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Program Name: B.Tech (Petroleum Engineering) Semester: IV
Course Title: Drilling Engineering and Well Completion Max Marks: 70
Course Code: PE-208 Time: 3 Hrs.
1. Attempt questions from all sections as directed.
2. No clarification on the question paper can be sought. Answer the questions as they are.
3. Electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited in the Examination Hall.
4. The use of any unfair means by any student shall result in the cancellation of paper.

Section - A : Attempt any ten out of twelve. Each carry 2 marks. [20 marks]

Q:1 Answer the questions to the point in a precise manner as per the directions provided below:
(i) Which method is used to determine the density of drilling mud and mention any one standard
unit of volume for crude oil except litre?
(ii) How many watts are present in 1 hp? Also convert 1pascal to psi unit and 1 gram to pound.
(iii) How many litres of oil are present in 1 barrel and 1 gallon as per US standards?
(iv) Which device is used to determine viscosity of drilling mud and also name the device for
measuring filter cake building properties of mud?
(v) Which type of properties are determined by potential viscometer and name its one essential
(vi) Why is high proportion of sand in the drilling mud undesirable and also name an apparatus used
to determine % of sand in the mud?
(vii) Name any three types of water-based mud and also note down the continuous phase of system in
WBM and OBM.
(viii) Which two rheological properties are increased due to Flocculation of particles and also write
down the property which is increased due to dispersion of clay particles?
(ix) What is the function of thinners in drilling mud and also provide an example of chemical for pH
control of mud?
(x) Which type of parameters are responsible for all practical drilling difficulties? Also name the
drilling fluids with better conveying capability in general.
(xi) Name the properties of drilling fluids which depend upon concentration of additives and which
property of mud is widely yearned in a drilling operation?
(xii) Name a viscosifier, weighting material, salt and thinner used as an additive for water-based
drilling fluids.

Section – B: Attempt any five questions out of six. Each question carries 6 marks. [30 Marks]

Q:2 What are the design factors for well casing? With the help of a figure, denote the intervals of well
casing. What do you understand by well casing programs?
Q:3 What are the three most common secondary oil-well cementing jobs? Also note down the two main
reasons for circulation squeeze and two main purposes of plug back cementing.
Q:4 What do you understand by drilling rig system? Also note down the components present in Rotary,
Hoisting and Power system of drilling rig.
Q:5 Explain the significance of point angle and lip angle in drill geometry characteristics. Also mention
the characteristic which determines stiffness of the bit and the characteristic which controls the rate of
chip removal.
Q:6 What is the main component of pressure control system in a drilling rig and what is its principle
function and its location in the rig? Note down the name and time of a hazard due to the fault in this
Q:7 The estimated cost for drilling an oil well at a particular location during the planning stage by AFE
was $7.917/ inch. In actual practice, the well is drilled upto a depth of 72000 inches and it took 192
hours for the completion of the process. If the fixed operating cost of the rig for a day is Rs 54,72,000
and an amount of Rs 2280 was spent to pay the price of drill bit, then what is the % error in drilling cost
estimation for an unit depth?

Section - C : Attempt any one question out of two. Each question carries 20 marks. [20 marks]

Q:8 Answer these questions :

(a) For a particular location of oil well drilled upto a depth of 72000 inches, cost of drill bit is Rs 2280
and fixed operating cost of rig is Rs 54,72,000. If values of constants a and b for that location are 1 and
0.0022 respectively, then find Cf (Drilling cost/ unit depth).
(b) For the same situation as in Case 8 (a) above, if the total time during drill bit run is 5,18,400 seconds,
then find the trip time in minutes for this situation.
(c) What are the causes of differential pipe sticking? Also mention the parameters on which friction
factor depends and the range of values for “f”.
(d) How can the contact area between drill string and borehole be minimised. Mention 4 possible ways.
Also mention three ways in which the friction factor can be minimised and write down the situation in
which danger of differential pipe sticking is high.
(e) What is the full form of the term “DST”? Name the 4 stages of DST along with their time span. What
are the safety measures or precautions for DST?

Q:9 Answer the individual parts as per the requirements mentioned below:
(a) What do you understand by the term “DST”? Explain this method and mention any two features of a
good DST yield. Name any two tools of DST.
(b) What is the importance of cushion fluid in DST? Mention two reasons and name any four cushion
fluids used in practical applications.
(c) What do you understand by data acquisition and transfer in drilling? Name a system which is used to
transfer data to the surface and two parameters that influence the signal to noise range.
(d) What do you understand by drill bit and drilling process? What are the two common movements in
this process. Represent the phenomenon with a diagram.
(e) What does the term “AFE” stands for? Name any three major groups associated with AFE. Further,
note down the mathematical equation in which drilling cost and depth are related exponentially.

Question paper Structure as per the syllabus.

Please provide the module no. of the above questions:

Q. Q. Module Q. Module Q. Module Q. Module

Module No.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5

Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9

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Employee Code………..…Institution:…………..
Contact No. ……………………………………...

Signature of Paper Setter ………………………..

Note: The paper should be typed in double space and should be deleted from the computer
immediately after taking the print.

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