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Jindal Vidya Mandir, Vidyanagar

Grade XII Summer Engagement 2024-25

(ALL Subjects)

“Success is no accident. It is hard work,

perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and
most of all, love of what you are doing”
- Pele
Subject :English

My Newspaper
Question: Be the editor of the newspaper you have always dreamt of
and design a newspaper.
Specimen copies of the pages of the newspaper are attached below for
your reference. Create a four page newspaper using your own original
content and creativity.

● Make a four page newspaper on A4 sized paper or on the
computer using any compatible program.
● Students have to use their original content in the newspaper.
● Students are free to use their own creativity to design their very
own newspaper. The sample given below is only for reference.

Rubrics: Content – 4 M
Accuracy - 2 M
Creativity – 2 M
Presentation - 2 M



NOTE: This is only a sample of page 2. Create your own page 2 using this.
Sample Page 4
Subject :Mathematics
Activity 01:

OBJECTIVE: To verify that the relation R in the set L of all lines in a plane,

defined by R = {(l, m): l m} is symmetric but neither reflexive nor transitive.


Take a piece of plywood and paste a white paper on it. Fix the wires
randomly on the plywood with the help of nails such that some of them are
parallel, some are perpendicular to each other and some are inclined.

After this complete the observations as discussed in the class.

Activity: 02

OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate a function which is not one-one but is onto.


1. Paste a plastic strip on the left hand side of the cardboard and fix three
nails on it as shown in the Fig.3.1. Name the nails on the strip as 1, 2 and

2. Paste another strip on the right hand side of the cardboard and fix two
nails in the plastic strip as shown in Fig.3.2. Name the nails on the strip as
a and b.

3. Join nails on the left strip to the nails on the right strip as shown in Fig.

Note: Refer lab activity manual to complete activities:

Click here to refere Lab activity manual

Also solve following worksheets for additional practice during holidays

Worksheet 01: Click here to see worksheet 01

Worksheet 02: Click here to see worksheet 02

Subject :Physics

S.No Class Homework

1 XII 1.Solve the in text and exercise

questions of Chapter1,Electric
charges and fields and 2case study .
2. Prepare a project based on Physics
principle of your interest(individually).

Use Ruled sheets to solve the exercises.

Case Study
Faraday Cage: A Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure made of a
conducting material. The fields within a conductor cancel out with any external fields,
so the electric field within the enclosure is zero. These Faraday cages act as big
hollow conductors you can put things in to shield them from electrical fields. Any
electrical shocks the cage receives, pass harmlessly around the outside of the cage.

1. Which of the following material can be used to make a Faraday cage?

(a) Plastic b) Glass c) Copper d) Wood
2. Example of a real-world Faraday cage is
(a) car b) plastic box c) lightning rod d) metal rod
3. What is the electrical force inside a Faraday cage when it is struck by lightning?
(a) The same as the lightning b) Half that of the lightning
c) Zero d) A quarter of the lightning
4. An isolated point charge +q is placed inside the Faraday cage. Its surface must have
charge equal to

(a) Zero b) +q c) –q d) +2q

5. A point charge of 2C is placed at centre of Faraday cage in the shape of cube with
surface of 9 cm edge. The number of electric field lines passing through the cube
normally will be
(a) 1.9105 Nm2 /C entering the surface b) 1.9105 Nm 2 /C leaving
the surface
c) 2.0105 Nm2 /C leaving the surface d) 2.0105 Nm 2 /C entering the

Read the following text and answer the following questions on the basis of the same:
Tribo-electric series:
The tribo-electric series is a list that ranks materials according to their tendency to
gain or lose electrons. The process of electron transfer as a result of two objects
coming into contact with one another and then separating is called tribo-electric
charging. During such an interaction, one of the two objects will always gain
electrons (becoming negatively charged) and the other object will lose electrons
(becoming positively charged). The relative position of the two objects on the tribo-
electric series will define which object gains electrons and which object loses
In tribo-electric series, materials are ranked from high to low in terms of the
tendency for the material to lose electrons. If an object high up on this list (Glass, for
example) is rubbed with an object low down on the list (Teflon, for example), the
glass will lose electrons to the teflon. The glass will, in this case, become positively
charged and the teflon will become negatively charged. Materials in the middle of
the list (steel and wood, for example) are items those do not have a strong tendency
to give up or accept electrons.
(i) Materials in the upper position has _____ tendency to become positively charged.
a)low b)high c)no d)medium Write the correct option. Can you explain this answer?

(ii) Name two materials which do not have a strong tendency to give up or accept electrons.
a) Ebonite ,Nylon b) Plastic Wrap ,Teflon c) Nylon Cat fur d) Steel, Wood

(iii) If human hair is rubbed with amber ,how those will be charged ?
a)Both negative b) both positive
c) Hair will be positively charged ,Amber will be negatively charged .
d) Hair will be negatively charged ,Amber will be positively charged .

(iv) Triboelectric charging is the process of electrons of transfer between two objects
(a) by contact b) without contact
(c) by any one of the above d) by none of the above

(v) The object which loses electron becomes ______ charged and the object gains electron
becomes ________ charged .
a) negatively ,negatively b) Positively ,positively
c) Positively ,negatively d) Negatively ,positively

Concept Based questions

1. What is the state of chloroform(l) in nitrogen(g) solution?
2. Define the following terms
a. ppm
b. Molality
c. Molarity
3. Name any three concentration units independent and dependent of
temperature. Gases in liquids
Effect of pressure on solubility of gases in
liquids 4. State Henry’s law and write it’s
mathematical form.
5. Explain any three applications of Henry’s law.
6. Solubility of a gas increases with ______(increase/decrease) in
pressure. (Hint: Henry’s law)
7. How is Henry’s law constant, KH and Solubility of a gas related?
Effect of temperature on solubility of gases in liquids
8. What happens to solubility of a gas when temperature is
increased? Justify your answer.
9. Aquatic species are more comfortable in cold water than warm
water. Give reason.
Solids in liquids, colligative properties and van’t Hoff factor
10. What is a saturated solution?
11. Vapour pressure of a solution is ______ (less/more) than vapour
pressure of solvent. Give reason.
12. What is the effect of temperature on solubility of solids in liquids?
13. State Raoult’s law.
14. What are colligative properties? Give examples.
15. Relative lowering of vapour pressure/elevation of boiling
point/depression of freezing point/osmotic pressure is a colligative
property. Justify.
16. Define/answer the following terms/questions.
a. Osmosis
b. Give three examples for osmosis in daily life.
c. Osmotic pressure
d. Semipermeable membrane with an example
e. Isotonic solution
f. Hypotonic solution
g. Hypertonic solution
h. Reverse osmosis with any two applications
i. Advantages of osmosis in the determination of
molecular masses
j. What is meant by edema?
17. What is van’t Hoff factor?
18. Select the correct statement.
a. i = 1 for solutes not undergoing dissociation and
b. i > 1 for solutes undergoing dissociation
c. i < 1 for solutes undergoing association
d. All are correct
19. What is the value of van’t Hoff factor for the following.
a. Urea
b. Glucose
20. What is the value of van’t Hoff factor for each of the following
when they are completely dissociated?
a. NaCl
b. Al2(SO4)3
c. BaCl2
21. What is the value of van’t Hoff factor for each of the following?
(Assume complete association)
a. Acetic acid in benzene
b. If molecules dimerize Liquids in liquids
22. What are ideal solutions? Mention their properties with two
23. What are non ideal solutions? Mention it’s types.
24. Give examples for non ideal solutions showing positive deviations.
Mention their properties.
25. Give examples for non ideal solutions showing negative deviations.
Mention their properties.
26. What are azeotropic mixtures?
27. Mention the types of azeotropic mixtures with properties and
examples. Note:
Subject: Computer Science
I. Find
1. x=5
y=10 if
y) else:

2. Predict the output

for value of:- (a)
x=15 (b) x=8 if x <
(x%3): print(x**3)
elif x%4>=1:
print(x*4) else:

3. str="InDian" if
print(str[0]*2) elif

4. str="InDian" if
str[0]>="D" and
print(str[0]*2) elif
str[3]>="I" or

5. x="NEW World"
print(x[:1], x[:-1])
print(x[1:-3], x[-5:-

6. p=7//3 q=p*5
r=p+q p += p+q+r
print(p, q, r)

7. T=("sun", 3, "tue",
5, "thru", 7) if "sun"
not in T: for i in
range (0,2):
print(T[i]) else: for
i in range (2,6):

8. p=20

9. L=[10, 20, "OK",

"GOOD", 500]
X=len(L) if L[0]<X:
for i in L: print(i)
else: for i in L:
10. L1=[1, 2, 3, 2, 1]
L2=[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
for i in
print(i, "*")
elif X1>X2:
for i in
range(0, X2-
print(i, ",")

II. Type of Questions : Error Based

11. a=100
IF a>b:

12. A=int("Enter value of A") B=int(input("Enter

value for B")) for i in range [0,5] if A=B:
print(A) else:

13. a=int{input("Enter 1st No.")}

b=int(input("Enter 2nd No."))
c=int(input("Enter 3rd No.")) if a>b and a>c
print("a is >") if b>a and b>c: Print("b is >") if
c>a and c>b: print(c is >)

14. x = 20

15. a, b, c =
10, 20, 30
a, b = b, c, a
if a+b<c:

c) elif:
III. Write a program
1. WAP in python to accept any three numbers from the user and
display the largest among them.
2. WAP in python to accept any three sides of triangle from the user
and display whether it is “Equilateral”, “Isosceles” or “Scalene”.
3. WAP in python to accept the salary of an employee of ABC company
and determine his/her post on the basis of conditions given below:
Salary Post
<=10,000 Clerk
10,001 to 20,000 Operator
20,001 to 35,000 Assistant
35,001 to 50,000 Manager
>50,000 Invalid Post
IV. Output
Questions 1.
for i in
2. str = "India
is a great
country" L
) for i in L:
print(i,end=" ")

3. MSG =
for X in [3,5,7,9]:
float(T) + X

4. L=[5,4,3,2,
1] for i in
range (-

5. for i in
for j in

6. X="HELLO"
for i in
X)): for j
7. M1="Com
Ce" M3=""
for I in
range(0,len(M2)+1): if
M1[I]>="A" and
M3=M3+M1[I] elif
M1[I]>="N" and
M3=M3+M2[I] else:

8. str="STRIN
G" cnt=3
while True:
elif str[-

9. s="India@
l=len(s) m=""
for i in
er() elif
per() else:

10. T1="AISSC
"" X=0
if T1[X]>="0" and T1[X]<="9":
Temp = int(T1[X])
Temp += 1
NEW += str(Temp) elif
T1[X]>="A" and T1[X]
<="Z": NEW +=
(T1[X+1]) else:
+= "*"

V. Type of Questions :
Error Based 11. 100=Var
for i in range(1,5)
print(var, "::", i)
Print("Loop ends")

12. x=
"abcdef i
= "a"
while i IN
x: print(I,
END=" ")
13. Y=i
r 1 or 10
”)) if
for Y in
Else: for m
14. M=
"1" While
print("Value of M:",M)

15. S="
for Y in range[0,4]:
Subject: Informatics Practices

Fill in the Blanks

1. The SQL keyword _______ is used to specify the table(s) that contains the data to be


2. The ________ command of SQL lets you make queries to fetch data from tables.

3. To remove duplicate rows from the result of a query, specify the SQL qualifier_____ in


4. To obtain all columns, use a(n) _______ instead of listing all the column names in the


5. The SQL _______ clause contains the condition that specifies which rows are to be

6. The SQL keyword _______ is used in SQL expressions to select records based on

7. The ________ operator is used for making range checks in SELECT queries.

8. The null values in a column can be searched for in a table using _____ ______ in the

WHERE clause of SELECT query.

9. To sort the rows of the result table, the _____ _____ clause is specified.

10. Columns can be sorted in descending sequence by using the SQL keyword ________.

11. By default, ORDER BY clause lists the records in _______ order.

12. A database can be opened with _________ <database> command.

13. _______ _______ command is used to create new relations in a database

14. A ______ is a condition or check applicable on a field or set of fields.

15. The _________ constraint creates a foreign key.

16. To define a column as a primary key, _______ ________ constraint is used in CREATE


17. _______ ________ is used to insert data in an existing table.

18. Rows of a table can be deleted using ________ command.

19. To increase the size of a column in an existing table, use commond _________.

20. _______ _______ command removes a table from a database permanently.

21. _______ _______ command is used to alter the definition of already created table.

22. To remove table data as well table structure, use command ______ ________

23. Use _____ _______ command to add new columns in an existing table.

24. A column added via ALTER TABLE command initially contains _____ value for all rows.

25. Unique and Primary Key constraints are the same. True/False

Very Short Answer Questions

1. What is a primary key?

2. What is a unique key ? It is a Primary key?

3. How many primary key and unique keys can be there in a table?

4. What is a foreign key?

5. What is a composite primary key?

6. What is a tuple ?

7. Give some examples of DDL commands.

8. What is DML ?

9. Give some examples of DML commands. Or Write the name of any two DML Commands


10. In SQL,write the query to display the list of tables stroe in database.

11. What are constraints?

12. Give some examples of integrity constraints.

13. What is the role of NOT NULL constraint?

14. What is the role of UNIQUE constraints ?

15. What is the role of FOREIGN KEY constraints?

16. An NULL values are same as a zero or a blank space?

17. What will the SELECT ALL command do?

18. What is wrong with following statement ?

SELECT * FROM Employee

WHERE grade = NULL;

Write the corrected form of the above SQL Statement

19. Explain each of the following with illustrations using a table

(i) Candidate Key (ii) Primary Key (iii) Foreign Key

20. Observe the following tables TRANSACTIONS and CUSTOMERS carefully and answer the

questions that follows :

Table : Transaction
TNo Type Amount CNo
T1 CREDIT 1000 C3
T2 DEBIT 1500 C1

Table : Customer
(i) What is the degree of the table Transaction ? what is the cardinality of the table

Customers ? (ii) Identify the primary key and candidate keys from the table


Long Answer Questions

1.. Write SQL queries for (i) to (iii), which are based on the following table PARTICIPANTS:
P1 DEBATE SANYAM 12 2001-12-25
P2 DEBATE SHRUTI 10 2003-11-10
P3 DEBATE MEHER 12 2001-11-10
P4 QUIZ SAKSHI 11 2002-10-12
P5 QUIZ RITESH 12 2001-10-12
P6 QUIZ RAHUL 10 2003-10-12
P7 CROSSWORD AMEER 11 2002-05-09
(i) To display details of all PARTICIPANTS of class 10 and 12.
(ii) To display the SNAME and Class of all PARTICIPANTS in ascending order of their SNAME.

(iii) To display the number of PARTICIPANTS along with their respective CLASS, of every

(iv) Display the details of all class 12 students whose name start with ‘M’

(v)Display all the details of the students participated in ‘Debate’ event.

2. Create following table using SQL statements.

Client table
Field name Data type Attributes
Clientno char(6) Primary key
Name Varchar(20) Not Null
City Varchar(50) Not Null
Pin Number
Mobile Char(10)

(i) Insert and display following data in Client table (made in practical1) using SQL

Client table
Clientno Name City Pin Mobile
C00001 Ivan Bayross Bombay 400054 3456212343
C00002 Vandana Saitwal Madras 780001 8976532322
C00003 Pramada Jaguste Bombay 400007 9090898765
C00004 Ravi Shreedharan Delhi 110020 8727121232
C00005 Rukmani Kolkata 340003 2312376543
C00006 Pradeep Singhania Jaipur 130102 1222132333
C00007 Geoge Paul Kolkata 340010 3323211232

(ii) Display the name of those clients whose name contains ‘van’ (refer table ‘Client’ )

(iii) List records of all clients who are not from Bombay. (refer table ‘Client’)

(iv) Display Different cities. (Refer table ‘Client’)

(v) List the records in descending order name wise

3. Solve Case Study Problem (Refer NCERT Introduction to Numpy Pdf(Pg.No. 115))

1. Drop column whose index = 4 from the array iris.

2. Display the shape, dimensions and size of iris.

3. Split iris into three 2-D arrays, each array for a different species. Call them iris1, iris2, iris3.

4. Print the three arrays iris1, iris2, iris3

5. Create a 1-D array header having elements "sepal length", "sepal width", "petal length",

"petal width",

"Species No" in that order.

Subject: Biology.
1. Solve 100MCQs from each chapter of class 11 and submit.

Subject: Economics
1. What is Green Revolution? Why and when was it implemented?
2. Write a detailed note on Pros and Cons of Green Revolution.
Subject: Accountancy
Accounting for Share Capital
66. Global Trade Ltd. has authorised share capital of ₹ 1,00,00,000 divided into
1,00,000 Equity
Shares of₹ 100 each. It has existing issued and paid-up capital of ₹ 25,00,000. It
further issued to public 25,000 Equity Shares at a premium of 20% for subscription
payable as under:
Application ₹
30, On
Allotment ₹
60, and
On Call Balance Amount.
The issue was fully subscribed and allotment was made to all the applicants. The
company did not make the call during the year.
Show Share Capital in the Balance Sheet of the company.

67.Star Ltd. is registered with capital of ₹ 50,00,000 divided into 50,000 equity shares
of ₹ 100 each. The Company issued 25,000 equity shares for subscription.
Subscription was received for
23,750 shares and all the due amount was duly received, except the first and final
call of ₹ 20 per share on 600 shares. Show the 'Share Capital' in the Balance Sheet
of the company. Note: Problems related to Disclosure of Share Capital in company's
Balance Sheet are also given under the head issue of shares at par and at premium.
68.Altaur Ltd. was registered with an authorised Capital of ₹ 4,00,00,000 divided in
Equity Shares of ₹ 10 each and 1,50,000, 9% Preference Shares of ₹ 100 each. The
company issued 8,00,000 Equity Shares for public subscription at 20% premium,
payable ₹ 3 on application; ₹ 7 on allotment (including premium) and balance on call.
Public had applied for 10,00,000 shares. Excess Applications were sent letters of
All the dues on allotment were received except on 15,000 shares held by Sanju. Another
shareholder Rocky paid his call dues along with allotment on his holding of 25,000 shares.
You are required to prepare the Balance Sheet of the company as per Schedule III of
Companies Act, 2013, showing Share Capital balance and also prepare Notes to Accounts.

69.Eastern India Company Limited, having an authorised capital of ₹ 10,00,000

divided into shares of ₹ 10 each, issued 50,000 shares at a premium of ₹ 3 per share
payable as follows: On Application ₹ 3 per share;
On Allotment (including premium) ₹ 5 per share;
On First Call (due three months after allotment) ₹ 3 per
share; and the balance as and when required.
Applications were received for 60,000 shares and the directors allotted the shares as
(i) Applicants for 40,000 shares received in full.
(ii) Applicants for 15,000 shares received an allotment of 8,000 shares.
(iii) Applicants for 5,000 shares received 2,000 shares on allotment, excess money
being returned.
All amounts due on allotment were received.
The first call was made and the money was received except on 100 shares.
Give Journal and cash book entries to record these transactions of the company. Also
prepare the Balance Sheet of the company.

70.Sugandh Ltd. issued 60,000 shares of ₹ 10 each at a premium of ₹ 2 per share

payable as₹ 3 on application, ₹ 5 (including premium) on allotment and the balance
on first and final call. Application money received was ₹ 2,76,000. It was resolved to
allot as follows:
(i) Applicants of 40,000 shares 30,000
shares, (ii) Applicants of 50,000
shares 30,000 shares, (iii) Applicants
of 2,000 shares Nil.
Mohan, who had applied for 800 shares in Category (i) and Sohan, who was allotted 600
shares in Category (ii) failed to pay the allotment money. Calculate amount received on

Prem Industries Ltd. made the first call of ₹ 2 per share on its 1,00,000 Equity Shares on 1st
March, 2021. Ashok, a shareholder, holding 800 shares paid the second and final call
amount along with the first call money. The second and final call amount was ₹ 3 per share.
Pass necessary Journal entries for recording the above using the Calls-in-Advance Account.
71.Amit Ltd. was registered with a capital of ₹ 5,00,000 in shares of ₹ 10 each and issued
20,000 such shares at a premium of ₹ 2 per share, payable as ₹ 2 per share on application, ₹
5 per share on allotment (including premium) and ₹ 2 per share on first call made three
months later. All the money payable on application and allotment was duly received but
when the first call was made, one shareholder paid the entire balance on his holding of 300
shares and another shareholder holding 1,000 shares failed to pay the first call money. Pass
Journal entries to record the above transactions and show how they will appear in the
company's Balance Sheet.

72.Sandesh Ltd. purchased a running business from Sanchar Ltd. for ₹ 15,00,000 payable
10% by cheque and the balance by the issue of fully paid Equity Shares of ₹ 100 each at a
premium of 20%. The assets and liabilities consisted of the following:
Particulars Book Value (₹) Agreed Value (₹)
Building 5,00,000 6,50,000
Plant and Machinery 3,00,000 2,50,000
Stock 6,00,000 5,00,000
Trade Receivables Trade 2,80,000 2,50,000
Payables 1,80,000 2,00,000
Pass the necessary Journal entries in the books of Sandesh Ltd.

Light Lamps Ltd. issued 50,000 shares of ₹ 10 each as fully paid-up to the promoters for their
services to set-up the company. It also issued 2,000 shares of ₹ 10 each credited as Fully
Paid-up to the underwriters of shares for their services. Journalise these transactions.

73.Vikram Ltd. forfeited 5,000 shares of Rahul, who had applied for 6,000 shares for
nonpayment of allotment money of ₹ 5 per share and first and final call of ₹ 2 per
share. Only application money of ₹ 3 was paid by him. Out of these, 3,000 shares
were re-issued @ ₹ 12 per share as fully paid.
Pass entries for forfeiture and reissue of shares.

74.Sangita Limited invited applications for issuing 60,000 shares of ₹ 10 each at par.
The amount was payable as follows: on application ₹ 2 per share; on allotment ₹ 3
per share; on first and final call ₹ 5 per share. Applications were received for 92,000
Allotment was made on the following basis: (a) to applicants for 40,000 shares: full;
(b) to applicants for 50,000 shares: 40%; (c) to applicants for 2,000 shares: nil.
₹ 1,08,000 was realised on account of allotment (excluding the amount carried from
application money) and ₹ 2,50,000 on account of call. The directors decided to forfeit
shares of those applicants to whom full allotment was made and on which allotment
money was overdue. Pass Journal entries in the books of Sangita Limited to record the
above transactions.
75.Ratan Ltd. forfeited 3,000 shares of ₹ 10 each (issued at ₹ 2 premium) for non-payment
of first call of ₹ 2 per share. Final call of ₹ 3 per share was not yet made. Out of these, 2,000
shares were re-issued at ₹ 10 per share as fully paid. Pass entries for forfeiture and reissue
of shares.

Determine the maximum permissible discount and minimum reissue price that a
company can allow at the time of reissue of forfeited shares in the following cases:
(i) A share of ₹ 10 originally issued at par on which application and allotment
money of ₹ 5 was received.
(ii) A share of ₹ 10 originally issued at a premium of ₹ 1 on which application and
allotment money (including premium) of ₹ 5 was received.
(iii) A share of ₹ 10 originally issued at a premium of ₹ 1 on which application and
allotment money (excluding premium) of ₹ 5 was received.

76.Max Ltd. forfeited 500 shares of ₹ 100 each for non-payment of first call of ₹ 20
per share and final call of ₹ 25 per share. 250 of these shares were re-issued at ₹ 50
per share fully paidup.
Pass the necessary Journal entries in the books of Max Ltd. for forfeiture and re-issue of
shares. Also prepare the Share Forfeiture Account.

77.Ltd. forfeited 1,500 shares of Rahim of₹ 10 each issued at a premium of ₹ 3 per
share for non-payment of allotment and first call money. Rahim had applied for 3,000
shares. On these shares, amount was payable as follows:
On Application ₹ 3 per share,
On Allotment (including premium) ₹ 5 per share,
On First Call ₹ 3 per
share, On Final
Call Balance.
Final call has not been called up. 1,000 of the forfeited shares were reissued for ₹
8,500 as fully paid-up.
Record the necessary Journal entries for the above transactions in the books of R.P. Ltd.

78.Gaurav applied for 5,000 shares of ₹ 10 each at a premium of 2.50 per share. But
he was allotted 2,500 shares on pro rata basis. After having paid ₹ 3 per share on
application, he did not pay allotment money of ₹ 4.50 per share (including premium)
and on his subsequent failure to pay the first call of ₹ 2 per share, his shares were
forfeited. These shares were reissued at the rate of ₹ 8 per share credited as fully
Pass Journal entries to record the forfeiture and reissue of shares.
79.Panasonic Ltd. was formed on 1st April, 2010 with an authorised capital of ₹
2,00,000, divided into 2,000 Equity Shares of ₹ 100 each. 1,000 shares were issued
as fully paid to the vendors of building for payment of the purchase consideration.
The remaining 1,000 shares were offered for public subscription at a premium of ₹ 5
per share payable as:
On Application ₹ 10 per share,
On Allotment ₹ 25 per share (including
premium), On First Call ₹ 40 per share,
On Final Call ₹ 30 per share.
Applications were received for 900 shares which were duly allotted and the allotment
money was received in full. At the time of the first call, a shareholder who held 100
shares failed to pay the first call money and his shares were forfeited. These shares
were reissued @ ₹ 60 per share, ₹ 70 per share paid-up. Final call has not been
You are required to (i) give necessary Journal entries to record the above transactions and
(ii) show how share capital would appear in the Balance Sheet of the company.

80.VXN Ltd. invited applications for issuing 50,000 equity shares of ₹ 10 each at a
premium of ₹ 8 per share. The amount was payable as follows: On Application — ₹
4 per share (Including ₹ 2 premium);
On Allotment — ₹ 6 per share (Including₹ 3
premium); On First Call — ₹ 5 per share
(Including ₹ 1 premium); and On Second and
Final Call — Balance Amount.
The issue was fully subscribed. Gopal, a shareholder holding 200 shares, did not pay
the allotment money and Madhav, a holder of 400 shares, paid his entire share
money along with the allotment money. Gopal's shares were immediately forfeited
after allotment. Afterwards, the first call was made. Krishna, a holder of 100 shares,
failed to pay the first call money and Girdhar, a holder of 300 shares, paid the second
call money also along with the first call. Krishna's shares were forfeited immediately
after the first call. Second and final call was made afterwards and was duly received.
All the forfeited shares were reissued at ₹ 9 per share fully paid-up.
Pass necessary Journal entries for the above transactions in the books of the company.

81.JJK Ltd. invited applications for issuing 50,000 equity shares of ₹ 10 each at par.
The amount was payable as follows:
On Application — ₹ 2 per share;
On Allotment — ₹ 4 per share; and
On First and Final Call — Balance Amount.
The issue was oversubscribed three times. Applications for 30% shares were
rejected and money refunded. Allotment was made to the remaining applicants as
Category No. of Shares Applied No. of Shares Allotted
I 80,000 40,000
II 25,000 10,000
Excess money paid by the applicants who were allotted shares was adjusted towards the
sums due on allotment .

82.Deepak, a shareholder belonging to Category I, who had applied for 1,000 shares,
failed to pay the allotment money. Raju, a shareholder holding 100 shares, also
failed to pay the allotment money. Raju belonged to Category II. Shares of both
Deepak and Raju were forfeited immediately after allotment. Afterwards, first and
final call was made and was duly received.
The forfeited shares of Deepak and Raju were reissued at ₹ 11 per share fully
paid-up. Pass necessary Journal entries for the above transactions in the books of the

83.A Ltd. invited applications for issuing 1,00,000 shares of ₹ 10 each at a premium
of ₹ 1 per share. The amount was payable as follows:
On Application — ₹ 3 per share;
On Allotment — ₹ 3 per share (including premium);
On First Call — ₹ 3 per share;
On Second and Final Call — Balance amount.
Applications for 1,60,000 shares were received. Allotment was made on the following
(i) To applicants for 90,000 shares — 40,000
shares; (ii) To applicants for 50,000 shares
— 40,000 shares; (iii) To applicants for
20,000 shares — Full shares.
Excess money paid on application is to be adjusted against the amount due on
allotment and calls.
Rishabh, a shareholder, who applied for 1,500 shares and belonged to category (ii),
did not pay allotment, first and second and final call money.
Another shareholder, Sudha, who applied for 1,800 shares and belonged to category
(i), did not pay the first and second and final call money.
All the shares of Rishabh and Sudha were forfeited and were subsequently reissued at ₹ 7
per share fully paid. Pass the necessary Journal entries in the books of A Ltd. Open Calls-in-
Arrears Account and Callsin-Advance Account wherever required.

84.Max Ltd. invited applications for 2,00,000 Equity Shares of ₹ 10 each to be issued
at 20% premium. The money payable per share was: on application ₹ 5, on allotment
₹ 4 (including premium of ₹ 2), first call ₹ 2 and final call ₹ 1.
Applications were received for 2,40,000 shares and allotment was made as:
(i) to applicants for 1,00,000 shares—in full,
(ii) to applicants for 80,000 shares—60,000 shares,
(iii) to applicants for 60,000 shares—40,000 shares.
Applicants of 1,000 shares falling in Category (i) and applicants of 1,200 shares
falling in Category (ii) failed to pay allotment money. These shares were forfeited on
failure to pay first call. Holders of 1,200 shares falling in Category (iii) failed to pay
the first and final call and these shares were forfeited after final call.
1,300 shares [1,000 of Category (i) and 300 of Category (ii)] were reissued at ₹ 8 per
share as fully paid-up.
Journalise the above transactions. Prepare Cash Book and Balance Sheet.
85.XYZ Ltd. issued a prospectus inviting applications for 2,000 shares of ₹
10 each at a premium of ₹ 4 per share, payable as: On Application — ₹ 6
(including ₹ 1 premium),
On Allotment — ₹ 2 (including ₹ 1 premium),
On First Call — ₹ 3 (including ₹ 1 premium),
On Second and Final Call — ₹ 3 (including ₹ 1 premium).
Applications were received for 3,000 shares and pro rata allotment was made on the
applications for 2,400 shares. It was decided to utilise excess application money
towards the amount due on allotment.
X, to whom 40 shares were allotted, failed to pay the allotment money and on his
subsequent failure to pay the first call, his shares were forfeited.
Y, who applied for 72 shares failed to pay the two calls and on his such failure, his
shares were forfeited.
Of the shares forfeited, 80 shares were sold to Z credited as fully paid-up for ₹ 9 per share,
the whole of Ks shares being included. Prepare Journal, Cash Book and the Balance Sheet.

Subject: Business Studies

1) Das is the Managing Directors of “Gamut Ltd.”, manufacturing different
varieties of cheese. He has an efficient team working under him consisting of Rajat –
The Production Manager, Vinay – The marketing Manager and Aditi – The Finance
Manager. They understand and interpret the policies made by Das and ensure that
their departments have adequate manpower, assign them the necessary duties and
motivate them to achieve the desired objectives. State one more function, other than
those mentioned above. That this team may perform at the level they are working

2) Ashutosh Goenka was working in Axe Ltd. a company manufacturing air

purifiers. He found that the profits has started declining from the last six months.
Profit has an implication for the survival of the firm, so he analysed the business
environment to find out the reasons for this decline.
a) Identify the level of management at which Ashutosh Goenka was working.
b) State three other functions being performed by Ashutosh Goenka.
3) Mega Ltd. manufacturing water-heaters. In the first year of its operations, the
revenue earned by the company was just sufficient to meet its costs. To increase the
revenue, the company analysed the reasons behind the less revenue. After analysis
the company decided:
• To reduce the labour cost by shifting the manufacturing unit to a backward
area where labour was available at a very low rate.

• To start manufacturing solar water-heaters and reduce the production of

electric waterheaters slowly.

This will not only help in covering the risks but also help in meeting other
objectives. Identify and explain the objectives of management discussed above.

4) Ritu is the manager of the northern division of a large corporate house. At

what level does she work in the organisation? What are her basic functions?

5) Mr. Nitin Singhania’s Father has a good business of iron and steel. He wants
to go to the USA for his MBA but his father thinks that he should join the business.
On the basis of emerging trends, do you think that Mr. Singhania should send his
son to the USA? Give any three reasons in support of your answer.

6) Sooraj works as a salesman in a company selling pet accessories and food.

He has been given a target of selling 1200 units of the food packets in a month by
offering a maximum of 10% discount to his customers. In order to meet his monthly
sales target, on the last two days of the month he offers 15% discount to his
customers. In context of the above case:
In Sooraj effective in his work? Explain by giving a suitable reason in support of your answer

8. Statement I: Management is multi-dimensional.

Statement II: The activities involved in managing an enterprise are common to all
organisations whether economic, social or political.
Choose the correct option from the options given below:
(a) Statement I is true and II is false.
(b) Statement II is true and I is false.
(c) Both the statements are false.
(d) Both the statements are true.

9. 'Alfanzo Ltd.' is achieving all its objectives in an effective and efficient manner. It
is earning enough
revenue to cover costs and the risks of the business. Now the company wants to
increase the sales volume, the capital investment, the number of employees and
the number of products also. By doing this, the management wants to achieve its
following objective: (a) Survival
(b) Profit
(c) Personal
(d) Growth (2023)
10. The process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals
work together in
groups, efficiently accomplishing selected aims, is known as
(a) Planning
(b) Organising
(c) Management (d) Efficiency.

11. At times, a business may concentrate on producing goods with fewer

resources but cannot achieve the targeted production. In such a case, the business
is said to be : (a) Effective but not efficient
(b) Efficient but not effective
(c) Both effective and efficient
(d) Neither effective nor efficient

12. 'The management gives a common direction to the individual effort in achieving
the overall goal of the organisation.' Which point of importance of management is
highlighted in this statement? (a) Helps in achieving personal objectives
(b) Helps in achieving group goals
(c) Helps to increase efficiency
(d) Helps to create a dynamic organisation

13. 'SORT-IT Ltd.' is a leading software development company. The company is

satisfying the diverse needs of it's employees. Its employees are given competitive
salaries and perks. They have been given chance for their personal growth and
development. Identify the objective of management being met by 'SORT-IT Ltd.'
(a) Social
(b) Personnel
(c) Organisational
(d) Both Social and Personnel

14. JS Printing Solution Ltd. is a company manufacturing printers and scanners. The
management of this company is known for speedy and prompt delivery of orders.
As a result, the market share of this company is growing. The company grabbed a
new project to supply 1,500 printers to Uprise Bank Ltd. for its various branches,
within two weeks. The Production Manager, Ashok, made one of his efficient
subordinates, Deepak the incharge of the project and also gave him the right to
command workers in order to meet the target. Now, Ashok could use his time on
high priority areas. He felt that this will also give an opportunity to Deepak to
gain experience and develop himself for higher positions. On getting the charge,
Deepak was very happy, his confidence level increased and he was encouraged to
do his best to fulfill the responsibility. Considering his responsibility, Ashok kept
a track of the completion of work with Deepak and he is providing him the
needed guidance to reach the target on time.
The application of the concept used above allows Ashok to use his time on high
priority areas. This will lead to the organisation towards:
(a) (a) Adaptation to change
(b) (b) Effective Management
(c) (c) Economies of Scale
(d) (d) Reduction in conflicts among different divisions
15. 'The main objective of any organisation should be to utilise human and material
resources to the
(e) maximum possible advantage.' The above lines highlight which of the
following objectives of
(f) management?
(g) (a) Organisational objectives
(h) (b) Social objectives
(i) (c) Personal objectives
(j) (d) Both (b) and (c)
16. 'In order to be successful, an organisation must change itself and its goals
according to the needs of
(k) the environment. Which characteristic of management is being highlighted
(l) (a) Management is all pervasive
(m) (b) Management is multi-dimensional
(n) (c) Management is a group activity
(o) (d) Management is a dynamic function
17. The objective of management which consistently creates economic value for
various constituents of
(p) society is :
(q) (a) Organisational objective
(r) (b) Social objective
(s) (c) Personal objective
(t) (d) Both Social and Personal objective.
18. Arnav has recently started a business to sell computers. He hired a shop in Nehru
Place in New Delhi,
(u) where he assembles various components to make computers and supplies
them as per order. He
(v) performs a series of composite but separate functions simultaneously and
ensures that computers are
(w) delivered in time as per orders. These functions are performed by all
managers at all times. The
feature of management highlighted above is :
(a) Management is a continuous process.
(b) Management is pervasive.
(c) Management is dynamic.
(d) Management is a group activity.
VSA (1 mark)
19. Various input resources are required by management to complete a task
effectively and efficiently. Name any two.
20. Management is the process of getting things done.' State the meaning of the term
'Process' used in this statement.
21. What is meant by 'Efficiency' in management?
22. What is meant by 'effectiveness' in management?
23. Explain, how management helps in the development of society.
24. How does management help in achieving personal objectives? State.
25. What is meant by 'Management' of People?
26. What is meant by 'Management of Work'?
27. Identify the basic characteristic of management involved in the statement- 'The
activities involved in managing an organisation are common to all organisations,
whether economic, social or political'.

28. Identify the characteristic of management which states that the activities involved
in managing an enterprise are common to all organisations whether economic,
social or political. Also state two other characteristics of management.
29. Mita has a successful ice cream business at Bikaner, namely 'Smart navours' ice
creams are utterly delicious. She makes ice creams from fresh milk and the same
are available in a wide range of flavours and packs. She sets viable business
objectives and works with the same in mind in order to ensure that the customers
will come back for purchasing.
Having the first mover advantage, her business was doing well. To earn higher
profits, she started cutting costs. This would sometimes lead to delay in delivery and
the ice cream was not reaching the market in time. Over a period of time, the demand
for her ice cream declined and because of it, the competitors entered the market. She
lost some of her market share to competitors.
At the beginning of summer season, she got back to back order for supply of 4,000
ice cream packs of different flavours for special occasions. To ensure that the task
was completed and orders delivered in time she hired additional workers. She was,
thus able to produce and deliver the ice cream packs but at a high production cost.
While completing activities and finishing the given task for achieving goals, Mita
realised that she was ignoring one of the important aspects of management.
Identify the aspect of management that has been ignored by Mita. Also explain the
same with the help of an example.

SA II (4 marks)
30. Define 'Management'. Explain how management is a multidimensional activity.
(Al 2019)

31. Explain any four points of importance of management.

(Delhi 2016, 2014 C)
32. Mega Ltd. was manufacturing water-heaters. In the first year of its operations, the
revenue earned by the company was just sufficient to meet it's costs. To increase
the revenue, the company analysed the reasons of less revenues. After analysis,
the company decided
(i) To reduce the labour cost by shifting the manufacturing unit to a backward
area where labour was available at a very low rate.
(ii) To start manufacturing solar water-heaters and reduce the production of
electric water-heater slowly.
This will not only help in covering the risks, but also help in meeting other objectives
(a) Identify and explain the objectives of management discussed above.
(b) State any two values which the company wanted to communicate to the society.

LA (5 marks)
33.. Management seeks to achieve various objectives. Explain these objectives.
1.2 Management as Science, Art and Profession

34.. 'Management has its own vocabulary of terms and concepts. Managers need to
communicate with one another with the help of a common vocabulary for the better
understanding of their work situation'.
Which characteristic of 'Management as a Science' is highlighted in the above
(a) Principles based on experimentation
(b) Systematised body of knowledge
(c) Universal validity
(d) Personalised application

35. Which of the following features of science is fully satisfied by management?

(a) Systematised body of knowledge
(b) Principles based on experimentation
(c) Universal validity
(d) Based on practice and creativity

36. Ram Murty, a Professor of Management conducted a class on 'Management

principles' and explained to his students the significance of Management Principles.
In the next class, the Professor asked his students to play roles of different
managers. Hegave them various situations and asked them to think like managers
and provide solutions to the problems given in these situations. Each student applied
the principles of management to the given situation in his own personalised manner,
depending upon his creativity. The nature of management highlighted in the above
case is:
(a) Management as a Science
(b) Management as an Art
(c) Management both as an Art and as a Science
(d) Management as a Profession

37. Rani is working as a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in 'Alpha Ltd.' Vipul is
working as a Production
Manager in the same organisation though he does not possess any specific degree for
this post. Pratap is also working in this organisation and constantly interacts with the
workers and explains to them the plans drawn by middle level management and
spends a lot of time correcting the work of Divesh, who is a new worker, and
motivating him.
In spite of not possessing any specific degree, Vipul is working as a Production
Manager in 'Alpha Ltd.' This reflects that management does not strictly meet one of
the following criteria of a profession.

Identify the criterion/feature:

(a) Well-defined body of knowledge
(b) Restricted entry
(c) Service motive
(d) Ethical code of conduct

38. Which of the following features of a profession is fully satisfied by Management?

(a) Service motive
(b) Well defined body of knowledge
(c) Restricted entry
(d) Ethical code of conduct

SA I (3 marks)
32. 'Science is a systematised body of knowledge that explains certain general
truths or the operation of general laws.' In the light of this statement, describe
management as science.

39. Management is a complex activity that has three main dimensions. Explain these

SA II (4 marks)
40. Is management a profession? Explain.
41 What is meant by 'Management'? Explain its any three features that establish it as
an Art.
42. Explain the features of management that do not establish it as a profession.

Explanatory Type (ET) (6 marks)

43. Aman, Ahmad and Ally are partners in a firm engaged in the distribution of dairy
products in Maharashtra state. Aman is a holder of Senior Secondary School
Certificate from Central Board of Secondary Education with Business Studies as one
of his elective subjects. Ahmad had done his post graduation in History and Ally in
dairy farming. One day, there was a serious discussion between Ahmad and Ally
regarding the nature of management, Ahmad argued that management was a
profession. Where as Ally argued against it saying that the legal and medical
profession are the only professions because they fulfill all the conditions of
Aman on the basis of his knowledge of business studies explained the nature of
management as a profession to Ahmad and Ally.
Explain, how Aman would have satisfied both Ahmad and Ally?

44. Which level of management is responsible for coordinating the activities of
different departments according to overall objectives of the organisation?
(a) Top level
(b) Middle level
(c) Supervisory level
(d) Both middle and supervisory levels

Direction for Q. (39 to 43) : Rani is working as a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in
'Alpha Ltd.' Vipul is working as a Production Manager in the same organisation
though he does not possess any specific degree for this post. Pratap is also working in
this organisation and constantly interacts with the workers and explains to them the
plans drawn by middle level management and spends a lot of time correcting the
work of Divesh, who is a new worker, and motivating him.

45. Identify the function that Rani would not have to perform as a Chief Executive
Officer: (a) Integrating diverse elements and coordinating activities of different
departments to achieve overall objectives.
(b) Ensuring that wastage is minimised and safety standards are maintained.
(c) Analysing business environment and it's implication for survival of
organisation. (d) Formulating overall organisational goals and strategies for
their achievement.

46. Identify the level of management at which Vipul is working:

(a) Top level
(b) Operational level (c) Middle level (d)
Supervisory level.

47. At which level of management is Pratap working?

(a) Top level
(b) Middle level
(c) Supervisory level
(d) At both top and middle level
48. As a Production Manager, identify the function that Vipul would not
perform: (a) Ensure that his department has the necessary number of
(b) Interpret the policies framed by the Chief Executive Officer, Rani.
(c) Motivate the employees of his department to achieve the desired
objectives. (d) Interacting with the actual workforce.

49. Identity the function that Pratap would have to perform in addition to those
mentioned in the above case.
(a) Maintaining quality of output and safety standards
(b) Implementing the plans and strategies developed by Rani
(c) Cooperate with other departments for smooth functioning of the organisation (d)
Ensuring that his department has the necessary number of personnel

VSA (1 mark)
50. Which level managers are responsible for coordination? State.
51. Ashutosh Goenka was working in 'Axe Ltd.', a company manufacturing air
purifiers. He found that the profits had started declining from the last six months.
Profit has an implication for the survival of the firm, so he analysed the business
environment to find out the reasons for this decline.
(a) Identify the level of management at which Ashutosh Goenka was working.
(b) State three other functions being performed by Ashutosh Goenka. (Delhi 2017) Ev

1.5 Coordination-Concept and Importance MCQ

52. 'Coordination integrates the efforts of different departments and at different

levels'. Identify the characteristic of coordination highlighted in the above statement.
(a) Coordination ensures unity of action
(b) Coordination is an all pervasive function
(c) Coordination is a deliberate function
(d) Coordination is the responsibility of all managers

53. 'It acts as the binding force between departments and ensures that all actions are
aimed at achieving the goals of the organisation.' The statement highlights the
following characteristic of coordination:
(a) Coordination is an all pervasive function.
(b) Coordination is the responsibility of all managers.
(c) Coordination is a continuous process.
(d) Coordination ensures unity of action.

54. 'Bubbly Bee' Enterprises recently launched its new range of balloons with inbuilt
lights on the occasion of Diwali and set a target of 10% return on investment. The
Managing Director,
Sudhakar integrated the efforts of all the three departments i.e. Purchase,
Production and Sales departments at different levels for achieving the target
harmoniously. The product was an instant hit and 'Bubbly Bee' Enterprises was able
to achieve its target.
The characteristic of coordination discussed in the above case is:
(a) Coordination is a continuous process
(b) Coordination is multi-dimensional
(c) Coordination requires ethical code of conduct
(d) Coordination is an all pervasive function

55. The process of management which synchronises the activities of different

departments in an orderly manner is: (a) Planning
ng (d)

VSA (1 mark)
56. What is meant by 'coordination' in management?

57. How does coordination integrates group efforts? State.

SA I (3 marks)
58. 'Coordination is needed at all levels of management and is the responsibility of all
managers.' Explain.
59. Explain any three reasons, which clarify that management is gaining importance
day by day.
LA (5 marks)
60. Explain any five characteristics of coordination.
What is meant by coordination? State it's any four features. (2018)

61. 'Co-ordination is the orderly arrangement of group efforts to provide unity of

action in the pursuit of common purpose.' In the light of this statement, explain any
five points of importance of coordination.
Subject: Health and Physical Education
1) Elucidate the Functions of sporting event management.

2) Explain the various committees for organizing sports event in detail.

3) Make a flow chart for committees for organizing athletic meet.

4) What is tournament? Explain the importance of tournament in detail.

5) Enlist the types of tournaments. Write the advantages and disadvantages of

knock out.

6) Draw a fixture of 25 teams for participating in football tournament. On the

basis of Knock out. Mentioned all steps involved.

7) Draw a fixture of 19 teams for participating in volleyball tournament. On the

basis of Knock out. Four teams are to be kept in special seeding.

8) Write the pre, during and post tournament responsibilities.


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