric oxide“ <1
Halite'1 5 200 2.83-2.84 31.72-31.61

“mixed-layer lb mica polytype.

'’varies from mixed-layer type- (authigenic) to recrystallized mica-type (con­
solidated sediments).
‘ poorly crystalline and may be oxidized to disordered kaolin-like mineral; not
identifiable by X-ray diffraction alone.
''may be interstratified with biotite; heating and glycolation (negative) neces­
sary for identification.
‘‘ (001) spacing dependent on hydration and exchangeable cation present.
'd spacings variable due to nature of minerals interstratified.
Kfinely crystalline or amorphous coatings on mineral particles.
"dry clay not dispersed in water.

Compiled by Dorothy Carroll

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68 X - r a y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

Other useful X -r a y techniques fo r the quantitative estim ation

o f m inerals that can be applied to clay m ineral samples are the
ratio o f calcite to dolomite in m ixtures (G ulbrandsen, 1960a, p. 9 3 ;
1 9 6 0 b ), and the m odal analysis o f felsic rocks (Tatlock, 1 9 6 6 ).
R efinem ent o f X -r a y interpretative techniques in a m ethod o f
chlorite identification by Brow n (1 9 5 5 ) , led Schoen (1 9 6 2 ) to
investigate the possibilities o f a sem iquantitative analysis of
chlorites by X -r a y diffraction . In this m ethod, the M g-chlorites
can be separated fro m the Fe-chlorites. Shirozu (1 9 5 8 ) discussed
X -r a y and optical m ethods fo r the determ ination o f the composition
o f well-crystallized chlorite using FeK<* radiation. Previously,
Brindley and Gillery (1 9 5 6 ) discussed variation in d (0 0 1 ) with
replacement o f Si by A1 in the tetrahedral layer o f chlorites.
Brindley (1 9 6 1 c ) sum m arized m any o f the recent investigations
o f chlorite composition by X -r a y diffraction . W h ile it is possible
to determine the chemical composition o f w ell-crystallized chlorite
quantitatively, m ost o f the chlorite in soils and sediments is poorly
crystalline and gives very poor d iffractogram s. So fa r , no m ethod
has been found either to determine its chemical com position or
quantity, although rigorous exam ination along the above-mentioned
lines will probably enable this to be done. Because o f the m ore
definite characteristic properties, these difficulties do not occur
w ith other m inerals, w ith the exception o f m ontm orillonites. T he
recognition o f polytypes in micas has eliminated some o f the d iffi­
culties in the quantitative estim ation o f illite and detrital m uscovite.
A t present, the tw o principal chlorite polytypes, l i b and lb , are
recognizable by X -r a y d iffraction and it is possible to estim ate
the approxim ate o f each in a m ixture. B y application o f Schoen’ s
(1 9 6 2 ) m ethods o f chlorite determination, a sem iquantitative
analysis o f the chlorite composition o f a clay can be made (C arroll,
1 9 6 9 ).

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U.S. G eological S urvey

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Author Index
Alexander, L. E., 45, 48, 59, 61, 63 Henin, S., 42, 43, 44
Bailey, S. W., 10, 11, 31, 32, 34, 35 Hey, M. H., 31
Barshad, I., 22 Hinckley, D. N., 9, 10
Bates, T. F., 12 Hosking, J. S., 38, 39
Bayliss, P., 11 Hower, J., 19, 21
Berry, R. W., 31 Jackson, M. L., 37
Bloss, F. D., 49 James, H. L., 35, 36
Bradley, W. F., 38, 42, 43 Jefferson, M. E., 22
Brindley, G. W.,3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Johns, W. D., 31
26, 32, 33, 34,35, 36, 49, 64, 68 Jonas, E. C., 40, 41
Brown, B. E., 31, 32, 34 Kästner, M., 44
Brown, G., 5, 22, 31, 38, 68 Keely, W. M., 54, 55
Brown, T. E., 51 Kerr, P. F., 43, 48
Brunton, G., 51 Klug, H. P., 45, 48, 54, 59, 61, 63
Bubenicek, L., 36 Kobayashi, K., 64, 65
Burst, J. F., 21 Kodama, H., 38
Brydon, J. E., 34 Lippman, F., 34
Byström-Asklund, A. M., 30, 61 MacEwan, D. M. C., 14, 16, 26, 27, 28,
Calliere, S., 42, 43, 44 29, 37, 38, 39, 40
Carroll, D., 12, 21, 36, 37, 38, 64, 68 MacKenzie, R. C., 3, 64
Cole, W. F., 38, 39, 53 Marel, H. W., van der, 64
Correns, C. W., 34 McCreery, G. L., 61
Eggleston, R. A., 35 Millot, G., 42, 44
Eugster, H. D., 15, 16, 17, 19 Mitchell, B. D., 3, 64
Fang, J. H., 49 Mowatt, T. C., 19
Fieldes, M., 13, 14, 60 Nagy, B. S., 43
Foster, M. D., 13, 31, 33 National Bureau of Standards, 49
Fry, W. H., 3 Neumann, H., 60
Gibbs, R. J., 60 Newnham, R. E., 10
Gillery, F. H., 68 Norrish, K., 17, 64, 65
Goldberg, E. D., 12, 31 Oinuma, 64, 65
Griffin, J. J., 12, 31 Obenshain, S. S., 23, 34
Grim, R. E., 3, 10 Porringa, D. H., 36
Grüner, J. W., 22 Radslovich, E. W., 17
Gulbransen, R. A., 68 Reynolds, R. C., 38
Hamilton, P. E., 48 Rich, C. I., 23, 34
Hathaway, J. C., 12, 37, 44, 65 Ross, C. S., 21, 25
Hendricks, S. B „ 3, 21, 22, 25, 37, 38, 44 Ross, M., 17


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78 X - r a y Id e n t if ic a t io n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

Sachs, P. L., 44 U.S. Dept. Agriculture, 2

Schoen, R., 36, 68 Varnes, D. J., 2
Schultz, L. G., 64 Vedle, B., 16
Shirozu, H., 68 Wada, K., 13
Siever, R., 44 Walker, G. P., 23
Stevens, R. E., 25 Warshaw, C. M., 21
Sudo, T., 39, 59, 64, 65 Weaver, C. E., 37, 40
Switzer, G., 49 W eir, A. H., 38
Talvenheimo, White, J. L „ 65
Tatlock, D. B., 68 Willis, A. L., 64
Taylor, J. H., 36 Yoder, H. S., 15, 16, 17, 19
Taylor, R. M., 64, 65 Youell, R. F., 35, 36
Truesdall, P. E., 2 Zen, E-an, 38

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Subject Index
Allevardite, 38 Clay Minerals Society, 13
Allophane, 13 Clay-sized material, 2
Amorphous clay, 14 minerals of, 5
Anauxite, 13 Cookeite, 34
A.P.I. (American Petroleum Institute) Corrensite, 34, 39
standards, 48, 49, 63 Dickite, 10
A.S.T.M. (American Society fo r Test­ in sandstones, 11
ing M aterials), 48, 49 Dolomite, 5
Attapulgite, 42 mass absorption coefficient of, 47
Bentonite beds, 1, 6, 25, 27 Feldspar, in clay-sized material, 5
Berthierine, 35 mass absorption coefficient of, 47
Biotite, 21, 22 Gibbsite, 38
mass absorption of, 47 mass absorption of, 47
Brucite layer, 32, 38 Gibbsitic layer, 38
Calcite, in clays, 5 Glass slides, 60
mass absorption coefficient of, 47 Glauconite, 19, 20
Celadonite, 21 mass absorption coefficient of, 47
Chamosite, 35, 36 Glycolation, 49, 50, 51
Chlorite, 32 Halloysite, 12
classification of, 31, 32 disordered, 12
dioctahedral, 34 interstratified with montmorillonite,
group minerals, 31 37
identification, 32, 33 Hydrated layers in clay minerals, 38
mass absorption of, 47 I.M.A. (International Mineralogical
polytypes, 31, 32 Association), 3
swelling, 34 Illite, 19, 20
Clay, 1-4 classification of, 4
Clay minerals, 3, 4 mass absorption coefficient of, 47
kinds of, 7-44 Ilmenite, mass absorption coefficient
Clay minerals, classification of, 4 of, 47
dispersion and collection of, 57 Iron oxide (F e20 3), associated with
environment and occurrence, 5, 6 clay minerals, 5
identification of, in oriented mount, mass absorption coefficient of, 47
51 use o f FeK radiation fo r, 36, 46
unoriented mount, (see individual Interstratified clay minerals, 38
m inerals), 61 K-bentonite, 19
treatments for identification of, 49, mass absorption coefficient of, 47
50 Kaolinite, 7, 8


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80 X - r a y Id e n t if ic a t io n o f C l a y M in e r a l s

Kaolinite, diffraction pattern of, 8, 9 Percentage o f clay minerals identifi­

disordered, 9, 10 able by X-ray in mixtures, 67, 68
mass absorption coefficient, 47 Preparation o f clay for X-ray exam­
occurrence of, 8, 9 ination, 57, 58
Kaolinite Group Minerals, 7 Phyllosilicates, 3, 4
Pyrite, mass absorption coefficient of,
Laboratory procedures, flow sheet of,
Quantitative estimation of clay min­
Magnetite, mass absorption coefficient erals in mixtures, 63-67
of, 47 Quartz, in clay-sized material, 5
Mass absorption coefficients o f com­ X-ray diffraction o f sized powders,
mon minerals, 45, 47 48
Meerschaum, 43 Rectorite, 38
Metakaolin, 8, 52 Routine procedure fo r identification of
mass absorption coefficient of, 47 clay minerals, 51
Mica Group Minerals, classification of, Sample mounting, 57-59
14 oriented mounts, 59, 60
description of, 15,16 unoriented mounts, 60, 61
Mica-chlorite interstratifications, 38 Scherrer equation, 54, 55
Mixed-layer clay minerals, 36-39 Sepiolite, identification, 43, 44
mass absorption of, 47 occurrence, 44
X-ray identification of, 40, 41 Siderite, in clay-sized material, 5
Mixed-layer types, 39, 41 mass absorption coefficient, 47
Montmorillonite, 25-31 Sizing, 57
occurrence, 29, 31 Smectite, 4
Montmorillonite Group Minerals, 23, Standard clay minerals, A.P.I., 48, 63
29 Surface area measurements o f parti­
mass absorption coefficient of, 47 cles, 54, 55
Mounting o f clay sample fo r X-ray Talc layer, 32
diffractometry, 59, 60 Techniques fo r the identification of
oriented mount, 59, 60 clay minerals, 48
unoriented mount, 61 Temperatures required in X-ray iden­
Mullite, mass absorption coefficient tification o f clay minerals, 52, 53
of, 47 Tile fo r clay mounts, 60
Muscovite, 15, 20 Vermiculite, 22-24
polytypes, 16-18 interstratification of, 23
mass absorption coefficient of, 47 occurrence, 23
Nacrite, 11 X-ray diffraction applied to clay min­
Palygorskite, identification of, 42 eralogy, 45, 46
occurrence of, 43 charts, 51
Palygorskite-Sepiolite Group Minerals, diffraction techniques, 51-53
41 Zeolites, 5

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